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6834042 No.6834042 [Reply] [Original]

Are women ever genuinely interested in philosophy?

>> No.6834044

There was a qt on come dine with me talking about metaphysics

>> No.6834048


For 10 minutes I bet.

>> No.6834051

no there is always an ulterior motive

unless of course its a philosophy of love or some such thing.

philosophy is too broad a term

>> No.6834052

Nah she was studying it at university; there was this other woman who kept complaining about how 'boooring' the conversation was tho

>> No.6834066


I've heard of one woman, major dyke, "Norah Vincent", who, I think, was genuinely interested in philosophy (it was her major as well).

Aside from that, I think the only time women are interested in anything on more than a superficial level is when a man they're fond of happens to have a passion for it. That, or in philosophy's case, when women can cling onto some old Marxist maxims in order to leverage it politically; e.g. to embellish their egalitarian pushiness, usually for political and career gains.

>> No.6834160
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The most patrician student I've met was a grill, read Plato in ancient Greek and everything. I really regret not getting to know her better

>> No.6834170

Pluto a shit

>> No.6834171

I'm a woman with a masters in late ancient philosophy but I doubt you believe me.

>> No.6834198

women live for pleasures

and how many lovers have taken you so far ?

>> No.6834201

>Are women ever genuinely interested in philosophy?
Only if they are anti-feminist vitalists like Arendt and Rand or religious.

>> No.6834207

7 in my life so far.

>> No.6834232

Are you satisfied with regular conversation in groups of 4 or more? what are your hobbies besides literature?

>> No.6834238

Depends, I have a group of very smart friends from university, but with most people no.

I paint oils, also run and swim.

>> No.6834243

For modern standarts of 25-30 y/o woman that's kinda low, but if you think you are having philosophy as a central part of your life, then your standards should be timeless and 7 is way too high. You haven't escaped degenerate capitalist and feminist brainwashing, and you've sullied your body too much to ever do that, even if it isn't your fault.

>> No.6834264


>> No.6834269

I realise you are trolling but, I could have had sex with each of those people just once for all you know.

>> No.6834281

Why philosophy when even a below average girl could be getting attention for doing nothing? Surely there is a strong father figure with a religious bias in there somewhere or perhaps something is wrong with your sexual nature.

Go ahead and rate yourself out of 10 for us, send a like for like pic.

>> No.6834294

Only mainstream philosophy, like this channel:


>What is justice? xD

>> No.6834304

well at least you are engaged on the path of your liberation

>> No.6834312

a bit low, but at least you are engaged on the path of your liberation

>> No.6834313


I don't get why people see Oswald Spengler as Evola-tier.
Have any of you even bothered reading Spengler's Decline of the West. It isn't this doomsdag call to rise up and kill Jews and leftists at all..

>> No.6834330

I don't really want lots of attention? Are you telling me if you were a super hot guy you'd give up all your interests and just have sex all the time?

And if that is normal then I guess I'm just not that sexual a person.

>> No.6834331

I don't get why you treat us as a different species altogether. Of course there are women interested in philosophy. They are rare, granted, but how many males are interested in philosophy nowadays?

I admit I am fairly inexperienced with philosophy - I'm studying Chemistry in university, so I don't really have time/energy to pursue such intellectual hobbies during academic year - but the few books I have read fascinated me and I hope to get more familiar with it once I finish my studies.

>> No.6834338

Does it matter if the ulterior motive is something related to religion?

There were plenty of female mystics.

>> No.6834343

Yeah but female mystics are always
>Dude crystals LMAO
>Muh inner goddess
And so on

>> No.6834346
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It's just that the numbers don't lie and you'd rather become replacement mommy ( how Schopenhauer would have laughed ) with your masters in psychology than actually doing something.

>> No.6834349

>women live for pleasures
And what do men live for?

>> No.6834351

Women are to materialistic to be "interested" in abstract concepts or ideas.

Women are interested in shoes, chocolates and money. The closest they get to abstract is they enjoy power over others, but they're not cerebral enough to dwell on the significance of it.

>> No.6834353

How is a masters in psychology of less importance than a masters in philosophy? Why is the latter "doing something" and the former not?

>> No.6834355

Isn't it obvious that people choose their major based on a stereotype of the kind of person they want to be? Women think they are sexy if they do art, men that they are Isaac Newtons if they do Maths?

>> No.6834356

>And what do men live for?

>> No.6834358
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He/she is probably refering to, for example, the 12th and 13th century medieval mystics.
Which were all batshit insane anchorite schizo's really who were used as propaganda tools against the dualist heresies at the time.

After and before that most spirituality is always this Gaia bullshit.
Fucking Lilith, I swear to god.

>> No.6834360


>t-the system made me do it
>I can't think for myself b-because capitalism

And here we go..

>> No.6834363

Well, no shit, Sherlock, women tend to gravitate towards certain professions. Are you trying to trigger me? That's not going to work, most women simply follow their biological imperative. It's also not something to be ashamed of because role of a mother is integral in society.
I'm a social outcast, so it's not for me, but I can see why they do it. And what does your major have to do with personal interest in philosophy? Are you implying only those with major in philosophy can have it as their hobby?
I don't know about you, but I chose my major so I could actually live comfortably.

>> No.6834364

STEM is better than both of them tbh.

>> No.6834365

If any man could get sex at any time with any woman of choice he would invoke that power 4 times a day (minimum) freeing up MORE time for other pursuits too... it's because chasing women is a time sink requiring a constant leadership/entertainment aspect that philosopher men are forced to either alternate between one lifestyle and the other or simply abstain..

>> No.6834366

Women are taking over philosophy, at least where I am. Not in terms of numbers but in discussion, they completely dominate, mainly cos no one wants to offend them. Our local philosophy club was almost closed because some women found the content shared "problematic". The cunts only ever talked about women in philosophy and philosophy as an institution -and the oppression of women therein- not ever actually about philosophical content. A third of the introductory phil unit is spent covering feminist theory, it's so forced.

I think more women in philosophy is a good thing, but they need talk about more than being a woman, it's like they don't understand that no one cares.

>> No.6834367

I'm a guy taking a masters in maths. Most of my class is male. Every single person there genuinely enjoys doing math. Those who didn't dropped out.

>> No.6834368
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Mathematics and philosophy is too abstract.
And the more concrete you go, the more females you see.

Oh and of course "deh arts", because nothing is cooler than Chad being so in touch with his emotions.

