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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 77 KB, 580x364, fedorahat-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6697066 No.6697066[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Apparently making fun of fedoras is the latest way the ignoramuses of society have come up with to superficially elevate their sense of worth. An angry and simple mind knows it cannot elevate itself, so it brings others down.

I repeat: a hat. At the very least making fun of atheists boiled down to differing non objective reasoning as a result of social and political zeitgeist, but making fun of a piece of clothing is nothing short of imbecilic narcissism.

Seriously, try harder. If the best thing you can come up with is putting somebody down for a subjective fashions sense then you're a neurotypical ignoramus who projects their insecurities onto others, and it's probably best you kill yourself because you'll go through life getting angry and anyone who presents a different mindset than you.

>> No.6697078

I tip my fedora to your insight good sir.

>> No.6697080

alright mate calm down

>> No.6697118

using big words doesn't make you sound any smarter

>> No.6697128

aiai tippai

>> No.6697129

Fuck off this fedora meme has ruined this website.

I remember a time when being some idiot right-winger or christian nutjob would get you laughed right out of any board.

I miss those days. 4chan is supposed to be the one place where I can go and be as pissed off as normalfags and their idiotic ideas as I want without any repercussions. Now we can't make fun of anything stupid without everyone just shouting it down with accusations of being a "fedora."

It's not funny and it's against the spirit of the website.

I sincerely hope anybody who takes this fedora shitposting seriously dies. The site would be better if they all did.

>> No.6697133

Shut up Christboy you wouldn't know what a big word is.
Those were little ones. Fag.
OP is of coarse not wrong. Glad somebody other than me is voicing discontent at moronic behavior.

>> No.6697146
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>> No.6697153
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Read Orwell's Politics and the English Language.

>> No.6697156

Honestly I was fine with the meme until christposters invaded the board and just made lazy "*tips fedora*" posts whenever they're questioned.

>> No.6697157

You how mad you're getting on the internet.


>> No.6697164
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To stop the fedora meme you are going to need to stop atheists from producing so much great memetic content.

>> No.6697165

I remember when fedoras insulted the 50s romanticising neckbeard types

>> No.6697175
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Clothing and fashion has pretty much always been an indicator of class. 'Fedora' might be a popular slang term and insult now, while being a unremarkable piece of clothing in living memory, but that doesn't take away the vibrancy and effectiveness of the word: as displayed by your incoherent dislike of it.

I love being compared to a hat, it is amusing and it doesn't challenge my arguments.

*tips homburg*

>> No.6697187

Why are Christfags so fucking rude they have to fucking mention religion all the time on this board. I WISH they would FUCKING DIE. They don't let us discuss GRRM and they actually think James Joyce and Cormac McCarthy are better writers. Sorry if I want to read something that is actually entertaining as fuck and not just Gaelic gibberish and non punctuated depressing spics stabbing each other!!!

And the worst part is in real life christians get girlfriends and have fun and we atheists, we sophisticated few are forced to play second fiddle to an ignorant society that believes in sky fairies and you can't SAY SHIT about ti because they will call you the hat meme. I had to go to Sunday School ON MY FUCKNIG BIRTHDAY! and my BITCH mom called me the hat meme when I complained. It's not just the Christians either it's the fucking rich kikes who ruin every tv show and book series by their sjw pandering. They take all my fucking money to pay for the roads but they haven't even read or don't know that a libertarian anarchy would be better for society as a whole. Have they even read V for vendetta? fucking religitards as a whole I wish it were legal to fucking hunt them.

>> No.6697200

the fedora insult is losing it's teeth through overuse.

It is pretty good though I think, it's not really about the fedora or fashion, it's about implying the other is at the bottom of the social hierarchy. In the past decade or so fedoras incidentally are/were common among those at the bottom of various social hierarchies

>> No.6697204
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What do you expect?

Good sensible discourse from this place?

Where only the most wretched fascimilies of the intelligentsia gather to batter each other with their ridiculous flaccid ideologies?

>> No.6697206

>ignoramus x2
Your hyperbolic tirade is painful to read, and encourages the further stigmatization of fedora wearers.

>> No.6697212

Social heirarchy is a spook.

Your boss can be cornered in the bathroom and punched in the head repeatedly until he cried and wets himself like anybody else can.

>> No.6697224
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>> No.6697226

I like the fedora meme and think it's appropriate to insult those who it originally referred to, but it has gotten out of hand and all the christfagging and normalfagging that's been going on is downright despicable.

