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6309479 No.6309479[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Bluepill me on cultural marxism and the Frankfurt School /lit/

Is this article truthful of a bunch of lies?


>> No.6309527

It's the Schiller Institute. LaRouche bullshit.

>> No.6309563

Listen, if you can't stomach peaceful and gradual Fabian cultural marxism then you renounce all right to bitch when the Third World Anti-Revisionist Prison Column comes to put jumper cables on your nipples.

>> No.6309591

"Political Correctness" is a myth created by a misunderstanding of Discourse Ethics.

You would agree that Democracy is the ideal form of political organization, yes? And you would also agree that in order for Democracy to function most effectively, all citizens must be equally knowledgeable and active participants. However, in any large society, this is unfeasible, which is why we have representatives who--well represent the population. However, because these are only representatives, and literal thousands of voices are getting condensed through them, we must be extremely careful about the language we use.

For instance, consider a society of two broad social groups, let's call them Greens and Purples. We want to make this society an effective democracy, but it has historically been favored for the Greens. Greens make up 60% of the population, but over 90% of the democratic representatives. In addition, the society has a deep-seated implicit bias against Purples. Purple is considered the color of deceit and villainy, and slurs such as Purp or "Morrie" (derived from spanish Morado, meaning Purple) continue to be used to insult and belittle purples. As such, Purples will never be able to participate in democracy as equals, and thus, there is no true democracy at all. Until Purples attain proportional representation in government, and until all linguistic bias against them is systematically wiped out from the public sphere, there will never be true democracy.

The Greens need to be held accountable for their role in the delegitimization of their own democracy. Any Green that does not actively support equality for Purples is an enemy to society, and must be removed or reformed in order for democracy to function. #YesAllPurples

>> No.6309617
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>Bluepill me
>not taking the third unseen pill

>> No.6309641


>not realizing the empire never ended
>not taking the ferris f fremont pill

>> No.6309642

>60% greens
> 40% purples
>society has a deep-seated implicit bias against Purples
Poor purple people hating themselves :(

>> No.6309657


Your example falls apart because it's scientifically proven that the Purples are genetically inferior to the Greens. Morrie communites are wrecked with gang violence and drug use, mostly due to the cancerous Morrie culture which no Green leader can critizie for fear of being out of fashion with his fellow bourgeoisie Green electorate.

Democracy can only work if all the participants are knowledgeable and active. As is plainly obvious to everyone, Purples have never, EVER, been either without direct Green intervention. Even when the Purples did devise a non-self destructive culture of their own, it was stomped out by Ivy League Green socialists who needed the Purples to vote for them so they could get power against the other Green parties. A culture of parasitism was re-enforced with a "war on Purple poverty" which has only cause Purple wedlock births and divorces to skyrocket as breadwinners are punished.

>> No.6309669

Ever remember back in high school when you'd see certain kids who made a point of dressing up 'different' just to make a point? You may have noticed that they all seemed to be 'conforming to non-conformity'?

That paradox to me seems at the heart of what the Frankfurt School represented.

They introduced that whole upper middle class spirit of affected rebellion, the quasi socialist stance of defining yourself against the dominant 'culture,' that later became influential as the (indirect) inspiration for hippies, punk rock, and of course, SJWs.

Their project redefined Marxism in various ways against 'establishment' culture, shifting the goalpost subtly away from the rich class that they belonged to. They introduced that familiar vocabulary of all the 'superficially rebellious white kid' movements: 'the establishment,' 'conformity,' 'norms,' 'consumerism,' 'culture industry' etc. Think about what those terms have in common, who uses them, and you basically have the gift of what the Frankfurt school represented and the extent of its influence on Western culture.

Some people blame the Frankfurt school for political correctness.

I don't think that's true. I think that political correctness was a moral or less natural consequence of minorities and women advancing socially on white men. Combine the language of the anti-racist movement with the inane formalism of bureaucracy and you naturally end up with something like political correctness. I don't think the Frankfurt school had much to do with identity politics either, it seemed to be mostly about that whole "conformity sucks bro" attitude.

