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6927452 No.6927452[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>read somewhere 8 weeks of mindfullness meditation are enough to change the brain
>start meditating
>few weeks in
>start to notice that I'm becoming increasingly racist for some reason

What the fuck is happening? I'm not even joking.

>> No.6927471

>I'm becoming increasingly racist for some reason

Toward whom?

>> No.6927488

South Vietnamese (and I'm Danish)

>> No.6927490

Blacks to a degree. Middle eastern types. The chinese. Racist in general I suppose.

>> No.6927501

Idians! Can't stand indians. The way how they wobble their heads when they talk kills me. I hate their movies, too.

>> No.6927503

spending too much time on 4chan: home of retarded white children

>> No.6927505

racism just kinda happens as you get older

it's natural, just your territorial instincts asserting themselves

>> No.6927520


This thread has nothing to do with Literature and everything to do with >>>/pol/

>> No.6927523

You're doing it wrong.

>> No.6927530

Is there a way of doing it right?

>> No.6927556

There is a reason he has a swastika on his chest

>> No.6927557

You should simply realize that they are just passing thoughts. I'm sure you don't constantly feel racist all the time, it's fleeting, just accept it and let it go. That's mindfulness. You are not your thoughts.

>> No.6927573
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>> No.6927574

True. Not constantly but it happens more often. I reasoned some of the saftey barriers just crumbled. I'm not full blown racist but I was very idealistic.

>> No.6927582

what are these racist thoughts in details ?
why towards these people ?

>> No.6927583

I don't get. If the right way is to let got of my desires, and one of my desires was race related, wouldn't it be still desire to want to get rid of that desire?

>> No.6927595

You can't meditate wrong, you can however practice Buddhist meditation wrong. There's a difference.

>> No.6927608

>Katukurunde Nanananda Thera
>Nibbana - the mind stilled

>> No.6927615

I don't like their culture because it seems to create more suffering than there needs to be. I believe they are guided emotions than common sense. There's nothing wrong with feelings and I think compassion makes the world better, but this isn't the same as being led by primal instincts. To a degree this applies to western people as well, but education seems to limit the damage our inner animal is able to inflict. Again, there's nothing wrong with it by default, but it seems to me that combining primitive people with modern technology is a harmful combination.

There might be a genetic dimension to it, but I think culture is the bigger part. Like them trying to make as many babies as possible.

>> No.6927621

Buddhism is tied to asian Nationalism, so it figures. But I will bet, that you have a racism based on Geist, not one on biological race.

>> No.6927622

>wouldn't it be still desire to want to get rid of that desire?
phrased in this manner, yes. It is what remains if you are not precise enough.

but the the purpose is rather to cease dukkha, which entails to let go of your desires for things that are conditioned, and then you reach the unconditioned thing, nirvana.

>> No.6927637

And now you understand why the Dalai Lama tells westerners to stick to their own faith; they won't understand Buddhism.

>> No.6927642

I don't think we can be unconditioned. If stopped to care, I suppose that's the goal, I would just continue to be racist. Trying to become not racist seems like the attempt to condition yourself to the notion of racism being a bad thing. Sounds artificial to me.

>> No.6927645

>Is there a way of doing it right?
counter your thoughts in trying the metta meditation, that is to say, the meditation reflecting about lovingkindness, equanimity, compassion towards first the people that you cherish, then the neutral people, then the people that you abhor.

there a mantras/prayers on youtube for this meditation. Even the christians have these i fyou connect more to them.

It seems that doing metta meditation before and after your real meditation helps for samadhi

>> No.6927647

I don't actually. I'm not even trying to be buddhist.

>> No.6927683

That's not racism. It is perfectly understandable to dislike parts of other cultures. Racism should only be used when relating to race, not culture.

>> No.6927693

How do you call someone who has prejudices about members of a certain culture?

>> No.6927703

meditation wont make you a happy person compassionate or all that crap they sell to popularize it among westerners.

meditation will show you who you are, which makes the above statement not false if one is a compassionate person inside. but if youre a racist or whatever it will just bring that out to the open light.

up to you to accept that or work to change it.

>> No.6927720

Sounds reasonable.

>> No.6927726

You broke down a learned barrier and are reverting back to instincts, I'm just making shit up tbh

>> No.6927727

Pretty much this.

If you're consistently thinking prejudice thoughts, as opposed to sporadically thinking bad thoughts as everyone is prone to do, then it is because of your prejudice personality. I cannot know if you're inherently "territorial" or paranoid (as in paranoid that foreigners are always more dangerous than countrymen) or if this personality is something learned.

Regardless, if you are realizing your prejudice, then do your best to see how it affects who you are, and how much psychic investment you subconsciously put into that aspect of yourself.

