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File: 205 KB, 444x593, Marx_old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6397044 No.6397044 [Reply] [Original]

All Marxists Welcome In The Marxist General!

TOTT: The Labor Theory Of Value. Is It Still Relevant Today, Or Is The Subjective Theory Of Value Compatible With Marxist Theory?

Personally, I Feel The Subjective Theory Of Value Is A Bourgeois Social Mechanism Used To De-Value The Work Of The Working Class According To Their Own Whims.

>> No.6397050
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>> No.6397057
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*tips beret*

>> No.6397060

Marxism depends on the labour theory of value, once you start trying to apply it everywhere you show how unfalsifiable it is. There is no necessary and direct connection between the value of a good and whether, or in what quantities, labor and other goods of higher order were applied to its production. A non-economic good (a quantity of timber in a virgin forest, for example) does not attain value for men since large quantities of labor or other economic goods were not applied to its production. Whether a diamond was found accidentally or was obtained from a diamond pit with the employment of a thousand days of labor is completely irrelevant for its value. In general, no one in practical life asks for the history of the origin of a good in estimating its value, but considers solely the services that the good will render him and which he would have to forgo if he did not have it at his command...The quantities of labor or of other means of production applied to its production cannot, therefore, be the determining factor in the value of a good. Comparison of the value of a good with the value of the means of production employed in its production does, of course, show whether and to what extent its production, an act of past human activity, was appropriate or economic. But the quantities of goods employed in the production of a good have neither a necessary nor a directly determining influence on its value.

>> No.6397066

Uh, No. Now Fuck Off Back To /Pol/.

>> No.6397081

Feel free to show me where that is wrong.

>> No.6397085


>> No.6397111

What Does /Lit/ Think Of Lenin?

>> No.6397112 [DELETED] 
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[tipping beret intensifies]

>> No.6397113


>> No.6397119

Stop Memeing Up My Thread, You Fucking Dickweed. Go Back To Your Containment Board.
Marxism Belongs Here, /Pol/ Is For Capitalist Nazis And Libertarians.

>> No.6397125

What's most pathetic about his overall substitutionalist tendency was that for a few short months he was tailending our class in revolution.

>> No.6397128

I Was Reading About His New Economic Policy Which Seems Like A Bunch Of Libertarian Free Market Shit.

>> No.6397152

Great argument comrade, sure showed tjat bourgeois scum

>> No.6397160

Don't Satirise Me.

>> No.6397165

Actually a solid jpeg

>> No.6397176

I Agree.

>> No.6397182

It was.

>> No.6398022
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So how is labour theory of labour not irrelevant?


>> No.6398038

Personally, I Feel The Subjective Theory Of Value Is A proletariat Social Mechanism Used To over-Value The Work Of The Working Class According To Their Own Whims.

>> No.6398052


>> No.6398063

BASED prolanon

>> No.6398066


Well. That's an interesting story Evola. Thank you for sharing.

>> No.6398067

Oh dear, here he is again

>> No.6398081
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*tips budenovka*

>> No.6398083



>> No.6398088 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6398090
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>> No.6398100

/pol/-jpg dump has commenced.

You know this isn't conducive to a proper discussion. Go back to your containment board

>> No.6398104

You Have Been Filtered!


>> No.6398141

Aaaah, is this dialectics? The thesis and antithesis? If so, I think I finally get it.

>> No.6398150
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Shit, that projection

>> No.6398157
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Why do ancaps and fascists project themselves onto the qualities of ugly people when their own group is 100% unattractive as fuck and the primary fedora demographic?

>> No.6398162

Das es Mann

>> No.6398181
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>implying you're attractive

>> No.6398183

I wish I was as brave as him.

>> No.6398185




Nah that's not actually a picture of me.

>> No.6398186

7/10, average-handsome-tier

>> No.6398187

Are there good counter-arguments to Marx' critique of capitalism?
It seems spot on and almost unattackable.

>> No.6398193

He was okay, if anything he was too separated from the party to actually be as big as he seems now. Sort of the same with Mao. Stalin, meanwhile, was just a puppet of the party so it worked much better as an authoritarian force.

You have to be careful with your interpretation of his works since there were some aimed to the other members of the party or international intellectuals while many others were just propaganda for the masses. He had a great touch when it came to selecting how much to tell and how to do it, but with time it becomes so very easy to wrongly think that the simple version is the full idea.

