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6382542 No.6382542 [Reply] [Original]

If you were to suggest a book to someone about to commit suicide, what book would it be?

>> No.6382544

Plato's Republic.

>> No.6382546
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it'd be a fitting way to go

>> No.6382548


>> No.6382550

The Fountainhead

>> No.6382553

The bible

If anything, it would give them a lot of time

>> No.6382558

agree as edgy as it sounds

>> No.6382564

It is edgy (I guess), but it's consistently life affirming.

>> No.6382602

Read The Bell Jar.

It isn't "life-affirming", but it will make you want to distance yourself from the WHINY narrator at all costs, which means not killing yourself.

If you are so WHINY that you identify with and do not despise the narrator, then "you are better off dead."

>> No.6382616

I'm facing a scenario where a dear friend might die
please be more serious

>> No.6382628

This would make them put off killing themselves long enough to decide not to. Good choice!

>> No.6382631

Call a help line, don't come to 4Chan for life-saving advice.

>> No.6382648

Talk to them you wankstain. Books don't save you from suicide, they are more likely to cause it.

>> No.6382658

What are you doing on 4chan? Why didn't you mention that in the first place?

>> No.6382660


don't recommend them a book you dipshit

>> No.6382662

Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.6382668

I know that the myth of sysiphus is all about not committing suicide so maybe that. Maybe give them something personal regardless of content. Something of yours that you really loved to let them know that you care.

>> No.6382681

it's because she got into suicide by reading too much - her choice seems purely intellectual
I doubt a lifeline can help

>> No.6382682

>If you were to suggest a book to someone about to commit suicide, what book would it be?
FOR BEGINNERS: Suicide by Helium, the easy and effective way.

>> No.6382685

Is she religious?

>> No.6382697

The Conspiracy Against the Human Race.

>> No.6382699

Thanks but she said she already read it
A Muslim a

>> No.6382704
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Oh boy.

>> No.6382708

The Importance of Living by Lin Yutang.

It will bring her from the chilly heights of the abstract world back down to the warm sensate real world, where even the simplest of pleasures, such as walking or drinking tea, can be enjoyed.

>> No.6382713


>> No.6382716

muslim apostate*
she's atheist
I've read this and don't think it would help
But thanks

>> No.6382724

what about talk with her why she wants to kill herself instead of giving a book and lmao

>> No.6382734

A book probably isn't going to stop her form killing herself. Get her out of the house and force her to have some positive life experiences. Go somewhere scenic, or at least somewhere stimulating. She's already made a huge improvement by abandoning Islam, she shouldn't waste that progress by killing herself.

>> No.6382752

She's in another country atm

>> No.6382753

The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde

>> No.6382757

>She's already made a huge improvement by abandoning Islam

How do you know? Maybe her abandoning her religion is the source of her suicidal thoughts.

>> No.6382763

Killing yourself is anti-intellectual

>> No.6382772
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>> No.6382776
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>> No.6383028

>0 results
I find this disturbing.

"The myth of sisyphus" would be my choice.

>> No.6383038
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Get her into Virginia Woolf, E. Hemingway, and Yukio Mishima.

>> No.6383046
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>"Why bother going on living if some Pied Noir shithead can just rip me off and get more famous?"

>> No.6383064

read the thread, ya ass
ctrl-f doesn't always work, now does it now does it now does it now.

>> No.6383067
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>> No.6383102

This. If she was actually serious about Islam, abandoning it would have been abandoning a major part of her life and identity.

I don't think books are a good way to go about this, OP. We can't really suggest anything helpful without knowing a fuck of a lot more, though.

>> No.6383116

>two hydrocodone
>expects to actually die
pathetic, won't even get high

>> No.6383133

That's a razor blade on the book. Not a pen.

>> No.6383155

shit, you're right

still, why bother with two pills. if you're willing to OD, do it with heroin.

