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/lit/ - Literature

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6653141 No.6653141 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any goo book, that explains, why capitalism is destroying us?

It's for my father. He constanly work non stop. So I want a book that can help him. PD: sorry for my english.

>> No.6653151
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>> No.6653163
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>> No.6653165

here's a secret op: your father doesn't really have to work as hard as he does, he just resents you and by working all day he can avoid you and your mom in a guilt free way

>> No.6653173
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>> No.6653192

>confusing capitalism the economic system with the capitalist work ethic

God fucking dammit /lit/. Don't you guys read economic books that aren't Marxist conjecture?

>> No.6653242

It's not a confusion. The work ethic is an Überbau to the Basis of the economic system.

>> No.6653259

>all that postmodern shit
this is why leftism is dying

>> No.6653276

Why do these include the manifesto? It's, at best, a political pamphlet and gives no insight into communism. Its the 19th c. equivalent of a 30sec political campaign tv commercial.

>> No.6653282

By its own nature, capitalism has the ethics you refer to. So, they cant be taken out without destroying capitalism.

>> No.6653288

Mainly because none of what you wrote there is true in the slightest.

>> No.6653290

Oh come on, it isn't exactly deep, and many people seem to misinterpret it on instinct, but it's about the shortest introduction you'll get. Also, once you've done further reading, it sort of comes together.

>> No.6653318

>none of what you wrote
>literally only made ONE point


>Also, once you've done further reading, it sort of comes together.

I dun goofed, what I meant to say is "no further insight into communism", considering it adds nothing to the essential marx-engels works on its own. But I can see that for lit-tier retards used to being spoonfed information, the manifesto is quite suited.

>> No.6653346

Don't read Marx. Marx's model of 19th century capitalism is irrelevant today, and almost all of the predictions he made turned out to be false. Serious scholars at most take "inspiration" from Marx, as in the way he approached problems or the sort of questions he asked. Many people who called themselves Marxists, like Hobsbawm, defined the term very vaguely. For them it was a matter of intellectual culture and attitude. The only Orthodox marxists left are dumbfuck kids on the internet who followed their adolescent emotions to the far left and decided to pick up an obscure body of thought to give the impression that their politics are based on thinking rather than emoting.

I gather there are still some Orthodox Marxists hiding from the last century of progress in social science departments at French universities.

>> No.6653354
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>> No.6653367

Can someone help explain the phenomenon of Marxism and Economics on /lit/, if you want to learn about economics, why suggest Marxist literature constantly? Why is it either modern Austrian or Marxist economics? The schools of thought over the years have constantly changed. It's a sort of 'what side are you on' sort of thing. Which is obviously asinine.

>> No.6653396

Both tied together. Capitalist values are promoted because without them the system wouldn't function.

>> No.6653412

Ebola could kill us all. A meteor could hit us at any moment and whipe us out. The global warming can be stopped through donations and recycling. But capitalism cannot be avoided. Capitalism is love. Capitalism is /lit/

>> No.6655081

Try Harry Braverman's Labor and Monopoly Capital