>> No.6398199

I'm new in Marx philosophy, so can someone recommended me how to start with?

>> No.6398203
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>It seems spot on and almost unattackable.

>> No.6398204


He was a fascinating dude. A bit naive, in thinking the way you over thtrow Government's is universally applicable. Not everything he claimed was totally correct.

I would have to say, that he was a brave son of a bitch and got shit done.

>> No.6398206

What are you, dense?
When did I talk about Marxism?
Marxism =/= his critique of capitalism.
Your IQ needs to be at least 105 to post here.

>> No.6398207


This is the worst argument I've ever seen, are nationalists really this full of shit?

>> No.6398217

>this is what counts for arguments on /pol/

>> No.6398222


Also I just want to point out that Africans Americans actually fled America into the Soviet Union and recieved better treatment within it, of course, until Stalin came along. But there are still black families within Russia that started within the United States.

So the whole angle of "Oh No!!! The Blacks Will Ravage Our Homes!!!" is so full of shit. God damn just read a book for once.

>> No.6398250

>until Stalin came along
Stalin persecuted African American immigrants? Source for this?

>> No.6398255


No. Stalin didn't. But I read somewhere that during that time some communities of Russians turned on the American immigrants. I could be misremembering.

Nonetheless, there wasn't really much interracial violence post-Stalin either.

>> No.6398265

>This is the worst argument I've ever seen, are nationalists really this full of shit?

Do you honestly think a nationalist is someone who isn't a Marxist?

>> No.6398266
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Has anyone read pic related yet?

>> No.6398269
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>> No.6398280

Things have value because people value them. This applies to any discussion regarding value. LTV doesn't add anything but unnecessary complexities, so it can be discarded.

>> No.6398312
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>So the whole angle of "Oh No!!! The Blacks Will Ravage Our Homes!!! is so full of shit.

That's not his angle. His angle is that as the US economy is on the verge of collapse anyway, the most disgruntled are the most impoverished and most likely to head the militia through the poverty and famine that will inevitably arise. Have a look at Cambodia as the most recent example. The Khmer rouge was comprised of the lowest of society and executed ALL of the intellectuals, every single one, with the middle forced to work in the rice paddies all day just to attempt to meet the food demand. A commie revolution in the US wont be all fairycakes and cuddles. God damn just read a book for once.

>> No.6398321


If you think, anything you just said is going to happen within this century I have beach front property in Montana .

I would worry about The Cartels, as for anyone within the United States? Not gonna happen bud. There's not enough people to support massive marxist subjugation of everything good.

>> No.6398352

>khmer rouge
>communist in any way besides the name
that's like calling /pol/ shitposters communist because they say they are, honor system doesn't work for certain things.

>> No.6398358

My Grandpa got on a connecting flight at Vnukovo International in 1993 so I can confirm this is true.

>> No.6398372


>> No.6398386

>>khmer rouge
>>communist in any way besides the name

The Khmer rouge is the closest communism has come to being fully carried out. You just get swayed because of the media focus on all the "Killing Fields". Pol Pots Rousseau-Marx inspired dream of a classless united workforce as a return to the greatness of the Apsara Khmer empire was as good as it gets. The only variation is the 'primitivism' he held, as he believed technological progression just created TV's and ipods an other things that distracted and segregated the collective unity. His only failure was not being able to merge the workers and farmers with the black-shirts who oversaw their work. Or maybe he had? If Kissinger hadn't bombed the shit out of Cambodia, and if Vietnam hadn't invaded, maybe he did have a solution to that too?

>> No.6398403
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>The Khmer rouge is the closest communism has come to being fully carried out.

>> No.6398444

KR was an utopian agrarian ethno-nationalist state. In the words of Ieng Sary, "we were mener communists." Refer to Michael Vickery's Cambodia and Kampuchea.

>> No.6398451


Holy fuck, how did that happen.

>> No.6398554

>In the words of Ieng Sary,
>Refer to Michael Vickery's Cambodia and Kampuchea.
Why read some barrang's account when both of my grandparents were in the Khmer rouge?

>> No.6398694

>Why read some barrang
Because, unlike your supposed pappies, Vickery is a scholar of Cambodian history and his books are actually researched and researched well.
>Of course Obamer is a gommunist, muh grandpa from Chicago sawr it!

>> No.6398706

>why read a book about WW2 when I know one guy who was in a hut in germany!
>why read about subacuatic life when my uncle went on a cruise!