>> No.6834369
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>Are you trying to trigger me

>> No.6834377

self righteous dilettante detected.

>> No.6834378

>I think more women in philosophy is a good thing, but they need talk about more than being a woman, it's like they don't understand that no one cares.
they cannot understand, since they lack reflexivity, they cannot take the perspective of somebody else, they do not even think of doing so

>> No.6834379

judith butler

>> No.6834381


When did people decide that philosophy should have its own department?
It didn't use to be a discipline where you could just go ahead and get a degree in.
Philosophers didn't have a degree in philosophy. They just did it. Part of a tradition.
What a silly decision to systematize it into a program.

>> No.6834386


Philosophy for them ends up in social politics or spiritualism.
And they all love Alain de Botton tier "just be urself" and "nice buildings will save deh world".

>> No.6834388

and ayn rand.

>> No.6834389
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most for women, the rest breaks down either to have glory and power or a even fewer minority to be happy

>> No.6834391


every female philosopher since the mid 20th century

>btw im a girl

>> No.6834394

Went on an Archaeological dig in Northumberland this summer.

Well read grills (and women) wall to wall, mostly medieval historians, met a hard-arsed middle-aged American lady who'd spent her life travelling in South America and Europe on various digs, she herself said most girls drop out of the field eventually due to the pressure to start a family, but I had noticed there were a significantly larger number of women than men on the dig anyway (all doing serious work swinging mattocks, trowel scraping, clod-shifting, dirt seiving, and placing and mapping find markers).

4chan in general seems to be a hive of sheltered misogynists, among other diverse sorts of vermin and reprobates (amongst which I have counted myself an incurable specimen), and a lot of people here need to get their heads out of their asses and into the world at large, where they'll meet a multitude of men and women who will fail to live up to their expectations, and a residual minority of men and women who vastly exceed them.

>> No.6834399


Yeah but most of those girls are ugly anyway, lol.

>> No.6834404


It would probably be better to have scientists take one course in the philosophy of science than to have philosophers take 100 courses in philosophy, one in each field of study.

>> No.6834405


we're talking philosophy, not history, you massive white knight faggot.

>> No.6834413

In that case I feel a little sorry for men tbh. I havent had sex for about 9 months and don't even think about it.

>> No.6834419

>hard-arsed middle-aged American lady who'd spent her life travelling in South America and Europe on various digs,
did you tell her you had a bone for her to pick?

>> No.6834420
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Top kek.

>> No.6834430

You are 100% correct but there is no point trying to educate people who don't want to believe you.

>> No.6834431
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I'm no white knight.

Come, strike off my head, and I will meet thee in The Green Chapel and do thee likewise.

My bone is that women are not inherently stupid or anti-intellectual, and that you need only seek them out, like you must seek out interesting men, because most people, men or women, are a bit shit really, you're just less sensetive to the various faults of men, because you can probably empathise with them better.

>> No.6834432

Hey everyone come check out le brave whiteknight who bravely goes against the circlejerk hivemind!

seriously fuck off your anecdote about a women you found smarter than you while digging in some mud doesn't say shit about women's general inclination for idiocy.

>> No.6834453

>Glorified gardening for museum artefacts

you basically just say that women are literally gold diggers! I had no idea.

>> No.6834462

Thank you I agree gentle lady.

By the by is there any chance I could have your email and maybe a picture of you? As you can see I am not like the other unsophisticated oafs that frequent this board, I treat women with class and respect like they deserve.

>> No.6834471
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It isn't about "women are dumb and friendzone me" like every thread ends up being about with dudes who feel like they should jump in and all tell us the obvious truth we have missed: "women can be intelligent and you're just bitter because you should get laid, lel".
It's about the fact that even if you sit down with them to have a serious talk about this sort of stuff, they'll opt out 15 minutes in and get back to their mundane bullshit life.
And most of the shit they say is derivative. Ground-breaking isn't how they are and what they'll never be. They echo whatever newspeak their professors shat into their mouths with perfect fidelity and zero original content, for years on end.
All life changing conversations, from a philosophical angle, I've had were with men. A woman has never changed my outlook. Only emotionally, but never intellectually.

Women having a degree, a PhD, it isn't impressive. If it is to you, nigga u basic.

>> No.6834472

This would be funny if anyone ever did this.

>> No.6834484

All the groundbreaking conversations I've had have been with women, none with men.

Can we stop this game of anecdote wars?

>> No.6834488


>As you can see I am not like the other unsophisticated oafs that frequent this board

I'm sure she's wet as fuck now.

>> No.6834513

Maybe women are put off trying because everybody constantly questions their motives for everything they do?

>> No.6834518

We /r9k/ now

Women are all whores.
They have lower IQ and do not possess rationality in the same way that men do.

They cannot truly devote themselves to anything except nigger cock and money, because they aren't ethical beings, they are worthless whores.
They cannot truly love or be loyal.

As a consequence they can't write or do real art.

What did they contribute to the building of civilization besides their vaginas? Nothing.

Who invent and create major scientific breakthroughs? Almost exclusively men.
They're too emotional and child-like. They simply cannot attain the complexity of male experience and subjectivity. They're not as ontologically 'there' as men.
They are only props for male satisfaction
This is basic redpill

>> No.6834520

>groundbreaking conversations

do you have any proof that those conversations were actually groundbreaking?

>> No.6834523

Kill yourself.

>> No.6834525

if they are put off, it means that they care beforehand

>> No.6834526


Let's strawman the fuck out of the opponent's argument, like a true intel/lit/ual elite, amirite?

>> No.6834536

Someone's insecurity is their own problem.

You're adding fuel to the fire

>> No.6834539

lol. kill yourself

>> No.6834540

Difficult to strawman such an argument.

Women cannot TRULY X
Woman aren't capable of GENUINE X
Women is unable to REALLY X

>> No.6834546

>Honey why did you suck my cock and then my roomates cock and then his brother's cock?
>OMG stop questioning my motives
>honey why did you spend all the rent money on clothes? don't you want to understand finances?
>shut the fuck up you misogynist virgin prick.

>> No.6834561
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which one are you?

>> No.6834563

I know you're mocking it, but a lot of thos points contain truths.
For example, while men and women have roughly the same avarage IQ, women are more likely to be of avarage IQ, while men are more spread to the extremes.
This means that the most intelligent (as well as the most stupid) people in any society will be men.

>> No.6834571

All of those points contain truth; they're undistorted, non-ideological objective Absolute Truth borne from the redpill.

