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/lit/ - Literature

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6882644 No.6882644 [Reply] [Original]

Are there more "Pill" reading lists?

>> No.6882649

check the sticky

>> No.6882655
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>> No.6882677

Haven't found any in the sticky or the lit wiki.
should add https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y8_RRaZW5X3xwztjZ4p0XeRplqebYwpmuNNpaN_TkgM/pub btw

>> No.6884164
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>> No.6884174
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>> No.6884221

do it. it's a shit guide but it's a wiki for a reason

>> No.6884235
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>More Zizek than Marx
>More Zizek than Lennin

>> No.6884255

How haven't you found them? It's under Non-fiction.


There's twelve of them there.

Is the wiki really that hard to navigate? Four categories and people can't figure it out?

>> No.6884268

Apologies, I read "Phil" not "Pill". This seems more like a /pol/ thing. It would be a "by type" thing I assume, if you want to place them there.

>> No.6884316

Needs Aristotle's Politics, Rousseau's On the Social Contract, Bakunin's God and the State, and Proudhon's What is Property?

>> No.6884543

I would venture that it is very much a /pol/ thing, given that these are often biased against atheists. To have a 'bread and circus' character representing the masses and associating him with Dawkins and fedoras is the now classic religious american 4chan squeal. It is obvious to everyone else that the average idiot is the classic religious moron. But what can you do, this is 4chan now. With the IQ average dwindling from its popularization, one must expect religious presence to increase accordingly.

>> No.6884777
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>What is embouchure

>> No.6884785

I wish you would take the cyanide pill m8

>> No.6884813 [SPOILER] 
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He's sucking the farts you dip

>> No.6884844

>It is obvious to everyone else that the average idiot is the classic religious moron. But what can you do, this is 4chan now. With the IQ average dwindling from its popularization, one must expect religious presence to increase accordingly.
Finally, someone finally fucking gets it. Finally. I've been preaching this for months now. A couple of my buddies and I who used to post here have actually left (because I can't handle stupid fucking people) and gone to another board where there aren't so many chrisposters. You're welcome to come, since you obviously aren't an idiot: reddit.com/r/atheism

>> No.6885161
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>> No.6885181
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>> No.6885223
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>> No.6885242

>leave /lit/ because the autism gets too much
>decide to check it out again today
>no Nietzsche threads
>no tao lin threads
>maybe this place is alright again
>see that butterdyke is still tripfagging
goodbye reddit

>> No.6885275

Oh no No. 6885242 please stay, you're one of the good ones

>> No.6885280


>> No.6885285

Disgusting list.

>> No.6885301

But he said "goodbye reddit"
He's just in from reddit

>> No.6885314

I was referencing this place because its basically /r/books nowadays

>> No.6885323
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>> No.6885350

nice squinting reddit man meme

>> No.6885369

Soooo... Is "/r/books" like reddit or something?

>> No.6885399


>> No.6885400

Which board is rbooks

>> No.6885406
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>> No.6885599

>aristotle's politics

>> No.6885718
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>> No.6885727
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>> No.6885728

Aristotle and Plato can be understood as representing the left-right divide respectively.

>> No.6886037

>no IJ
>Tao fucking Lin


>> No.6886042

for a disgusting political position

>> No.6886145

Thanks for posting this, anon. I've been looking for books like this.

>> No.6886223
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>"Oh man, I wish perfect, kind-hearted and pure god-emperor Putin would come and save us from this terrible oppression of freedom we have in the west!"

>> No.6886229
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>> No.6886234
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>Joseph Campbell in same group with post-modernist garbage like Illuminatus

>> No.6886410
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>> No.6887266

>reading dune past god-emperor

>> No.6887296
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Best pill coming through

>> No.6887377

>no book 74 and everything after that has the wrong number

>> No.6887380

Yeah that's suicide

>> No.6887486

Can someone please explain the "pills" for me? Like a summary of why each pill is that way. I'm guessing red pill for example, is for edgelords or something?

>> No.6887500

>Can someone please explain the "pills" for me?

It's reading lists for stupid people to give them the idea that reading them will make them the pinnacle of intellectualism, something 4chan as a whole disproves

>> No.6887516

I think most people on 4chan are fine, other than tripfags and some of the boards. Many boards like /lit/ and /sci/ are at least tolerable when it comes to the general community. As long as I don't go on /b/ or /a/ or some shit, I feel like I haven't turned into an autistic mongoloid.