>> No.6927752

I wouldn't say paranoid but worried. Don't you sometimes feel like you're in a closed room where's water slowly rising from the ground while most people are pretending it doesn't happen? This isn't limited to race but things seems to get less and less stable.

>> No.6927769

I think most of us do, but I strive for preparedness. If you are ready for your fate you can reach peace of mind and stability. And in the end that's what allmost all people desire.

>> No.6927778

I'm in California, so I think I'm in a pretty diverse area where everyone gets along. I'm just as scared as a white guy robbing me as any black guy, and I consistently do business with all types of "foreigners".

Maybe where your from there's huge demographic problems, I'm happy and content in my little rainbow bubble though. :/

>> No.6927823

I think everything will end eventually but it's just a thought. I really felt it once or twice but it didn't last long.

Maybe it really is just xenophobia but regarding european countries there's a realistic chance the rainbow bubble will burst because islamists gained enough power to have their way.

>> No.6928919

Most likely, you're not becoming more racist, you're just noticing the racist thoughts that were always there more. Many people have said a similar thing about becoming more impatient.

>> No.6928949

yeah that's what I mean, it's a very different situation regarding the entire Americas, both historically and ethically there's no reason for their to NOT be multikulti in the New World

the problem with European demographic problems is that Europe does not have the space, or employment to harbor refugees, and rather than a populist position like the Mexican community in the Americas, multikulti is being pushed from the top by academics in Europe who are not ready for the necessary demographic and economic repercussions that population shifts have on nations

>> No.6928970
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This is hilarious

Also the evidence for the benefits of meditation are not concrete, and some evidence even shows it can exacerbate certain problems.

For example I did guided meditation for over about two months for anxiety; I had extreme anxiety about breathing during the exercises and actually had to stop meditating because I felt like I was choking. Since then my anxiety is no better. I get tightness in my throat often when I'm stressed and I find it difficult to speak painlessly at these times. Stick to therapy and medication, not mindfulness. There's an inherent element of spirituality in meditation too, which is particularly unattractive considering its taken up most often by a certain type atheist who wants to have her organic granola bar and eat it.

On the subject of race, I made a thread the other day asking if /lit/ was in favour of racial integration or segregation, specifically with relation to the possibility of socialism. I was banned for 3 days and yet this thread is okay. At the time there was another thread that just said "will you ever get married" that went underrated. Fuck /lit/ mods, seriously. Politics is a lot more closely tied to literature than a lot of the bollox that passes on here

>> No.6928977

Lit mods can smell pussy and your anxiety r9k thread probably attracted them tbh fam

>> No.6928982

you're just becoming aware of thought patterns that were always there

when i started meditating i was like "damn im an angry motherfucker, this shit is fucking me up" but guess what, i was always an angry motherfucker

>> No.6929006

You are becoming enlightened

>> No.6929019

Wasn't Hitler full vegan and into all that indian crap?

>> No.6929023

Also Aryan nationalism obviously

>> No.6929048

Not vegan, vegetarian. And he wasn't racist.

>> No.6929069

>are you in favor of segregation?
>they kicked me wah-wah-wah

Get real kid.

>> No.6929076
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>mfw people pretend to be "happy" "never jealous" "not mad" and "carefree" in the modern world having never worked at it ever

People just pretend they are okay because the modern stigma of having any negative emotions.

>> No.6929094

mah nigga.

>he thinks meditation is innately spiritual
>he thinks not being pulled around by ur thoughts and emotions like a bitch nigga is not for atheists

bruh sorry you have bad anxiety but dont disparage a 3000+ year old practice because u a pussy bitch

>> No.6929131

>anon thinks swastikas are all racist
go read more

>> No.6929152

how other cultures create more suffering than there needs to be?
what is there about emotions that bothers you?

>> No.6929742

>smoking cohiba
>drinking fucking bell's

triggered every time

>> No.6929949

>pay attention to your breath.
>okaaayyy :| ... here's some risperdal, it will give you a chemical lobotomy and make your brain atrophy
>Now that's more like it. This is real, safe, scientifically proven Western medicine.

>> No.6929997

I made the thread about getting married and I was banned

>> No.6930292

Because youre not jerking off you get more aggressive. Aggression and ability to think clearly is inherently connected. Also meditation, which helps your clear-thinking process. This "love everyone because everyone is equal" is a lie and you are realizing this.

>> No.6931122

>Because youre not jerking off you get more aggressive
top kek

>> No.6931156

Practice Catholic Meditation instead of this eastern gnostic bullshit.


>> No.6931166

Pretty much this, OP.
Assuming your meditation isn't wrong and you actually use the word "mindfulness" correctly, all you are doing is letting certain thoughts and feelings "flow" with a little less judgement.