Only brainwashed muh feels liberals who have been brainwashed by their cultural marxist professors would suggest otherwise

>> No.6834572


>quirky 6's at best

To be expected.

Like a dozen of them I bet total!
Truly women have the same interests as men. Just the same level as us, even better! ( pls notice me, don't go for Chad ;_; )

>> No.6834583


>bunch of mediocres are /lit/'s muses

Fucking thirsty niggas...

>> No.6834586

I bet you all of them enjoy fucking nigger dicks instead of reading the classics, the feeble-minded sheeple

>> No.6834587

women like being dominated it's hard wired into them.

But this is only the case of you are "alpha". Or at least she perceives you to be.

If you look like Channing Tatum you could grab a girl take her out behind the club and fuck her up against a dumpster while she says no. She'll go back to her girlfriends and say "omagawd best sex eve"

However most rapists don't look like Channing Tatum.

Just like women love getting alpha dicked, the are literally revolted by getting beta dick. They find most niggers and spics revolting, so when these guys rape they hate it, they hate it more than anything. It could be the same thing as what happened with Channing but this guy isn't good enough so now it's rape.

However there is extremely violent rape/torture and I don't think anyone really likes that besides psychos

>> No.6834588

You usually roleplay when you're in PMS?

>> No.6834589

One in the hat is a cute

/lit/ is the thirstiest board

>> No.6834593

This. All women secretly wants to be raped.
All women have rape fantasies.

This means they want to be raped, because in their minds they're worthless whroes

90% of women orgasm during rape too. Coincidence?

Liberals and feminism are too scared to admit this

>> No.6834594

>try to bridge the sides by stating why it is like it is
>get aggressive ironic shitpost as a reply
Th-thanks. Y-you too.

>> No.6834595


I was only half joking.
Most intelligent women I've met actually dated dumbass men who aren't even their level.

/lit/ actually believes that an intelligent woman will seek an equally intelligent man.
Toppest of keks.

>> No.6834598

Calm down there is no need to get emotional sweetie, When men argue they tend to civilly exchange assertions and counterpoints, not devolve into sarcastic pouting. You're proving the other guy's point.

>> No.6834604


*fips mehora*

>> No.6834607


Feeding the retardation.

>> No.6834608
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>this ironic shitposter white knight hasn't dated a woman with rape fantasies

>> No.6834611

I have. That doesn't mean girls want to be raped, though.

>> No.6834619

a cunt living in denial

>> No.6834623
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Not by you. You're such a good conversational partner.
Like a brother almost!

>> No.6834625

no, it means that they love when CHADS are violent towards them

>> No.6834626

>implying I'm not truly enlightened
Fucking philistines I swear.

>> No.6834630

>all women are whores
>women can't think

What happened to this board?

>> No.6834635

This board has for quite some time had overlap in userbase with /r9k/. This thread just gives people an excuse to show it.

>> No.6834637

wherever dem really smart women be i've never met them i've met some smart girls as in quite smart compared to the rest but know one reading pinecone or delving seriously into any subject with a passion, mind you i don't go to college so.

>i hope they're out there.

>> No.6834639
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I'm sure your "we need theory xD" Zizek paraphrasing, is more hot for all these intellectual women as this guy ( of whom they have no prior knowledge ) just popping up.

>> No.6834640

/r9k/, they're always here but they don't always come out in the open quite like this.

>> No.6834652

having rape fantasies doesn't mean you want to get raped lol, I fantasise about being war zones or armed sieges I don't actually want it to happen.

>> No.6834659

It's all of 4chan at this point. As soon as you mention a woman or person of color the thread turns into shitflinging.

>> No.6834661

fantasies don't mean shit
a guy can be into loli but not want to fuck and actual child

>> No.6834664


>t-they don't really want it

Such angels, aren't they!
The m'ladies keep the bad karma in their minds. Unlike these.. men.. Like in this thread for example! The m'ladies are above that!

>> No.6834666

The thread is about the merits of women in philosophy, some men judging women's contribution unfavourably is to be expected until there is a genuine /thread comment.

>> No.6834667

you're retarded

>> No.6834668

This. I realise this is a stupid thing to say because 4chan has always been terrible, but it has gotten a lot worse. It's now less an anarchic place to chat with weirdos and more of a ideologically driven website which attracts and reinforces certain ideas.

I want to get my keks from elsewhere tbh.

>> No.6834670

I fantasise about raping girls but I don't actually want to do it.

>> No.6834675

le zizek face

A person who has rape fantasies or is into being objectified and spit on and beaten, does not actually want to get raped or be objectified and beaten in reality, i.e. outside of the sexual fantasy.
That kind of masochism involves an elaborate mise en scene with the specific position to be occupied by the executioner (say, the Dominatrix - in this case you, the man, who has to get her off), the position which is in no way simply that of a sadist, but the much more ambiguous position of the enslaved Master who, on a contractual basis, executes the order of his masochist partner. Mutatis mutandis, the same goes for the sadist, who also wants his victim to occupy the specific position which is DEFINITELY NOT that of the subject (the female masochist) who, as part of the contract, accepts her pain and enjoys it -- it is part of the sadist's pleasure that his victim is appalled by the horror of what is taking place, i.e. compromising the dignity of the victim.
What the sadist targets in his victim is the exact opposite of what the masochist wants (i.e. the person, the woman, who stages the fantasy within which they are 'humiliated'; the person who co-signs the contract) because he (the actual sadist) precisely wants to compromise her real dignity. The male logic according to which a woman who is actually raped merely gets her fantasy realized fails to understand that even if she actually was fantasizing about being raped, she does NOT get what she wanted in the case of the actual rape, since her masochist fantasy is not realized (i.e. it was not on her terms, she didn't stage the scenario; it was a violent intrusion on her autonomy).

>> No.6834690


>I'm so profound for realizing they might not actually want it

But what does that tell us about them?

>> No.6834695

>Source: department representatives and College Facebook


>> No.6834696

Why does it have to tell you anything? Its just sex you asshat.

>> No.6834697
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What would Zizek say about cuckolds?

>> No.6834699


It's funny lads like you use this because it was made to make fun of people with your attitude, you can't accept that women are people, no doubt you and all the other /r9k/ freaks used to idolise them, and then you turn it in the opposite direction, women are neither angelic virgins nor witch sluts from hell.

>> No.6834701

Fuck all

>> No.6834702


>a fantasy is just a fantasy

Sure thing bro.