>> No.6309683


>I think that political correctness was a moral or less natural consequence of minorities and women advancing socially on white men. Combine the language of the anti-racist movement with the inane formalism of bureaucracy and you naturally end up with something like political correctness.

But that "anti-racist" speech doesn't inherently come from women or minorities, just look at the pre-MLK afrocentricism movement or pre-sexual liberation feminism. "anti-racist" speech comes directly from the FCC's broadcast content standards, which along with the language standards for the big three (CBS, ABC, NBC) directly created political correctness. Boomers, later Gen X and Yers, grew up with TV as their prime socializer/teacher/guide etc. It's no wonder that political correctness has gone full retard like it recently has, it's the only possible result when sheltered middle/upper class types are weaned on TV. It's only fading away now because the Internet has replaced TV and people are fighting back against uber-PCness. It remains to be seen what Gen Z does in this regard. However, the point is that TV, with it's sharp focus on "standards" and more importantly it's ability to allow a very small minority to dictate under the guise of being the "majority", created political correctness and SJWism.

In short, it's not so much a creation of a specific school of thought as it is the result of White America gentrifying well above blacks starting in the 50s while they became more sheltered with TV. PCism and SJWism is the natural result.

>> No.6309690


This sounds fairly plausible. I knew it had something to do with some kind of bureaucracy, I didn't know it was the FCC specifically.

Just one critical question:

How do you explain the latest major wave of SJWism that started after Occupy Wall Street? This seems to have coincided with the decline of TV if anything.

>> No.6309692

do not believe the lies the goyim tell about the frankfurt yeshiva

>> No.6309693

You don't seem to know about Quakers and Roundheads

>> No.6309715


American education system.

>> No.6309724
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> However, in any large society, this is unfeasible

Yes and this is why we only get democracy in name only. The world simply should not be divided into such large constituencies if we believe democracy to be the greatest form of governance. So called representative democracy is an ersatz perversion of the concept and an insult to my intelligence.

>> No.6309736

>Is this article truthful or a bunch of lies?
>Schiller Institute

It's a bunch of lies, OP. I don't even have to read the article to know that.

>> No.6309757

It says students got the University of Virginia to drop Homer & Chaucer as requirements.

But look here:


Check the fall 2015 courses. That's sign #1 this article was written by a retarded monkey.

And look at this bit here:

>This conspiracy was decisive in planning and developing, as means of social manipulation, the vast new sister industries of radio, television, film, recorded music, advertising, and public opinion polling. The pervasive psychological hold of the media was purposely fostered to create the passivity and pessimism which afflict our populations today. So successful was this conspiracy, that it has become embedded in our culture; it no longer needs to be a "conspiracy," for it has taken on a life of its own.

Well shit son, this is how I know this dumbass author has never actually READ anything by Adorno, since this is a dumbed down version of the main point of The Culture Industry.

>The Poststructuralism of Roland Barthes, Michel Foucault, and Jacques Derrida, the Semiotics of Umberto Eco, the Deconstructionism of Paul DeMan, all openly cite Benjamin as the source of their work.

Yeah, this essay is retarded.

I don't get it. Why don't all these people who think the Frankfurt School is the source of the world's ills just sit down and read the books for themselves? They're easy to find.

>> No.6309893


Thanks doc

>> No.6310019

>insult to my intelligence.
Assuming you are indeed of above intelligence, that is never the problem with democracy:
The intelligence is irrelevant majority decided. No big surprise that the average Joe and Jane are pathetically stupid. As bad as the average representative might be we should strive to a level above the overall average.

Fun fact: i live in Frankfurt and study at the Frankfurt school of finance and management. There is nothing that cannot be commoditized.

>> No.6310144

First off, "cultural Marxism" is a misnomer. You'd be laughed at if you ever said that around anyone who actually knows anything instead of hanging around conservative or libertarian scaremongers like /pol/.


Try reading that and formulate your own opinion instead of reading watered-down secondary sources that will try to tell you what is going on one way or another.

These thinkers aren't so scary.