>> No.6383197

Journey to the End of the Night

>> No.6383240


As a person who has been seriously considering suicide for what could be called "a long time", all the advice I can give you is to know what his reasons are for wanting to kill himself, is really just a matter of pros and cons.
First let him know that if he kills himself: a) he won't feel or think anything, he'll disappear, the positive side is that he won't ache no more, but jusr because his consciousness will be completely gone b) he'll be tourtured in hell or w/e.
I'd like to help you, but I'm not really sure how, so I might as well tell you my situation:
Main reason for thinking of suicide: I'm a senior in college and I've never even kissed a girl, went on a very few dates but I always get blown. I know that a few years ago I was the typical nerdy loser (not bullied or anything, but ppl didnt think much of me, mostly because I was very shy), but now I'm not so shy as before, still can't really make friends, for some reason most people don't like to befriend me, (I've analysed myself a lot, and I son't quite see something particular as to why people dont like me.), instead od coming off as a nerdy loner, people see me as a pretty confident guy (and I am for the most part), I'm sufficiently enough good looking, at least to hear it from Friends or family of friends, I also get enough looks to notice it (my friends notice them too), I'm intelligent, play in a decent local alt rock band (not going into detail on the genre), and even so everything remains the same.
Everyone has different ideas of what life is about or what matters the most, me growing up in the family I did, I know I won't make it being lonely my whole life, my biggest fear is being a lonely old man, so I figured I'll kill myself if I haven't seen any real hope when I turn 27. I'm not "giving up" right now, but is i portant to know when to quit, and the numbers don't lie, a 100% rate of failure is a big thing.

>> No.6383282

Yo, Just out of curiosity... Does this girl live in Sydney, Australia?

(Pls, this is inportant)

>> No.6383291

Speaking from experience, I got relief when I had something to expect. Maybe an old friend is visiting in a few months, or I signed up for a 5k or something. The best thing you can do is push her mind to the near future. Something she could achieve with not too much effort works well.

>> No.6383476


>> No.6383524
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damn dude this is me just a few years early, i'm 20 but if things continue i'll be in your situation. I am getting so lonely I feel like I will lose my mind.

I've always had friends but I just can't relate to most people personally, I have uncommon interests and am pretty smart(they tell me).

I'm not sure if this will help but, it seems to me that girls want you to be persistent and the initiator, show them you are very interested, even if you truly aren't, but don't over do it, of course. Having muscle helps too even though it is completely absurd. Sorry you probably know all this or it is wrong.

>> No.6383548
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>I've analysed myself a lot, and I son't quite see something particular as to why people dont like me

there's your problem

>> No.6383577

I bet 4chan will help a lot.

>> No.6383588

I never thought of it like that. It would be nice to let go of this ache. /lit/ seems to be against suicide though.

>> No.6383600
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Kill yourselves already. No one cares.

>> No.6383602

its kind of annoying to bother to kill yourself if you never did anything anyway

>> No.6383616

That is the funniest picture I've ever seen I'm my life

>> No.6383617

Yeah but you faggots keep hanging out on the edge. Just get it over with and end your existence.

>> No.6383634


You should read the classic "to be or not to be" speech from Hamlet, perfect explanation of the advantages and disav, of being alive or dead

>> No.6383673

No book for the well read, ask her if this is her first existential crisis or has she overcome one before and how she did that?

Admitting straight up of a possible solution accepts her definition as is and just reinforces the problem. Just talk to her about something else other than suicide and tell her to see a psychologist to really flesh out the problem in its entirety. Most women never loose the desire to be thought of even if that means negatively.

>> No.6383696

are you a spook trying to pressure me into suicide for the lulz?

>> No.6383744

>to be or not to be
That speech is used as an example of depression in a medical semiology book I'm reading.

>> No.6383747


>we have to imagine sysiphus is happy :^)

>> No.6383764

>missing the point
It's more as being conscious about one's freedom and that, as long as we know the consecuencess of our acts (like Sysiphus, Don juan and all the other characters Camus citates), then we shouldn't regret our decisions.

Camus it's like taking Nietzche and say "well, that whole existencialism is based and shit but, what if god actually exist?". The answer is "then fuck god".