>> No.6834707


They're mediocre indeed.
Thanks for agreeing.

>> No.6834708

They are all worthlesss whores regardless of what your liberal professors have indoctrinated you to believe

>> No.6834721

does it matter?

>not being able to see the difference between a fantasy and a person's boundaries

what does that tell us about you?

>> No.6834725
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Fedora's are just anyone you disagree with.
It's not used solely for right wingers, or white knights, or atheists.
Lurk fucking more.

>> No.6834727

>women are motivated by materialistic desires
>150+ show your bookshelf threads

there must be so many womemes among us

>> No.6834729


I'm just interested in why they have rape fantasies.

Why does anyone have an obsessional fantasy about anything?
It's an interesting matter to figure out.

Why is this particular subject off the table? Would it undermine your silly bullshit ideology perhaps?

>> No.6834732
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This. If you listen to women talk about the "best sex," there's not a broad line between it and rape. At least in the style of how it's done. The most accurate description of the rape fantasy though is "I want to be aggressively fucked by an incredibly attractive psychic."

>> No.6834735
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>Why does anyone have an obsessional fantasy about anything?
because in what people see as rape, you let go of everything, you control nothing and you are in touch with reality

you feel the most alive

>> No.6834739


>i-it doesn't matter!!!!!

Coming from the board that overanalyzes everything, this is sweet.

>> No.6834743

>mfw all this butt ravished feminist white knight cucks getting BTFO by rationality and logic

>> No.6834744
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>I want to be aggressively fucked by an incredibly attractive psychic

>> No.6834747


I still love how robots are surprised by the fact that women want to fuck attractive confident men.

>> No.6834751


I.e. they want to be overpowered, defeated and taken control of.

Geesh, and here I was thinking they want to destroy the patriarchy and its silly notions of subservience, yet in the bed I should just troath fuck them till they gag?

>> No.6834756

oh god, oh plato

>> No.6834757

The idea of equality was mashed into their brains for years and years as they were growing up and going through school.

This creates M A S S I V E cognitive dissonance

>> No.6834763

>Women are worthless promiscuous whores
>But only for the top 1 percent incredibly attractive men

I bet all robots would be a whore to their idealized 7 year old loli pure and innocent anime character if they had a chance

>> No.6834764

You can want to be equal socially while still wanting to be fucked till you gag

>> No.6834765

>implying men have any say outside of the bedroom

top kek.
Women are the ones who stage the fantasy in the bedroom, she's the one who wants to get dominated and uses you as a masturbatory prop or instrument to get off.
Outside it, men don't have any power

>> No.6834767


Maybe 20%.
That's still a lot of men.

>> No.6834770

Women will NEVER be equal socially, never ever, no matter how many laws get passed, no matter how many classes people get brainwashed on.

>> No.6834771
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>Geesh, and here I was thinking they want to destroy the patriarchy and its silly notions of subservience, yet in the bed I should just troath fuck them till they gag?

feminism is not about equality. Feminism is about keeping the female privileges and destroying the male privileges

>> No.6834772


So by that logic feminism is just a shit test writ large on society.

>> No.6834778

It's part of the Jewish plot to subvert Western civilization

Take the redpill

>> No.6834790



>> No.6834791
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Actually, that's pretty much exactly what feminism is.

Women will keep pushing and pushing until you say no. And they will flail and express indignation, but it is what makes them happy deep down, and it is what makes men happy deep down.

Women fill whatever container their society moulds for them.

>> No.6834796

>Women fill whatever container their society moulds for them.

So feminism is right?

>> No.6834798

>Daily reminder that women cannot truly love

>> No.6834800

Ignore this cunt, it's nothing to do with people of Jewish faith.

Don't let /pol/'s retarded views on Jews blind you to what feminism is.

>> No.6834805

Feminism is run by and created by Jews.

>> No.6834812
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>mfw /lit/ never says no because "I know tons of cool girls"

>> No.6834814

No. Feminism is women empowering themselves at the expense of men because men in positions of power are letting them.

When men begin to change views and society changes as a result of this, women will change in order to fit in with society too. They fit the container.

>> No.6834816
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>> No.6834817

You're an idiot and the reason feminism is still a problem.

People conflate the obvious selfishness of feminism with a hatred of the Jews because of cunts like you.

I'm half convinced youre a feminist shill.

>> No.6834820

>because men in positions of power

Next you'll be telling me there's a patriarchy

>> No.6834821


there is r/books thread about how 1984 is literally world now to be made, go make it

>> No.6834824

Ask my redpilled friends on /pol/ whether Feminism is Jewish or not, and you'll see how deep the rabbit hole goes

>> No.6834825

A lot of the figures in it are jewish, but it doesn't fucking matter.

>> No.6834826

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.6834827

I say men because it is men who think up abstract ideas of society that challenge the norm, most people with extreme views (views that challenge the norm) will be men.

Women fill the mould of the society their men create for them.

>> No.6834830

ad hominem

youre an idiot.

feminism is caused by women, not jews.

>> No.6834839

>feminism is caused by women, not jews.

The Jews created feminism to get women into the labor force to exploit them a long with men

You don't know what ad hominem is btw

>> No.6834840

It's a butthurt leftie trying to make anti feminists seem dumb

>> No.6834846


pick one, bourg

>> No.6834850

So your saying that women have no natural role, there place in society is determined by social factors, and by decisions made by powerful men.

You sure you're not a feminist?

>> No.6834854

The one with the feminist glasses is a 7.

>> No.6834861

They don't want to be treated different on the basis that they're women, but they want to be treated different on the basis that they're women.

>> No.6834876


That wouldn't change the fact that you've still had 7 different partners, and the point remains.

>> No.6834907

When a man likes philosophy its just someone who likes philosophy but when its a girl its always "a girl who is interested in philosophy"

>> No.6834910

No. Women have a natural role and one aspect of that innate biology is to shit test men.

What I was saying was that they have a strong desire to conform to society, as can be evidenced in their strong lean towards masculinity as of late; it doesn't mean they are men but they are doing their best to be men in many cases (career, extreme fitness crazes, attitude etc).

>> No.6834912

>Are women ever genuinely interested in philosophy?
The next question is for the motives.
But whatever the answer comes down to (there'll likely be no global sensible answer for all women anyway), it's not of merit to judge it morally. If you do, you just want to let off steam, don't you?