What Horkheimer and Adorno said about the culture industry is still pretty relevant today. Look at all the samey superhero movies and Young Adult novels that get churned out at an alarming rate. All they're saying is that this crap just overstimulates people and indoctrinates them into a life of passivity. Humans just exist to consume this crap and it's even more true in the age of Twitter because people just retweet whatever popular slogan and don't think for themselves.

People don't realize but Horkheimer and Adorno ARE the red pill.

>> No.6310535
File: 46 KB, 376x401, sheeple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What Horkheimer and Adorno said about the culture industry is still pretty relevant today. Look at all the samey superhero movies and Young Adult novels that get churned out at an alarming rate. All they're saying is that this crap just overstimulates people and indoctrinates them into a life of passivity.
Sturgeon's law: 90% of everything is shit

This is a teenager's philosophy, see >>6309669.
All these stupid sheeple, pic related

>> No.6310585

I've studied the Frankfurt School in quite depth and nothing from this even remotely resembles what I know as the Frankfurt School. In fact it looks like the exact opposite. The FS is not responsible for political correctness. In fact most contemporary "leftists" find the FS to have been a deeply conservative institution, and that people like Adorno were racist and sexist. That's not true either, but there's a grain of reason to the reaction.

I don't really feel the need to say anymore. If you believe any of that bullshit then you're probably a lost cause anyways. Just read the FS yourself and make up your own mind (provided you can actually understand half of what they're saying with your pea brain)

>> No.6310587

>People don't realize but Horkheimer and Adorno ARE the red pill.
this is true

>> No.6310588

yo sorry m8 but Sturgeon is only 80%
shoutout for being a fellow Sturgeon bro tho

>> No.6310613

This is a very detailed argument from someone who hasn't read anything about the topic or the authors mentioned.

>> No.6310637

What you utterly fail to remember though is that at the moment of the Frankfurt School's inauguration, Marxism WAS the dominant culture. That was the dominant culture that they were opposing. And later in the sixties the New Left was the dominant culture on college campuses, and similarly they opposed that. Adorno went so far as to call some of the more radical student activists "red fascists."

>> No.6310642

And similarly in the late sixties, Horkheimer warned of the coming of the "chinese on the rhine" referring to the influence of Maoism amongst students.

>> No.6310655

I realized I was being too general. While people who have read the material would understand, there would be no need to bring up wht they already noticed. Clearly my post has to be for the ones who haven't, so I'll take the time to explain.

>teens conforming to non conformity
This is something that started appearing in the american 60's, it has little to do with a school of though that had disambled decades before and had no effect in the country that started it. This does sort of get close to Adorno's cultural industries, which is transforming human communication and art into an industry that capitalist can own and direct however they like. If anything this ugly teen thing supports his ideas, since they are having their own artistic liberty co-opted by Mtv or Hot Topic or Newsgrounds or whatever.

>They introduced that whole upper middle class spirit of affected rebellion
Not really, Marx and every post-hegelian was upper class. Like every single philosopher we still remember.
>the quasi socialist stance of defining yourself against the dominant 'culture,'
Actually a valid criticism is that they defended an elitist culture over a popular one. And even then people like Benjamin defended popular music and movies while others saw them just as propaganda weapons.

>redefined Marxism in various ways against 'establishment' culture
Again, most of them were in favor of opera, camera music, classic paintings, and most "establishment culture" things.

>shifting the goalpost subtly away from the rich class that they belonged to.
Marx was all in favor of the burgoise, he sees them as an inherently revolutionary force and sort of paternal figure for the workers.

>hey introduced that familiar vocabulary of all the 'superficially rebellious white kid' movements: 'the establishment,' 'conformity,' 'norms,' 'consumerism,' 'culture industry' etc.
Somehoe you're skipping the part were this language reaches kids after being co-opted by american companies.

>Some people blame the Frankfurt school for political correctness.
And they are wrong. They were quite violent against each other and things they didn't like, after all they are hoping to ride the revolutionary wave even from academia.

>conformity sucks bro
I don't even understand where you could get that from. If they stood against conformity was just under a marxist banner calling for the next step in the revolution, and it was a time in which it had just happened in Russia and was sort of happening in Germany (just not in the direction they wanted) so it wasn't an incorrect prediction. It still doesn't translate to a modern mini-revelion stage which can be much more easily connected with american ivy schools teaching tamed versions of everything to guilty rich kids and the standardization of small societal revolt instead of actually going to war.

