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7012296 No.7012296 [Reply] [Original]

>That she did what she wished, and that Stirner let her do what she wished-that of course may have let her appear in the eyes of the marriage-slaves as detestable as it later did to her, but it can only make the two of them more likeable to us. Every act of making up the mind for the other, for that matter, would not have fit at all into the nature of those involved, for whom "marriage" meant only a loose band that was thrown around them purely externally. And not on the "unfaithfulness" of the wife-how ridiculous!-did "this marriage perish," but simply and only under the pressure of the circumstances in which he and she unfortunately all too soon found themselves.


>> No.7012302

>getting married in the first place

>> No.7013951

is this where that idea of cuckoldry being for "intellectuals" comes from?

>> No.7014034
File: 603 KB, 142x166, Wait a minute.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The upper-class have always been the ones to find the time and inclination to explore human sexuality more freely. And of course the more affluent gained higher educations. And the 1800s where something like a warmup for the 1920s and 1960s.
It's a real shame how this semi-open society is once again being called decedent and degenerate by the prudes. The sex isn't what's causing the environmental problems or the gridlock in congress.

Now can't you see this guy as Stirner?

>> No.7014148

Stirner didn't give no fucks.

>> No.7014166

licentiousness is definitely a symptom of the spiritually decadent caused by those things ;^)

>> No.7014169

There's a reason for monogamy and loyalty beyond "evil christian fundies oppressing womyn".

>> No.7014202

Cuckoldry is for the global upper class or the first worlders

>> No.7014203

I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. Besides hurt feelings (from cheaters who do this kind of thing behind spouses backs) what have "evol secularist degenerates" done to destroy the world?

>> No.7014231

Most problems in society come from bad parenting. Cheating and infidelity create bad family environments and break apart families, which in turn create shitty parents and single parents which statistically increase the chances of the child to fuck up in every imaginable way from education to murder.

>> No.7014257

This is an overinflated cause and effect. You draw the line from a cheating spouse to drop outs and murderers, but where's the economic malaise, the corrupt politicians, the deforestation, the pollution? You know, the pressing problems.

I'm not even sticking up for the *cheating* spouse. But what social ills come from couples with more open relationships (I'm not into it, but some make it work) Where's your argument for family units of three parents? Wouldn't polyamory be a plus for stable families?

>> No.7014265
File: 3 KB, 158x152, slap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn I thought I wasn't on facebook or my uni

>> No.7014281
File: 105 KB, 797x633, egosaurus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stirner used her money for the milk shop. Just like he didn't mind his wife fucking around, he didn't mind playing the gold-digger himself and getting in on that sweet inheritance. Gender roles are spooks, there's a reason why Stirner is so appreciated in the fag community.

>> No.7014291

The people causing economic malaise, the corrupt politicians and the deforesters and polluters are just being stronger stirnerists

also who gives a fuck about children anyways

Stirners only weakness was that he didn't wield spooks to his own advantage.

keepin your wife spooked into being loyal while fucking around is the optimum

>> No.7014294

All the things that cause issues are people, people had parents. Do you think hitler had good parents?

>> No.7014295

I'm not even sticking up for the *cheating* spouse. But what social ills come from couples with more open relationships (I'm not into it, but some make it work) Where's your argument for family units of three parents? Wouldn't polyamory be a plus for stable families?

Despite gullible people being aroused by such concepts, they don't actually know the impact it has on their psyche, parenting skills, and relationships. Most of these ventures break down. Of course one in ten thousand cases may work, but overall it's not a valid idea for society and civilization as a whole.

>> No.7014297

Gender roles have biological basis in them, as well as being beneficial to civilization. They're "spooks" as much as not murdering or not lying. Of course on an individual basis you might make your own laws and murder someone who has wronged you but you have no legal basis in doing such a thing, but overall these things have a clear benefit to society.

>> No.7014309

Men and women are biologically different in certain ways, but that does not lead to the notion that they ought to act in certain ways. They already act in accordance to themselves as much as they are necessitated. A woman per definition acts like a woman, whatever she may be doing, just like a crow per definition acts like a crow. Asking people to submit to gender roles is like asking a crow to act more in accordance with your arbitrary idea of how a crow is supposed to act. It's absurd. He already acts completely like a crow. What else could he do? He's a crow.

The idea that one should not murder or lie are indeed spooks and then notion that things ought to be 'beneficial to society' is as well.

>> No.7014315

A woman can act in a masculine way, a man can act in a feminine way. Sex related traits are a thing. If a woman starts running on four and howling she's not acting like a human woman, she's acting like a dog you fucking idiot.