Women and men live different lives and participate differently in the mating game. That's biology, not a moral issue, so don't get mad.
What is this thread really about?

>> No.6834913

its a gateway for further reading

>> No.6834922

>being this buttfrustrated

Don't you have a social justice issue to solve on tumblr, sweetheart?

Men are talking.

>> No.6834926


>> No.6834929

Not all women want to be submissive, and there are men with rape/submissive fantasies. This isn't about gender but about what a person likes in bed. It has nothing to do with the way you want to be viewed by society.

>> No.6834935

that's misandry

>> No.6834938

>tfw I just want to be dominated and be made to lick the girl's asshole


>> No.6834939
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yes they are

women always put their philosophy into practice:


>> No.6834945

>This isn't about gender but about what a person likes in bed.
one day you will learn about statistics

most of the time, most girls love to be submissive, PERIOD

>> No.6834961

In reality I'm a guy who is interested in the redpill reddit for about 2 months (the kids bragging about their sexual experiences are tedious, though).
What I just don't get is why - if you accept the theory - you should get angry from "swallowing the redpill". Why should there be a "angry phase". It's just an ideology and the PUA stuff maybe helps you. Where's the problem and why would putting female behavior in the context of evolutionary psychology, essentially an academic pursuit, make you angry at women?

>> No.6834962

Lel see any relationship these days. Women have won.

They make men do everything, ordering them to do this or that, and fthe beta cuckolded men oblige because otherwise she can get dick elsewhere.

Women have taken over. The fact that they get dominated in the bedroom is just another example of them getting men to do what they want. All girls want to be RECKED hard, and they use the man in the bedroom to achieve this. It's still all according to her wishes. The man is just the instrument.

We need this to stop

>> No.6834965

The redpill is not ideology. It's objective truth

>> No.6834972

>evo psych

top kek

>> No.6834977

If you open a newspaper and the article that catches your eye is one about divorce rape, then you have ideological googlies on - doesn't matter how much the alpha/beta dichotomy is true or not.

Btw., since alpha and beta are so weakly defined terms, did anybody try to formalize a transtional system (as in gender fluidity for sexes)

>> No.6834983

Just stop fucking women and it can't possibly impact you.

>> No.6834985


It's called normies, cyborgs, robots, etc.

>> No.6834989

But their fantasy doesn't revolve around the fact that they're women. A woman who has rape fantasies doesn't believe all women should be submissive in bed, their fetish is exclusive to them and their sex life. This isn't some ideology, it's a taste.
>they want to be treated different on the basis that they're women
They want to be treated "different" (in bed) on the basis of their fetish, not their gender. It so happens that it is more common for women to feel that way. Lesbians can have the same fetish, does that mean they want women to treat women like shit? I don't think so.

>> No.6834994

Maybe go out with someone who doesn't treat you like shit?

>> No.6835001


>This isn't some ideology, it's a taste.

It's biology.
But what the hell, you guys don't even believe in that anyway.

>> No.6835006
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literally know the same girl.

>> No.6835014

psychology actually

>> No.6835022


Can't unhook that from your biology.

>> No.6835031


>> No.6835075
File: 41 KB, 355x236, FuckBitchesGetMoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've fucked a lot of bitches; none were into dom but the vast majority of not all were into sub.

That was p cool. Never thought I'd announce something like "I've fucked a lot of bitches." Swag.

>> No.6835253
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This is it my friends, /lit/ seems above all to have been one of those intellectuals who have become completely unhinged from their own emotional life and from ordinary human relationships.
The tragic predicament of such thinkers is that, driven by terrifying feelings of insecurity and emptiness, they mistakenly conclude that intellectual truths can be an adequate substitute for emotional warmth. Craving distinction, and imagining that abstract intellectual formulations can alone fill the void they feel within them, they develop a voracious appetite for such formulations, anorexically judging their goodness by the degree of difficulty or abstraction they possess. Believing that what they have devoured is intrinsically nourishing, they are impelled to share their 'truths' with others. Like a starving man who compels others to eat the diet of stones he believes has saved him, they give abundantly of their poverty out of a genuine conviction that they are enriching others.

>> No.6836077

ditto, all the girls I slept with (something between 1 and 10) had the desire to "be fucked against their will, but in the exact way they wanted."
I'm not trying to be a masculine person, but in bed you essentially have too, because otherwise girls can't get off.

>> No.6836093

ditto, all the girls I slept with (something between 1 and 10) had the desire to "be fucked against their will, but in the exact way they wanted."

I'm not trying to be a masculine person, but in bed you essentially have to, because otherwise girls can't get off.

>> No.6836100


haha ya me too guys! love fucking them ladieees.

>> No.6836103

for semen, demon

>> No.6836105

Better than being like /r9k/ if you ask me.

>> No.6836114

doesn't matter you're still shit kill you'reself

>> No.6836123

>I'm not trying to be a masculine person, but in bed you essentially have to, because otherwise girls can't get off.
This is pretty true. Been married for more than 10 years, and sex got so much better after I figured this out. I'm all for masc/fem divisions between men and women in a relationship, but it did surprise me how my wife wanted aggressive masculinity in bed. She'll never say it out loud, but there is something in her that seems to want to be taken.

>> No.6836127

Women aren't, some young girls are though.

>> No.6836128


>> No.6836133

Interesting as fuck

>> No.6836144

the redpill guys sex advice text is mostly this cheesy book


maybe you find it interesting

>> No.6836157

I'll take a look.

>> No.6836182

white men do not understand this
they try to please women far too much, all beta as they are

>> No.6836196

I love how the americans believe that a woman can fuck a man, that men can get laid by a woman. No wonder why this country is collapsing.

>> No.6836201

Interesting as fuck

>> No.6836210

>says generalizations are false
>generalizes posters on a burmese hobbyist newsgroup

>> No.6836242

>waaah stop triggering me
Stop lying online.
>she used vaginas as an allegory for the coming matriarchy so deep~~~!!!!!
They're all ugly as shit.

>> No.6836265
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>> No.6836267
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Enrich me with the knowledge of how do you give the D.

>> No.6836268

Pussy is best used before 15.

>> No.6836269

don't get this meme tbh

>> No.6836270

Interesting as fuck

>> No.6836273

Personally I like to go in dry, hear the girl squirm as the friction does its job.

>> No.6836284

You could say; it's fucking interesting! Haha haha ha ha, ha.