>> No.6887586
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>> No.6887590
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>> No.6887594
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>> No.6887614

This is the only truth in this thread. Why are /pol/lacks so obsessed with the concept of pills?

>> No.6888130

This pill shit is the worst

>> No.6888136

Better bump the thread, good call

>> No.6888158

jesus I've been too goddamn lazy and didn't do that recount but I really need to.
fuck aaron, my man. i need to get on that.

>> No.6888188


I did it. Entertained me during two 8-hour train rides. Not as rewarding as the earlier books but still well written. Some gold nuggets (Miles Teg, Great Honored Matre, Chapterhouse, the weapon, Sheeana, Ghola Duncan).

>> No.6888197
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>C.S. Lewis

every time

>> No.6888203

no foucault? wtf?

>> No.6888207

Even though this is stupid, I'd say I'm a mix of Gray and Green pill.

>> No.6888209

Nah, you are blue pill.

>> No.6888220


> No Kierkegaard

Ya blew it

>> No.6888245
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>No Canonpill

>> No.6888268

Just read the Harvard classics set.

>> No.6888279
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This entire 'pill' meme is for weak-minded fools who can't handle being outside little personality boxes created for them by some external entity. Rather than think for themselves, they choose a prescribed ideology and assimilate it into their 'personality'.

The green pill used to be a fun little maymay that /x/ whipped up to mock /pol/, but they couldn't handle it, so they pretended to laugh and made the Iron Pill guy, a homoerotic vision of their Ubermensch - a racialist, neoreactionary swole bro who worships meme gods (also known as 'Paganism') and is enlightened by his own Aryan heritage, or whatever. The joke was gone, because /pol/ actually took the Iron Pill seriously.

>> No.6888284

There needs to be a chart for bantz, though.

>> No.6888288

I'd been wondering about this sad nonsense. What's worse is its apparent spreading to /lit/.

>> No.6888299

What is bantz?

>> No.6888315

how to: brown pill

>> No.6888323


>> No.6888363
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This thread is making me really depressed, people taking these things seriously is really indicative of how terrible 4chan has become.

I am surprised that I look fondly on the old somewhat edgy apolitical days of the past, a time that bothered me immensely. But I'd have decades of a hyper-ironic internet community than one that so fully believes in the various boogeymen we used to joke about.

I also think its funny that the more reactionary 4chan gets, the more left-leaning I become. The endless whining, shitposting and hive-mind mentality of this place is really getting to me.

>> No.6888419

>I also think its funny that the more reactionary 4chan gets, the more left-leaning I become. The endless whining, shitposting and hive-mind mentality of this place is really getting to me.
Isn't that kind of...reactionary?

>> No.6888432
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>I would venture that it is very much a /pol/ thing

Pill comics are from /x/, only the Iron Pill character was created by /pol/, and that was because they were upset that the red pill character was very clearly a parody of them

>> No.6888447
File: 510 KB, 1518x891, Siaynoq! I believe!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a shitposting image for my pals on /lit/
>later someone reposts it

Nice to see someone using my oc :^)

>> No.6888459

Plato isn't right-wing

>> No.6888480

He's a right-wing leftist.

>> No.6888484

Chanology is the worst thing that ever happened

>> No.6888508

what the fuck lol

>> No.6889072

possibly. But its not just 4chan doing this.
A lot of the internet is becoming very Right, and the more I am exposed to the ideology online and in my reading I have realized its not for me.

It sure was.

>> No.6889134

Brass pill. Reading list plox.

>> No.6890020

They both explicitly espouse support for what can be termed monarchical governments

>> No.6890079
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>Naomi Klein

>> No.6891112
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>> No.6891126

Probably survivalist/prepper and libertarian lit. There's one excellent prepper book, written by a woman and her husband and sold at production cost, can't find it though. It has a simple cover and gets a new edition every once in a while, anyone know what I'm talking about?

>> No.6891141

bro troll harder

>> No.6891154

What is pill reading?

>> No.6891370


I thought iron pill was a /fit/ creation?

>> No.6891897

> Filled with Popery
> No Calvin
> No Spurgeon