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File: 41 KB, 638x479, introduction-to-feminist-literary-criticism-1-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6362547 No.6362547 [Reply] [Original]

Just about every woman who is well-read in literature is a feminist

>> No.6362552

Unfortunate, innit?

>> No.6362556


>> No.6362684
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>> No.6362743
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every humanist is a human

>> No.6362748

I doubt you've even read her memoirs, pleb.

>> No.6362749


I'm not a humanist or an individualist, what does that make me?

>> No.6362756


>> No.6362874

Was Rand a feminist?

>> No.6362916

Was Rand well-read?

>> No.6362922


Was Rand a human or a reptile?

>> No.6362925

and every well read man. Depends what you mean by "feminist" thought, its a pretty wide umbrella

>> No.6362926

She knew a great deal of words

>> No.6362927

Why would you not be? Feminist doesn't mean radical feminist.

>> No.6362947

Most educated women are feminists because they have picked it up from their teachers before they have done any serious reading, then read classics which reinforce these views like Bronte, Austen Woolf etc.

>> No.6362952

Aye, but that was about all

>> No.6362979

Obviously. Especially if they're in any sort of education that isn't privately conducted in the home.

Acknowledging that you have the capacity and right to go to a university just like a man does is already feminist.

>> No.6362982


That isn't feminist. Feminist is believing you should have the legal right to immediately castrate any man who asks you out on a date.

>> No.6362985

actually, you're incorrect!

>> No.6362988

Glad to see /r9k/'s continuing influence.

No. Feminism has never been exclusively concerned with fickle people's dating practices and wants.

>> No.6362995
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>> No.6362996

I'm well read but I detest third wave feminism.

>> No.6363006

The majority of any group tends to detest their radical outliers.

>> No.6363011


>> No.6363017


>Feminism has never been exclusively concerned with fickle people's dating practices and wants.

Except that it's largely about not wanting men to get laid

That was common sense long before it became a meme on r9k

>> No.6363024


I'm sorry you've put your ideological blinders on to the fact that Feminism makes one of its underlying causes the gradual vilification and stigmatization of male sexuality

>> No.6363032

You'll always see if from your point of view. To you, it might be about women preventing men from getting all that subservience men deserve (whether you think it's due to physical dominance, or whatever).

To women, it's about not being forced to submit, and being able to make your own choices. Which do not exclusively have to do with sex.

>> No.6363043


Except nothing I said had anything to do with subservience

>> No.6363046

I don't believe I have blinders on. I would identify as a MRA as well. But I'm not a radical version of either.

I do not see any contradiction in being well-read and identifying as a feminist. It seems absolutely natural to me.

>> No.6363049

>the legal right to immediately castrate any man who asks you out on a date.

That sounds a lot like a dominance/subservience thing to me. Sorry if I've somehow misinterpreted.

>> No.6363070

Are we human? Or are we dancer?

>> No.6363095
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>not understanding that there are at least three definable 'waves' of feminism, all with different goals and that lumping them together is intellectually irresponsible
>not considering oneself an Egalitarian in order to avoid the inevitable semantics conversation to shut up the reactionary jackasses who can't get laid and blame it on da wimminz

>> No.6363111

Feminism is the idea that it's nobler to spend your life working for a corporation than raising a family and maintaining a good home.

>> No.6363128

No. It's always been the freedom to choose to do either, or both, if you'd like.

You shouldn't fall into the NEET mentality that all gainful employment must be about serving some unforgivable corporation.

>> No.6363139

>hello female author #1 are you a feminist
>what do you believe in
>legal equality for men and women
>oh okay, hello female author #2 are you a feminist
>what do you believe in
>you are literally raping me right now by existing the university needs to deflate your grades and inflate mine to deconstruct systematic patriarchy my vagina is the cosmic yoni and the centre of all existence you owe me money stop raping me give me money all men are bad women are good give more money to women the government and criminal justice system are not sufficient to prosecute rape what we really need are anti-rape vigilante gangs that form when i am on my period and i tweet about regretting a sexual encounter from fourteen months ago hello why aren't you giving me money you rapist i'm literally being raped right now by you not giving me money wow like wow you didn't even reblog my tweet that's rape excuse me did you just call me a female author i am a transmetropolitan demi-queer third generation inside-outie-falsie-vag-trannysexual and you are literally raping me right now by not paying for my sex reassignment surgery but not my gender reassignment surgery which i don't need because there is no such thing as gender until i say there is such a thing as gender which is only when i want to use the word gender to describe my choice of fashion but not my choice of partners are you even listening to me anymore not listening to me is rape excuse me did you just say you're listening to me that's rape why aren't you retweeting my blogs i'm literally being raped you owe me reparations because i'm trans-black and trans-intuiting that your ancestors raped my transcestors who were slaves and also misgendered them why isn't anyone giving me money where is my rape defence brigade help this guy didn't swipe me right on tinder that's rape you can't judge me for being 420 pounds that's rape why is everyone raping me today