>> No.6836288

Not interesting as fuck

>> No.6836303

Most women are find philosophy interesting as fuck

>> No.6836317
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I always feel it's more uncomfortable for me than for the girl if she's dry.

>> No.6836353
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Can't really say, it's certainly the Unpleasanter of the two, but you're missing the point. I like to hear the girl squirm in discomfort, especially if she might think it's at her expense and to my advantage.

>> No.6836362


what a disgusting pic tbh

not interesting.

>> No.6836367

>tfw not in the picture
It's a nice feel

>> No.6836371

>btw im a gurl xD
Interesting as fuck

>> No.6836376

Not being considered cute by random online masturbaters is good?

>> No.6836379

Neither am I. Silly little girl.

>> No.6836390

Because of my own experience I sympathize with the guy you're replying too.
But I'm absolutely ready to turn over my prejudice and poorly founded beliefs as soon as what you wrote happens to me too. You know, I love women, and if I can love a woman AND respect her intellectualy that's only a plus

>> No.6836416

live not to please girls
stop caring about the girls
do what you want, when you want it

do not ask for a kiss, do not ask for going inside them

as said itt, it is easier to be handsome, since girls despise the poor and the ugly

also, protect yourself from
-false rape accusations

>> No.6836426

so...be gay?

wish i was brother, but it's not going to happen

>> No.6836476
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cuckposting and full-blown projection general?

>> No.6836485

Making most to any cultural observations are projections based on insurmountable limited individual experience, what's your point sweetie? It's how people make sense if the world. There isn't necisarily anything wrong with it per se.

>> No.6836519

try it bro. you'll see it's pretty gr8

>> No.6836542

Why on earth is having many sexual partners a means to liberation? If it's just about losing inhibitions, you could replicate that with a bit of brain surgery. Cut away some pieces of the amygdala and off you go, you can wank off in public without shame.

>> No.6836550
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>> No.6836563


i make a craigslist ad for hot bitches in the hot bitches section and tons of faggots respond

i make an okcupid searching only for females and qtraps and these faggots respond, i see the visitors to my profile and it's 100% male

guys (and particularly gay guys) are naturally desperate and becoming gay is the easiest way to get laid

for my first time, i found a younger guy and just made him crossdress for me

>> No.6836582
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women are only motivated by attention and validation.

so if being interested in philosophy offers them attention and validation, yes.

>> No.6836613


>> No.6836640

yes, GEM Anscombe was a really good philosopher

>> No.6836641

Why is /lit/ so on the defense for women?

>> No.6836698

>women are only motivated by attention and validation.
So most /lit/ posters are women then?

>> No.6836700

Same reason we want to become writers. For the pussy.

>> No.6836704

most /lit/ posters is just samefagging john green letting off steam

>> No.6836710

Because 30% of the board is female. Why wouldn't we defend our interests?

>> No.6836716
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>> No.6836719
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>yfw you realize defending women makes it harder to get pussy

bitch detected

>> No.6836723


Interests meaning those who are interested in philosophy, defending the capacity to be interested in it.

>> No.6836730
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if i threw a wrench at your face, no one would ask why you put your hands up

>> No.6836733

Fair enough.
Please don't go out of your way to miss my joke. ;(

>> No.6836737

i had a bf who liked to play baby. i'd suck on my nipples and i'd play peek-a-boo with his dick and say how gorgeous it i and how proud i was of his beautiful peepee..

i think a lot of guys just don't like being dominated because it's seen as taking away their manhood, but if it weren't, more would like it

>> No.6836745

or he'd suck on my nipples i mean. he actually got me to lactate quite a bit after we'd been together for a while

>> No.6836752
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>> No.6836761

>Are women ever genuinely interested in philosophy?

I'm a woman. I both studied philosophy and read philosophy out of my own free time and out of my own free will and desire without ulterior motives because it would net me absolutely nothing of shallow, material or emotional value other than the sheer pleasure of learning and understanding.
This may very well be a more innocent and pure interest in philosophy than what /lit/ (and a lot of "males" ) currently has, because while I have no ulterior motives (at least not conscious) most of /lit/ and people I've met strike me as being even remotely interested in philosophy for the want of appearing smarter or better read, or simply as a means to look down upon others.
Don't pretend you haven't noticed it.

Of course my opinion will be ignored at best, or simply insulted.

>> No.6836774

it actually weirded me out at first but i got used to it. he'd sleep in just a t-shirt and a diaper and i'd change it every morning after a while it it got to be pretty cute really

>> No.6836779

>Of course my opinion will be ignored at best, or simply insulted.
Why so negative?

>> No.6836785

Who asked you to defend my interests? Fuck off.

>> No.6836787
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Same here.
I always gladly welcome that which wrecks all the rusty ideas I defend.
But up until that day I'm just talking to meme tier women.

>> No.6836796


>Of course my opinion will be ignored at best, or simply insulted.

Respect for you up until that last sentence.
Fucking victim mentality.

>> No.6836797

It's just my cynical nature. I wanted to post a light hearted reply but as I went on writing, I got angrier and angrier on /lit/ and le white cis males so I finished the reply with a passive aggressive remark because it's all I can do in my frustration really.

>> No.6836803
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Funny, since there are more women than men.
Pretty much proves the anti-feminists in this thread their point.
Nicely done, faggot.

>> No.6836829

put a pacifier in it you fucking baby

>> No.6836831

armchair genius over here

>> No.6836849

Defending women is a work, not a shoot. Always.
It's only overselling which makes it harder to get pussy.

>> No.6836850

>woman studied philosophy for selfless reasons

na you studied so that you'd be able to say this shit and back it up and look like suuuuch a gooooood personnnn.

this makes you a shitperson

>> No.6836856


Who said anything about being a genius, darling.
Your "nobody will listen to me anyway >:/" isn't even armchair but out in the open thirst for validation.
Patriarchy so hard on you.

>> No.6836858


this guy sounds like a fucking loser and you sound like a loser for dating him tbh

>> No.6836863
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Here's your hoodie.

>> No.6836869

not even her. just wondering why you're using words like "darling" from antiquity you fucking faggot

>> No.6836878

you're talking to the wrong anon, friendo

>> No.6836881

White knighting is overselling. Don't oversell.

>> No.6836885


I wasn't aware "darling" was that antique.
What word should I use in order to not trigger the snowflake?

>> No.6836894

'sweetheart' works well for being patronizing/condescending to vagina ime

>> No.6836898

Yeah, my vicar loves it.

