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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 17 KB, 228x346, the old man and the sea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6348627 No.6348627 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to write a literary novelette. I don't know to... expect. I'm about 3k in out of a forecasted 10k. I've never written anything this long before.

Got any advice for me? How do your writing processes work?

Pic unrelated; just a nice story that inspired me.

>> No.6348693

Tell me about your novelette.

>> No.6348713
File: 17 KB, 210x240, 1424782282425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't go wrong when you Write

>> No.6348772


It's an allegory for social media. MC lives in a place where they only think in terms of very short sentences and that's how they decide political/philosophical/social matters. She runs away and then lives with some people who write essays. Then the tide comes in on the island and starts to destroy the shoreline. The essay writing community cannot decide what to do but the social media style one immediately does a bit of community action and builds a sea wall.

>> No.6348789

Best advice I can give:

Draft 1: Just write the fucking story.
Draft 2: Flesh it out a bit more.
Draft 3: Remove all the pretentious crap you added in draft 2.
Draft 4: Fine tune the narrative.

>> No.6348791


It's an allegory for social media. MC lives in a place where they only think in terms of very short sentences and that's how they decide political/philosophical/social matters. She runs away and then lives with some people who write essays. Then the tide comes in on the island and starts to destroy the shoreline. The essay writing community cannot decide what to do but the social media style one immediately does a bit of community action and builds a sea wall.

>> No.6348795

thanks for the advice :)

>> No.6348806

No problem, dude. Best of luck with it.
I like to leave it a couple of weeks between drafts, but everyone's different. Just go with what works for you.

>> No.6349510

>How do your writing processes work?
1. Come up with concept
2. Never write
3. Repeat

Just write out a first draft, no matter how terrible. I hear you don't truly know what the focus of your story is until you finish the first draft. You could drastically change the initial idea during revisions.

>> No.6349558

I've started writing something a while ago. I have 7k words written down without any edits. I could certainly add more details. I am about halfway through the story.

Should I make this a novelette or try to make it longer by adding details and actions?

>> No.6349597


A ten thousand word "novellette" is usually called a "short story" anon.

>> No.6349604

Not OP, but i need some help with my fictional universe and didn't know where else to go

I have a group of different species that evolved civilizations
I was a bit troubled for some time what would be the basic defining characteristics of one of them
I came to a conclusion that i really liked, and would work pretty well

The problem is that this idea would make this species unable to communicate by sound
Writing any stories with any of them as a main character, or writing a friendship between one of them and one of the other species, or even giving the reader empathy for them would be pretty difficult

should i go with this, thus deem them to forever be seen as the "evil" species, or should i try to do it differently?