>> No.6399125

What does /lit/ think of Leszek Kołakowski?

>> No.6399296

go to university
or at least read the literature.
until then --> kill yourself

>> No.6399362
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I'd spread my ass-cheeks for Lenin.

<3 Lenin

>> No.6399370

>"workers' state"
>ruled by a special party which excludes the vast majority of workers
>no no no, it's not a ruling *class*, it's a ruling *party*, HUGE difference

>> No.6399386
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>muh intellectualism > praxis
>muh political organization is counter-revolutionary

>> No.6399413

Fascists let more workers in their party than Lenin did.

>> No.6399420


>> No.6399428
File: 48 KB, 459x720, 1620670_656004287849286_2292685942916526133_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le elitist lenin meme


>> No.6399429

There’s something to be said about the way liberals will practically worship the notion of specialized labor or experts as authorities on certain topics but will regularly not acknowledge that they do this. When liberals ask what we mean by communism or how they will get their toothbrushes under communism they ask us for something they couldn’t do themselves and still justify capitalism.

How many liberals know where their food comes from and who farms it, or what money supplies are and how they work, or how currency inflates and deflates other than overprinting or underprinting, or how countries agree on exchange rates, or how markets can open and close, or even how manufacturing is managed, or how money can be produced without physical sales or with stocks? They proclaim that their precious economists have figured it out and done this work -for- them because if they had to think about the levels of violence inherent on everything to do and think and buy they would be unable to justify it and would be unable to convince themselves that their individual choices have the weight they’d like to think they do.

>> No.6399432

What percentage of Russian workers were allowed in the communist party?

>> No.6399469
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>There is little doubt that in 1917 the Bolsheviks were a fringe party in Russian politics but they were not an insignificant one. By 1914 their Petrograd organisation had built up sizeable levels of support amongst the proletariat but this was mostly destroyed with the outbreak of war. The mass conscription of experienced workers and intensified harassment from Tsarist police decimated the party's structures leaving no more than 2,000 members in the capital, with barely 10,000 in the Empire as a whole, by the time of the February Revolution. Yet in a matter of months the party would see an explosion in its membership (80-100k in April and over 350k by the October Revolution), capture a majority of the newly emerging soviets, and emerge as the unquestioned party of the Russian proletariat.

>> No.6399489

Yeah, that doesn't answer my question. The Party being in power (and of course they were, because they wouldn't tolerate any other party holding political positions) or even popularly supported doesn't mean most people were actually *in* it. They had an expansion of membership because they needed more people in the party, that doesn't mean they let most the population in. 350K is certainly a minority.

>> No.6399509
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Reminder that communism and capitalism are both as bad as each other.

>> No.6399515


For a second I thought that was Hank.

>> No.6399520
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Among the whole of Russia perhaps, but not among urban industrial workers, who the Bolsheviks were appealing to in the first place who (the proletariat) were in the minority compared to the peasantry. The point was making a mass political organization, and it is undeniable that's what they achieved.

The Party as the vanguard was the just the practical representation of the theoretical merger of socialism and labour movement, which was initially exemplarized by the German Social-Democratic Party (before WWI of course)

>> No.6399528

My sister is reading Das Kapital, should I be concerned?

>> No.6399529

Cyclical history is only poetically applicable, because technology is not cyclical.

>> No.6399547

Spengler never said or even implied that technology is cyclical.

>> No.6399550

I'm sure they picked mainly from industrial workers because they had a presence there already and you got into the party mainly by being friends with someone in it.

The party was more than a vanguard for revolution, they were the ruling class after revolution. Bolshevisk is essentially post-industrial feudalism...you wouldn't think that could work, but they made it work.

"Socialism grew with the rise of industrialism and of world-wide capitalism. The dissension therefore between these two points of view, or the antithesis, if we wish so to call it, is limited to the economic field. Socialism is at odds with Liberalism only on the question of the organization of production and of the division of wealth. In religious, intellectual, and moral matters it is liberal, as it is liberal and democratic in its politics. Even the anti-liberalism and anti-democracy of Bolshevism are in themselves purely contingent. For Bolshevism is opposed to Liberalism only in so far as the former is revolutionary, not in its socialistic aspect. For if the opposition of the Bolsheviki to liberal and democratic doctrines were to continue, as now seems more and more probable, the result might be a complete break between Bolshevism and Socialism notwithstanding the fact that the ultimate aims of both are identical."

