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/lit/ - Literature

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6425122 No.6425122[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

MFW I think that the sexual revolution was the worst thing that happened to our society in the last 50 years

>> No.6425125

nice literature thread

>> No.6425144
File: 2.99 MB, 3200x4136, Modern Male.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6425148

How does it feel to be a kissless virgin?

>> No.6425150

You're the expert.

>> No.6425156


In terms of harm reduction, general health, mental illness etc. it could be said to be one of the BEST things that's happened to our society. Twat.

>> No.6425158
File: 501 KB, 955x804, Sam Hyde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6425163

please, no more, quit actively searching for reasons to get mad and post literature for once

>> No.6425164

Anyone who has ever used the word "twat" is a faggot or, equivalently, a European, and can thus be safely ignored.

>> No.6425167

Tru, the correct word to use is "cunt"

>> No.6425168

Is that /lit turbautism: the stand-up comedy show ?

>> No.6425171


The same goes for anyone who uses 4chan, but doesn't understand basics like highlighting posts. Double retarded that is.

>> No.6425172

No doubt, one of the most valuable threads regarding literature we had in months.

>> No.6425175

If you understand French

>> No.6425182

i assume that the unfo presented in the pic is as accurate and true as the claim that the dutch "tolerate" pedophiles.
which is to say zero.
Also this isn't /lit/ related so i suggest to stpo making threads like this one

>> No.6425188

I wonder how much the guy who made that was castrated by his mother/girlfriend/girlish-looking male cousin. Or how much time he spends on tumbkr every day.

>> No.6425189


>Sam Hyde
>insightful and true

If you're not a fucktard from /pol/, I really suggest you pick one

>> No.6425190


>> No.6425191


>> No.6425197
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>> No.6425199


Doubtful. Mental illnesses are at am all time high in the developed world. Of course you could argue we are just better at diagnosing them but that still doesn't prove that the sexism revolution has reduced them.
Personally I consider that, as one of the latest incarnation of capitalism the sexual revolution has contributed to the alienation of the people. Of course I would have a hard time to prove it with hard numbers.

>> No.6425204

Autocorrection is shit. Fuck my phone.

>> No.6425208


Stichting Martijn was banned and disbanded on April the 14th 2014:


So back to /pol/ with your 'facts', retard

>> No.6425214
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>which is why pharmaceutical companies are generating record profits. . .

>> No.6425222

>pharmeceutical companies make all their profits from treating actual dangerous diseases
>lobbying doesn't exist
>if there's a drug for it it must be a serous threats !

>> No.6425237


>> No.6425239
File: 157 KB, 800x611, xanax-24937_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah dude, we totally don't have a drug problem in America and there is absolutely no connection between the disintegration of sexual mores and the rise in mood disorders. Ok.

>> No.6425245

Nah, the infiltration of Communists into positions of power was. The sexual revolution was just a consequence of that infiltration.

>> No.6425249 [DELETED] 
File: 637 KB, 573x1552, Redpill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6425253

so what are his main points? (for us that don't understand French)

>> No.6425254


>this is what /pol/acks actually believe

I'll take some shitty image macros with that please

>> No.6425260

xanax can help you eliminate your spooks anon. you will be left wondering what you were so afraid of

>> No.6425262
File: 2.96 MB, 4622x3683, Red Pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6425267


That's the one, thanks.

I especially like the utter lack of sources, always makes me laugh

>> No.6425272
File: 115 KB, 901x744, Ativan_Both_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay asleep goy.

>> No.6425275

>mfw people actually believe this flowchart

Why do faggots believe in this whole "pill" thing

>> No.6425296

because people like you give attention to these threads by bumping them

>> No.6425300

cause they're geeky white boys that girls don't like so the idea of some progressive conspiracy causing all their problems and holding them back from reaching their true potential as a superior white male™ is comforting

>> No.6425303
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>le virgin shaming face

>> No.6425305

nothing wrong with being a virgin as long as it doesn't make you act like a faggot with an entitlement complex like most of /r9k/ and /pol/

>> No.6425313
File: 993 KB, 1698x1805, FEMEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember goyim, don't think the wrong thoughts or girls won't like you! Make sure to base your worldview around what girls think hehehe!

>> No.6425318
File: 3 KB, 310x253, ?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you Jewish?