What you have to understand is that there is a significant difference between emotional/affective prejudice and cognitive prejudice.
The latter is basically being a straight up racist and trying to argue as such.
The first is simply behavioral. It shows in situations, like when picking a seat next to an old lady rather than the black youth in the bus. You have adopted this as a child and it will pretty much stick with you your entire life.

Just view it as one of many biases you hold and act accordingly. Don't deny it to yourself. Be aware of it and the next time you notice it is influencing you, take a couple seconds to reevaluate whatever position you may be taking rationally.

>> No.6931215

I am glad to stumble on people doing Christian

is it true that one of the highest level is when you no longer have the senses giving you external perceptions ?

>> No.6931224

No, that's called being asleep.
Or a trance-state.
Vastly different things.

>> No.6931409

OP is the holy grail for leftists to prove that all metaphysics are reactionary

>> No.6931436

>holy grail for leftists
>Where nuns are subservient to monks even if the monk has only been ordained for a single day and the nun 100 years
>Women can't reach enlightened

>> No.6931492 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 499x515, John green cara after the cheerios.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women could in theory, but in practice they remain too hedonistic

women are beyond redemption as soon as they loose their virginity. =>Only little girls are salvageable

>> No.6931546

okay but have you read about colonialism at all? it's sort of silly to pretend the west wreaks less havoc than cultures of the east, out centuries long christianity-induced guilt trip has just made us very good at not shitting where we eat.

>> No.6931718

>he thinks meditation is innately spiritual
Buddhist meditation is. And there's nothing wrong with that.

>Where nuns are subservient to monks even if the monk has only been ordained for a single day and the nun 100 years
Depends on the vinaya actually. This rule is also a later addition.
>Women can't reach enlightened
They can.

>women are beyond redemption as soon as they loose their virginity.
Who is Ambapali?

That's not why he says that.

>> No.6931738

>This rule is also a later addition
You make it sound like there's concrete evidence and acceptation of this, but in reality it's mostly western revisionism.

>They can.
After transforming into a male, hell it fucking took fanfiction to even recognize women are capable of attainments.

>> No.6931794

Maybe you were always racist, and the higher awareness of how your mind works just brought it up to you? Or maybe it's just working with something foreign that made you think more about other cultures and this was just how you would have reacted to any sort of exposure?

If you want to stop being racist, or change your thinking in general, I would do some studying up on Cognitive Reframing for a bit and try it out.


It's been proven to work.

>> No.6931808

>You make it sound like there's concrete evidence and acceptation of this,
There pretty much is. If you want to know the method that is used for this so-called "western revisionism", you can read Hajime Nakamura's works. If you can, that is. Or any kind of scholarship done on the subject by other Chinese, Japanese, Indian authors.
>After transforming into a male,
The Pali Canon itself has examples of women attaining enlightenment after death without any transformation. It also has contradictions on this supposedly authoritative rule. Maybe you should read some scholarship on the subject?
>it fucking took fanfiction
Do you think that Theravada is "original" Buddhism as opposed to "fanfiction"?

>> No.6931815

another whore

>> No.6931968

Buddhwikist pls go. If you want to actually read on the Buddha's opinion of women I'd recommend reading Anuttarasangamavijaya.

>> No.6931979

Emotions bother me when they prevent you from seeing reality as it is and make you act irrational. Like imagine some holy text said god will send you to hell if you won't crawl through broken glass every morning, but you keep doing it because you're afraid you might get punished. When your kids refuses to do it you'll get angry and dish out punishment yourself. Maybe because you love your kid and don't want him to go to hell, but he starts to hate you and ultimately runs away. And so on.

Or it's just some idiot who starts feeling jealous about something you have, even though he doesn't really want it. Maybe he isn't even aware what he wants, or wouldn't know what do to with your stuff if he had it. He just wants. So he kills you, but now then he's even more frustrated because the feeling of initial frustration didn't go away. Not for long atleast. So he's driven to inflict more suffering, because he doesn't think he's wrong while his actions have no purpose. It's just some animalistic form of blind hedonism.

>> No.6931987 [DELETED] 

I'm laughing beyond you could belief right now.

Seriously, my stomach hurts me right now.

>> No.6931989

Doesn't mean rational thought couldn't prevent you from seeing reality, too. Or wouldn't inflict unnecessairy suffering.

>> No.6931994

I'm laughing beyond you could believe right now.

Seriously, my stomach hurts of so much laugh.

>> No.6932014

Enlightenment much?