-Alfredo Rocco

>> No.6399555

Nope, he didn't, the problem is that he didn't realize how central technology is to history.

>> No.6399596

Of course he realized it, that's why he hated capitalism and communism so much.

>> No.6399598

The labor theory of value has become like a meme to libertarians but it actually holds up quite well empirically

>> No.6399627

Naw, he didn't, if he did he'd realize technology had been drastically reshaping society long before capitalism and socialism.

>> No.6399642

Well pretty much *any* theory of value holds up better than de gustibus non est disputandum.

>> No.6399647

Did you even read his books?

>> No.6399652

Yes, he's too spiritual for me, and that's coming from an idealist.

>> No.6399657

And if you like him, you might try Brooks Adams, I was a big fan of his in my teenage years.

>> No.6399676
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ITT: Retards

Simple as that.

>> No.6399685


Outis is a fascist.

>> No.6399888

Why Do You Talk Like Jaden Smith

>> No.6399897
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>> No.6399903
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see >>6398150

>> No.6399973

Stalinism is a logical consequence of Marxism.

>> No.6399981

>Brooks Adams
great guy

>> No.6400014 [DELETED] 
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>be me
>go to university
>first year: filled with marxists
>wtf i thought this ideology was done for
>hate their guts, but don't mind reading their canon
>every single one of them has abandoned marxism and now walks around in ties and do the most capitalist jobs out there
>their smug face now has an extra chin and a tummy like a swine after all the wine and snacks
>all subscribe to a technocratic outlook
>I still take some precepts of it seriously

So yeah, uhm, you young adult fuckfaces are going to be good copies of your upper middle class daddy and secretly hate niggers and the working class.
Keep as far away as possible if you're under 25. This is some phase and I don't want anything to do with your uncertainties seeking ideological justification.

>> No.6400030


>> No.6400090

>all subscribe to a technocratic outlook
wutttttt? technocracy is popular now?

>> No.6400094


Drink wee-wee, most of 4chan talks like that.

>> No.6400121
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>> No.6400134
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>all these unironic /pol/tards


>> No.6400147
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the plain graphic if someone's interested

>> No.6400152

Please help me

>> No.6400155 [DELETED] 

have you been triggered, nigger?

>> No.6400157

not a huge fan of his ACTUAL politics, though I agree with some of his philosophical works. And let's not forget that State & Revolution is a fucking classic.
Unlike Stalin, Lenin was a true revolutionary but a bad statesman.

>> No.6400161

you folks heard about this kid that smashed piketty?

>> No.6400167

Racism outside /b/ is against the rules. Don't want you to get banned

>> No.6400172
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>> No.6400190

Communist manifesto is short and easy to read. Thats where I started and if you like it you can move on to Das Kapital.

>> No.6400224


The Principles of Communism (Engels)

Wage Labour and Capital (Marx)

and then the stuff on this page:

then you could go on with Das Kapital. If you're having trouble understanding it I found David Harvey's lectures on youtube helpful.

well that's quite a leap.
I'd ditch the manifesto, it's rather propaganda than actual theory.

>> No.6400231


This is the nerdiest thing I've ever read.

>> No.6400240


No seriously, get help

>> No.6400265

>arguing with children cartoon.
Nothing gets past this guy.

>> No.6400273


There is no ethical consumption under late capitalism is the point.

>> No.6400355


>Marxism depends on the labour theory of value.

Some parts of it, but not all of it, his theory of alienation,ideology or production does not depend on it.

>once you start trying to apply it everywhere you show how unfalsifiable it is

Oh please, you are not going to convince anyone with those banal Popper arguments, neither science or philosophy work with the principle of fasliafiability, and in this case i is irrelevant because it is an ever changing situation of how the market behaves and as such value fluxuates.

>There is no necessary and direct connection between the value of a good and whether, or in what quantities, labor and other goods of higher order were applied to its production. A non-economic good (a quantity of timber in a virgin forest, for example) does not attain value for men since large quantities of labor or other economic goods were not applied to its production. Whether a diamond was found accidentally or was obtained from a diamond pit with the employment of a thousand days of labor is completely irrelevant for its value. In general, no one in practical life asks for the history of the origin of a good in estimating its value, but considers solely the services that the good will render him and which he would have to forgo if he did not have it at his command...

