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/lit/ - Literature

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6756914 No.6756914[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where can I find girls who read?

>> No.6756921

typical boy, using something to get close to women. whereas women use it to get away from boys. get rekt by your own species

>> No.6756938

>romanticizing intelligent women
they don't exist anon, the ones that do read read garbage. Women are generally stupid as hell and gain no insight from the few books they do read.

>inb4 exception that proves the rule
you can't deny general trends you whiteknight beta faggots

>> No.6756943

I'm a postdoc in in the Humanities and I'm 100% convinced women actually have no souls. They are not capable of anything that can be called literature or philosophy, except in instances so vanishingly rare that they can be better explained by freak accident or sheer imitation.

It freaks me out. Having to work with them and watch them try to create things is like starring on a cooking show alongside a dog, and the dog just barks and breaks shit, but everyone claps as if he's cooking too. It's just a dog. It's not cooking. It's not doing anything. But everyone is clapping, so you clap too, because you don't want to be the one to say it.

>> No.6756952
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>Your own species
Is this a new epic maymay?

Also, OP obviously reads because he enjoys reading, and wants to find a female to enjoy reading with. He's not using it to be closer to women, he just wants to be closer to women that share his interests.

If the only reason women read is to get away from boys, then that's just really sad.

>> No.6756958

And I can see you're reheating the pasta

>> No.6756961

I don't see how you could logically derive this from his statement. It would make sense if he had said something along the lines of "What should I read to impress women?", but instead, he appears to be looking for girls that have similar interests to him.

Typical girl, being illogical as fuck.

>> No.6756963

Are you the guy who said that originally, or has this become pasta now?

>> No.6756969

>I'm 100% convinced women actually have no souls
Many people (Sam Harris, to name one) would agree with you there, so that's not as edgy as you want it to be.

>> No.6756971

no sadder than trying to pursue sad girls

he wants someone else to sit there quietly with and stare at a page with him?

>> No.6756974

Women don't read any good literature. It's even worse if you like poetry, though, never in my life have I met any girl who liked verse or had at least read any poem besides the one they make you read at school and very famous, entry-level ones.

>> No.6756979

You can discuss books with other people you know

>> No.6756983

>the ones

>> No.6756995


I like talking about the shit I read, and if I had a gf who read the same shit I did, that'd be cool.

Fuck, no one ever wants to talk about what I read. If I had a gf who liked reading, we'd both read the same book and then talk about it. And then fuck each other's brains out.

>> No.6756998

> I haven't met any so they don't exist.

>> No.6757005

Why do you want to date the female you?

she won't be able to teach you anything, just hang out with yourself and jerk off for aproximately the same experience.

>> No.6757010
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>Where can I find girls who read?
right here on /lit/ silly

they are among us, watch yourselves brothers

>> No.6757016
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At an actual good university. If you can't get into an Ivy League university, Stanford, or OxBridge you're shit out of luck when it comes to patrician women.
>inb4 mad peasants

>> No.6757028

I'm a girl, I read. I lurk on here and sometimes post if I find something that's interesting but I don't say that I'm a girl when I do.

I like Wittgenstein, Anne Carson, Michael Earl Craig, DeLilo (I'm just looking at my shelf reading off what's on it.)

I usually just fuck girls or remain alone because of this type of behavior from men. Plenty of you think all women are stupid and you drool over high school reading list shit, Camus, and DFW.

Maybe you don't meet girls who read because you're insufferable.

>> No.6757030

Book club dipshit

>> No.6757032

Those are all qt.

If you're a girl and you're reading this right now: Nothing you could ever do will be even a hundredth as interesting to me, intuitively, as the fact that you are qt.

If you cured cancer and we met in the street I wouldn't be like, "who that's the broad who cured cancer!" I'd be like "holy shit, I would like to eat that woman's ass! Also she cured cancer or something."

My best friend in the entire world had one of the most life-changing experiences of his entire existence this week, and my interest in it registered maybe a 30. That's exceptionally high, because he's my best friend, and because it was an especially interesting thing that happened to him. 30 points of Interest is a big deal and rarely happens. By comparison, just the fact that you have boobs instantly makes everything you say register at least 40-50 Interest points.

If you are reading this post I literally want to BE your panties. On some level of my brain that isn't even a joke. I'd do it.

