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6749974 No.6749974[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck?

>> No.6750000
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Cuck the list.

>> No.6750005

I'd rather do it through fiction, but this seems like a decent list nonetheless. What's your issue with it, OP?

>> No.6750011
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Already enough fiction on that list.

>> No.6750013

i take it your a cuck?

>> No.6750022

is that ben 'one man clan' garrison?

>> No.6750026

Malcolm X is cool though tbh

>> No.6750027

looks USA-centric as hell. someone should give these spoiled first world minorities some literature about true hardship in the developing world; not 200 years ago but happening right now

>> No.6750059

"It is focused on non-fiction & memoir and comes from an American viewpoint"

The creator admits that this is its scope.

>> No.6750103

isnt this racist in itself?

>> No.6750107

my problem is the title should go "Books I want non-black, non-indian people from the USA to read" to be more honest. it's a bit misleading

>> No.6750119

Silly anon, you can't be racist towards white people XD

>> No.6750157

That is indeed Ben 'spraying a 9 into the welfare line' Garrison.

>> No.6750180

i dont get why it cant just be books americans need to read

>> No.6750216

because it's about making white people feel like shit.

i know it's probably not - in theory. but a lot of the SJW sentiment is just misdirected resentment and personal frustration

>> No.6750236

How so?

>> No.6750266

>muh non-black non-native privilege
why are white people so annoying?

>> No.6750538

its assuming all white people cant read

>> No.6750544

Isn't number 3 just a pop sci. book about the cells of a woman who happened to be black? Does that make it some great afro-american novel?

>> No.6750547

>need to unpack
No it isn't.

>> No.6750565

yes it is

>> No.6750583

>being this obtuse
what is medical ethics?

>> No.6750610

I haven't actually read it but I am familiar with the basic story. I'm just wondering what's the anti-racist part? While it may be ethically questionable to use someone's cells for research without their consent, in what way is it racist?

>> No.6750816

Why do people still pretend that racism is wrong? It's a helpful psychological tool for surviving in an increasingly multicultural society. If I wasn't prejudiced against black people then I'd probably spend more time near them. Then there would be a significant chance that I'd be another one of the thousands of whites robbed, raped, and killed by blacks every year.

I don't hate black people, but they're much more dangerous and less rational than other races. Maybe with heavy racial admixture and economic security they can become civilized, even intelligent, but for the time being I don't see anything wrong with ignoring them and their mostly self-inflicted problems. They're very lucky to live in a white Western country -- they get to use and benefit from our schools, hospitals, universities, medicine, media, technology, and government. If Da'terious were still were living West Ghana, he would have no Twitter or iPhone to complain about whitey with

>> No.6750826

The joke is that niggers don't read.

>> No.6750833

>their mostly self-inflicted problems.
what is slavery, jim crow and systemic racism
>hurr institutional racism dont real

>> No.6750834


Ben "Pulling the Trigger on every Nigger" Garrison

>> No.6750856


I think it's because individualism. While judging people based on what demographic they represent is useful and something everyone is bound to do in one form or another, we held the individual to such high regard that it's inappropriate to judge them according to qualities of others, even if they have significant similarities.

>> No.6750884

Don't respond to /pol/faggots, just ignore them and report them.

>> No.6750886

>it's all white bias keeping blacks and hispanics down

seems plausible, until we started administering standardized testing. remember the case of the connecticut fire fighters exam? it was designed to reduce bias and get more minorities promoted, but the white guys all studied and passed and minorities failed. then they said the test was racist because it didn't produced the desired racial outcome. should we ban studying to make sure everyone does as poorly on standardized tests as african-americans?

>> No.6750891

Look at yourself, wasting your time talking about this fucking nonsense.

>> No.6750892

Don't respond to leftist cucks, just report and ignore them.

>> No.6750913

Slavery ended 150 years ago and Jim Crow ended 50 years ago. That's plenty of time to get over it.