You're the one asking them to break these roles because hedonism is fun. You're the one trying to force things.

>> No.7014319

>The idea that one should not murder or lie are indeed spooks and then notion that things ought to be 'beneficial to society' is as well.

When will idiots stop misunderstanding Stirner? The concept of "spooks" doesn't mean everything is invalidated just for being a "spook". The idea that murder is ok in a civilized society because murder being bad is a "spook" is such retarded misunderstanding of Stirner I'm surprised you were able to even read it.

>> No.7014392

>A woman can act in a masculine way, a man can act in a feminine way. Sex related traits are a thing. If a woman starts running on four and howling she's not acting like a human woman, she's acting like a dog you fucking idiot.
No, she is acting like a human that is imitating a dog. She's not acting like a dog. Also, masculinity and femininity are for the most part merely conceptual notions with no basis in the biological difference between the two.

>You're the one asking them to break these roles because hedonism is fun. You're the one trying to force things.
I'm not asking shit, just pointing out their mostly arbitrary nature.

>When will idiots stop misunderstanding Stirner? The concept of "spooks" doesn't mean everything is invalidated just for being a "spook".
Arbitrary value judgements don't need to be invalidated, they are neither valid nor invalid from the start. Referring to them as spooks here merely serves to refer to their arbitrary nature.

>The idea that murder is ok in a civilized society because murder being bad is a "spook" is such retarded misunderstanding of Stirner I'm surprised you were able to even read it.
How is it a misunderstanding? Would you argue that Stirner would say that murder is 'not okay', in a 'civilised society'? Because that is some spooky shit.

>> No.7014446

Mein Gott, reading this is the equivalent of drinking a can of ice cold PURE IDEOLOGY™

>> No.7014493

>No, she is acting like a human that is imitating a dog. She's not acting like a dog. Also, masculinity and femininity are for the most part merely conceptual notions with no basis in the biological difference between the two.
Retarded semantics + complete ignorance of biology and human history. For hundreds of thousands of years humans have been hunter-gatherers, females and males have had very different roles in that.

>> No.7014494

>How is it a misunderstanding? Would you argue that Stirner would say that murder is 'not okay', in a 'civilised society'? Because that is some spooky shit.
It's not that it's not "okay" it's that it's counter productive and it's obvious why laws exist against it, you fucking idiot.

>> No.7014512

Having had different roles for a long time doesn't mean that people ought to comply to those roles simply because they have been around.

So actually there is no misunderstanding of Stirner at all, you're just getting mad about laws and 'productivity' for personal reasons?

>> No.7014530

>Having had different roles for a long time doesn't mean that people ought to comply to those roles simply because they have been around.
These things influenced human evolution and are completely valid to this day, especially in civilized society.

>> No.7014533
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yes, women will be women: women cannot resist sex from men that they desire. women live too much for their orgasms to think of what they are doing.

like she mentions>>7014034
it is a good thing that whores are no longer hypocritical in assuming their public nature.

>> No.7014534

>So actually there is no misunderstanding of Stirner at all, you're just getting mad about laws and 'productivity' for personal reasons?
You're just being retarded for personal reasons (born and raised a retard).

>> No.7014537
File: 188 KB, 500x502, 1437418166152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stirner allowed his wife to fuck around as long as he did what he wanted to do
>ended up spending all her money in a milkshop
>Stirner was basically a gold digger
Please stop, I can't laugh any more or I'll break my sternum.

>> No.7014548

what is this picture?

>> No.7014551

To the degree that gender specific traits are biological, they are undeniable. But there's another component of them that is arbitrary nonsense that is usually tacked on to the biological part. You can't go against your nature, per definition, so gender specific behaviour is only real to the degree that people can't help but act according to it.

Apart from that, it's silly to say 'stick to your role'. That's like criticising a flower for not growing the way you think it should and calling it 'unflowery' for doing so. There is no valid or invalid way for a flower to be a flower. Likewise, there is no valid or invalid way for a woman to be a woman.

>> No.7014553

You should reread Stirner if you're still so aggressively attached to your civilised values.

>> No.7014560

You should reread Stirner if you're still so aggressively attached to stupidity.

>> No.7014570

>i'm going to keep shitposting now to pretend I was just acting like a retard all along

Just admit that you're not edgy enough for Stirner threads and get back you your civil productive utilitarianism, m8.