>> No.6757049

I am also a woman and agree with this.

I meet guys excited that I read and it turns out they have read Camus and Gatsby that's it. They are usually half way between hipster and nerd and fall in love with literally any girl that talks to them.

>> No.6757054

That's disgusting and depressing and why I bought ben wa balls and learned to kegel on the dick, causing men to orgasm in about 3 seconds and suffer humiliation when I act disappointed and disgusted.

>> No.6757057
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I'm sort of a girl, I read literature and philosophy, but I'm a hiki. I guess you would find me in my house.

>> No.6757059
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>I have sex just to boost my own ego and insult my partner

You and that guy you responded to both suck. Everybody here sucks. I'm leaving forever.

>> No.6757060

pls be in

in all honesty though I wouldn't be humiliated, I honestly don't care how women feel after I've nutted.

>> No.6757061

Wow an opinion.
Let me guess she was a reader and she broke your heart in the most devastating manor, coincidentally in a fashion that emulated one of your favorite romance novels. The ones you keep under your bed so you can weep yourself to sleep in an overly dramatic fashion. Your life is a flatly drawn plot point, deal with it

>> No.6757062

We should chat sometime.

>> No.6757067

I relate so much. Those are the men who message me on Facebook over and over and who say they love Nabokov but have only perused Lolita because they are dogs.

>> No.6757068

if we fucked i'd tie you up piss on your face and then ignore you until it dried

I'm with this guy

>> No.6757070


I’m wandering along, thinking about how I’d like to get laid by somebody new. It’s a cold winter afternoon and just another thought, almost out of my mind when—

A tall, God-I-love the tall-ones girl comes walking up the street, casual as a young animal with Levi’s on. She must be 5-9, wearing a blue sweater. Her breasts are loose beneath it and move in firm youthful tide.

She has no shoes on.

She’s a hippie girl.

Her hair is long.

She doesn’t know how pretty she is. I like that. It always turns me on, which isn’t very hard to do right now because I’m already thinking about girls.

Then as we pass each other she turns toward me, a thing totally unexpected and she says, “Don’t I know you?”

Wow! She is standing beside me now: She’s really tall!

I look closely at her. I try to see if I know her. Maybe she’s a former lover or somebody else I’ve met or made a pass at when I’ve been drunk. I look carefully at her and she is beautiful in a fresh young way. She has the nicest blue eyes, but I don’t recognize her.

“I know I’ve seen you before,” she says, looking up into my face. “What’s your name?”



“Yeah, Clarence.”

“Oh, then I don’t know you,” she says.

That was kind of fast.

Her feet are cold on the pavement and she’s hunched in a cold-like way toward me.

“What is your name?” I ask, maybe I’m going to make a pass at her. That’s what I should be doing right now. Actually, I’m about thirty seconds late in doing it.

“Willow Woman,” she says. “I’m trying to get out to the Haight-Ashbury. I just got into town from Spokane.”

“I wouldn’t,” I say. “It’s very bad out there.”

“I have friends in the Haight-Ashbury,” she says.

“It’s a bad place,” I say.

She shrugs her shoulders and looks helplessly down at her feet. Then she looks up and her eyes have a friendly wounded expression in them.

“This is all I have,” she says.

(Meaning what she is wearing.)

“And what’s in my pocket,” she says.

(Her eyes glance furtively toward the left rear pocket of her Levi’s.)

“My friends will help me out when I get there,” she says.

(Glancing in the direction of the Haight-Ashbury three miles away.)

Suddenly she has become awkward. She doesn’t know exactly what to do. She has taken two steps backward. They are in the direction of going up the street.

“I … ,” she says.

“I … ."looking down at her cold feet again.

She takes another half-step backward.


"I don’t want to whine,” she says.

She’s really disgusted with what’s happening now. She’s ready to leave. It didn’t work out the way she wanted.

“Let me help you,” I say.

I reach into my pocket.

She steps toward me, instantly relieved as if a miracle has happened.


>> No.6757075

I give her a dollar, having totally lost somewhere the thread of making a pass at her, which I had planned on doing.

She can’t believe it’s a dollar and throws her arms around me and kisses me on the cheek. Her body is warm, friendly and giving.

