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/lit/ - Literature

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6599860 No.6599860 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we describe a fantasy book or series in 10 words or less.

I'll start, Pic related
>everyone dies

>> No.6599879

Wow thanks for spoiling the ending.

>> No.6599893 [DELETED] 

>Any fantasy book or series in 10 words
>Read real literature and leave this board forever, subhuman scum

>> No.6599905

>thinking he isn't worst than subhuman scum
You are the reason we have all those Tumblgay and redshit invaders

>> No.6599919 [DELETED] 

Fantasy and genre fiction and all that shit is caused by Tumblr and Reddit. It has nothing to do with literature and needs to get off this board.

>> No.6599938

>just saw this >>6598732
Let us report this tripfag on sight please.

>> No.6599942

it's one guy spamming fantasy threads because he too assmad to be confined to a general thread


>> No.6599959

I was here for 5 years and all the books I read from then to now has been recommended by /lit/.

You just arrived with your pretentious trip and think you can "Lord" it over us?

Fuck off

>btw they are all fantasy


>> No.6600001

This is the first thread I made for the week, pray tell, who can one be "spamming" something if it was his first attempt?

I didn't see a General Thread, but this isn't for "general discussion". It's just a game to see how well you can condense a large body of work in the smallest amount of words as possible.

I don't see DFW, Prose, Greeks, Zizek, Hedonist, Marx, Atheism, etc etc etc get General threads.

You fags just spam them kicking other threads off the board

>> No.6601050

>saw pic
>came expecting a malazan thread
>gets spoiled?

>sees this
>Read real literature and leave this board forever, subhuman scum

>> No.6601099

just don't open the thread, you faggot

>> No.6601265

>nothing to do with literature
>Literature, in its broadest sense, is any written work

This is the fucking books board, not the "Flexing how smart I am" board.

>> No.6601281

Ite, imma do one
The Magician by Lev Grossman

Harry Potter travels to Narinania to defeat voldemort.

>> No.6601346

Lolita by Humble Humbert
>To Do: Damage vagina, commit murder. Check, check.

>> No.6601362

>OP asks for fantasy
>sperg lord posts lolita
Do you have a comprehension problem?

>> No.6601903

Just start reading Gardens of the moon, is it any good?

>> No.6601956

>not fantasizing about banging underage poon
>2015 common era

>> No.6602436
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>Nobody knows the true ramifications of the ending events

>> No.6602593

>utter dogshit

>> No.6602694

It's iffy, you get dropped in the middle of everything it only takes finishing the book for everything done to make sense, which I enjoy.... the OCD-Autistic readers however can't handle things not being set out in a straight foward order.

>> No.6602800

nothing says "d-do i fit in guys" like the genre fiction meme and the cuck meme

>> No.6603400

We do know how it will end.
Mortals will ascend to take the place of the shards, or all the shards will be rejoined making the "one true God"

>> No.6603995

Ninja Bump

>> No.6605326

To page 15 I go.

>> No.6605356

This looks like the tile of my bathroom in the house I grew up in. I've used them in a story, too. In third grade.

>> No.6605710
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I had meant the ending of Hero of Ages, specifically, since not everyone knows the significance of Ruin and Preservation.

Also it would probably make more sense for Adonalsium to be "put back together" but remember there is the group that opposes Adonalsium and they have a weapon created specifically for defeating Adonalsium, which may or may not still be in existence.

>> No.6606536

Wtf is that?

>> No.6606554

here's a template:

> ______ tries to be tolkien

>> No.6606559

>muh tumblr
>muh reddit

>> No.6607182
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>> No.6607200

>he thinks literature means "pretentious poetry and philosophy"

>> No.6607766

I'm serious, I don't know what it is.
Smiley face aside, that map doesn't answer the question either.

>> No.6607954

>against fantasy and genre fiction
>has a fantasy online name such as "tallis"

I have to screenshot this pseudo-intellectual who thinks not discovering books that increase creativity and visualization are not literature.

>> No.6607964

>turns of tripcode
>Hur dur I agree

If you agree you are insecure, insignificant and belong on r9k. Seriously, if your narrow minds are only confined to books that you don't even enjoy, what is the point of reading? Don't tell me you actually think it makes you "smarter" because you regurgitate others thesis and interpretations of books and don't actually come up with your own.

>inb4 "I had just happened to have the same belief when I read it"

>> No.6607988

Google it?
apparently there are 16 of the shards like Ruin and Preservation, they call came from some place called Adonalsium or something. I've only read the Mistborn books so I'm not sure how the others tie into it.

>> No.6608454

The end of Hero of Ages is the first instance in which Adonalsium was mentioned. Cosmere is his meta. Stormlight is the only other one so far in terms of importance in which its series is the most Cosmerically vital as of now.

>> No.6608492

This is me faggot >>6601050
If I said
>came expecting a malazan thread
Doesn't that mean I like fantasy and came in this thread to discuss it?

I was just pointing out the shit pretentious e/lit/ist say.