It seems to me that you have not read Marx at all. At good gains it's value in two ways, "use value" and exchange value. An object under it's ordinary use has use value, you example about the rainforest, can even be more simplified to say that the air we breath is also a good, but it would be absurd to say that it has practical value.

Therefore goods are things which we have tolabour to create so that they can enter a market of supply and demand, there mirriads of things which are irrelevant to the market, however in our case natural resources acquire value becuase of their rarity, which take effort to harvest,sustain, or obtain.

But all of your post is somewhat nonsensical, diamonds, woods, etc. All have more less an estimated price regarding the labour put, technology and the all around effectiveness of the means of production. There is nothing outside of teh emans of production becuase they all exist in a market environment.
Canadian timber is cheaper than American timber etc.

>> No.6400381


I hardly think that a guy that believed in magic should lecture that the form of the system of distribution of wealth we have should be an irrelevant issue.

>> No.6400395


lel why?
cant handle the bants undergrads?

>> No.6400408

this guy is probably right I'm >>6400190 and I only ever read The Manifesto and Das Kapital. Looking back it probably wasn't the best way to get into marx but mostly I read other peoples critiques of him.

>> No.6400422
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I hardly think that a guy that believed in the glory of Satan should lecture that the form of the system of distribution of wealth we have should be an irrelevant issue.

>...Yet I have power within my youthful arms
To clench and crush you (i.e., personified humanity)

>with tempestuous force,

>While for us both the abyss yawns in darkness.

>You will sink down and I shall follow laughing,

>Whispering in your ears 'Descend,

>come with me, friend'.

>> No.6400435
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quality bait, i don't think anyone in this thread knows anything about value.

Marx never says that an object is worth how much labor you put into it, and value isn't related to price. Value is determined by "Socially necessary labor time" , how much labor put into production proportionally to the market.

Value isn't solely decided by labor hours, but instead by the average amount of labor with the average amount of tools, in the average amount of time.

A diamond you found on the ground wouldn't be valuable i diamonds were fucking everywhere, took very little labor to mine, and wasn't forced into artificial scarcity. Sure, people may think it's pretty and it may have some kind of subjective value to you, but that won't change the exchange value or use value of that diamond if everybody always has a fucking diamond.

marx is easy if you actually read something besides /pol/.

>> No.6400438

ITT: >People not having decency to read a bit of Hegel and read Feuerbach and the classical political economists.

You are okay
You are an idiot, thank god >>6397294 is making a guide to Marxism. Everyone here should give support to the guide as this will be the most extensive guide to Marxism. I really doubt you understood anything in Capital.

>> No.6400469

With the inevitable fruition of automation, the working class will no longer be needed. Quite frankly the best course of action for both parties sake would be just to sterilize the poor out of their misery.

Why would the Bourgeois want to keep a bunch of people around that serve no purpose to them that only will want to demand from them or overthrow them?

The Bourgeois just tend to be better people too

>> No.6400473

I admitted I was wrong. But thanks for the advice about the "most extensive guide to Marxism" I'll be sure to check it out!

>> No.6400518


Nice edgy bait, but this issue has long being adressed by Marxists.

Firstly you need people who manage,design and built the machines. Secondly, the working class in terms of population statistics even in the first world far outnumbers the bourgeoisie, so like always, a compromise is made and the bourgoisie hand in more benefits for the upper crust of the working class.

Thirdly the needs and the resources the Bourgoisie has cannot be fulfilled unless there is cheap labour independent from them, because the Bourgoisie compete with each other and want to expand their own little trade empires, full automation will never be a thing and the Third World will continue to exist as a source for sourcing labour,like for example building the robots or performing.

As to for tthe Bourgeoisie being better people, it fairly obvious that only a filthy, decadent Bourgeois born in wealth and easy living would say that :-)

>> No.6400534

No, m8. Value is only determined by the subjective preferences of the market.

>> No.6400546
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It's to bad Capitalism couldn't get you laid.

>> No.6400564

You do know Marxists don't have to subscribe to the outdated labour theory of value, right? I don't see how a chinless nigger like yourself could get any woman.

>> No.6400568

don't get me wrong it was edgy as fuck but not bait

as far as the practicability of the removal of the working class it would obviously take a lot before automation can become self sustaining and self expanding
>As to for tthe Bourgeoisie being better people, it fairly obvious that only a filthy, decadent Bourgeois born in wealth and easy living would say that :-)

Well its natural to think that just because the poor get shafted that they deserve to have the upper hand in other ways, but the wealthy tend to be more intelligent, well rounded etc...