America went from having "No Irish Need Apply" signs at workplaces to having an Irish-American president (Kennedy) within less than 40 years.

There is a point at which the black community can no longer use past abuses to justify ongoing failure, and I believe we've reached that point.

>> No.6750914

The more people treat me like a racist on the basis of the colour of my skin, the more inclined I am to dislike them.

>> No.6750929

>reporting anybody who doesn't agree with you
kill yourself you faggot crybaby

>> No.6750940
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Quads yo

>> No.6750948

>Goodreads Author

It's safe to assume it's shit.

>> No.6751037

It's a good book shithead; great look at America industry in the mid 20th century

>> No.6751042

We read The New Jim Crow in my English class.

>> No.6751066

>America went from having "No Irish Need Apply" signs at workplaces to having an Irish-American president (Kennedy) within less than 40 years.
The same length of time between the end of segregation and the first black president

>> No.6751081

How am I to interpret 'white'? Do they really think Europeans have to read books about the historical wrongs of the USA to get a better understanding of their racial identity? Why would I even want a racial identity, or care about it?

>> No.6751082

serious anti-irish discrimination was never an american mainstream phenomenon, it's a development of victorian england
like I said, racist hierarchy didn't in the US after Jim crow ended, you're just uneducated as fuck

>> No.6751100

>autist cracker detected

>> No.6751107


Meme history, folks.

>> No.6751200

Anti-Catholic sentiment was an American mainstream phenomenon though.

>> No.6751228
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More like:
>Books white people need to read if they or others deem it fit for them learn about racial complexities and if they are too stupid and/or ignorant to think about it themselves.

>> No.6751283

Children attain part of their intelligence from their parents.

If the parents have been considered lesser being and thus not worth investing in to, they will be less educated.

Less educated (compared to average) parents create less educated kids. The less educated parents from the time of segregation pass their lack of intelligence (by raising the child) to children, perpetuating the Jim Crow era.

Now, if education came 100% from the state alone (and thus everyone had equality of opportunity), this wouldn't be a problem and you'd be right. But parents pass their values and intelligence to their kids.

If we only got our education from our parents this intelligence differential would remain forever.

Because of the reasons above, we see Blacks committing more crimes (because crime comes from lack of opportunities, arguably) and being generally less intelligent.

>> No.6751285
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>> No.6751294

Not that I care but another forced shipment of the perpetrator's own race doesn't cancel out the others concerning differing races.

>> No.6751312

yes it does. Because it confirms without a doubt it had nothing to do with racism. But economic exploitation.

Pro tip. Blacks were not selected because they looked different. They were selected because blacks were making FUCKTONS of money selling their own people to the dutch for centuries.

It was economics. Not racism.

the only argument for racism blacks have in this country is the jim crow shit.

Up until around the 50s irish , polish , italians were all literally SUB HUMAN NIGGERS. in the eyes of establishment in this country.

slavery as racism is a lie comparable to gas chambers for jews.

There is simply no actual proof for either. Just butthurt stories of people who were never there. or who were there and lied about it for political reasons

>> No.6751324

Looks like Ben 'if there's one thing I dislike it's the kikes' Garrison
>tfw this poor man's reputation has been irreparably damaged by posts like these

>> No.6751330

Fair enough. I didn't know you were implying an economic angle.
Sounds like you care too much about others' ignorance or defending your forefathers or something. Either can't be too healthy.

>> No.6751332
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>> No.6751350
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>It's a helpful psychological tool for surviving

>> No.6751358

>slavery was economic
>therefore racism doesn't exist

u wot

>> No.6751360

How can you put Game of Thrones up with Fight Club, and how can you put Game of Thrones above Slaughter-House Five and Atlas Shrugged and Infinite Jest.

>> No.6751366

no no

im arguing that racism does exist. but using american slavery as an example of it is an extreme lie from a place of historical illiteracy

If you want to talk about racism in america , talk about jim crow.

thats racism

>> No.6751367

>taste so shitty that i can smell it through the tubes

>> No.6751394

>what is the war on drugs?
Read up on racial profiling in the 80s in relation to the crack epidemic.