>> No.6425330

case in point

>> No.6425337

for all the evo-psych thinking that /pol/ generally advocates, this should be a perfectly acceptable conclusion. misogyny and racism are being bred out of the human species, for obvious reasons.

>> No.6425338
File: 67 KB, 1220x619, Pilpul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Case in point.

>> No.6425344
File: 416 KB, 2000x1000, 1429129700058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>misogyny and racism are being bred out of the human species

>implying anyone wants to breed with feminists

>> No.6425352

a distaste for misogyny does not equal feminism

>> No.6425356
File: 58 KB, 636x555, 1429162559613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know where you are?

>> No.6425368

could have sworn this was a literature board

>> No.6425371

>i need an image for every post i make

do you?

>> No.6425378
File: 37 KB, 366x464, Oy Gevelt!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is an image board.

>> No.6425383
File: 5 KB, 446x248, summation rules.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I think that the sexual revolution was the worst thing that happened to our society in the last 50 years
well the woman market is far larger than before => the market is free and liquid. Holywood pushes really hard for this, with nowadays showing pussies eaten by men.

=> the message is that women when sex and GOOD SEX

BUT men must lose their betaness to stop to be screwed over the low-cost of sex from a woman.
The end goal to reach equality, something that the feminists do not want, is to have the lowest cost of a woman, for the most men.
The sexual liberation brings more competition on men's side, eases the pain to have sex from the women, but nothing compensate this mechanism to reach the equality.

>> No.6425388

It's always been true that the more freedom people know they have the less happy they are. Think what you will of that.

>> No.6425394

North Korea must be a very happy place then.

>> No.6425401

I didn't say that freedom is the only thing that makes people less happy.

>> No.6425437

First, because even 4s, 5s and 6s are Chad concubines, if not permanent members of the harem, they are regularly fucked by lesser Chads or drunken Chads, therefore getting ruined for relationship with lesser males.

Also, having a relationship with 2s, 3s or 4s women when you are not her male equivalent is humiliating and make you feel like shit, making you even more depressed as a result. Besides, in the long term any liking that may have grown out of such shared despair will go away and what you have is another unhappy married life with a nagging wife.

MGTOW is not the ideal, the ideal is to have a loving partner who is your equivalent, but this is impossible in these days, any girl you actually like will be Chad concubines, and the girls you have access you don't really like, therefore MGTOW is a defende mechanism from further suffering.

>> No.6425466
File: 28 KB, 318x470, 25009129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soral is difficult to explain, there's no one like him in the English-speaking world. He started as a PUA and claims to have fucked hundreds of women, studied arts and sociology but is mostly self-taught and despises academia, became a Marxist militant and a filmmaker, is extremely well-read, teaches boxing, became a journalist then political advisor to the far right party despite his Marxist beliefs, writes and publishes novels and pamphlets, got blacklisted by the media after joining forces with a popular comedian turned antisemitic, his website is now one of the most visited websites in France despite his blacklist.

If your curiosity is piqued, watch this instead, he makes similar points but about feminism (societal liberalism as a trojan horse for financial liberalism to create more consumers, which doesn't make people happier and is only good for the bourgeois).

>> No.6425476
File: 23 KB, 613x431, dfw 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sam Hyde depicts a "South Park" Centrism where everyone with strong opinions are wrong because they are easy to turn into lazy parody or enrage.

He skewers everyone in a half-hearted effort to set himself above the rest. That's what makes him simply an edgy shitheel. His sneering irreverence is what makes him pathetic. He has no real convictions, he's just pointing out "phonies" like a middle aged Holden Caulfield. His pubescent angst is nothing but corrosive to himself and culture at large.

>> No.6425491

You frame his centrism as extreme on the gauge of centrism, where the people he criticizes himself do not lie on the extremes. You set yourself above him, south park, and all the pretentious centrics by trivializing their method of criticism, and you do nothing more.

Go fug urselv

>> No.6425498

Arrête-toi. Je remarque du Soralposting en ce moment, mais c'est une vraie merde sur énormément de sujets.

Richard Millet and Le Lay are elder god-tier
Ryssen and Conversano are great too.

>> No.6425502

>MFW I think that books were the worst thing that happened to our society in the last 5000 years