>> No.6310661

And he was a dumbfuck since maoism was considerably superior both in terms of arguments and implementation.

>> No.6310681

>People don't realize but Horkheimer and Adorno ARE the red pill.
Of course they are. They basically continued what radical conservatives did before them, but in an even more abstract and artsy manner, so interpretation could go anywhere.

>> No.6310699

sure worked out well in cambodia didn't it?

>> No.6310718

>but in an even more abstract and artsy manner, so interpretation could go anywhere.
being "artsy" wasn't what they were going for. They're philosophical writings were written in the manner of Hegelianism. So yes, it is difficult and can sound obscure at times, but that's because the ideas are hard to convey. Difficult ideas require difficult explanations. They also wrote on plenty of concrete issues as well, especially Adorno. The only reason that you think that interpretation could go anywhere is because most of the readers of the FS are intellectually lazy and want to find justifications for their own pre-existing ideas instead of trying to understand new ones.

>> No.6310731

Cambodia was fucked since the british went there decades before, shit was already fucked up by then. Also the kmer rouge kept acting even without communist support, they just took a flag for a while but never actually cared for anything. Just like the kurds or the farc would still fight for their people even without an european discourse on top of them.

>> No.6310744

American shit.
Literally that is your left.
Privilege to them means being white cis straight.
No mention of money or wealth.
Castrated left.

>> No.6310763

oh wow, you're actually not trolling.

I've never understood the appeal of Maoism (and I have met and talked to dozens of self-proclaimed Maoists in my lifetime). In the west at least, it seems to manifest itself as some kind of upper-class, first-world guilt about poverty and general misery around the rest of the world. They all seem so angry and socially inept. When Maoism gained traction in the sixties and seventies it was because there really wasn't anything going on in either America or Western Europe. People had grown tired of the Soviet Union. So they had to find some cause to champion so they looked to China and the GPCR. When news of the atrocities caused during the GPCR eventually came out, most people left the ideology, but a few die-hards stuck around to mis-educate another generation of youth.

>> No.6310764

>most of the readers of the FS are intellectually lazy and want to find justifications for their own pre-existing ideas instead of trying to understand new ones.
(i'm not that anon)
While I think this applies to the modern hate they get, the FS has been well regarded for a long time and some of their theories, for example the media not as social control but as trend setter, have been expanded without this much silly hate towards dead thinkers.

>> No.6310800

>implying i'm being a hardcore maoist when saying that cambodia has a history of ethnic cleansing or that the revolutionary group gave zero fucks for their alignment.
>not mentioning maoism in any point of the post means i really really like them

as for why some people like it you have to understand the appeal of other vaguely capable top down governments. Mao was pretty much a ghost figure that came and went while the party was openly there all the time, that gave him time to create some pretty interesting reflections on communism and war that got pretty popular in the west. Even if a bit obvious here and there, the red book is a pretty decent piece of political text, and easy to read if you're barely aware of politics.
Chine was able to more or less keep things afloat way better than Russia, mainly because they had a country that could stand more loss and actually produce more when the conditions were present.

>> No.6310840

>>implying i'm being a hardcore maoist when saying that cambodia has a history of ethnic cleansing or that the revolutionary group gave zero fucks for their alignment.
>>not mentioning maoism in any point of the post means i really really like them
first learn to put together a coherent thought
then learn to green text
then get back to me :)

>> No.6310866

Anyone that actively seeks to be "pilled" is an idiot.

>> No.6310918
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>> No.6310919
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Bring it.

>> No.6310921

>someone actually took the time to make this picture

>> No.6310936
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It's as if someone made the chart first and then filled it with random items not even in a chronological order.

>> No.6310940
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>> No.6310948

nice arguments, sources and debate you have there, mate.

>> No.6310950
File: 1.97 MB, 256x192, Deal with it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post insincerely, get an insincere reply.


>> No.6310952
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This was an unironic reply to me asking for a source when someone claimed that the frankfurt school was against white men owning homes.