>> No.6836901

stop talking like a retard, fag

>> No.6836913

>generalizing women is wrong
>generalizes everyone on /lit/
If you had just left your post at "I'm a grill and I like philosophy just because I like learnin" I would be fine with it, but to then lash out pettily and end with what is essentially "I'll probably get downboated to oblivion" makes your post shit.

>> No.6836919

well we were both into joyce, that's how we got together

>> No.6836920

What bothers me about 'intelligent women' is that they still do dumbass basic bitch shit ironically.
Like watch sex and the city, or the kardashians, or listen to crap like nicki minaj.

>> No.6836926

Better at chasing green paper.

>> No.6836929

No-sellers like you are in the same boat as the white-knights. That's why you're mad, from the lack of poon.

>> No.6836938
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>Like watch sex and the city, or the kardashians, or listen to crap like nicki minaj.

I do that as well.

>> No.6836940
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>tfw you never had a gf after you connected for digging the same authors

I only meet pretend-smart-women. The ones who claim they like to read, but turn out to be mediocre nothings.

I really hate you /lit/, for making me aware I'm missing out on prime shit.

>> No.6836947

Girls can't say anything right on 4chan.
On the other hand, they seem to feel the need to contribute -as a grrrl- too often. Yes, everybody of course thinks they are a valid human and is self-determined.

If there every was a question about contemporary life to be answered in this thread, it has long been answered.
All people seem to be more unhappy with their dating lifes today, and it probably relates to a diverse moral landscape, options and non-options.
What do these discussions really do, other than possibly inform people of the theories regarding the social situation, which turns them into even more egoistic actors that actually support the issue at hand - I'm pretty sure we have to see it burn before it gets better.

>> No.6836950

try a great books program

>> No.6836955


Why do I always need to join fucking book clubs...
You niggas didn't even meet the women you dated that way, so fuck off.

>> No.6836963
File: 18 KB, 620x413, peter_hitchens_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the modern world

>> No.6836966

the baby fetish story is obviously bullshit, no woman would agree to that

>> No.6836975

it's not a book club, it's an academic program, silly

peter hitchens is a devout anglican, i'm pretty sure anglicanism is purely modernist. i mean it started specifically to justify divorce

>> No.6836977

>all the sjws and whiteknights ITT

This...this is unspeakable. I am literally lost for words.
They've done it. They've fucking finally done it. The SJWs have penetrated 4chan completely and utterly. We tried to warn everyone. We tried to say what was happening. But we were mocked, we were laughed at, we were told to "get over it." Well, here it is. The zero sum. Pure, unadulterated CENSORSHIP.
"Never intended to be a bastion of free speech?" Revisionist history. They are LYING in order to preserve The Narrative.
I in no way support the disgusting content on some of these boards, but goddamn I will fucking die for their right to exist. And where does the line end? What do they count as 'offensive'?
This is the last days of Rome. They say all roads lead to Rome, but I say all roads lead away from Rome. Pack up our shit and let's get out of here. There is nothing for us here, only death.
And look at how the plebs are cheering the admins on.
"So this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause" - C. Hitchens

>> No.6836979

he was REALLY cute. really cute. otherwise i'd have dumped him. now i'd probably be more open to it though, even if the guy wasn't amazingly cute

>> No.6836984

If that story is true you're essentially a peado

>> No.6836986

that modified star wars quote is quite nice touch, not really subtle overall, but there is potential 6,89 / 10

>> No.6836990


>> No.6836992
File: 21 KB, 275x548, scroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well I already finished college, so there's that.
My classes were sausage fests. And the few women there were 5's or 6's at best with "word of the day"-tier convo's when it wasn't smalltalk.
Maybe that's the type of women /lit/ fucks, so that'd be a relief.

>> No.6836993

>The shitty opinions of Social Juden Warriors are are threat to free speech
>Let's censor them

>> No.6836996

haha no. if i were a pedo, i'd have had sex with kids by now, seeing as how when i was a teenager and i did jobs babysitting, the younger kids groped me a few times and once a kid even asked me to take my clothes off

>> No.6837002

It's only wrong to insult-generalize a group when you yourselves are doing the exact thing you're talking about.

Like /lit/ saying women are never genuinely interested in philosophy when they themselves are never genuinely interested in philosophy.

>> No.6837004

great books program is awesome, everyone there loves reading. good amount of women too

>> No.6837005

You were in a literature program that was a sausage fest? How? Where?

>> No.6837013


I studied history.

>> No.6837033

I'd have to disagree, for it's many, many, many faults /lit/ is not a hivemind and subject to somewhat diverse and changes in cultural traditions. While some may feel this way many of the users here are trolling, being post post ironic, or hiding this thread. I think something like 600 people a day browse /lit/ to say all of them are X or none of them are Y is just as ignorant as someone who says all women are X.

"He started it" isn't the rationalization of someone who learned from the philosophy she studied.

>> No.6837052

>I think something like 600 people a day browse /lit/
While that -might- me true, I doubt there are 1/10 of that number as many "permanent residents" so to speak.
When I speak of /lit/ I speak of those permanent resident that basically create / created / will create the culture here, not the other 540 people that are browning once a year when they want to get an idea of what to read next

>> No.6837082

And a lot of those permanent residents who created the culture here were women.

>> No.6837110

Is there any evidence for this?
Or that there are many females on /lit/ in general? What's the appeal to them?
Some men are socially crippled an I'd say they make the bulk of the 4chan userbase. Women are always welcomes -somewhere-.

>> No.6837151

Knowing the people who made the specific content, yeah.

30% of the userbase isn't many, but I suppose it's higher than a lot of other boards. Literature is female-dominated in university, the reading public is mostly women, librarianship is overwhelmingly female. So it would make sense to browse a board for one's major, career or interests.

4chan hasn't been how it is now forever. Not everyone who browses here is in their late teens. I don't imagine anyone who has been online more than a decade takes into account the NEETs and shut-ins or other socially anxious types when they choose to come back here.

>> No.6837545

Mysticism =/= philosophy. Tons of girls are into mysticism and related fields. It's not anything like philosophy.

Not a single woman on the planet has ever or will ever have a genuine interest in philosophy, and they will never have the capacity to be a true friend for any intelligent man as a result. But they don't need to be to still be attractive.

>> No.6837557

I find this very interesting, and you were actually correct in your hypothesis about how your opinion would be insulted(not in it being ignored however, that was pretty stupid).