>> No.6751396

I don't remember when I was 13.

>> No.6751408

how is it not?

Do you know what would happen if open racism and discrimination was never abolished in america?

-Welfare would not exist in any form
-Blacks would either be on the streets starving , or they would be intact families centered around their church communities. Any support in financial crisis would be met by their community as they "struggled" against the laws against them.
>they would own businesses exclusively for themselves , run by themselves. They would not work for white people. They would have pride in their work

after 100 years of this , the population of black people would be the same as it is now , only they would all be extremely educated and capable capitalist instead of the knuckle dragging bootlipped retards we have to spoon feed every fucking day.

Keep in mind this was all destroyed by retards who wanted to go swimming but didnt make their own swimming pools. And people who literally could not get over the fact they could not use white water fountains.

An entire potential evolutionary turn DESTROYED by "my feelings"

liberals and their supporters should be gassed for the benefit of mankind

>> No.6751419

4 out of 5 books are about african americans. Jesus christ the Erasure of Americas multiethnic history is triggering the fuck out of me

>> No.6751427

This is entirely hypothetical and it's so wrong that I can't even explain. So if Jim Crow segregation had not been abolished, blacks would improve as people? Could you please explain how this makes any sense to you?

>> No.6751432
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>implying there's anything wrong with that image
inb4 /pol/ but /lit/ really should branch out from it's old dead white men circlejerk. many females browse this board and I for one respect their gender.

>> No.6751450

It's funny as fuck but his last few blog posts make me feel terrible for him, he hasn't made a comic in over a month for the reason it will be be defaced and its really affecting his career

>> No.6751457

>his career
Kekked irl

>> No.6751470
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>so wrong that i cant even explain

because you are a brainwashed muppet who cannot make arguments against your dogmatic understanding of the universe without literally bubbling "RACIS" from your drooling mouth before going into epileptic spasms.
You want some facts on black people shortly before segregation ended?




So lets recap on this. Blacks , under segregation. By all societal metrics other than MUH WADDA FOWTINS. WERE BEATING WHITES.

Lets learn about what happened. Racism was NATURALLY dying out because white people saw blacks catching up

Democrats were getting annihilated because they saw the sun setting.

They ABOLISHED racism because they knew this would cripple the progress of the black community because they would immediately de-centralize because they were now "Free" to participate in all areas of the economy.

but this isnt what did them in.

what did them in was the war on poverty.

LBJ is quoted on saying , on air force one , by another senator "i will have these niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years"

and he was right. because when you destroy the black community , and transfer the central foundation from the church , to the government. You get uneducated retards asking for hand outs and blaming other people for their problems.

>> No.6751477


graduated sorry

>> No.6751484

>it's up to us men to represent these poor girls!

Male feminists in summary

>> No.6751491

Oh look the cats is posting again.

take your meds you homunculus

>> No.6751493
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here is a better summery of male feminists

>> No.6751498

>(citation needed)
What about the lynch mobs? What about Emmett Till? To hear black people from the Jim Crow era speak, blacks were still treated with huge amounts of hostility.

>> No.6751511

>Toni Morrison isn't number one
Who the fuck made this shit?

>> No.6751513
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>Shadows' Edge

>> No.6751521

Are you still medicated like two years later? So this is something you have to deal with every day eh? Sucks.

>> No.6751532

I had to read it for a sociology class two years ago and it was focused a lot on the medical ethics involved with treating the woman's cells as it's own entitiy separate from who she was in her lifetime. Race played a part in it, but it's not really anything that would surprise us today concerning early cancer treatments and mental health for poor blacks. It's really more of a statement on how some advances in medicine were born out of terrible patient mistreatments on poor people because they're vulnerable and can't fight back. It was an alright book, but the author was an annoying jewess who had to self-insert herself into the lives of Henrietta Lacks' living family members and make herself more important than she really was.