>> No.6932035


>> No.6932050

No, emotions are simply a method of evaluating whatever you are perceiving. Nothing more.
Mindfulness, if anything, gives you a tool to lessen the unreflected impact emotions may have, without denying them. You may be angry about something and that is fine. But you won't be holding onto it needlessly, by endlessly circling it in your mind.
I'm sure you are already accustomed to this when dealing with physical pain. Like when you are at the doctors/dentist and they prick you with a needle. What do you do? You breathe, don't focus on it, let it happen. But you don't deny that it is happening, lest you pull away surprised.

That's all it really is. Just taking things as they come, including yourself and calmly dealing with it.

>> No.6932055

you are just looking for a scapegoat to your anxiety

>> No.6932085

But emotions can be wrong. What's your anger worth if your anger is rooted in a misconception?

>that fucking slut didn't call me because she thinks I'm an idiot

Meanwhile she might have been in accident. If you learn about the truth, should you continue to be angry? Would it be rational?

>> No.6932114

that's exactly why you let them pass instead of feeding them with ego-narratives

pain is unavoidable, but suffering is not

>> No.6932186

I'd say we might not be able to avoid pain all the time but if we couldn't avoid it at least sometimes there wouldn't be any sense to it. Us trying to avoid pain is literally the only reason pain exists. That's why we stop at red lights and tell our kids to not touch the hot stove. You wouldn't let the thought of third degree burns just pass like clouds if your kid was reaching for the oven, wouldn't you?

>> No.6932596


>> No.6932599

sounds cool what book do i read to introduce myszelf to this and start doing it

>> No.6932611

you have no idea what i was saying

pain is unavoidable, but suffering is not

there's no system in the world that will ensure we never encounter something painful again but there are tried-and-true techniques that can minimize the thought processes that aggravate our pain, ie turning the bare fact of "she broke up with me" into "im an ugly fat sperg and im gonna die alone"

>> No.6932626
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>tfw you don't meditate because you're attached to your unhappiness

>> No.6932643

You have no idea was I was saying.

If you can't avoid pain why don't you slam your head against the wall?

>> No.6932649

My point exactly. You don't add or reduce anything from your experiences. You are hurting yourself pointlessly, because you are adding suffering.
Now obviously it may be that you have made such experiences where this was factually the case. It's only natural that your brain would jump to the conclusion then. But being mindful would be not to get upset, as you do not know for sure and letting your affective reaction pass.

Who implied that?
You aren't ignoring thoughts and emotions. You are simply not adding (or reducing) anything needlessly.
You know not to let your child touch the stove and keep an eye on it whenever in the kitchen. But there is no need to torture yourself with the idea of your child hurting itself before it happens. And when it happens, it will hurt you emotionally also. That pain is good and important, as it will make it less likely you will make such a mistake again. But instead of guilt-tripping yourself (which helps nobody), you learn from the experience and take appropriate precautions.
Which is why that anon told you about the difference between pain and suffering.

>> No.6932666

Huh? Because I don't want to? Are you okay brev?

>> No.6932694

check the pdf above

>If you can't avoid pain why don't you slam your head against the wall?

reminder that suffering = pain + ego/self/I identifying with the pain

>> No.6932702

Mindfulness does not imply not acknowledging pain, as is stated

>> No.6932703

Wasn't meant as insult. You don't want to because you can a) avoid it and b) it wouldn't be anything else but painful.

>> No.6932704

me too +laziness+ to difficult

>> No.6932710

People who think that a single sutta is the final word are the actual Buddhwikists, actually. Also, you would never have mentioned the sutta in question if you knew anything about its history.
There were no "men" and "women" for the Buddha, only empty collections of aggregates, and he was beyond having bitterness induced preference for one sex over the other.

>> No.6932712

He meant generally in life, dude.
I can't tell if you just didn't catch that or are intent on disagreeing.

>> No.6932720

Meditation is doing nothing. You're an idiot getting a placebo effect. You're noticing that you're slightly racist and then feeding it because you think you're under the influence of your new habit.

>> No.6932727


>> No.6932729

perhaps, but too many women are too hopeless to be converted easily

most men are different, since most of them are betas

stick to children to have a good conversion rate.

>> No.6932743

>perhaps, but too many women are too hopeless to be converted easily
actually, after years of being liberated, the menopaused ones have a remote chance

>> No.6932765

I have no problem with Indians and like some indian movies but just find Indians gross.

It's like I respect them but want nothing to do with them idk.

>> No.6932769


>> No.6932784

What does this have to do with anything?

>> No.6932785

>most of them are betas
the robot kind leans towards equanimity more easily than the douchies

alphas already have equanimity in them

women have no equanimity before having used up their twat after 6 decades of existence

>> No.6932803

If it does nothing why are you meditating?

>> No.6932837

That isn't what he said.

It has a well documented effect.

>> No.6932841

Then you must be doing something.