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File: 17 KB, 450x362, place.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6558579 No.6558579[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi Everyone,

Recently, the issue of white power and political correctedness has become point of contention in the world of poetry.

Yesterday, the Association of Writers & Writing Programs (AWP) removed Vanessa Place, an artist, art critic, publisher, and author of seven fiction and nonfiction books, from the AWP Los Angeles 2016 Subcommittee because of the controversy her Twitter feed has generated. Place has been tweeting the text of Gone with the Wind and using a photograph of Hattie McDaniel as the profile picture. Here's what they have to say:

"AWP believes in freedom of expression. We also understand that many readers find Vanessa Place’s unmediated quotes of Margaret Mitchell’s novel to be unacceptable provocations, along with the images on her Twitter page.

AWP must protect the efficacy of the conference subcommittee’s work. The group's work must focus on the adjudication of the 1,800 submitted proposals, not upon the management of a controversy that has stirred strong objections and much ill-will toward AWP and the subcommittee. Perpetuating the controversy would not be fair to the many writers who have submitted the proposals."

I've recently learned that this summer 2015, Place is teaching a course at the University of Colorado Boulder as part of the FIRST (Faculty in Residence Summer Term) Program.

Critics implored AWP to “remove her from her position of authority over writers of color” because her creative projects violated “an atmosphere of trust on the part of POC, LGBTQIA, and Differently Abled panel applicants.”

I'm curious what people think about this or whether they'd be willing to offer some analysis of the whole affair.

>> No.6558683
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> anglo poetry after Eliot
my sides

> anglo politics

>> No.6558702

muh all caps

>> No.6558709

> Differently Abled

>> No.6558716

>I'm curious what people think about this or whether they'd be willing to offer some analysis of the whole affair
My analysis is that I can't wait for the bombs to fall and put this shitshow of a civilization out of its misery

>> No.6558743
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Never forget it's an inevitability, it's just a question of when.

>> No.6558883

just let them tear themselves apart

one slip and they fall on former comrades like piranhas

>> No.6558915
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>They're turning on us, Captain!

>We did everything they asked but they're aiming straight for us!

Never give in to the Morality Police. They will not stop until you kowtow before them and submit to reeducation.

>> No.6558918


>> No.6558943

I not only want to be a witness, I want to press the fucking button.

>> No.6558958

It doesn't matter if the lefties obtain 100% of all media presence, you can't stop people from thinking for themselves. How absolutely embarrassing it is that the losers of history demand that a collective 'white people' be ashamed and pay reparations for winning, as though civilisation and the snowballing of technology is something to be disgusted by.

I truly, honestly want a race war in my nation.

>> No.6558982


This is pretty embarassing tbh.

>> No.6559038

>ctrl+f bix nood
>no results
What gives?

>> No.6559066

Why is Western poetry so awful now? Where did it all go wrong?

>> No.6559370
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>Differently Abled

Shit like this makes me so mad. I'm personally a leftist marxist, but whenever I see this kind of thing I want to become a reactionary.

>> No.6559416


Check out the exquisite self-righteousness in the comments

>> No.6559443
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I just enjoy laughing at them nowadays

>> No.6559917

Hold on, am i missing something or is she getting in trouble for having a black person as her profile picture and quoting a movie?

>> No.6559960

yes and now the organization that sacked her is under fire for not apologizing correctly

>> No.6560046

Like, I'm SJW as fuck and I'm not really seeing what's going on here? Is the argument that "Gone With the Wind" is such an egregiously over-the-top racist text that one of those book line Twitters of it is beyond the pale because it promotes white supremacy too much?

Like, I've never read GWTW, but watching the movie and knowing the subject makes me pretty sure it's a white supremacist text, but that *it's* beyond the pale of acceptable material to pay attention to and a lot of other things aren't seems questionable.

>> No.6560061

>Boulder, CO
Boulder is white as fuck

>> No.6560095

she is a white USING the collective pain of generations of strong black women for her own gain

she is a racist and a white supremacist and the fact that she was on the AWP committee (which has no black representation btw) is mind boggling

and now AWP has the gall to release a statement concerning this terrible oversight that fails to address the roots of all institutionalized racism, thus marginalizing the pain of racial discrimination, not only in the organization but across this sick nation

>> No.6560104

The fact that you don't see how offensive this is, is literally hurtful. Please educate yourself on the facts here. Please don't try to marginalize anyone's lived experiences or voice. It is your kind of "benign" liberal racism that helps white supremacy thrive. I'm shaking as I write this, but I'm doing so because I want you to learn about how you are being really problematic, so that we can then heal from this. We need this to be a safe space, but not for racists.

>> No.6560117
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>> No.6560123

>literally named Tantrum Thrower
kill me please.

>> No.6560127



>> No.6560139

Non-LGBT, non-POC white CIS male ally here.

I was wondering if maybe I could start a petition to make this a safe space? I really really really want to apologize in advance if you feel that I am mansplaining or marginalizing you as a strong individual. Heck, you are probably more qualified to start the petition than me! I just noticed that you were under lots of stress and I thought that as an ally of your cause I could offer some help- sorry, assistance- sorry, equal teamwork and do my part as a remorseful oppressor.

Again, I apologize if anything I said was triggering or stressful in any way for you.

Keep up the great work! (Not that you need my encouragement, you are a very strong person, stronger than me due to the difficulties you face daily.)

>> No.6560144

>le I made a post similar to those libruls look how funny I'm! XD
Kill yourselves retards.

>> No.6560152

The argument is that white artists don't have free reign to use materials related to race without being called on their shit.

The line in Place's work between critiquing and re-enacting racism is thin enough that it comes across as crude and racially tone-deaf.

>> No.6560155

How DARE you marginalize the stress experienced by other individuals?

YOU are part of the problem.

>> No.6560161


Once the internet became idiotproof enough for female humanities students to use, it was all downhill.

>> No.6560166


But really, how does it feel to align yourself with a movement that is actually pushing the majority of sane human beings further away from your intended goal?