>> No.6751539

>no y-you
heres your reply shitstain

>> No.6751543

Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is interesting from a scientific perspective but when her descendants, who didn't do anything worthwhile or contribute in any way and just want to cash in on her, start whining, they totally just sound like "gibs me dat" stereotypes.

>> No.6751562


This one, at least, was true for years following desegregation as well. And rates of black people attending college began to increase, through the 70's iirc.

I wouldn't be surprised if the same were true of your other claims as well. Doesn't seem accurate to blame those trends on desegregation and civil rights.

>> No.6751569

Nobody would even consider that an insult unless it means something to them. It's too specific and you are too obsessed with it. There's a reason you will generally only see it on /x/. I'm sorry you have to take pills, autistic STEM ostensible grill.

>> No.6751570

Catholics are still mostly concentrated around the New York tri-state area and in other small pockets of Italian/Irish/French influence in the US and Canada

>> No.6751593
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>> No.6751596

>someone insults me
>you must be thinking of yourself, no one would insult me, why are you so obsessed with me?
Do you want to know how I know you need medication? beside the fact that you're a namefag on 4chan and your post quality is consistently shit?

>> No.6751605

what about them?

we took every japanese american on our soil and threw them into camps.

they now out achieve white americans by a factor of 2

When you start acting like a victim , you become the race the other people think you are.

this is why we need to take people like al sharpton and deray and put them in 12 ton trucks to never be seen again.

>> No.6751623

>Democrats were getting annihilated because they saw the sun setting.
Do you know who fought for Civil Liberties? Because I don't think you do. It's the same party that formed the bulk of the abolitionists

>> No.6751629

Yes, but there isn't a deep seated resentment between whites and Asians that lasted for 200 years and spreads across the whole American south.

>> No.6751635

Used to be that catholic immigrants were thought to be future traitors of America because they had a citizenship under the pope. You can see remnants of it in some of Jack Chick's anti-Catholic tracts where he still recycles it. Though IIRC the reason that argument dropped out is because the Catholics had kids who were born as American citizens before they were baptized/confirmed into "Catholic citizenship".

>> No.6751636



If I come up with a list called "books for black people to read", is that racist?

>> No.6751638

>the first slave owner was black

b b blown the fuck out you historically illiterate fag.

Irish people were treated like fucking garbage up until the 50s.

your bait is weak son , WEAK

>> No.6751665

nigga scientific racism was to justify why niggers were enslaved since many people saw that as something really bad, specially since many european countries abolished slavery
It's true, it was economic reasons but to "have a genuine reason" was that they were inferior, at least for the USA. The real reason, which was purely economic was masked as a racist one.

>> No.6751672

Is this a competition to you? Do you really not see the anti black implications that permeate the entire war on drugs? Do you actually think that racism still doesn't exist because you care deeply? Or are you just trying to beat me?
All you've done is insult my opinions, pat yourself on the back, and fail to cite a single source and you expect me to agree with you? Fuck off back to your cave, I'm done with your insecure faggotry.

>> No.6751675

So you mean it was an after the fact justification?

>> No.6751685

The war on drugs is because there's a very serious drug problem in america. The fact that blacks are more likely to do drugs (and engage in riskier behavior that results in getting caught/incarcerated) isn't racist. Racism lies within the impetus behind a given action, not in the outcome or the tallying of the results.

>> No.6751696


Yeah. Darkies are allowed to do it to white people because racism against white people is "inherently reciprocal." It's pretty much a double standard.

>> No.6751706

Well, yes. If the USA had more, lets say, japanese slaves, they would have say that japanese are inferior so it's normal that white men can enslave them since they are like animals or it's good since they are helping them. I know that slavery wasn't just justified by this, the many arab kingdoms which profited from the african slave trade before the 19th century didn't say sub-saharan africans were inferior. It was pretty common to own and sell slaves.
The USA was a modern country and liberalism was rising in Europe, plus some european countries abolished slavery, so how can you justify to enslave people who are equal according to the Human Rights and all of that?
Simple, they either aren't humans at all or you are helping them.

