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/lit/ - Literature

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6561703 No.6561703 [Reply] [Original]

What did you stumble upon that got you thinking? A website, a indie bookstore, a forum? For me it was the RATM album book list pic related.

>> No.6561707

>fighting censorship


>> No.6561711

my mother's cunt

>> No.6561718

low quality bait


shitty / distanced parents and social inadequacy; a youth somewhat in isolation; to occupy myself by myself was a necessity

>> No.6562151

I'm assuming this is "What got you reading/thinking more critically"

I started when I became aware of how others saw me. When I was in second grade I was put into special ed classes because I wasn't great at math (still really bad at 25, but you learn so are a lot of people in real life). Although the reason was the math, I got hawk watched by the school and soon got put in all special education classes. So anyway, about 6th grade, when you start having to be tried into mainstream classes. I go into the classes, totally not use to the flow of a mainstream class, and start doing shitty. I'm also shy as fuck because I've only talked to a handful of people who are were in my same boat from 2nd grade on. So I start getting made fun of and talked about. So I imitated my father, because he was the most intelligent person I knew, and started reading. I was reading dumb shit until freshman year of high school, then I started reading the "high school classics". Catch-22, BNW, etc. I was reading above the mainstream class by sophomore year, but I was kept in special education classes until I left. My senior year I had a new fill-in teacher for English, she couldn't give me any books because I read all the ones she had, so I read books I wanted to read and on the honor system I had to write reports for them. My final project for English, I shit you not, she had me write a general report on how to prepare fresh pasta.

>> No.6562176

>My final project for English, I shit you not, she had me write a general report on how to prepare fresh pasta.

>> No.6562177


>> No.6562220


zeitgeist was first late found out what a hippy bunch they are.

later hang around lit

then read marx

here i am

>> No.6562226


imply leftist censored as bad like fascist did

>> No.6562234

Whitman's "The Song of Myself" followed by Das Kapital.

>> No.6562238


I entered university and was enrolled in a sociology program heavily biased towards bourgeois leftist values ( general SJW shit). The lack of even my professors to make a coherent argument instead of just relying on appeals to authority, cultural myths and sentimentalism made me revolt, go right wing and switch to a philosophy degree.

>> No.6562248

communists killed people who wore glasses for wearing glasses

>> No.6562255
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Quotes on HackThisSite, actually.

>> No.6562263 [DELETED] 
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Mods suck my cock

>> No.6562281
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>leftist discussions banned
>/pol/ has their own board
>/pol/ still plays the victim


Get left'd janitorgeoisie.

>> No.6562288

found that I enjoyed being arrogant and looking down on others and books gave me more opportunities to do so. Now i just do it for fun.

>> No.6562349

citation needed

>> No.6562378

I believe he is referring to the Khmer Rogue, who purged those with glasses as it was stereotypical of intellectual to have them.

>> No.6562384

> To avoid being targeted, people did not wear glasses; no one dared speak French; and reading a novel was considered a capital offense.
tbh i don't know if they actually killed people simply for wearing glasses, but it was obviously an insanely restrictive regime.

>> No.6562388

Khmer Rouge, fuck, you know what I mean

>> No.6562410

Film actually got me into literature. As I got deeper into film it drew more and more on literature, especially analysis, referencing classic authors and schools of philosophy and theory. Started with some Dostoyevsky because I was a huge fan of Bresson and I've been reading pretty actively for about 3 years now.

>> No.6562415

So who stopped those bastards?

>> No.6562422

Khmer Rouge is a fucking weird abomination, though. They destroyed advanced industry, which was the precise opposite of what commies did in Russia and the opposite of Marx's theories.

I don't know how you can credibly call them communists. They were more like agrarian utopians.

>> No.6562439

The Vietnamese, eventually.

>> No.6562441

Commies from Vietnam.

>> No.6562511

well, the russians killed fags and the chinese killed intellectuals. you can relativise that but fact of the matter is both lefty and rightist regimes were heavily restrictive and it's probably more in the fact that they're regimes than anything else

i dont think much good will come from comparing them

>> No.6563052


you sound like a huge faggot

>> No.6563286

Khmer Rouge were supported by the USA in collaboration with China.
It was communist Vietnam, that got rid of them, while the US made sure, Pol Pot got to keep his UN seat, even after he was ousted.

>> No.6563307

\lopytfel\ and \ohcrana\

>> No.6563319

a homosexual crush on my roommate at boarding school and a desire to read all the books he read in order to connect with him

>> No.6563402

Not to mention they only came to power thanks to US intervention which destabilized the region as fuck.

Thanks Obamanixon.

>> No.6563571

That's how Foucault became an intellectual

>> No.6563601

Literally nothing. Thinking is an instinct for me. I'm the genuine article.