>> No.6400571

It's *too* bad you can't spell.

>> No.6400582

Yeah, they do, and it's not outdated. Do you realize what the subjective theory of value states? That all value comes from the bourgeoisie, that if you pay the workers shit and then charge a fortune for what you sell, you're the one adding the value because you're adding the price.

>> No.6400584


Are you fourteen?


Pussy is better than grammar. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.6400591

>implying I'm pro-capitalism
excellent argument though

>> No.6400593



>> No.6400595

Even if he got one it's not likely he would have time to fuck her.

>sorry babe, I have to download a terrabyte of reaction memes to post on my 4chan blog, they basically worship me and I'm sure the whole website would be pretty sad if I stopped posting for even an hour.

>> No.6400600


Please, go on.

>> No.6400603

>Are you fourteen?
Nice argument, nigger, it really shows your knowledge of economics.
It is. Forget your ideology for a second and look at the empirical evidence.

>> No.6400608


My knowledge of economics involves your smegma making a stink and nobody wants to approach your dick cause it smells like a dead rat

>> No.6400612

>It is. Forget your ideology for a second and look at the empirical evidence.
Forget your ideology for a second and look at the empirical evidence.

>> No.6400615

>Are you fourteen?

"My knowledge of economics involves your smegma making a stink and nobody wants to approach your dick cause it smells like a dead rat"

"It's to bad Capitalism couldn't get you laid."

"Pussy is better than grammar. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"

>> No.6400629

Yes, it points to subjective value.

>> No.6400635


Yes. That definitely proves I am immature when you are throwing around the word nigger.

>> No.6400641

I didn't say "nigger" once

besides even if I had, would that have to do with your level of maturity?

>> No.6400650


So you're saying you don't have a sense of humor?

>> No.6400658

What's wrong with saying nigger, nigger? Are you buttblasted by nigger?

>> No.6400664


I think you're more devastated by my observation your smegma crumbles are overflowing from your dick like an avalanche.

>> No.6400688

Epic thread, lads.

>> No.6400714


How? You have not provided a single fact to back that up.

Exchange value time and time again provides that the value of an object depends on the labour put forward in making it, what the bourgoisie trades it for is irrelevant since they are under the relative effects of the markets supply and demand. But the standart value of a good is always determined by the means of production.

Please provide an exeption to the rule or suffer in silence.

>> No.6400718

Oh my god why do you idiots keep replying to him? he's obviously an insecure narcissist with an ego complex. just filter him and be done with it. If anyone doesn't know how either google it or ask me and I will tell you but this board has tolerated Focault long enough.

>> No.6400723

are you comrades humanist or structuralist marxists?

what do oyu think of deleuze and guattari's books on capitalism? they are what I was considering reading next after Althusser

>> No.6400725


Thanks for helping the community.

>> No.6400729

Look at capital intensive industries against every labour intensive industries. According to you labour intensive industries should produce more expensive goods, but this is not the case. Now go back to the 18th century if you want to talk seriously about your outdated theory.

>> No.6400734


Humanists are cancer.

Deleuze and Guattari are cool especially on Thousand Plateus, though the whole "nomadology" bit sounds like romantic bullshit. If you like Deleuze check out later Tony Negri and Hardt.

Also, Althusser is a must.

>> No.6400735

Nigger, nigger tell them lies
Black face and bloodshot eyes
Crooked toes and crooked nose
That's the way the nigger goes

>> No.6400748 [DELETED] 


It doesn't really affect me that much. (o◕▽◕)

You getting called out as a virgin got you steaming so (≧ω≦)

>> No.6400774

I'm not angry at all, I just don't know why you don't like the word nigger. Don't you like rap music? I thought all niggers did.

>> No.6400779



LTV is not a fucking metaphysical theory you idiot, a fucking farmer working weeks to harvest something is not going to have more valuable goods from another farmer that does it in days.

What matters is duration of labour+constant capital(means of production)=value of product.

Because a whole lot of labour was put in constructing these factories they produce more expensive goods regardless of the effort of the workers working in them, the workers are more effective and work less in virtue of the complexity of the maschines.

>> No.6400781

I'm starting to blush from how embarrassing your posts are getting.