>> No.6751710

What makes you think blacks are more likely to do drugs? I grew up in a pretty diverse area and the likelihood of doing drugs seemed to have very little to do with race. Shit, where I'm from heroin is generally associated with upper class white guys and weed is associated with everybody.

>> No.6751716
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No they're not

>> No.6751723

>anti black implications

no thats not how law works.

you cannot say "the war on drugs hurts blacks" because they choose to sell drugs at 500x the rate whites do.

this is like saying the war on moonshining is having a disproportionate effect on appalachians

you are a dumb muppet

>> No.6751726

yeah, i grew up in an college town with a lot of drugs, well, guess what? if you smoke a big fat blunt in a public park the cops will come and pinch you even if you're white, Also, white educated drug users kept it away from their kids meanwhile i would go over a black friends house in public housing and his uncles and aunts would be blazing up right in front of little kids and shit. sorry, but rich white people use drugs more sensibly, but then they do everything more sensibly, why would drugs be different

>> No.6751729

only no. Irish were enlslaved in the states at almost the exact same numbers.

the only reason you dont see copper cab on CNN yelling at don lemon about checking his non irish privilege is because victimhood post civil rights is quite literally a made up political construct to get votes

>> No.6751730
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Because they do?

>> No.6751731

lack of education comes along with drugs

>> No.6751734


That seems racist somehow.

>> No.6751746

All that this proves is that the slave trade opperated because of economic exploitstion rather than slavery, but doesn't deal with the racist mindset that developed in america when dealing with black slaves once they got there.

>> No.6751748

Scientific racism was also used against irish, they were subhumans according to some scientists. And don't tell me that scientific racism isn't racism (kek). I'm not talking about which one deserves something because I don't care.

>> No.6751765

um but according to that pic whites are more likely to do drugs

>> No.6751766

I watched the wire and I realized that if they used the techniques from that show to go after the drug dealers in my town they could catch all of them. The kids in my town don't even try to hide it. I knew a kid who literally sold drugs in class right under the teachers nose. He never got caught. He was white

>> No.6751776

I never did drugs so this doesn't offend me, but it's still stupid.

>> No.6751780

thats because that point is irrellevant because all classes of different people are treated like shit.

in the early 1900s there were dozens of groups of WHITE immigrants that were treated just as bad as blacks.

The argument you are trying to make is skin color = race. since you lost the "privilege+power=racism" argument

>> No.6751788

The relevant column is on the right. Within the past month is far more likely to indicate regular users (aka those who will be caught). Over their lifetime a white is more likely to do drugs (by a factor of very little), using about 12% more than blacks. However, blacks are 23% more likely to use regularly (as indicated by past month).

>> No.6751809

>However, blacks are 23% more likely to use regularly (as indicated by past month).
the difference is pretty small

>> No.6751810

>intelligence is 100% cultural
General intelligence is actually about 80% genetic and 20% cultural. Science has confirmed this through twin studies.

>> No.6751834

I wonder why whites would resent blacks. Hmm.


>> No.6751856

Larger than the difference you were trying to nitpick before.

>> No.6751867

ignore pol

>> No.6751869

>there was a minor altercation
This means that she's probably not telling the whole truth. Are you suggesting that whites resent blacks because recently a black teenage girl kicked the shit out of a white teenage girl for unknown reasons? What's your point?

>> No.6751873

He has a valid point. If you were actually aware of black crime rates, especially black on white crime, you would realize that avoiding black areas is a rational decision on the part of whites, and really people of any race.

Why does this make you so uncomfortable? Have you ever questioned it? Even once?