>> No.7014574

It's beneficial to a society to maintain the ideal of mother + father families. The alowance of alternatives is irrelevant to the fact that this is the most productive and beneficial model for raising children in civilized societies with high population.

>Likewise, there is no valid or invalid way for a woman to be a woman.
Contrary to what the hiveminded consciousness of the ideological pool of HIV+ liquids and diarrhea is telling you, if a woman starts spinning on her head in public while spraying shit and piss on passerbies and getting facefucked by a dog, she's not acting in a way that is natural to women. Unless you moronically argue semantics (like you are doing) and state that anything ever is "natural" because nothing isn't a part of nature.

>> No.7014579

You're a fucking idiot, you have no grasp of what he actually means with spooks, you just read it and think you were suddenly blessed with divine knowledge that everything possible is a spook. He even states himself that spooks can be valid and you can be self aware while believing in them.

>Gets punched in the face and his wife raped in front of him
>h-ha you can't spook me

>> No.7014581

I don't understand what's the point with you fucking retards. I'll quote this from an edge post I saw on this website some time ago: "Wolves do not teach sheep to be wolves."

It's cute that you think you know what a spook is, but how that stands in relation to yourself must not necessarily concern others, namely because if it did it would probably somehow comeback to bite you at the ass.

If healthy families make the place less of a shit hole to live in with less risk of getting stabbed by some trailer-trash that ended up becoming a messed up piece of shit because his father left him for having a "despookified" slut mother you bet your damn ass I will defend these gender roles the best as possible.

Really, collective anarchists are a bunch of faggots.

>> No.7014595

How autistically /pol/luted does one have to be to type shit like that?
Pls reapond soon

>> No.7014596

Can we go back to discussing the cuckoldry of Max Stirner?

Earlier in that biography (from Mackay) it was shown that Kasper also became unable to touch his wife once he saw her naked, while Mackay attributes this to his sensitive nature I feel that there is something much more metaphysical to it - namely that her naked body was supposed to lure him into subservience and therefore keep him spooked.


>> No.7014604

Good post

I don't understand how such faggots can be given such a work, read it fully, and then understand it in the most retarded fucking faggoty way possible. It's like they're incapable of not being shitty idiots.

>> No.7014605

I've read the Mackay biography too.
But no, thanks, I have no interest in discussing it in context of that lame cuck meme..
Kill yourself

>> No.7014608

I can only hear garggling from all the HIV+ liquids in your throat.

>> No.7014610

But it's the most important point to be addressed.
That Stirner was a quiet, reserved and truly neutral person or that he was a hegelian can be found out after a short reading.
But the egoist, The Unique One, the one who "sets his matters on nothing"... How is it possible that the guy who called all things his property couldn't even hold power over his wife?

>> No.7014614

>if a woman starts spinning on her head in public while spraying shit and piss on passerbies and getting facefucked by a dog, she's not acting in a way that is natural to women.

Let's do an exercise where we replace all instances of woman in that sentence with human and all instances of her/she's with their/they're.

Still doesn't sound too natural no matter what gender we're talking about now does it.

>> No.7014621

But it's typical leftist behavior

>> No.7014625

>Unless you moronically argue semantics (like you are doing) and state that anything ever is "natural" because nothing isn't a part of nature.
There's nothing moronic about that. What's moronic is called things you like 'natural' and things you don't like 'unnatural', like you are doing.

As for what is 'beneficial to society' and 'productive' and 'civilised', that's just more things like you like that offer nothing in the form of argument.

>> No.7014627
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>> No.7014631


>> No.7014635

dont you mean stirnum ;^)

>> No.7014637

Literally all you're saying is "you're a retard and misunderstand Stirner because I like traditional family values".

>> No.7014640

It's completely clear what things I call natural, nothing to do with personal like or dislike, I've already explained it before but you're too submerged in a pool of shit to understand such simple things.

"Benficial to society" as in less murder, less rape, less theft, less suicide, less poverty, more production and more growth. Those are """""""spooks""""""" too of course.

>> No.7014641 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 700x419, 1434075026283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel, shouldn't have even bothered to reply to begin with

>> No.7014642

based retard

>> No.7014647
File: 183 KB, 1237x867, 1432767739240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel, shouldn't have even bothered to reply in the first place

>> No.7014648

>It's completely clear what things I call natural, nothing to do with personal like or dislike, I've already explained it before but you're too submerged in a pool of shit to understand such simple things.
Why don't you understand that unnatural things don't exist?

>"Benficial to society" as in less murder, less rape, less theft, less suicide, less poverty, more production and more growth. Those are """""""spooks""""""" too of course.
Those are preferences.

