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6978794 No.6978794 [Reply] [Original]

You have to live under a government that bases its entire rule on either the ego and its own or leviathan

which do you pick

>> No.6978804

Just stirn my shit up fam

>> No.6978810

what would the equivalent of a 2015 fedora be in stirner's time? Because I feel like he would wear one

>> No.6978852

I would probably kill myself they're both retarded fam tbh smh

>> No.6978863

Leviathan of course

Hobbes is based

>> No.6978881

Stirner of course, Fuck that other fascist mother fucker

>> No.6978969

a government based on stirners ideas would be entirely based on the person ruling the thing, and everyone else would give zero shits about the law except when it benefits them

>> No.6978986

The Stirnerist movement would be easier to subvert, should i have to live under it.

>> No.6979009

You can't base a government on Stirner's thought since he isn't prescribing any particular type of politics. Stirner is compatible with every political system.

>> No.6979025

>You can't base a government on Stirner's thought
correct, because the political thought he espouses is radical individualist anarchism, which definitely does not work with every political system.

oh and stirner, hobbes is a fuccboi tbh

>> No.6979030


Stirner is not compatible with a statist society.

>> No.6979036

Calling him an anarchis too much of an allegiance to political ideology. Stirnerism is perfectly compatible with fascism as well for example as long as it benefits the individual in question. Radical individualist opportunism would be a better way of putting it.

>> No.6979040

Stirner is compatible with any arrangement of society. There is no 'thou shalt not have states' spook in Stirner's philosophy that is somehow ethically normative.

>> No.6979043


However, Stirner's book can plausibly be claimed to have had an immediate and destructive impact on contemporary left-Hegelianism, to have played a significant role in the intellectual development of Karl Marx (1818–1883), and to have influenced the tradition of individualist anarchism.
>and to have influenced the tradition of individualist anarchism.
>individualist anarchism.

>> No.6979047


That is like saying Stirner is compatible with Christianity since it isn't ethically normative.

>> No.6979050
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>implying we all don't already live in societies where Leviathan is the model for government

>> No.6979062

Stirner isn't compatible with Christianity as an ideology, but it is compatible with a Christian state. In that way he also isn't compatible with fascist ideology (muh state over everything) but he is compatible with a fascist arrangement if it works out for him. Stirner is about the self, not an ideology of the self. He's an egoist, not an individualist.

Note the word 'influenced'. Very important. To influence something and to be something are different things.

>> No.6979070


You right nigga, I retract my assertions.

>> No.6979073

>"I am free in no State"
>"The State always has the sole purpose to limit, tame, subordinate, the individual - to make him subject to some generality or other."

an egoist is not fit for any State-oriented society, nor any anarchic commune. Thus, individualist anarchism
>spooks spooks spooks spooks

>> No.6979089
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>> No.6979095
File: 21 KB, 1117x180, stirner re freedom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An egoist is fit for a State-oriented society if it allows him to achieve what he desires. He only needs as much freedom to do what he wants. He doesn't desire freedom for it's own sake, it's only a means to an end. If you have enough freedom to acquire your ends, asking for more of it is silly. Pic related.

If by individualist anarchism you mean doing whatever the fuck you want, I agree. But that has little to do with politics and matters of the State. Such an individualist anarchist would just seek to do as he please, not spend his time trying to topple structures of authority. Going behind their backs would be enough.

>> No.6979132

Another quote in addition to this:

>I say: Liberate yourself as far as you can, and you have done your part; for it is not given to every one to break through all limits, or, more expressively: not to every one is that a limit which is a limit for the rest. Consequently, do not tire yourself with toiling at the limits of others; enough if you tear down yours. Who has ever succeeded in tearing down even one limit for all men? Are not countless persons to-day, as at all times, running about with all the "limitations of humanity"? He who overturns one of his limits may have shown others the way and the means; the overturning of their limits remains their affair.

>> No.6979295

spurdo really is the best thing to happen to /lit/

>> No.6979381

XDDDDD ebin mene m8
t. Vars Suoolinnimaa

>> No.6979412
File: 215 KB, 1024x978, eponia_sea_serpents_by_the_clockwork_crow-d68fgto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spin the hobbes wheel and hope it lands on a friendly Leviathan