>> No.6751882

>The New Jim Crow

I saw some awesome research on that book by a reporter for WNYC where he found the origins of the "rockafeller drug laws" that are blamed for high incarceration of blacks and basically everything else bad that ever happened to a black person in new york state...well, it turns out "community leaders" including some elected officials still in office today from the black community are the ones who called for extremely harsh penalties on drug dealers and distributors. the reporters tried to get the author to answer interview questions about why she is blaming the drug laws on white racism when a bit of research shows they were called for by the leaders of the black community she refused to answer the questions or be interviewed! i have zero respect for the author now. when someone tries to call out a lefty like chomsky he fucking breaks them down and whips their ass...the new jim crow author couldn't even answer a couple written questions, never mind answer off the top of her like geriatric old chomsky does every day. sorry, but that book is total crap and the author is a fraud

>> No.6751895

Instead read High Price by Carl Hart

>> No.6751896

It's not just one instance. It's a small part of a much alrger pattern.

The media distracts us by having us focus on police abuse of blacks (which is a legitimate grievance, but not in most of the publicized cases) when blacks attack white people in ridiculous numbers.


But the media would have you believe "white supremacists" are the problem. You've been duped, friend.

>> No.6751906

but that's the point, no one cares about a kid selling his buddy a bag of weed before class. if your white friend went out and stood on the corner trying to sell weed to everyone who walks by like what happens when you go in black drug blocks he would get arrested, in fact if you want to complain about racism, i think it might be racist that the cops don't arrest black drug dealers faster! no one would be allowed to stand on the corner of some white suburb and sell drugs all day and night, but this is allowed to go on in black neighborhoods all the time.

>> No.6751910

No, I agree hat to some extent the black communities have to do their own part to fix the problem, but I also believe that there is a deeply rooted racism in our society and our police force particularly in the area of drug dealing and use.

>> No.6751912

> reading a social science book by a columbia professor

columbia is trash

>> No.6751914

Go easy, these college kids have never been exposed to truth bombs like this. The redpill is hard to swallow. Never forget.

>> No.6751916

holy fuck

>> No.6751929

That doesn't matter.

The point is black crime rates are ASTRONOMICAL and white people are correct for avoiding black areas and fearing young black men. It's completely rational. Anything else is a red herring to distract us from black criminality and make whites feel guilty for their anxiety around blacks.

>> No.6751935

So why don't we try to get more police power around here. It's not just weed, there's a well publicized heroine problem, but I don't hear about any major arrests going on, just overdoses.

>> No.6751937

You see, culturing malignant cells from someone without their consent is a violation of medical ethics something something black bodies something legacy of oppression.

Written by an obnoxious Jewess who unnecessarily inserts herself into the narrative, fwiw.

>> No.6751957

because that's considered racial profiling and civil rights activists demonize the police for it. even though they have a perfectly reasonable explanation for being there (higher instances of crime/drug dealing)

all of these problems come back to us tip toeing around accusations of racism. here's an interesting documentary by a black left winger in the UK:

>> No.6751963

No, I'm referring to the white suburb.

>> No.6751985
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>mfw these « good men » people turn voluntarily themselves into huge pussies and i have less competition for women and money

>> No.6751987

Probably, more Koreans were lined up and shot at Taejon in 1950 than African Americans lynched from the end of the civil war up to that point. Yet somehow Koreans do just fine in 2015, even with the legacy of exploitative colonialism etc etc not to mention the devastating war.

>> No.6751995

this was probably due to the rise of reaganomics and neoliberalism, which really made things a lot worse for poor people in the 1980s (black people are disproportionately poor!)

>> No.6751999

I think the biggest problem is not having a central identity. African Americans--not blacks as a whole--are a lost people.

>> No.6752006
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>all that orange
Feels good man

>> No.6752012

That's true for just about everyone though. How many people today feel the need to "find themselves" at what seems to be increasingly younger ages?