>> No.6400791

it seems like most marxists are marxist humanists (because of the worry capital estranges people from their 'species-being' through labour) it was also generally the most useful idea to explain to other workers when I used to do that. ignoring essentialism or w/e for the sake of the other workers seeming to really get that idea.

>> No.6400794
File: 831 KB, 913x794, 1386191438290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're definitely mad af




>> No.6400824
File: 40 KB, 291x288, obama-sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's absolutely no reason why you need to be using a trip.

Shouldn't you be getting ready for your night-shift as a museum security guard?

>> No.6400828



It's only 6:55 damn

>> No.6400830

Mad as what? I'm not mad, those are just some catchy lyrics from Johnny Rebel. You seem to be really mad now that you are posting your strawmen. But then again, you've never been one to engage in actual discussion.

>> No.6400836


>Mad as what?


>> No.6400843

What? You just said mad af, which I suppose is a typo and you meant to say mad as. That annoys me because too many people just say ''mad as'' or ''cool as''. I think it originated in New Zealand.

>> No.6400847


>You just said mad af, which I suppose is a typo and you meant to say mad as


>> No.6400852

>Shouldn't you be getting ready for your night-shift as a museum security guard?

sounds like a good job

>> No.6400856

Are you actually 12 years old? Serious question. Your posts are just really childish. Do you want notoriety on here? Do you just like seeing people reply to you? Because that is typical childish behaviour.

>> No.6400870


I enjoy irritating scum fuck nationalists who converse about mentally masturbatory moronic shit and probably own a copy of mein kampf. It's more like going on a safari.

>> No.6400883

I'm not a nationalist, I am an internatioanlist, reactionary, absolute monarchist. I am not so insecure that I need to post strawmen of other ideologies on the internet. I suppose your beliefs aren't very strong.

>> No.6400887
File: 17 KB, 274x300, 0518_tony_77584307_getty_reg-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I'm not a nationalist, I am an internatioanlist, reactionary, absolute monarchist

>> No.6400895

have you questioned why seeking conflict with others elicits this feeling of relief or gratification in you?

>> No.6400898

See, your insecurity is so obvious. Are you threatened by other opinions?

>> No.6400900


Maybe I'm a sociopath? 0_o


I'm not threatened at all. I can't make it any more clear I pity you.

>> No.6400916

You seem really insecure. Why do you feel the need to belittle other opinions? If someone likes apples and you like bananas do you post pictures of ugly people with text about apples?

>> No.6400918



>> No.6400930

Hardly. You immature response confirms my suspicions, however.

>> No.6400933
File: 185 KB, 900x900, Monarchists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6400954

Calm down.

>> No.6400961



>> No.6400982

Don't do it.

>> No.6401129

what would Althusserian politics and labour movements look like?

>> No.6401229

>Marxist thread
>Turns into "GET OUT /pol/! Anyone who isn't a commie nust is uh racist dummie neckbeard!"


>> No.6401534
File: 268 KB, 1587x1298, WORK IN PROGRESS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP from >>6397294

What do you think about this reading order for learning Marxism?

Theses on Feuerbach
The Principles of Communism
Wage Labour and Capital
Critique of the Gotha Program
Socialism: Utopian and Scientific
A Critique of the German Ideology
The Communist Manifesto

>> No.6401546

whatever the next line in that dumb song is.

>> No.6401549


There's also the glossary at marxists.org if you are unclear on certain terms

>> No.6401558


Jaden Smith Is That You Because It Looks Like You Jaden Smith And Is Prententious Like You

>> No.6401588

I Write Like That Because Every Word Is Valuable To The Production Of A Sentence, So They Should All Be Equal. The Concept Is Hegelian/Heideggerian, They Use It To Note Importance. But All Words Are Important. I Don't Do It For Every Letter Because Words Are Like Factories, They Need A Collective. The Individual Matters Not, Communism Is Collectivist.

>> No.6401599

Technology speeds up the cycle of history.

>> No.6401609
File: 269 KB, 514x410, 1428686162732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related
Lenin vis a vis people like Žižek and Lukács is best Lenin

>> No.6401655

>I am an internatioanlist, reactionary, absolute monarchist
>I am not so insecure that I need to post strawmen of other ideologies on the internet. I suppose your beliefs aren't very strong
中二病 finally has its political counterpart and dark enlightenment is it

>> No.6401785

top kek

>> No.6401795

Althusser is an idiot. The whole "young marx"/"old marx" stuff is just pure bull shit.

