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6357354 No.6357354 [Reply] [Original]

The trick is that it's not really a "problem". There really is no problem. The person who answers the question comes up with the problem and the person who asks the question uses that to psychoanalyze him. It's like a rorschach inkblot test you see.

>> No.6357358

Your mom's like a rorschach inkblot test, after I squirted my inky black cum all over her face and chest

>> No.6357362

>having a m****r
>implying I'm a filthy wombborn like yourself

>> No.6357370

It's actually a part of a psychological study. The remarkable part was that most people would pull the lever, but when asked whether they'd throw the man from an overhead bridge to stop the train most said no.

>> No.6357376

>inky black cum
you need to drink more water

everyone: please remember to stay hydrated

>> No.6357388

Well the lever limits the world two a binary decision. The responsibility is subconsciously shifted somewhat towards the people who built the contraption and also you are assured that people will be saved given how contrived the scenario is.

throwing a man from a bridge is more natural, less constrained requires some problem solving. You doubt yourself and whether or not throwing the person over will actually even divert the train since there is no system in place to guarantee that it will

>> No.6357400

I think the condition was that you'd just have to push him, and that'd it definitely would stop the train.

>> No.6357423

never pull the switch unless you will definitely be saving everyone.
If you pull it, even if you save more people you're a murderer.

>> No.6357446

it could be the intimacy physical contact. why didn't they come up with a lever that pushes the man so you didn't have to touch him yourself?

>> No.6357453

I think with a lot of people even if you tell them that the man will definitely stop the train, there's still a natural doubt.

>> No.6357462

The problem is people couple what they think is right and whether or not they're willing to do the right thing.
The question is "if you're not willing to do it, then is it still right". And the answer is either yes or not. It doesn't matter how tough the job is.

>> No.6357468

Let's say you're in a train, and have the ability to change its direction at an upcoming track change. Along the path the train is going down, it runs over five people, but then continues on safely, but on the other track it hits no one but crashes into a cliff face. You have one person with you on the train who you don't know, and all the doors and windows are locked, do you change the track or not?

>> No.6357499

no, there is functionaly no difference between pulling the switch a not pulling it in terms of responsibility, the second you are aware of the problem you are responsible, not pulling the lever is just as much an action as pulling it you dildo

>> No.6357513

you are changing it though. A man is dying who wouldn't be if you'd not been there that day. If you don't move it the people who would die would have died even if you were gone.

>> No.6357526

Here is the real answer:

1- Pulls the lever

Is a cunt.

2- Doesn't pull the lever

Is bro-tier.

Lever pullers are sadistic evil cunts. End of story. I don't care how you justify it, you are making the choice to kill, to play god.

>> No.6357532


And to justify myself...let's say you get some sick kid in your hospital and you are the doctor...why not just kill him and take all his organs and give them to the 10 other sick people on your ward? It makes sense, mathematically.

Lever pullers don't have shit to say to me now.

Utilitarians are scumbags.

>> No.6357541

As if the decision to not do anything when you could have is not a decision anymore.

>> No.6357548


You are saying that 1 person is worth less than a large number of people...why would that be true?

>> No.6357557

I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that making a decision to not do something is also killing people and (in your words) playing god.

>> No.6357559


I would pull the lever just because in that large group there is more probability that some pussy appears.

If the individual one is a girl i wouldn't pull the level

>> No.6357567

the ethics of thirst.

>> No.6357575

u a thirsty ass nigga

>> No.6357582

he's right tho

get puss and be hailed as a hero

>> No.6357592
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>me: You're wrong, I am not a murderer. I am... ... divergent.

*lay down on the tracks myself to topple the trolley*

>> No.6357612
File: 507 KB, 733x733, max_stirner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allow the trolley to kill the five and then I kill the one remaining myself.

>> No.6357619
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Well propertied my spook.

>> No.6357630
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Yeah, but how about this

>> No.6357632

because the dude is already strapped to the tracks. Enlisting a passerby to act as a roadblock against their will is basically just murder.

>> No.6357643

>Look at Stirner, look at him, the peaceful enemy of all constraint.
>For the moment, he is still drinking beer,
>Soon he will be drinking blood as though it were water.

>> No.6357686

how does that benefit you?

Wouldn't the most Stirner like answer be the one that benefits you most personally? That could include pulling it so you don't have to carry the psychological burden of watching more people die than had to.

>> No.6357726


The most Stirner answer is that you can do whatever you want to

>> No.6357744

The most Stirner answer would be doing as you please which is what that post is saying.

>> No.6357918


Well memed, my friend.

>> No.6357982
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>> No.6358022

I'd meh

>> No.6358023

There is only one answer:
A train switch moves the tracks in and out. There are four wheels. Pull the lever once the front wheels meet the section of rail that moves, then pull the switch again once the back wheels hit it. This would probably derail the train, and you can save everyone and be a smart cunt hero

>> No.6358368
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