>> No.7014649

Cuck memers/ /pol/acks getting BTFO
Once again

>> No.7014655

Morality and some things are subjective, what a grand revelation.

This is what happens when an idiot who has no capability to apply critical thought faces hedonism/nihilism.

>> No.7014657

>1 faggot being a retard about stirner
>1 faggot spamming about cucking
>2-3 faggots shitting all over first faggot

>> No.7014658
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I mean unless of course you go full exorcist as the closeted mysoginist you are, then I'd have to strongly suggest coming up with less atrociously fallacious ideas.

I mean you have to realize that your example and your view there is far from realistic.

>> No.7014665

Why? You claim nothing is unnatural, I gave an example of something that is unnatural for you to understand what I mean with the term natural.

What's so unrealistic about it? There's literal furry faggots who fetishize HIV+ and feces.

>> No.7014666

>she's not acting in a way that is natural to women

>> No.7014668
File: 120 KB, 800x509, 1431825865443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only none spooked behavior that exists is the one done for self-amusement.

>> No.7014671
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One day stirner come into pastry shop and say to pastry chef I wish Hegel was less incomprehensible. He then browse through the selection of grain products on display in front of the bald pastry chef. The pastry chef after a while respond - Hegel was a bagel, to what stirner continue perusing the store finding nine suspiciously shaped Jewish donut like bread rolls none however resembling the German philosopher. The pastry chef was Schopenhauer it later turned out

>> No.7014672

Nice try satan

>> No.7014679

benefit is a spook tbh

>> No.7014683
File: 146 KB, 554x467, Kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A demonologist transcended mongolist professor and Geist activist was teaching a class on Hegel, known necromancer.

"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship the end of history and accept that Absolute Idealism is the most highly-evolved sophism to make us feel good about ourselves the continent has ever known, even greater than self-serving petit-bourgeois protestant theology!"

At this moment an uncaring if he was brave because being judged by illusionary social standards was of no importance to him, egoist, unique girl's school teacher who had smoked more than 15000 cigars in Hippel's winebar and understood the spookiness of all ideology and fully supported whatever he felt like stood up and held up "Der Einzige und sein Eigentum".

"I wrote this, innit?"

The arrogant professor smirked quite synthetically and smugly replied "It's not yours at all, fucking egoist, its the stern, reluctant working of reason towards the full realization of itself in perfect freedom."

"Wrong. It's been a few years or something (time is nothing to me) since I, the Unique One, created it. if it was not mine, and idealism, as you say, is not a spook... then Ghost Busters wouldn't have had a happy ending."

The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his balls and copy of Plato's dialogues. He stormed out of the room crying those ironic thesis and antithesis tears, both coming together on his cheeks into synthesis. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, Hegel (who liked to teach about himself), wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a spook ridden sad cunt interested in arbitrary justifications. He wished so much that he had some kind of Own to hold on to, and he had but just didn't realise it because he was an involuntary egoist.

The students applauded and all started milk shops that day and accepted their Self-Enjoyment as the end of philosophy. An eagle named "Union of Egoists" flew into the room and perched atop the copy of "Stirner's Critics" and shed a beer on the hardcover. "Ich hab' Mein Sach' auf Nichts gestellt" was said several times, and Renzo Novatore himself showed up and demonstrated how hand grenades are nothing but a means of killing police officers.

The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of superstition and his "books" were disregarded for all eternity.

>> No.7014684

>/lit/ worships a cuck
lmfao how fitting

>> No.7014702

It's not a grand relevation, just something that needs to be repeated around forgetful polfags, evidently.

>> No.7014711

Begone, AIDS ghoul, go pozz up your friends.

>> No.7014713

Relax, just listen to the music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7rPzQhVqAY)) and kill yourself for being a faggot.

>> No.7014725

Fagot fagod XDddd spurdopic

>> No.7014730

>For hundreds of thousands of years humans have been hunter-gatherers, females and males have had very different roles in that.
Wikipedia tier knowledge of prehistory

>> No.7014731


>> No.7014732

You have been called out for spouting stupid opinions and for having a poor understanding of Stirner for a little time now, addressing you as a faggot is more than appropriate, especially considering that you tried to connect your opposition to /pol/tards. Should have told you to fuck off in the first place.

>> No.7014734

>All things are nothing to me.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.7014735

Males and females had different roles and the fact that females gave birth and stayed with the kids was a huge part of that.

Feel free to elaborate on specifics if you wish.