>> No.6383805

The Talmud. Make sure it is on your person when you die so we can all blame the Jews.

>> No.6383840


>missing the point

its more about trying to reconcile living in absurdity in which the author wrote himself into a corner

>> No.6383878

Things that helped me out of depression once or twice (not necessary applicable to everyone). Also, not all books.

-It's kind of a funny story, both the book and the movie.
-Perks of being a wallflower, the book anyway.
-The Rocky Horror picture show. (Trannies cheer me up)
- Acid (the drug)
- Anything by Tolstoi, counter-intuitive as it may seem.
- Any Douglas Adams novel, except for Mostly Harmless.
-The Five Rings , Musashis' book.
- Bill Murrays' face.

Hope that helped.

>> No.6383884

It's kind of a funny story is a good tip, it had a very honest and relatable way to adress depression, especially for younger people I suppose.

>> No.6383890
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I'd say Franny and Zooey, which helped me.

Narcissus & Goldmund and Moby Dick could also help.

Also try /adv/.

>> No.6383897

Sorry, I'd also add Journey by Moonlight.

>> No.6383901

just take up a popular sport and meet hot teenagers, it's what I did

>> No.6383908

Anyone who is 'thinking' about suicide and not doing is not going to fucking do it.

That being said I would hand them a Calvin and Hobbes compilation.

>> No.6383929

If she is under 25, seriously, have her read 'it's kind of a funny story'

>> No.6383966

>Anything by Tolstoi
Tolstoi is legitimately one of the most uplifting authors there is. Hell, the Russians in general tend to write very positive minded works, I have no idea where people get the idea that their work is all miserable.

>> No.6383984

fuckin normie. Seriously, kill yourself

>> No.6384002

>suicide is a matter of cons and pros
I don't think you have been actually depre...
>I haven't kissed a girl
>that whole autistic rethoric
Oh, I see.

Suicide isn't a matter of pros and cons, it's more of a matter of chance.
If you take a deeply depressed person and give him/her some time, space and means (a gun, ropes, pills, etc.), that person will eventually do it.

In fact I just remembered a story when my grandmom lost her first child and went into a deep depression, so my granda hided the rifle he had for hunting so she couldn't find it.
Guess who was searching for a certain thing among my granpa stuff a couple of days later.

She's still alive btw. She smokes like crazy and watch soap operas all day, probably her life hasn't have much of meaning right now, but she's still alive.

>> No.6384006

But they would be better off dead. So you should increase their chances.

>> No.6384011

Would they? I don't really feel like the one to take such a decision, neither the one to "set the conditions" for happening.

Perhaps someone who does quick judgements about people's value is more fitting for a death sentence, whenever said person like it or not. Idk, I only know what I want and need... Well, kind of.

>> No.6384078

hahahahah you're in a shoegaze band

>> No.6384128

Sisyphus was already dead and in the Greek version of hell though so he couldn't get out even if he tried to kill himself, I don't really get why he used that particular image

>> No.6384139

Because of the compounded futility of it.

>> No.6384159

but what about the compounded futility of existence?

>> No.6384189

No longer human :^)

>> No.6384255

the sorrows of young werther. jk :D
take her to a hike maybe. but avoid cliffs

>> No.6384271

Getting a person to read literally any book would massively increase the likelihood of their survival simply because of the time involved. Suicide is a crisis response. It's almost never a rational or carefully considered life choice.

>> No.6384285

>the sorrows of young werther
It may have promoted the romantic idea of suicide when first published but these days Werther just seems like the biggest whiny prick. If anything Werther convinced me that only self obsessed jerks and cowards commit suicide. Life is suicide, don't use cheats you will get there eventually.

>> No.6384296
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>Life is suicide, don't use cheats you will get there eventually.

woah, 2deepm8

>> No.6384305
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>> No.6384312

OP i think you need to read a book on the acceptance of other people decisions

>> No.6384324

This, really. Stirner is great for getting over spooks like religion in a life affirming manner.