>> No.6310966

Demanding sources for your quotes goes against decent and mature debates, you should know that already :^)

>> No.6311074
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I mean, never mind that /pol/'s using an allegory written by Lana Wachowski and portrayed by Laurence Fishburne to whine about how much they hate transsexuals and black people. My main question is, why The Matrix? Why not the Allegory of the Cave? Is /pol/ so illiterate that they can't wrap their heads around the most basic of Platonic allegories unless it's explained by a fucking action movie?

>> No.6311097
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>> No.6311105

>Is /pol/ so illiterate that they can't wrap their heads around the most basic of Platonic allegories

>> No.6311129

laughing 2 lines in

>> No.6311150

Amazing how wrong you are. Adorno even wrote about such kids, the Frankfurt School pretty much coined the terms of conformist revolt /non-conformist conformity. In other words you're usibg Frankfurt School concepts to criticize the Frankfurt School, without even noticing it.
Now, which work of the Frankfurt School have you even read?

>> No.6311187

>>someone actually took the time to make this picture

as a FS scholar, I find it funny. I didn't read it all, but the first bit is true, they actually did seek to make a Marxist revolution, which is something a lot of people forget. They did see themselves as revolutionaries, especially in their early days. The initial conception of the Frankfurt school was as a western counterpart to the Moscow institute for Marxism.

But they're weren't resentful of freedom or liberty, in fact they were champions of it. Adorno's lectures on "History and Freedom" are absolutely fantastic and I would recommend them as a first read to anybody who wants to get acclimated to Adorno.

>> No.6311254


Any chance of a few more suggestions on other suitable avenues into the FS for beginners?

I will definitely be checking out those "History and Freedom" lectures.

>> No.6311283

That's the Cathedral .jpg from Nick Land recolored.

Us cultural protestants came so close to getting their own memetic conspiracy theory, but I don't think it panned out. :,(

>> No.6311483

There really isn't any good secondary literature on the FS or any of it's thinkers. The best I can think of is Gillian Rose's "Melancholy Science" on Adorno.

But besides that just stick to the source. Adorno has a bunch of lecture series published into books like "History and Freedom." They were the lectures that helped him write Negative Dialectics. But he gave these to undergraduate lectures, so he makes sure to explain everything thoroughly. Adorno's collection of essays "Critical Models" is also a very good introduction to his thought. Read those before you bother with Dialectic of Enlightenment or Negative Dialectics.

Always happy to help my frend :)

>> No.6311523

and this, my friends, is why democracy and egalitarianism fails and are ultimately destructive to society.

The best solution: make Greens and Purples live in different countries with their own laws.

Simple as that.

>> No.6311787

It's seems to me people /lit/ simply adore the FS and their work, and every time some bring up any criticisms against them, /lit/ simply claims that such policies have noting to do with FS and would in fact criticize them as well.

It reminds me how Marxists shove away any criticism of Marx by saying that Communist polices that followed his ideology were in fact twists and that Marx would appose such regimes.

In short, you're insisting on the purely ideological nature of the FS and you ignore the fact that currying out this ideology in real life could have, and in fact already had, significant consequences which can also be seen as negative.

How exactly would you describe a correct implementation of the FS ideology in real life?

>> No.6311984

>How exactly would you describe a correct implementation of the FS ideology in real life?
the FS were Leninists

Horkheimer was a soldier of a soviet loyal to the bolsheviks

Adorno cites Lenin all throughout his work

>> No.6312197
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If Marxism is so good, then why are all the followers SJW lunatics? Checkmate

>> No.6312231
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they're just useful idiots

>> No.6312235

Instead of fucking removing our vocabulary and opinions, what about teaching kids through school to base their opinions on something else than what every other retard believes thanks to a biased media? Why not have a society open for all opinions as long as they can prove there is knowledge behind what is said? if not, then those opinions are discredited and therefore discarded.
Instead we have people today throwing words like racist, fascist, bigot, etc. towards anyone who's critical of today's extremely gullible social system, which believes we are all equal regardless of ethnicity and culture.