We could make a nice scene together. I could say the words that would cause it to be, but I don’t say anything because I’ve lost the thread of making a pass at her and don’t know where it’s gone, and she departs beautifully toward all the people that she will ever meet, at best I will turn out to be a phantom memory, and all the lives that she will live.

We’ve finished living this one together.

She’s gone.

>> No.6757076

I keep my romance novels next to the shitter for jerk fuel actually, but no I never caught feelings over some hoe, sorry reality doesn't conform to your narrative, but from your "deal with it" remark I would bet my bottom dollar you're a woman

>> No.6757082


This is hilarious. You are "with" the guy who dislikes me for having sex in order to boost my ego and insult my partner and yet

you would like to piss on my face and tie me up if we fucked.

Very nice logic, I love it

>> No.6757092
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I'm really not an interesting person, but thanks.

>> No.6757099

lel men. They hate us because they cannot stop thinking about sex. Fucking sad.

>> No.6757108

Women owning their sexuality and having autonomy is scary. That kind of talk is all about taking all the power back; being assured that as a man you own your woman and are dominant over women in general. There's no logical problem, just an ethical one.

>> No.6757113

>Women on /lit/
Not saying anyone's lying but I've been trained to be skeptical about these things

>> No.6757115


>> No.6757118
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>half way between hipster and nerd and fall in love with literally any girl that talks to them
That hit home, except that im pretty well read.

>> No.6757121

Then they cry when we decide to fuck some cute, funny, dude who's never read for pleasure in his life instead of them, the "well-read" nerd who proclaims that women can never be philosophers.

Pathetic lil worms.

>> No.6757123

what kind of books do you read, op?

>> No.6757128


>> No.6757131

At a library or bookstore

>> No.6757136

why does he want to know 'where' these women are if he doesn't want to get close to them?

learn to read

>I don't see how

oh, ok

>> No.6757139


that's where you find homeless people and mothers with their children


that's where you find YA readers

>> No.6757146

I don't mind. Neither am I.

>> No.6757147

I know you love it you freak bitch, but I don't love you, and that's why I'm at the bar chillin with that other guy while you're tied up with piss on your face. It's not to boost my ego, it's to put you in your fucking place.

>> No.6757151

Jesus christ, how pathetic do you have to be for own insults to come out as platitudes

>> No.6757152

>he goes to bars to chill

does that mean wearing your sunglasses inside?

>> No.6757157

Dear God the autism.

>> No.6757161

This tbh
Women feign interest in arts, they don't actually have any inclination to them, it's just like rousseau said.

>> No.6757162

Thank God I'm gay. Women are so petty. I'm fortunate to not have to deal with that.

Hang in there, bros.

>> No.6757164

>sort of a girl

how exactly does that work

do you just lack so much confidence that you don't even consider yourself fully female? or are you afraid that you will be lambasted by anonymous people online if you definitively say you are a woman and not leave some room for ambiguity? or are you actually a MtF transexual?

>> No.6757165

So all women are escapists?

>> No.6757167

>threatening to piss on a woman's face isn't petty.

Okay there bro.

>> No.6757169

enjoy your little fantasies, they are all that you have.
I live in California.

>> No.6757173
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>> No.6757177

Kek, yeah they're pretty pathetic
Only takes 5 minutes on average for them to start spouting "muh bagina"

>> No.6757181

Hibari-kun is one of /lit/'s local traps.

>> No.6757183


>> No.6757186

one of my current bitches feeds me grapes and does my dishes in lingere, you'd drink piss just to suck my dick I'm sure

>> No.6757188


>types nonsense
"wtf? you don't make any sense"
>while typing more nonsense

>> No.6757201

SF Bay

>> No.6757204

i knew a girl who liked poetry once. She was a massive slut. It was awesome.

>> No.6757214

Show tits

>> No.6757215

There was a faces of /lit/ thread the other day and like 20% of the posts were women, so, here, maybe.

>> No.6757223

>San Francisco

degenerate confirmed, Huntington Beach master race

>> No.6757230

I hate SF, I said SF bay area.

>> No.6757251

Bookstores, book clubs, literary events, college courses, literature conferences, bars who use culture as a niche, cafes of a certain kind.

>> No.6757255


I'm really sorry you're miserable. Please don't project this onto women, though. I know plenty women who read philosophy, scientific papers and good fiction. More than men probably.