>> No.7014737

probably pasta but

>known necromancer
got me

>> No.7014738

More than meaning anything with it it was the most bad-ass way he could open his work of philosophy.

Also apparently it's a bad translation.

>> No.7014754

>Feel free to elaborate on specifics if you wish.
You are showing a wikipedia tier knowledge of prehistory as shown by your persistent lumping of literally every society into the generic and vague concept of "hunter-gatherers" and thinking gender roles were the same (or even were a thing) across all of them. I'm sure you have a PhD in anthropology to speak with such boldness.

>> No.7014761

Go on and make your counter claims, you just said what you already said in the last post

I don't think roles were exactly the same everywhere, but it's definitely true for most of the time and most places that males were in charge of physical activities while women were in charge of taking care of offspring.

>> No.7014762
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>The men of the future will yet fight their way to many a liberty that we do not even miss.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.7014767
File: 21 KB, 255x255, tmp_27660-14400461338141515819839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le gender essentialism maymay
>you see, we evolved to perform some shitty social dynamics illustrated in psych articles polling 45 middle class American university students
>this clearly shows the natural order of things is gender roles from the 1950's
>because of course, the behaviour of literally every man and woman on earth can be explained by some hard-wired brain source code evolved by genes and has nothing to do whatsoever with learning and culture, god forbid people had to improve and question themselves instead of being "born that way", also i think evopsych is taken seriously and I stopped studying biology in high school (neural plasticity? non-Mendelian genetics? what is that?)

>and this, gentlemen, is why I don't have a girlfriend.

>> No.7014771

if you had a gf i'd cuck you tbh. i can tell by you are writing style

>> No.7014773

Nice source

>> No.7014779

nice life

just kidding

kill yourself

>> No.7014781

yes history was all just a big coin flip, thousands of years of men ruling was just a total coincidence.
look here is a small tribe that once didn't follow common gender roles . . . . they got overrun and the women were taken by a stronger masculine led tribe, but that's also coincidence.

>> No.7014783


I'd like to see your empirical studies that prove that gender roles are nurtured without coming from nature (I believe it's both)

>> No.7014788

>I have never read about sexuality and social status but I'm gonna build an argument based upon my wife fucking the milkman

>> No.7014844


>> No.7014848

>everyone who disagrees with me has no gf! virgin loser haha!
>everyone who isn't a beta feminist "male" has no gf
>everyone who has a spine has no gf

Never change lefties

>> No.7014855

No you see, men are stronger because [REDACTED] so they were able to force women into powerless useless positions of oppression such as childbirth and nurturing (ugh -_-), and now that we are modern civilized people it's time to actually not care about physical advantages that are meaningless and are there for no reason.

>> No.7014865

Nice non sequitur

Nice ad hominem

>> No.7014867

I'm not arguing with you, there's nothing to convince someone this mentally ill.

>> No.7014868

End your life.

>> No.7014877

>waaah waah waah will you stop disagree with me, why are there people on 4chan who aren't edgy sexist assholes like me?

>> No.7014880

>Gender is a social construct
>Gender roles don't exist


>This male is actually a female because of feelings
>This originally male gendered person is now female and is acting out exactly according to stereotypical female gender roles

Never change lefties

>> No.7014881

if you want a hugbox.

>> No.7014882

Nice strawman

>> No.7014888

I'm not the one dodging the argument and telling people who disagree with me to kill themselves

>> No.7014897

No, you're the one dodging the argument and telling people who disagree with you virgins.
A rather adequate response, I'd say.
If you want a proper reply write a proper post.

>> No.7014899

Reddit being a liberal hugbox is so 2010, now everyone and their mother keeps buying into the new cool mile le red pill crap, MRAs and "anti-feminism"
I wouldn't be surprised if the /r9k/ crowd came from there just because they heard about this epic meme place where you can be edgy without being downvoted

>> No.7014902

Way to ignore all the other points that debunk gender essentialism. Typical of your double digit IQ kind

>> No.7014904

Pointing out very common leftists beliefs

>Races don't exist
>Racism does

>Don't be proud of your ancestors heritage, don't be glad for your peoples achievement, it's just a coincidence you were born where you were
>Be ashamed of your races history, be ashamed of everything bad ever committed by anyone even remotely related to you (or not related, just the same color as you)

>> No.7014905

Friendly reminder that those unhappy with current gender roles are free to fuck off to the Islamic State.