>> No.6401801

Althusser is partly an idiot, his lack of Hegel and love of Spinoza mostly
>he whole "young marx"/"old marx" stuff is just pure bull shit.
if you're read Marx you'd see how this is evident some

>> No.6401804

nice try popper

>> No.6401806

>if you're read Marx you'd see how this is evident some

No doubt, but drawing a dichotomy, and essentially rejecting the early manuscripts, which are super important, is dumb. There is obviously theoretical developments going on but there is no such thing as "young marx", really.

>> No.6401828

Althusser's argument was that most of mature marx wasn't "mature marx," that the scientific marx was esoteric and symptomatic.

>> No.6401982

Even "mature Marx" was something of a humanist. In Part II of the first volume of Capital, he ascribes to humanity the defining gift of being able to materialize sophisticated ideas through labor, which he uses to contrast human labor with the labor of, say, an ox pulling a plow. This humanist perspective is necessary for Marx's analysis to function, or else labor, and thus the wellspring of all value, would be ascribed directly to the planet, or even the cosmos. Without the humanist element in Marxism. you might as well say God is the source of all value.

That isn't to say Althusser is wrong: humanists Marxists stress humanism in Marxism to the point that it is practically liberalism; Althusser's rabid distaste for this is a product of his sympathy for Stalinism, and Stalinism is not Marxism proper, but it's not less Marxist than Marxist humanism is. Althusser is a radical perspective in Marxism that was relevant because there was a fat humanist on the other side of the seesaw. Althusser's understanding of Marxism is therefore a useful place to start, or at least venture early, but black hole for Marxists to stay stuck, perhaps even more one for those, such as myself, who are not Marxists but merely interested in Marx's analysis and Marxist sentiment, as Althusser does not properly represent that.

>> No.6401992

The praxical humanists like Raya Dunayevskaya, or CLR James or Miklos Gimes offer a radical different counterpole to Sartre. Then again, the radical humanists are more typically considered as part of the "autonomist" trajectory where the collective praxic subject finds its normal home. And this is anything but humanistic, this is a power-discourse of self-becoming.

>> No.6402003

It's really only heretical when it stresses individualism and rights too finely as practical concerns. Humanism (as well as any other ideology) as a mere skirt for class praxis isn't inconsistent with Marxism, since from a Marxist standpoint the dressing is irreverent.

>> No.6402004

>Then again, the radical humanists are more typically considered as part of the "autonomist" trajectory

not sure if this is nitpicking or not but James and Dunayevskaya especially fall into the "Marxist-Humanist" category .

>> No.6402006

Yeah, he just called them "praxical humanists".

>> No.6402009

Which is weird, because Althusser wasn't taking umbrage with obscure US based trots doing a fair amount of work on actual history and factory life. He was mainly concerned with bashing bourgeoise ENS intellectuals.

Humanism lends itself much more rapidly to being the floozy's dress when praxic than, say, "scientific" structuralism. In part because your category of "human normal" instantly becomes class morality in praxis.

And boy does my class get up to some naughty things after school.

>> No.6402022

I think praxis is not achievable without a degree of indignation to fuel it, which requires some humanism. You can't keep a fire burning for as long and as hot as praxis demands with some mere possibility of material reward that might not even happen in your generation. Machiavelli said national soldiers are superior to mercenaries because a mercenary will not be as likely to face certain death, and will be far less motivated when the odds are against him than a nationalist soldier will be. The same applies to Marxism and humanism.

>> No.6402062

>>why read a book about WW2 when I know one guy who was in a hut in germany!
Very weak. The same analogy would be: If the Nazi part was in power as recently as the 1970's; why read about what some Peruvian scholar has to say about life under the Nazi party when both of my grandparents were high ranking officials in the Nazi party, my entire family lived in Nazi Germany, quite a few of my relatives died, I have spent all my life in Germany, and a extremely large chunk of that discussing the Nazi party with everyone else in my culture, and my high school all the way up to uni.

>> No.6402080

Scalding scabs to death in 40 gallon drums with superheated steam isn't usually what people think when they think of Humanism.

But it is when I do.

>> No.6402089

You must leave in a country where unions represent most of your labor force I suppose..

>> No.6402099

There's a grand but vacuous tradition. It is more that there is a reserve of organic working class self-organisation that has survived the death of the organised forms. More london mob than new unionism.