Political correctness is to me a dangerous system of indoctrination, which causes people to believe they are doing the right thing when on the contrary they're fucking up for everyone.

>tl;dr PC and cultural marxism is cancer and should be challenged by knowledge, experience and information gained throughout history

>> No.6312244

>why are all the followers SJW lunatics?

Fucking Americans think everything is about them. Latin America has a shit ton of Marxist followers (in many forms and shapes) that are, if anything, the antithesis of the very regional phenomena of the SJW.

>> No.6312252

>Check the fall 2015 courses. That's sign #1 this article was written by a retarded monkey.

The article was written in the 90s might have something to do with it

>> No.6312268


How about no? I live in Latin America (specifically Chile) and the SJW whine-about-bullshit is getting
popular here

>> No.6312294

Yes, the problem is not at all the words or the ideology. Its the temper and poor thinking.

How many SJWs end up being from utterly rank, rude areas of the US? If they weren't upset about social justice they'd be upset about liberals, commies, or muslims like their parents. A lot of them end up in San Francisco or nice parts of New York or whatever, but its just so obvious they're cut from poor cloth. You can't escape that. And natives can always tell. Usually by their waist lines.

>> No.6312300

Because /pol/ doesn't try to relate to pretentious assholes like yourself who enjoy looking down on those who enjoy other activities than reading.
Most people know about the Matrix and the red pill/blue pill and the idea behind it while a very small number of people read Plato these days.
>I feel smarter than you because I read someone else's opinions when in fact I am incredibly insecure and escapism/my illusion of being an intellect is all I really have

>> No.6312302

Is there ever an explanation given as to how this Frankfurt School can magically influence everybody to believe their ideas?

So you have a progressive/communist think tank around. That shouldn't really bother anyone. I don't understand why so many people are so focused on this.

>> No.6312304

Yeah rechuchaetumare, that is simple cultural reach from america. I would say that most if not all of the "revoluciones pinguinas", college politics that mobilizes people, the young guys that are now in the legislative power, "poblacional" movements and any sort of movement that reaches from those who are not in the political or cultural elite have a Marxist base or are manifestly Marxist through Latin American interpretations. Due to Chile's history this could not be otherwise, the left grew under Marxism since early 20th century, and the pervasive ideology of the dictatorship's opposition was Marxism.

Though there will always be a feminist department that misreads Meade or Buttler and others that misread the Frankfurt School, what they call "cultural Marxism" in America is far from being the most popular interpretation of Marxism in political movements and academic circles.

>> No.6312307

/pol/ is hilarious

>> No.6312311

>Is there ever an explanation given as to how this Frankfurt School can magically influence everybody to believe their ideas?
When media and politicians tell you this is the way to go, then most people choose that way to go. Don't go that way and you are behaving in ways that are immoral, ergo politically incorrect.
It's great actually, you say one thing and do the other. But this time it is much more subtle.

>> No.6312315
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>> No.6312321

>hey /pol/ platonize me on [x]
>hey /pol/ cave me on [y]
>hey /pol/ Plato's Allegory of the Cave me on [z]

Yeah, you are probably autistic

>> No.6312339

Then how did they convince all the politicians and all of the media?

>> No.6312364

Nah, who knows. The way I see it is that the ones owning media are the ones who decides which politicians should be popular and what not. So, one smack to flies I guess.
Social differences=power for the ones on top
Fewer on top, less competition. If the way to do this is to take in shitloads of people from 3rd world shit holes in the name of tolerance and equality, then why not.

>> No.6312373

How did you get my picture

>> No.6312378

Goodness, one of the animals escaped his cage.

>> No.6312398

It's a fad. And women love fads, and ways to make themselves feel superior. And many men are too pussy to swim against the current.

>> No.6312421

Maybe it functions as a religion. Religion used to be a great way to make people feel like they're in the in group rather than the outgroup, gave them abstruse morals to use to condescend to people and to fill their need for gossip and judgment. This is the mentality of the unintelligent masses. As more of the unintelligent masses go to college they encounter an abstruse set of morals that allows them to do just this, and they pick it up because they need it in a secular society.

The SJWs of today would be chattering church ladies gossiping about someone's skirt being too short and century ago.