>> No.6363140
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Not really.

>> No.6363141

>being a vapid idiot

>> No.6363152

Besides her, I can only think of Colette for other twentieth century female authors this doesn't apply to.

>> No.6363154


>being this new

>> No.6363156

>You shouldn't fall into the NEET mentality that all gainful employment must be about serving some unforgivable corporation.
This isn't entirely true. The vast majority works for corporations who don't give a shit about them. A handful of people can manage their own companies and the stress that can lead to; A minority of this people get successful enough not to give a shit about their company anymore and only a very few hundreds of people can live a day without working anymore for the rest of their lives.

While it is true that only a few "make the cut" to live a life without working underhand of "big corporations", you can't deny most people won't end up working on dead-end jobs for other people who don't give two shits about them.

>> No.6363157
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>> No.6363177

I take more issue with the idea that all companies must be awful and disdainful of their employees. You don't have to own your own business to work somewhere worthwhile.

Obviously, the percentage of people working for x number of large faceless corporations will be higher. But one shouldn't act like any work done is necessarily not joyful, or that you aren't treated well by your employers.

This is coming from a freelancer, though. Part of that involves getting to know a lot of smaller employers.

>> No.6363186
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>> No.6363209

Flannery O'Connor and Edith Wharton? There are probably others.

>> No.6363216

>>This is coming from a freelancer, though.
Lel, try working on an office 40 hours a week before making such a convinced statement. Most small companies that suceed start growing and in the nick of time, if your area isn't important or you weren't capable enough, you'll be just another employee.

>> No.6363233

Where did they espouse non-feminist views? I've only read House of Mirth from Wharton, but it didn't strike me as that.

Not a masochist, anon. I'd rather do something I love than live in misery to prove some point. I've never said anything about most small companies being exceptional though. Start-ups fail all the time. I guess the /r9k/ "if you work you must be miserable" mentality seems overly prevalent to me; exceptions are everywhere.

>> No.6363247

The obvious solution is to ban literature for women.

>> No.6363256

I work 40 hours a week in an office for a several billion dollar company. I can honestly say that it would be tough for a company to care about their employees more than the one I work for does.

>> No.6363297
File: 108 KB, 463x648, 102712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

highsmith was a cunt, she hated everybody.

>> No.6363326

Highsmith is the beauty and honesty of love, anon

>> No.6363842

Just cool it with the anti-Semitism.

>> No.6363853

Isn't feminism the application of marxist theory to the sociopolitical microstructures of home and workplace?

>> No.6363890


You're both wrong. Stop generalising men and women with such broad brush strokes.

Stop it.

>> No.6363910

Any kind of discussion like this is going to lead to generalities.

>> No.6363922

Worthless harpy

>> No.6365103


>> No.6365141

>Go to uni
>Boys not to good on exams
>Girls really good
>Does exactly as teacher says
>Does all examination
>Never question teacher
>Just follow
>Boys question teacher all the time
>Think critically
>Call out teacher on bull-shit
>But perform worse on tests

It's like girls just never question people critically

>> No.6365148

>NEET mentality

Cut the shaming language, asshole!

>> No.6365152


>> No.6365153

;hey tell me how i did on my spnaish project be tbh https://youtu.be/ZhWtSBU8orE

>> No.6365156
File: 42 KB, 587x599, 1407534664097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not considering oneself an egoist and not giving a shit what women have to say.

>> No.6365159
File: 57 KB, 570x434, different kinds of cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the tripfags are reproducing like crazy and no one seems to care.

>> No.6365412

He says every humanist is a human, not that every human is a humanist.