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6449857 No.6449857 [Reply] [Original]

What is beauty?

>> No.6449863

If you can't tell you don't deserve to know

>> No.6449881

a stupid question.

>> No.6449883 [DELETED] 

Beauty is inherently political. Read Cornel West and then back to


>> No.6450151
File: 72 KB, 396x594, Zadie+Smith+2011+New+Yorker+Festival+Party+dXRy_OgFurql.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is that which Zadie Smith wrote on

Zadie Smith is also beautiful. Checkmate atheists

>> No.6450423

A social construction

>> No.6450435

Anything you want it to be.

>> No.6450436

I would argue that it is inherently biological, but also subjective to the individual.

>> No.6450439

It's comes in examples, not definitions.

>> No.6450476 [DELETED] 

What is the consensus among experts?

>> No.6450481


>> No.6450483

>tfw Lord Henry Wotton will never lead you astray with his influence

>tfw not a member of the idle classes

>> No.6450484

It's when you schematizing without a concept.

>> No.6450486


>> No.6450491


you're* -- my bad

>> No.6450492

what is art?

>> No.6450504

quite useless

>> No.6450511

beauty.... an emotion taken from the outside world..
the idea to think something as beautiful

>> No.6450522

something to love

>> No.6450528

my fucking nutsack
my fucking dick
my fucking brain cells
my fucking body
my fucking goddamn pharaoh jesus apologetics
any thing that has to do with me
so basically everything but only through the conduit of my fucking godness
my fucking godness is fucking aesthetic as fuck
im so fucking goddamn aesthetic

>> No.6450529

post nudes bby

>> No.6450532

Ugly fucks

>> No.6450533

Truth, beauty.

>> No.6450534

- Hegel

>> No.6450545


>> No.6450573


>> No.6450577

here is your reply

>> No.6450626

But God doesn't have a body of flesh and blood
What are you made of?

>> No.6450681

That is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know

>> No.6450718

Jesus. And guy that send you to jail after homosex.

Oscar Betafag Wilde

>> No.6450739

a stimulus response

>> No.6450744


Surely it's the stimulus, not the response..

>> No.6450755

If a tree falls over in the woods and nobody is around to hear it, does it still make a sound?

>> No.6450762


no i'm not dragging you into that debate, just saying a stimulus response is technically speaking an action and beauty surely isn't something you do, rather than something you feel (regardless of whether or not that feeling resides in you or in the physical realm.)

>> No.6450767

but feeling is an action/stimulus response

>> No.6450777

IDK, I wasn't there

>> No.6451898

"... 'Beu-tie' is a french phonetic corruption of a short cloth neck ornament. currently in resurgence."
- Zappa

>> No.6451903

Perceiving the unreal and temporary as the real and permanent.

>> No.6451907
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Also check that Captcha

>> No.6451912

>tfw your tomb won't be covered with kisses

>> No.6452148

beauty is that which is both too real, too convincing to be a fiction: and yet, paradoxically, it is also that which is too perfectly organised, too artistically arranged to have not been implemented by a god-author-artist. It is the experience of both The Real and The Symbolic at their point of intersection, and it is the most wonderful, terrifying, transcendent experience in the universe.

>> No.6452151
File: 218 KB, 1280x817, 1280px-Birth_of_Buddha_at_Lumbini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything which our awareness cannot help but focus on.

>> No.6452177

That tightness you get in your chest when you see the most perfect of women, and know they could never be yours, or see a beautiful sunset and know it is nothing

>> No.6452180

See On Beauty by Umberto Eco (and On Ugliness as well)

>> No.6452188

Beauty is a vague, abstract concept that references a vague, emotional response we have to some kind of stimulus.

>> No.6452197

It's all subjective

>> No.6452200

I'll know it when I see it.

>> No.6452225

So, like literally anything else observable to the senses?

Ugly is a vague, abstract concept that references a vague, emotional response we have to some kind of stimulus.

Stupid is a vague, abstract concept that references a vague, emotional response we have to some kind of stimulus.

Or, more likely, stupid is you.

>> No.6452231
File: 51 KB, 271x292, WILDEMAI[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underrated poast

>> No.6452232


Ugly, yes. Stupid is not an emotional response.

>> No.6452279

Any kind of reaction to an external stimulus is an 'emotional' response of sorts. For the idea of stupid to exist it would necessitate two self-conscious beings, one ignorant, the other emotionally responding to that ignorance in linguistically assigning the other the title of 'stupid'. To call someone stupid is to not only disagree with their reality, but is also a subjugating act, a narcissistic claim of 'I'm superior to you' which one would only be capable of through emotion.

>> No.6452300
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>> No.6452315
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>tfw sweater cleavage

>> No.6452317

Beauty is the opposite of ugly.
People may say that ugly is also beautiful.
People may say that beautiful is also ugly.
Beauty is that which makes us feel God.
Ugly is that which makes us feel human.
Both make us feel.
Both are of equal worth

>> No.6452324
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>> No.6452340

Being close to God tbh

>> No.6452363

>tyler the creator monkey ears
no thank you

>> No.6452431

Say what now?

>> No.6452482
File: 46 KB, 614x614, tumblr_nbdzhnmgDc1qz6f9yo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the shit I like

>> No.6452662


>> No.6452684

Say what again!
I dare you
I double dare you, motherfucker!
Say what one more goddamn time!

>> No.6452693

It's mental immaturity.

>muh golden ratio!

>> No.6453213


>> No.6453241

an erect penis

>> No.6453281

not gay

>> No.6453404
File: 51 KB, 522x629, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I ask what is truth
>it gets deleted because of reasons

>this won't get deleted though because of reasons