>> No.6697227
File: 1.61 MB, 852x940, 1434124928401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I get mad at memes posted on a taiwanese animated paintings forum

>> No.6697234

>social heirarchy is spook
Social hierarchies are real.
What could you possibly mean.

>Your boss can be cornered in the bathroom and punched in the head repeatedly until he cried and wets himself like anybody else can.
and then retribution will be meted out as the hierarchy demands.

>> No.6697236

Hi I'm /lit/'s official normalfag liaison. I'd like to inform you that the fedora meme is so dead that if you make a Tinder RIGHT NOW you will eventually come across a girl who in her profile has a statement about how she will not match with a guy who is wearing a fedora. It's gotten out of hand.

>> No.6697238

those are pretty decent white boy moves

>> No.6697239

>and my BITCH mom called me the hat meme when I complained.

bretty funny

>> No.6697248
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You'll enjoy this then.

>> No.6697253

The person who typed this out doesn't believe in god, guaranteed

>> No.6697255
File: 32 KB, 265x231, 1303077187365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, then you set fire to their home with their wife, kids and pets inside.

Nothing they could do within the statutes of law could ever recoup their losses.

If you're scoring by "Who can transgress who worse" I think that's a clear victory.

Social heirarchy can be quite safely ignored, because it is toothless as long as you don't care about it's very limited ability to punish you.

>> No.6697258

simply epic gentlesir

>> No.6697269


>> No.6697333

I bet you have like a whole folder just for your Fedora Memes.

>> No.6697341


>> No.6697348

social hierarchy qua "worth" is a spook

ability to affect others with perlicutionary effect is a facticity, which is precisely not a spook.

>> No.6697365
File: 50 KB, 469x463, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fedora meme is still going strong buddy.

>> No.6697368
File: 73 KB, 1024x574, 1432928593975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course m8

>> No.6697378

But the perlicutionary can be ignored at will.

My indifference to punishment is my shield, and the pleasure I derive from hurting my adversaries is my sword.

>> No.6697382

>Hating on someone escaping indoctrination and being accepted into a group of peers
... I'm a christian myself, but come on dude we both know organized religion is terrible.

>> No.6697393

>fake gun
>real knife
why is he so selecetive in his imagination? why not some stick or something?

>> No.6697396

I got banned from /r/atheism for posting this.

>> No.6697398

>escaping indoctrination
>through a just as present and agressive indoctrination
the issue is that they never actually left, they switched.

>> No.6697408
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>gnostic atheist calling anyone else a narcissist

>> No.6697409
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>> No.6697446

He's not wearing a hat

>> No.6697448

Fact: if you aren't agnostic, then you're a manchild which isn't comfortable with admitting there are things you don't and possibly cannot know

>> No.6697459
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>> No.6697462

fact: if you aren't apatheistic, you're being silly

>> No.6697466

With hair like that he really needs to put his faith in the hat.

>> No.6697493

>Atheism for special snowflakes
>Not silly

>> No.6697495

I'd let her suck my cock

>> No.6697506

That essay is terrible, masturbatory prescriptivist nonsense.

>> No.6697546
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>> No.6697588

how is it silly?

>> No.6697909


>> No.6697933

wow ur so edgy mate

Likely you wouldn't get a chance to burn down their house, as you'd be in prison after you sperged out in the bathroom. Disrespect the social hierarchy in prison and see how long you last, fool.

>> No.6698007

>Fuck off this fedora meme has ruined this website.

*tips fedora*

>> No.6698039
File: 304 KB, 1920x2560, cEjeUr7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6699344


>> No.6699372 [DELETED] 

The problem is you faggots don't even wear decent looking fedoras.. you all were those thin brimmed abominations get a real 194-'s proper fedora if you want to be taken seriously.

>> No.6699376

I bet that rooms gives of a choking and stifling stench of BO

>> No.6699378

That's because they're trilbies, not fedoras.

>> No.6699383
File: 60 KB, 200x200, 1337732388181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl f "literature"
1 result (board title)
>ctr f "novel"
0 results
>ctrl f "book"
>fucking rich kikes who ruin every tv show and book series by their sjw pandering.

>> No.6699388
File: 54 KB, 500x617, 1416852642398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see you are an enlightened gentleman yourself. Praise fam *tibs*

>> No.6699403


And yet there are still no photos of a young adult male in a real fedora that doesn't still look laudable.