>> No.6608507

Aren't the Shards suppose to join up to make a one true God?

Wasn't it one being and when it was shattered his personalities/emotions shattered alongside it?

>> No.6609434


>> No.6611202
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>one true God
I'm more curious as to where you get your info from.

Adonalsium wasn't a 'being' but we don't yet know if Adonalsium was man-made vs. natural, or if anyone was a 'Sliver' of Adonalsium.

>> No.6611673

Maybe I'm getting mixed up, but I remember when I started Warbreaker years ago, and was just getting into Sanderson. Their was talk about the shards being part of a whole/being or something to that extent ....

I've read literally hundreds of fantasy books since then so.... maybe I'm mixing it up with something else?

>> No.6611883
File: 401 KB, 1024x634, warbreakermapsmall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's right, but your first post was assumptuous.

'God' would not be a term Adonalsium should be defined by.

>> No.6612280
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Abusive father convinces schizo bastard son to an hero for love.

>> No.6612888

What would it be defined by?
What is the most loose definition of a God?
I'm sure with all the abilities each shard has shown(especially the one that affects only worms, who then allow birds to see the future), when they are combined that being/thing, would be a very power omnipotent bastard with the power to created life from nothing, and destroy whole civilizations .

>posts the bible
If the bible is indeed fantasy, that means most of the world's population, millions if not billions, believes in magic and the practices it on a daily basis(prays and chants empowers their magically God).

This would also mean that the Christians are the biggest Hippocrates in the world. The killed thousands if not millions for believing or practicing in the occult.... while practicing it themselves....

>> No.6612918

>If the bible is indeed fantasy, that means most of the world's population, millions if not billions, believes in magic and the practices it on a daily basis(prays and chants empowers their magically God).

>This would also mean that the Christians are the biggest Hippocrates in the world. The killed thousands if not millions for believing or practicing in the occult.... while practicing it themselves....

Yes, I'm glad you understand.

>> No.6613076

I retract my previous statement.

It's not a 'God' in the traditional Christian sense but it's easily 'Godlike'. However, remember that
>we do not know if Adonalsium is natural or artificial
>we do not know if the opposition's weapon succeeded in whatever its purpose may have been
IIRC, the worm deal on First of the Sun was natural, and I do remember that there was no Shard on the planet at the time the story took place.

Also remember that Shards affect their Shardholder's personality over time. A good example is Sazed who can barely act due to the opposing Shards combined into Harmony. If Adonalsium broke off different ways, different Shards would have been created.

>> No.6613090

>Fantasy and genre fiction and all that shit is caused by Tumblr and Reddit.

You heard it here first. Tolkien used Tumblr every day.

>> No.6614793

What if the completed shard was imbedded in a being?
What then?

>> No.6614810

It seems like every single fantasy author is just ripping off Tolkien. Except maybe Gene Wolfe.

>> No.6614861


A grumpy edgelord smashes fox pussy and bitches about stuff.

>> No.6614873

What constitutes ripping off Tolkien? Is it the inclusion of magic, magical races, the use of a largely preindustrial society, or just any attempt to build a setting that isn't sci fi and isn't earth?

>> No.6614878

absolute dogshit

spoiler; it's all of them

>> No.6614977

... It was the fox god who smashed pussy.... and i mean that in the literal sense of the word... her vag was no longer useable after that.

>> No.6615333

The genre is defined by the setting rather than the plot. That says it all.

>> No.6615973
File: 1.28 MB, 1200x795, Knights Radiant Order Names and Surgebindings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'What ifs' are pointless in this scenario since there is still so much we do not know, and will not know for a while.

>> No.6616107

That chart is confusing as fuck, what would miss "awesomeness" fall under?

>> No.6616192

The chart isn't confusing. The large symbols are Orders and the smaller symbols are abilities. Every Order has two abilities.

Lift is an Edgedancer.

>> No.6617307

So she has abrasion and progression?

>> No.6617816
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Although her metabolization of Stormlight is unique to her. Probably from the Nightwatcher.

>> No.6618162

Wtf does progression mean? I just read the short story Sanderson put out about her.

Abrasion has to do with her not sticking to things, what does progression mean?

>> No.6618630
File: 428 KB, 791x1200, twok_ephemera-4_relief-webres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr Healing

>> No.6619233

>tl;dr Healing
Why not just say that.....

>The Surgebinder can even reverse death with Regrowth; a body that has bled out or a soul that has been severed with a Shardblade can be healed with Regrowth and continue to function as if it has never been damaged.
>Though once the soul leaves the body and reaches the afterlife, it is impossible for the Surgebinder to revive the person.

So persons with burnt out pits for eyes can be revived? How long does it take for the soul to leave? Normal 3 days like other books?

Also I want to fuck Jasnah badly..... her 30 year old virgin thighs are just begging to be spread....

>> No.6619275
File: 182 KB, 795x1200, twok_ephemera-3_history-webres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you not read the books? We don't know much more beyond that as of yet. We don't even know much about the Spiritual Realm in general.