>> No.6752014

the heroin in your white neighborhood is mostly all coming through a black neighborhood nearby, so when the cops arrest some black heroin dealer and sentence him to 40 years and you're crying about it, they're getting the guy you're talking about right now...see this is part of the dishonesty of the drug use statistics, whites use a lot of drugs, but where are they buying the drugs? often from black areas. sure, meth and prescription drugs often come from whites, but drugs that have to be imported usually hit street level starting in a black neighborhood, and when the local cops get those low hanging fruit it's all black guys and you cry about it, but if you want to catch the high up people the feds have to use patriot act type shit that will make your tinfoil hat start smoking

>> No.6752021

lol what? In what way?

>> No.6752023

what about the ones in Africa with similar crime rates? and the UK? and France? and Jamaica?

you don't think there's even a remote possibility that certain groups are more predisposed to violent behavior than others?

>> No.6752031

but "whites" gave up their cultural identities voluntarily and everyone says whites have it great so what's the problem?

>> No.6752032

>making people poor

Let me guess. You are one of those tools who thought it was bad. And that it failed because it was a bad idea and not because democrats refused to cut government spending AFTER agreeing to extremely popular tax cuts?

Pro tip. Reagan was responsible for the second largest employment boom in history because of his tax policy.

you know who was responsible for the first?


(use the table and sort it by employment growth)


>> No.6752036

What are you basing this "black people control the drugs" assumption off of. Do you actually know any high level drug dealers, or did you read something compelling that convinced you of this?

>> No.6752038

I ignore the race issue.

Yes, that is the biggest no-no a white man can make. No, I am not 'color blind' (thanks Colbert!) Running joke #1. But I am going to 'lose' the conversation no matter what, so why concern myself with it at all?

They don't want awareness, they want a bow. Bow deeper. Kowtow. Apologize. Sincerely. Harder. More.

>> No.6752040
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>something challenging my world view! no, it cant be.

literal cuckolds

>> No.6752041

you literally sound like a skinhead

>> No.6752043

How about you stop being a coward and stand up for truth?

Blacks are destroying once beautiful cities, killing each other, attacking your women and children, and YOU'RE receiving the blame for it because you refuse to speak out. You don't have to show anger like I am now, but don't be a complete pushover.

>> No.6752046

Why are you so obsessed with cuckolding? I bet you dream about big black bulls don't you

>> No.6752049

>he knows the terminology but isn't a /pol/ack
wanna know how I know you're a cuck?

>> No.6752058

Can you show me where it became clear that I am a white supremacist? Lots of buzzwords being thrown around these days.

>> No.6752059

cuckolding and modern white guilt leftism are extremely related because they both tap into the same pathology.

its basically the same illness.


>> No.6752060

>new york was awesome in the 70s guyz you dont even know!!!

>> No.6752062

i don't know who controls the drugs, i just know when the junkies in white neighborhoods need their fix in the morning they drive across the bridge from white ass staten island into the hood in jersey to get it...right now, if you're in your car and you want to get some drugs from a street dealer, are you going to go to the white suburbs like fort lee or some shit? or go to jersey city, newark and paterson?

>> No.6752067

I don't mean in an individual sense, I'm saying the African American identity is derived from a place we were rejected from and from a place where we're still rejected. There's no true "home" for the African American and this is why we're lost.

See the above reply.

Maybe there is, but to what end is this info useful? What can we do with this information? If blacks are more likely to be violent, what can we do about it?

How have whites--and I'll assume you mean American whites--given up their cultural identities?

>> No.6752068

It's still normal to be white and abnormal to be black in America. The cultural identity of a person is not just removed completely. Jewish people are somehow affected by growing up Jewish and the same is true of whites, Catholics, Asians, and Muslims. It plays a part, but black people grow up with awkward ties to african culture that they're fairly disconnected from as well as the modern "black culture" as well as various other factors. It means something certain to be white, or Irish catholic or Jewish, but it means various things to be black or african american.