>> No.6312423

Why should we still say the word nigger?

>> No.6312428

its funny sometimes

>> No.6312462

>Is there ever an explanation given as to how this Frankfurt School can magically influence everybody to believe their ideas?

Well they didn't influence everybody, select subset of college students, the baby boomer generation, sexual liberation, hippies, "intellectuals". . . Like today in America studies like sociology or women studies are Marxists hellholes, the students openly promote Marxism, but technical fields have no interest in any of that.

And according tot he article many of these from the Frankfurt school worked for the OSS which is the predecessor of the CIA, famous for running psy-ops on it's own citizens and the world

>> No.6312493
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>Like today in America studies like sociology or women studies are Marxists hellholes
I highly doubt there are next to any schools in America today teaching Dialectical Materialism as a legitimate methodology. Poststructuralism is what you really should be buttdevastated about

>> No.6312494

It's not a conspiracy theory to say that this new wave of secular moralists are fucking disgusting human beings pushing their agendas for personal gain. Whether it's the twitter figurehead of an LGBT non-profit organization or a person who feels the need to say "that's racist" at something blatantly racist, it's so fucking transparent and everyone can see that you're actively trying to claim holier-than-thou status because you're otherwise freakish and strange.

Do a good deed and kill a lit student.

>> No.6312525


>How do you explain the latest major wave of SJWism that started after Occupy Wall Street?

I'm >>6309683, just showed up from work

As >>6312398 mentioned it's mostly a fad. 90s era church ladies had 00s and 10s era SJWs as children. It will fade off as the left keeps being fucking retarded. Same shit happened in the late 70s, and the result was Reaganism.

>> No.6312529


An SJW/feminazi in 2010 was a child in the 90s and early 00s, where they grew up watching TV. To most people, the Internet started in 2008 with Google, Youtube, Facebook and the iphone.

See how this works?

>> No.6312687

I grew up on television and it had no effect on me. I think it's the education system that makes these people, especially certain college fields.

Earlier education softens you up for this, but you're not completely indoctrinated, and can snap out of it easily

>> No.6312736


education certainly doesn't help, but at the core of it even the teachers and bureaucrats making curriculum are effected heavily by TV to the point where TV is the core problem. Not everyone is effected by TV to the point where they become an SJW, just enough that it allows them to have a huge circlejerk over it

also the education industry's #1 problem is that because of government tampering with student loan markets and the government giving out money for schools based on college enrollment and standardized testing school in the past 20 years has been nothing more than college prep. It's little surprise why the entire system is garbage as a result

>> No.6312749

That's because people are claiming things unrelated to the frankfurt shcool, there is no discussion to be had.

>How exactly would you describe a correct implementation of the FS ideology in real life?
There is no ideology to be implemented, most of their work was analyzing how discourse and society work. If anything they would have liked a proletarian revolt by the book.

>> No.6312755

I sometimes feel I'm this incredibly disgusting joke that could only help the world by dying, but whenever I see her I feel so much better.

>> No.6312768

Why would you teach children to behave against the institutions that you not only represent but also were taught to love since you were a child?
You can blame some imaginary side of everything, but standarized education is more or less brainwash and everyone is okay with that.

>> No.6312781

Argentina here. We also have hipsters and girls who sincerely like Paris Hilton. It happens when you are a cultural colony.

w-why are you mixing spanish words? are you a saturday morning cartoon?

still, your point in general is right. our understanding of marxism is a very particular one.

>> No.6312786

why are you in /lit/ if you don't like reading?

>> No.6312792

And you really think politicans and the media are interested in you following dirty reds that like Stalin?

>> No.6312797

You shouldn't be teaching poststructuralism without a base of materialism.

>> No.6312803

>hey /lit/, you should kill lit students

>> No.6312809

>Look Mon, I posted it AGAIN!!!

>> No.6312823
File: 197 KB, 390x355, 1426955425192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd rather explain a concept with an dumb action movie with cool special effects and a bad guy that goes pew pew pew than with the most famous and most culturally established example of allegory written by one of the progenitors of modern Western thought

So how's that war against cultural degeneracy going?