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6381445 No.6381445 [Reply] [Original]

I was in a thread and some crazy pol guy was saying something about critical theory and how it's subversive. What is it? Is it what pol says?

>> No.6381591


I remember going to Metapedia, and finding that there are fascists that enjoy Critical Theory.

I wonder what the local fascist here thinks about Critical Theory. You know, the namefag that reads Marx.

>> No.6381641
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I mean the guy who namefags in Greek who reads Marx.

It's funny that the far-right sees politically irrelevent academics who want to sell books and bored college students being fascinated by ideas with no practical political application as being subversive beyond the internet.

>> No.6381685


It's subversive insofar as it subverts the ideological authority of institutions which conservatives - in the simplest, Burkean sense - seek to protect.

>> No.6381703

>tfw Theory is more interesting than real life

>> No.6381705

Critical theory was made up by a bunch of German intellectuals around the middle of the century. They agreed with this guy Anthony Gramsci who had opined that Marx made a big mistake: He underestimated how difficult it was for the proletariat, constantly brainwashed by capitalist culture, to attain class consciousness and pull off a revolution.

In contrast to Gramsci and Marx, they were extremely pessimistic. They mostly analyzed the different ways capitalists brainwash us but offered few and vague solutions. Despite technology being good enough to keep everyone well-fed, for example, the capitalists use movies and commercials to make us want things we don't need so we work even more, creating new products we don't need to consume, etc.

Admittedly, some hippies did pick up on them, but they really had almost no mainstream influence. These guys are incredibly dense and abstract. Actually, their most famous member was probably Theodore Adorno who mostly just whined about pop music eclipsing classical music. I think /pol/ like to blame everything on them because they all happened to be Jews, were heavily influenced by Freud and Marx (also Jews), and criticized culture. That, and some crank sociologist wrote some kind of book about this, but he just made the connection first. None have actually read him.

>> No.6381708

>tfw that when it's alcohol or stuff hedonism is fine, but when it's your completely free theory people feel the need to shit on you.

>> No.6381714

Pretty much this.

/pol/ do not actually know anything about the Frankfurt School, critical theory, or the oxymoronic 'cultural marxism'.
They're morons, basically.

>> No.6381744


To be a bit clearer: They were basically the philosopher versions of Brave New World, criticizing how we were lulled so pleasantly into capitalism by bad pop music and things we don't really need that we didn't realize how important a communist revolution was. Because they are Jews and criticized Western culture, /pol/ and many others have found it convenient to blame them for providing justification for changing Western culture to suit leftist ideals. If you know anything about critical theory though, it's a fairly absurd claim because they are such obscure and difficult thinkers, and were also, strictly speaking, culturally conservative, actually advocating Western high culture over the products of consumer society.

>> No.6381747 [DELETED] 
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>/pol/ do not actually know anything about the Frankfurt School, critical theory, or the oxymoronic 'cultural marxism'
Keep taking the bluepill

>> No.6381759

>unironically talking about the 'pill'-memes

>> No.6381765


I'm a fairly conservative guy, but I've been planning to read some critical theorist since I'm not allergic critiques of capitalism. should I bother if I don't have a grasp on Freud or Marx?

>> No.6381767
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>> No.6381769
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looks like someone took the dummy gummy..

>> No.6381783

Why don't you have a grasp on Freud or Marx? Are you some sort of fucking idiot?

>> No.6381792

I mean I haven't read them and thus only have a tertiary understanding.

>> No.6381798

Read an introduction to both.

>> No.6381804

The left has been coopted. There's no subversion, only spectacle and distraction.

>> No.6381814

Guy, pls go

>> No.6381838


he is right though

>> No.6381842

I said go, Guy

>> No.6381885


Do white nationalists ever have sex? I've never heard of it before. Could you give me an answer?

>> No.6381897

The left's best attempts at discourse, everyone

>> No.6381931

I'm this guy >>6381814

I am not leftist, and as you can see I reject everything Guy Debord wrote.

I hate women, blacks, Jews especially, poor people, faggots, and the handicapped and see myself as a National Socialist of the /pol/ variety

>> No.6381962

this tripfag is an anarchist

Don't put me together with him

>> No.6381969
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Not taking the unseen third pill.


>> No.6382017

The third pill precludes the red pill from existing, and so it becomes a newly imagined red pill.

>> No.6382030


>> No.6382038

>What is it?

I don't know.

>Is it what pol says?


>> No.6382046 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6382122

not this shit again

>> No.6382133

>I think /pol/ like to blame everything on them because they all happened to be Jews, were heavily influenced by Freud and Marx (also Jews), and criticized culture.

I like Adorno but there's something to /pol/'s claim, even if they definitely haven't read him and he's not as bad as they make him out to be.

For Adorno, nearly everything about western culture enables the Holocaust to be a possibility. He quite seriously thinks swing dancing is complicit in the Holocaust and people shouldn't enjoy art forms that do not reflect on the Holocaust.

Adorno talks a lot about "disaster" but look around and try to find one mention of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There isn't one because he simply didn't give a fuck. Auschwitz his is symbol for disaster.

I definitely think Adorno was more rigorous, intelligent and cynical to approve of contemporary identity politics but to say that he wasn't a Jew with a lot of contempt for German and American culture is not missing the mark.

I mean, Habermas was the only non-Jew of the Frankfurt School, right? And Adorno kicked him out when Habermas dared to say that Adorno was too pessimistic.

>> No.6382150
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So the answer is you've never had sex and white nationalists don't have sex.

>> No.6382167

Sure, I'm waiting till marriage. I'm not a degenerate under the influence of Jew propaganda and subversion of morals and decency.

>> No.6382183
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>> No.6382191

back 2 tumblr

>> No.6382195
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>> No.6382246

Nice response bro. I liked the part with the opposing argument

>> No.6382253


what argument

>> No.6382259

Fuck off trip nigger

>> No.6382263
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>> No.6382328


Yeah, Habermas was just an assistant too, I think. Anyway, I totally agree that *there is something to it*. Still a good bit from them having any whatsoever idea about what they are talking about though. I wouldn't encourage them.

>> No.6382462

This stuff /pol/ hates is actually redirecting critique of society away from systemic economic contradictions and toward "culture" or "ideology", disarming leftism in the process. It's actually great for capitalism. And I don't mean "crony" capitalism, I mean real capitalism, the only one that can and does exist, a system always adapting to the given state of technology and productivity, taking on whatever form necessary to preserve profits and survive.

>> No.6382545
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If you are referring to the Martin Jay book it is somewhat sympathetic to the Frankfurt School. I would imagine that /pol/ blames these people because they see them as the root influence of the people who pushed forward a lot of the contemporary theories of social justice, relativism, and post modernism. I have no with critical theory for advocating a more just and egalitarian society. My issue with critical theory is that it gets caught up with an idiotic elitism, setting its critique on benign or inconsequential targets.