>> No.6752080
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I cant. Your deep hatred of minorities is just clear in the way you disregard the feelings of opressed people. I mean. It would be one thing if you let a black man have sex and impregnate your wife. But you dont because you are a racist and seek to see black people oppressed.

>PS this is sarcasm. but nobody can tell anymore

>> No.6752083

>How have whites--and I'll assume you mean American whites--given up their cultural identities?

ever notice the more successful a white ethnic group is the further behind they ditched their ethnic "heritage" and embraced being american?

>> No.6752085

I'm talking about The Midwest so that mentality doesn't totally apply. I know there's a highway nearby that's famous for heroine trafficking.

>> No.6752092

How could I not know the terminology? You faggots spam it on every board.

>> No.6752095
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>> No.6752103
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>implying I am going to read any of those books

I read Malcolm X's autobiography in high school actually. Pretty based. Sheds some light on the farcical nature of afrocentric social clubs like the Nation of Islam.

>> No.6752107


>we can get rid of racism by pretending race doesn't exist! :^) <------ (i'm white btw, not that that matters!)

>> No.6752113

why don't you at least argue that there are more black dealers because blacks are more likely to be unemployed because of globalization and free trade exporting their industrial jobs overseas...it's no fun if i have to argue your side too, sheesh

>> No.6752115

>Maybe there is, but to what end is this info useful? What can we do with this information? If blacks are more likely to be violent, what can we do about it?
We can start accepting reality. Stop busing them in to formally peaceful neighborhoods:


We can stop immediately assuming disproportionate punishment of black kids is due to racism:
(and its results):

We can stop blaming "institutional racism" for higher black incarceration. We can end forced integration. And we can actually DEAL with the real problem without pussyfooting around the cause.

>> No.6752116
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Dude I was watching a spanish movie and they started going off on one character calling him a cuck. It was made in 2006.

>> No.6752119

>who are ashkenazi jews

jews are some of the most educated and wealthy people in the united states

living in nyc showed me the solidarity among jews and the insularity of their cliques, of all white ethnic subgroups they have arguably been the most relictant to move on from their cultural identity

>> No.6752123

I think people are confusing 'white' with 'English.' English is your baseline and control, to the point that you don't even think to label it as being a unique perspective. That gets into a whole 'nother issue about the Anglo-centric world view that even the intelligentsia have.

Of course the Scots and Welsh had an easier time than the Germans, French, and Scandinavians. Of course the Germans had an easier time than the French and Scandinavians. Of course the French had an easier time than the Scandinavians.

We can go on and on and on through time and geography.

Success was largely matter of how close the immigrant groups were with the English derived culture we have. You can trust that an Eastern European on the American frontier had a waaaaaay different time than a German or a Spaniard.

>> No.6752124

but what if there is more black unemployment because undocumented immigrants have taken the lower skill labor jobs that used to support black families? oh shit, that's racist, you can't go there! i don't know, bro.

>> No.6752127

Maybe it will fix itself if I apologize hard enough for being born.

>> No.6752128

accepting reality lol

>> No.6752142

So, I shouldn't be able to go into the neighborhood of my choice because of my skin color? I should be forced to live in shitty conditions because of the circumstances of my birth?

Maybe it will fix itself if you try being empathetic and stop assuming other people's pain only exists to make you feel guilty.

>> No.6752144

Not really. Cuckolding comes from the view of black men as being animalistic or from the taboo of white women and black men having sex. It's pretty racist and not related to white guilt at all.

>> No.6752152

this was before it was hijacked from the left as an offering at the alter of multiculturalism.

It went from being "omg my wife is getting fucked by a subhuman this is so fucking wrong and hot"


"omg my wife is being pleasured by somebody who is genetically better than me and the only way i can absolve my sins of being white is to let him do it"

>> No.6752156

but that's the point, the sooner you give up being "polish" or "swedish" or "hungarian" or whatever and just get with the WASP program the more successful you will be. look at governor haley of south carolina...she's a south asian aryan, but she got wasp real quick and now she's running a state.