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6305976 No.6305976 [Reply] [Original]

what are deconstructionists trying to do? what is the aim of what they do?

>> No.6305982

Investigate the nature of meaning and signification scientifically.

>> No.6305990

Determine the several parts of concepts and historical conditions that give rise to them in order to understand how they are correlated in the context in which they appear.

>> No.6305992

they act as bullshit detectors

>> No.6305994

Just fuck my shit up

>> No.6306002

why does this matter?

>> No.6306013

Contradictions may appear in the premises of two concepts that are of public use at the same time in a society. Often such contradictions appear when a theory pretends a "complete formulation" (metanarrative) of society (or world, or universe for what matters). The implications of showing the flaws in such theories are mainly political ones, it can include 'scientific' but considering as an institution.

That's one reason why postmodernism could be summed up as 'disbelief of metanarratives'

>> No.6306017

what are some examples of metanarratives?

>> No.6306547

They basically just go on endlessly against essentialism and foundationalism. That's it.

>> No.6306602

Crashing the philosophy department with no survivors.

>> No.6306642


First of, let us not forget the artificiality of this discussion.

>> No.6306648
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>what are deconstructionists trying to do?

Fool the goyim.

>what is the aim of what they do?

Novus ordum seclorum.

>> No.6306652
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>> No.6306664

Science as an end-for-all, Enlightenment and triumph of harmonic rationality with positive dialectics, the triumph of civilization and order, psychoanalysis & phenomenological refuge of mankind and so on.

>> No.6306686
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Deconstructionism confirmed for a war on rationality.

>> No.6306689

> welfare state cause shrinking middle class, inflation, bloated debt and poverty
thanks mises

>> No.6306697
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>thanks mises

ya d00d, we've had so many Austrians in the White House!

>> No.6306717

Continental thought has been essentially anti-rationalist since 1890s, matey. Be it the German distinction between Kultur and Zivilization (former is full of life spirit, the latter is decadent and dying), the conflict between early Analytics and Hegelians, German literature rejecting mind over emotion or whatever, its rather clear that anti-rationalism is one of the main strands of continental philosophy.


Heidegger considered Jews to be inferior people deserving of holocaust due to their rationalist-realist "worldliness"

>> No.6306735
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Nice pirouette but anti-rationality isn't anymore valid simply because it has a tradition.

>> No.6306753

Rationalism isn't the same as rationality. Rationalism says that rationality is more or less omnipotent. If you believe that you're retarded.

>> No.6306763

I'm sorry, are you somehow suprised by anti-rationalist strains of continental philosophy? Do you not know any history of philosophy? Do you believe yourself qualified of speak of it, int hat case?

Yes I never said that continental philosophy would be opposed to rational thinking, but rationalism as an omnipotent institution. That's what the term anti-rationalism traditionally refers to.

>> No.6306778

Establish their own moral supremacy

>> No.6306784
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>I'm sorry, are you somehow suprised by anti-rationalist strains of continental philosophy? Do you not know any history of philosophy? Do you believe yourself qualified of speak of it, int hat case?

No and your reading comprehension is poor.

My point is: simply because anti-rationalism has a history it does not follow that it is a valid philosophy. Would you like to present a rational argument to convince me otherwise?

>> No.6306796

>Chastity causing single parenthood

>> No.6306802

Do you know how to read a chart? It's saying that the progressive attack on religion has lead to a DECREASE in chastity which lead to an INCREASE in single parenthood.

>> No.6306838

some scotsmen started shitting on religion over a century ago, categorical imperative, on its own merit, is pretty independent of religion, and gives it the middle finger, in terms of philisophy on how people should live morally

>> No.6306865

>Nietzsche is not actually the overcoming of nihilism, he's just the completion of it, ya gotta know Being first :^)
>will to power and overman are metaphysical/otherworldly
>the true Nietzsche is not found in the published works ;)
Now that we know that Heidegger is exactly the kind of obtuse German barrier to European enlightenment Nietzsche described past figures as being (right down to personal inclinations towards romantic nationalism nazi volk shit), how do you think he would feel about Derrida?

>> No.6306875

Derrida is the new Stendhal.

>> No.6307925


>> No.6307934


>> No.6307940


>> No.6307947

To prioritize intellectualism over civilization.

>> No.6307951

That's not what rationalism is shitbird. Rationalism's opponent is empiricism. Rationalism is the belief that the full nature of the universe may be deduced through logic and reason.

>> No.6307971

It's true, though, by the description given.

>> No.6308308
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>low birth rates
>a bad thing

>> No.6308328
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i dont know but its a lot more fun when it happens in movies

>> No.6308337


Heidegger put down Nietzsche's ideas to pump up his own.
He was a shit.
Derrida on the other hand shows great admiration to Nietzsche, because Nietzsche showed such continuity in his thought and his creative way of writing, oppositely Derrida did not have much respect for Stirner.

>> No.6308344
File: 744 KB, 743x539, derrida-heidegger-porno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