>> No.6384331

Runnaway Horses as long as you don't want something totally gay (yes, the irony).

>> No.6384339

I'm 23 and also never kissed a girl. I have some good friends, so that's, maybe, the reason I never really considered suicide. Even if I do have these friends I don't meet up with them very often outside day-to-day meetings.

What I try to believe to be the reason though is pic related. I don't want to reduce all there is to life to only friendships interactions and love relationships. So I kind believe in God, even if I don't associate myself directly to any religion. I believe human life can offer some transcendental beyond simple desire satisfaction and human interactions. So I pursuit that.

To OP, though, what I can say is to try to fight depression directly. Only depressive people kill themselves. So look for good experiences overall and try to get medical attention. Philosophy, self-help and literature in general work only if you're not incredibly sad and disapointed. Reason just doesn't work alone. If you want arguments that sound rational for killing yourself, you're gonna find them. As Jonathan Haidt defends, Humans, generally choose first instinctvely, then, they try to justify them later. A state of mind that is depressive only worsens this situation.

>> No.6384341
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Forgot fucking pic related.

>> No.6384637

A guide on how to commit suicide

>> No.6384854

Well, reading Kill Anything That Moves convinced me to not go into the military if that counts.

>> No.6384860

I think this falls under the "every problem is a nail to the guy who only has a hammer" category.

>> No.6384900

The Way of the Peaceful Warrior. It's teaches you to appreciate the present moment, and let go of things that don't matter in a very simple and relatable manner

>> No.6385535

>Anyone who is 'thinking' about suicide and not doing is not going to fucking do it.
Not true.

>Suicide is a crisis response. It's almost never a rational or carefully considered life choice.
Also not true.

>> No.6385695

The Fountainhead

>> No.6386213

to numb the pain so they can cut harder

>> No.6386343

The aspirin is to thin your blood.

>> No.6386423

Death is clearly the best option here

>> No.6386486

But then how did people who dun killed themselves get to the point of killing theyselves?

>> No.6386489


It seems totally out of proportion to contemplate suicide out of loneliness-of-eros. You have friends and family? Come on man, it seems like you're putting an insane amount of emphasis on romance.

Perfectly good and perfectly happy men (and women) have come along and died virgins. There is nothing disgraceful about it. I don't look down on you for not having kissed a girl, but I do kind of look down on you for letting that fact bring you down so hard.

>> No.6386499


This >>6382724

>> No.6387650


>> No.6387663

The Echiridion

>> No.6387684

"Do you know how long a year takes when it's going away?" Dunbar repeated to Clevinger.

"This long." He snapped his fingers. "A second ago you were stepping into college with your lungs full of fresh air. Today you're an old man."

"Old?" asked Clevinger with surprise. "What are you talking about?"


"I'm not old."

"You're inches away from death every time you go on a mission. How much older can you be at your age? A half minute before that you were stepping into high school, and an unhooked brassiere was as close as you ever hoped to get to Paradise. Only a fifth of a second before that you were a small kid with a ten-week summer vacation that lasted a hundred thousand years and still ended too soon. Zip! They go rocketing by so fast. How the hell else are you ever going to slow down?" Dunbar was almost angry when he finished.

"Well, maybe it is true," Clevinger conceded unwillingly in a subdued tone. "Maybe a long life does have to be filled with many unpleasant conditions if it's to seem long. But in that event, who wants one?"

"I do," Dunbar told him.

"Why?" Clevinger asked.

"What else is there?"

Changed my life as a young man. What else is there?

>> No.6388226

is she an apostate? or does she no longer believe in god? not that it really matters
why not read a book to her? like one of your favourites

>> No.6388256

Tell her about buddhism. Death is no escape from suffering. Only the eightfold path.

>> No.6388257

get gay

>> No.6388274

You made a lot of sense! Please write a book with more of your sound wisdom so that the rest of the world can suckle at the salty teat of your sage advice.

>> No.6388297


>> No.6388541

>"What else is there?"
Sweet, sweet nothingness comes to mind.