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/lit/ - Literature

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6528748 No.6528748[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>oh yeah anon I love Tolkien, he is my favorite writer
>well no, I only read Fellowship of the Ring
>What is Silmarillion? No I haven't heard of it
>I think that Hobbit was a great adaptation, the elves were so hot

Why do women do this?

>> No.6528750

nev4 5get

also sage

>> No.6528762

>oh yeah anon I love Tolkien, he is my favorite writer
>well no, I only read fantasy
>What is literary fiction? No I haven't heard of it
>I think that worldbuilding is important, the lore is so hot

Why do neckbeards do this?

>> No.6528765

Maybe she's just trying to be nice, maybe start a conversation. She's kind of cute, you should let her touch your penis.

>> No.6528772

Nope. That's not the case.

>> No.6528777

They are uneducated plebs who soil the name of Tolkien.

>> No.6528784

>why do women talk
no one knows

>> No.6528785
File: 548 KB, 1578x1164, 19thCenturyAuthor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Katie wouldn't namedrop some obscure as fuck 19th century author

>> No.6528786


>> No.6528789

Katie isn't the point anon.
>no dostoevsky

>> No.6528792

My last girlfriend before my current one had every published version of TLOR, The Hobbit, and the Simarillion. She was even memorising the elven language from the books. Her parents were rich so they spoiled her.

>> No.6528800
File: 22 KB, 640x640, Will Costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She was even memorizing the elven language from the books

>> No.6528802

Well in that case there's really no need to talk to her again. She'll probably get fat and catch a venereal disease.

>> No.6528807

I won't. And she actually did get fat since I met her. Like 15 kilos. Fuck anon you know your quirky tumblirites.

>> No.6528966

fuck off

>> No.6528970

she sounds like a pleb m80

>> No.6528994
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>she read Tolkien unironically

>> No.6529149

>he thinks that he isn't a fag if he says to his trans gf that he will suck her cock

>> No.6529408

How do you read a book ironically?

>> No.6529412

By not laughing at its christain morals

>> No.6529422
File: 813 KB, 839x468, hobbit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6529427

What a spectacular containment thread
>captcha: select all steak

>> No.6529468

Dostoevsky is obscure to normies.

You underestimate the knowledge the average normie has of literature.

>> No.6529474


How can people actually read Tolkien past the age of 16? I don't understand. Grow the fuck up you manchildren. You're worse than the 30 year olds who love Star Wars.

>> No.6529494

>worked in book store
>overweight women in a pink t shirt and blue jeans
>she's looking for a typical shitty romance novel of some typical shitty author
>pick up the nearest typical shitty book and say this seems similar
>forget the word publisher
>she scorns me for it
>rushes out while calling me an idiot before I could lay on some goddang sweet chat and name drop high brow authors

never have i been so angry

>> No.6529545

yeah, but honestly its just as bad how much people on here ignore entire genres just because these people exist.

>> No.6529552

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 it 8 out of 8

>> No.6529615

>How can people actually read Tolkien past the age of 16?
He is a great writer. That's bout it. Especially Children of Hurin.

>> No.6529675

>complaining about manchildren while posting on an interactive mongolian tapestry imageboard

>> No.6529686

please see

>> No.6529755


>i'm a failure at my job
>a fat girl comes along and acts stupid

oh my god this was soooo funny!!!!!!

>> No.6529775

>I'm a failure at restraint
>some nobody posted a mediocore story so I wank myself with words and irony

hahahha great post my fried ahaha

>> No.6529812



>> No.6529838

>muh Silmarillion
It's a clunky, poorly-written epilogue that only gaylords care about.
He was a great philologist. His writing skills were poor.

>> No.6529911


>Fallout is my favourite game :) I live and breathe Fallout I would die for Fallout I know everything there is to know about Fallout I am the Queen of Fallout don't hit on me you silly fucking boys I said don't fucking hit on me I have important Fallout shit to do because I am literally the fucking Queen of F A L L O U wtf there's a Fallout 1 and 2?

Meanwhile men barely pipe up about their expertise because they know there's a decent chance someone in the room will be marginally better and obliterate them for it.

>> No.6529966


are you being edgy right now? the quenta silmarillion is tl;dr but the other 4 books are short and interesting.

>> No.6529975

>TFW ex girlfriend was a fan of Fallout 2 and invested points in bloody mess just for the hell of it

>> No.6530086

It wasn't clunky, it read amazing.

>> No.6530117

>muh video game expertise

>> No.6530128
File: 66 KB, 750x751, u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only have intellectual, high culture hobbies. I am a gentleman of refinement.


>> No.6530134

>oh yeah anon I love Tolkein, he is my favorite writer
>well no, I only read books
>What are video games? No I haven't heard of it
>I think the written word is great, good prose is so hot

Why do hipsters do this?

>> No.6530261

>im le patrician gamur

>> No.6530279

because women are vapid and superficial. they dont actually care about these things but instead about projecting a social image.

>> No.6530328

>I'm a Tolkien fan
>oh no, I didn't read the Hobbit, it's too childish

>> No.6530335

Rec some good literary fiction?

>> No.6530352
File: 41 KB, 500x500, laurie_bio-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh yeah anon I love Communism, it's my favourite ideology
>well no, I only read the communist manifesto
>What is Hoxhaism? No I haven't heard of it
>I think that syriza is a great party, Alexis Tsipras is so hot

Why do women do this?

>> No.6530369

Kafka was a woman, he just didn't know it.

>> No.6530389

Because women do their homework all nice and tidy and on time but when it comes to innovation or creative thought they don't distinguish themselves. It's this rotelearning mindset that lets them fall victim to hanging on the jewish professor or tumblr blogger's every word and taking it as gospel.