>> No.7014908

Drowning in a pool
Of your boyfriends
Pozzed up liquids
Diarrhea clogging up your throat
Like a bunch of nigger immigrants on a boat
Flodding your wife's anus

>> No.7014910

This kind of bullshit Islamophobia is NOT OKAY you fucking bigot!!!!!!!!! I can't even right now

Islam is the natural ally of all genderfluid pansexual anthropoids

>> No.7014911

You didn't debunk shit, claiming that gender roles are just incidental and not rooted in evolutionary is akin to creationism.

>> No.7014916

WOW someone report this racist fuck. ugh. get off my /lit/

>> No.7014918

Ah, more strawmen. It's a shame they don't apply to me as I am not American and wasn't taught white guilt, what with my country not being literally born out of slavery and native genocide. Of course I'd understand why an American lile you (as evidenced by your utter inability to grasp any kind of political concept other than neoliberalism as "leftism") would feel the need to overcompensate for their country's lack of culture and history by inventing such a spurious notion of "race heritage" though.

>> No.7014923

>No white guilt

What fantasy realm are you residing in?

>> No.7014925

drink a gallon of bleach tonight

>> No.7014940

just a few teaspoons would suffice tbh

>> No.7014949

evidently all the AIDS and feces didn't kil you yet so you seem to be quite resistent

>> No.7014951

Sorry, did I trigger you?

>> No.7014952

nice meme!

kill yourself

>> No.7014957

>let me tell you about your country

>> No.7014984

>Europe is a country

American education my friends

>> No.7014989

it might as well be if you're considering the north and western side tbh mate, aside from switzerland that conglomerate is getting cucked hard

>> No.7015017
File: 632 KB, 1464x1986, Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smoking instead of 6 hour marches around mountains
>beer instead of strong tea
>milk instead of fruits
>girls school instead of antiquity lectures
>hegel instead of schopenhauer
Stirner was obviously too intoxicated and decadent to prophesize the coming of the ubermensch.

>> No.7015089

top comment

>> No.7015094

By "the fag community" do you mean /lit/?

>> No.7015276

That's a different person m8, I'm not the only one laughing at polfags whining about degeneracy in a Stirner thread of all places.

>> No.7015289

You don't understand how evolution works. Everything, everyone, every behaviour that exists today is the product of evolution. This includes women who don't act according to your beloved 1950s gender roles. If those things you dislike were not 'rooted in evolutionary' they would not exist.

>> No.7015296

Yes, but also other ones:


>> No.7015299

>Nietzsche's closest friends and other people near to him were perplexed. No one could remember ever having heard the name of Stirner from Nietzsche's mouth. There are dozens of letters in the archives that bear witness to the confusion of his friends. They understood well enough why Nietzsche had been publicly silent about Stirner, but why did he, given his "habitual communicativeness" (Overbeck), never mention him even in the most familiar circles? Only Overbeck's wife Ida remembered in 1899 a discussion she had with Nietzsche about twenty years earlier, during which he unintentionally let escape the remark that he felt a mental kinship to Stirner. "This was accompanied by a solemn facial expression. While I attentively observed his features, these changed again, and he made something like a dispelling, dismissive movement with his hand, and spoke under breath: 'Well, now I have told you, even though I did not want to speak of it. Forget about it. They would talk about a plagiarism, but you will not do that, I'm sure.'" (33)

>> No.7015306

>every behaviour that exists today is the product of evolution.
Even though I am on the same side as you, this is plain wrong.

>> No.7015307

How do you mean? Life as we know it is the result of evolution. Therefore the behaviour of these lifeforms is the result of evolution.

>> No.7015623

More garbage gossip anecdotes about the man instead of the philosophy. Deleuze gave Stirner more than enough attention, read that.

>> No.7015663

If you read Geneology of Morals after reading The Ego And Its Own it's outright spooky when you realise how influenced by Stirner Nietzsche was though.

>> No.7015757

Jesus Christ you are a thick motherfucker.

>> No.7015763

Prove he even read der einzige.

>> No.7016007

It's the pioneer plaque, they sent two into space with pioneer 10 & 11

It's got information such as how to read binary, the location of the Sun with relation to various pulsars, which planet it came from in our solar system, its trajectory, etc.

The figures are to show human anatomy scaled next to the spacecraft itself

>> No.7017039

No fucking way.
Doing this is the equivalent of sending pictures of your dick to your friend when he asks you for your homework. kek.

>> No.7017290


>Now can't you see this guy as Stirner?

Selfish asshole with serious psychological problems pretending to be a radical? Yep that's Stirner.

>> No.7017296


>> No.7019057


It's almost impossible that he didn't.