Most of this world doesn't care for anything but bestsellers, there is no distinction to be made between women and men. Unless you have a source beyond pityful anecdotal evicence you should hush.


There are no places where the female intelligenzia is assembles every week, atleast that I know of. You of all should know best that people with a passion like yours tend to keep it to themselves.

The only way to find a girlfriend with similiar interests is to be more perceptive and more engaging. Most people read at home, if you want to find a girl with good taste in literature then talk to a lot of girls who read. It's as simple as that.

>> No.6757261

Future rape victim detected.

>> No.6757264

i commend your well-rehearsed comebacks good sir

>> No.6757267

So I should break into people's homes and see if they read

Got it, thanks anon

>> No.6757268

The girls in this thread have done you a great service, OP. They've demonstrated why you want to avoid girls who "read".

Just stick with your average fun, frivolous, lighthearted girl and you'll enjoy yourself much more.

>> No.6757273


>I'm with this
>Even though I said something that completely contradicts what he said
>Even though I'm just as much of an (bigger even) asshole than the people he quoted


enjoy your rape fantasies, friend. it's all you'll ever have. meanwhile there are people even on this pathetic image board that manage to have a healthy relationship based on mutual respect.

>> No.6757276

>Bay area

so you either have rich parents or are on a scholarship, probably not Berkley or Stanford because if it was Berkley or Stanford you would've mentioned it by now

>> No.6757292

lol mad bitch

it's not rape if you beg for it, which you will. I don't have to act nice, I got bitches falling out my ears.

Really I'm a tender kind hearted man but if it's gonna be assholes I'm the biggest.

>> No.6757300
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lol good job at having a civil discussion you fags.

>> No.6757304
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This is actually pathetic. I really mean it. Not in the internet sense of the word. Literally pathetic.


At this point I'm pretty certain you're both not actually female, but rather the same guy, but I still want to comment on how assholish you come across. In this thread you've finally been given a platform to prove to these embarrassing mysogynist neckbeards that you're well-read, well-adjusted human beings and you just go down to their level. There is no need to differentiate between sexist men and sexist women that belittle men, both are absolutely toxic.

Thank god people in the real world aren't as fucked up as people on my favorite mongolian children pornography board.

>> No.6757307

thank you anon, i try

>> No.6757310

>I'm pretty certain you're both not actually female, b
i figure the dude's a dyke.

>> No.6757313

It's 4chan, do you really think there is any way or point in trying to talk around the misogynists? It is way more fun to wind them up anyway.

>> No.6757317

I don't have a gf and this thread made me feel better about that.

>> No.6757339

her parents love me. I treat her alright. Lower your nose a few degrees you prissy prig

>> No.6757358


I wear my chasity belt all the time.


That's the spirit.


I agree with the first sentence. I don't disagree with the second sentence, but not every girl that is smart is a bad girlfriend.


I have a dick between my legs.

>> No.6757367


>I treat her alright.

i really hope you do

>> No.6757395

>I have a dick
my bad dude it didn't sound like it

>> No.6757419


not a prob. the "girls" itt didnt sound very girly either

>> No.6757431
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Just ask the girls you hang out with if what sorts of things they like to read. Not that hard.

>> No.6757433

I'm a girl and I only read patrician literature. Virgil, Molière, Gogol, Mann (all in the original btw)...

The average /lit/ pleb with his McCarthy and Nietzsche can suck my clit.

>> No.6757445

I'll suck your clit if you're serious. You can even insult me for liking Hegel while I do it
>tfw no gf

>> No.6757520

I thought /lit/ was less fedora than this. Is this what happens when gamers start reading because of 4chan?

>> No.6757530
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>reading threads designed to draw shitposts/a specific type of person
>surprised the thread develops that way

>> No.6757619

>meet super QT girl
>her favorite books are the Harry Potter series

>> No.6757640

>[s]he thinks Nietzsche is more pleb than Mann or Gogol

Suck your own clit!

>> No.6757657


>> No.6757660

>Meet cutie. She takes an interest in my reading habits. Asks to borrow a book. Can't formulate opinions on it. Has some sort of intellectual inferiority complex when I ask what she thinks of it. Can't say a word. She's been reading it for 2 months. Says it might be done at the end of next. It's 220 pages. She has double Ds. Likes snifing drugs. I like both those aspects of her personality.