The question everyone wants to get answered though, is are you a manly woman? For example, do you have male physiognomy?

>> No.6837602

It's either not a chick at all or yes, she's not very womanly.

Don't even bother entertaining the thought that it could be possible, because it seriously isn't. Think of it this way: what the hell could a woman want with philosophy, an extremely rigorous, harsh, highly critical field of study that is entirely about concepts and understanding the world through understanding oneself? She has a vagina, a face that is pretty / can be pretty with make up, and has the potential to become pregnant — how does philosophy help her life in any way whatsoever? More importantly, what could spark her interest in philosophy if any of these things are still true/functioning properly? Only if she is terrible at being a woman, or if one of those things isn't true for her, is she ever going to look at philosophy, and even then it's not genuine but more like a "last resort". Womanly women, as in women who inherited the values of other womanly women of the past, don't care at all about understanding themselves, they only care about their outward appearance because that's what they value.

By the way, I love women, don't get me wrong. This is the reality though, and you shouldn't find the possibility interesting because women shouldn't be losing the values both men and women themselves have spent millennia developing.

>> No.6837611

Is /lit/'s culture really something to be proud of?

>> No.6837755


>> No.6837782

The stuff that originated on /lit/ and has to do with literature, I think so. The stuff that migrated here from /pol/ and /r9k/, no.

>> No.6837803

Only one that ive met

>> No.6837805

Not accurate in my college, maybe 2/3rds of philosophy students are females in my class.

>> No.6837813

how's phil101 going?

>> No.6838194

I always find it funny that it's mostly women in psychology majors. They are completely unable to analyze themselves and read others past a certain level of personal/sexual curiosity, yet they are majoring in the science of human behavior. What the fuck leads them there?

>> No.6838337

Majoring in philosophy =/= understanding/applying philosophy or thinking critically

Most students just study the night before for the exams; simply memorize balded terms. Most choose the 'easiest prof/class'. How many times have I been asked "what is the easy class I could take for major X?" I am not a phil major but I can only count two people who I personally knew, who actually were able to formulate good arguments/have phil related conversations.

>> No.6838338

>All women have rape fantasies.
AKA: All woman are into BDSM

Which is not true.

>...they want to be raped, because in their minds they're worthless wh[or]es
Wanting an orgasm does not make one a whore, you effeminate male prostitute.

>90% of women orgasm during rape too. Coincidence?
Are you implying you rape/sexed enough women to know such a statistic? More likely you read it in a male oriented sex magazine.

>Liberals and feminism are too scared to admit this
Christians are the ones too scared to ask such things. Leftists and libertines are just more specific about it.

>> No.6838360
File: 69 KB, 600x600, Monkey vs. Robot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of all the pants-on-head stupid ITT.

The ones that are "overly emotional" are the ones that can't feel love?

>> No.6838528
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Partially related bitching, sorry for bothering but this seems like the most fitting thread to unburden.

Lonely and socially anxious assburgers here. Currently graduating in philosophy, just finished my first year and completely in love with a colleague from the course. The thing is, she's not just some stranger that I lust over in my imagination and never get the chance to talk to thanks to my shyness, much for the contrary, we talk to each other on a daily basis and hang out at least twice a week. She is a really, really close friend, to the point where the typical scenario of just being a friendship is rather painful.

Not just is she an adorable girl, but also amongst the smartest I've ever met. Her grades are truly astounding, very often the best in the classes we're enrolled in, she knows far more than than the usual freshman. We've talked about all sorts of philosophers and doctrines, she has taught me far more about literature and cinema than any other friend I had. Hell, the influence she had on me isn't just restricted to culture, thanks to her I finally got out of my social anxiety wall and started talking with at least some other classmates. In short, she was taught me a lot more than a simple crush.

We made out for quite some time during a certain night, she was a little drunk and, knowing I was a kissless permavirgin faggot, told me she would like to show "how it feels". Despite the amazing sensation of kissing someone for the first time in my pathetic life it was also incredibly awkward, I wasn't ready at all and just desperately tried to keep up with her lips, eventually culminating in her painfully biting mine.

However, despite those kisses, she doesn't feel anything for me other than a genuine intimate friendship. It's not that she regrets said night, but she made it clear before and after it that there are no romantic feelings from her part, she has even got a boyfriend. And that is really painful because I know I can't change the way she feels towards me and at the same time I know I will never find someone like her, someone who was truly cultivated me and opened up my mind. Beautiful, genius, kind, altruistically brave enough to show me the world while knowing I would have almost nothing to give her in return, she's far more than I could ever deserve.

She has even invited me to go on a roadtrip with her next month, and while travelling would certainly give me some peace of mind from multiple other personal problems I've been dealing with, I'm still unsure about spending that much time with her. Maybe being together for an entire week would be putting salt on the wound?

TL;DR, yes, women who are genuinely interested in philosophy do exist. And if you are a lonely desperate faggot with the urge to find a female you can relate to, you're pretty much fucked.

>> No.6838534

>failing to understand the obvious irony in >>6834593

>> No.6838731

Oh yeah, so hilarious. I see that now.

w/e troll

>> No.6838818
File: 157 KB, 2314x1637, the woman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do not live for women
do not live in the future
do not live in the past

>> No.6838959

It's too late for me, anon. The uncorresponded love for a woman has assaulted all my logical reasoning, I'm now even considering disgusting subversive thoughts such as that of women being (!!!) generally similar to men in most rational aspects, and even going as far as saying that the differences that divide us (!!!!!) are more statistical than biological and/or intrinsically present on every female.

>> No.6838999

Why can't you say the same thing about men and their dicks?

>> No.6839233

>read Plato in ancient Greek and everything

So she did something completely unremarkable by actual academic standards?

>masters in late ancient philosophy
>but I doubt you believe me

No I don't because that's not specific enough a declaration to be a real thing, unless you weren't being completely specific, in which case why go out of your way to be half specific when you could have just gone full specific. So no. I don't believe you. Back to the kitchen she goes.

>> No.6839455


lol @ this guy

>> No.6839695

Because the values of manly men have never been about appearances but about direct mastery of things. And we see this throughout history, with men being the inventors, scientists, and philosophers.

You could use genitals as symbolizing the differences between the two. Women want to be filled, men want to fill. Women = indirect mastery, men = direct mastery. And so the traditional values of the two have been consistent with these for thousands of years. The tradition roles for men can be fulfilled through philosophy, but women gain nothing from it ultimately.