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/lit/ - Literature

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6300283 No.6300283 [Reply] [Original]

>going to an Italian restaurant by oneself
>sitting in a quiet corner sipping the house red wine and eating tiramisu
>reading Pound's translations
>transcribing them to your notebook with annotations
>making friendly banter with the qt waitress

How have you been living the literary lifestyle this weekend, /lit/?

>> No.6300338

sounds like something a homosexual would do

>> No.6300345


I feel enormous second hand embarrassment

>> No.6300346

what a dork

>> No.6300349


>> No.6300367

>spent entire weekend working on my uni assessments and watching seinfeld

is this lit or not?

>> No.6300371

I went out with a girl on a kind of double date and got nervous at the end because the other two people were waiting right there so I didn't give her a proper good bye.

I did that instead of reading, so not great I guess. But I also want to write a faggy poem about that girl now though so who knows? Maybe it was literary in disguise?

>> No.6300401

> havent left my house In weeks
> empty wine bottles litter the floor
> piles of books sorted only by "read" and "not yet read"
> masturbating to prose and weeping into my pillow
> staring outside at the busy street smoking a cigarette
> handgun laying by my side

I dunno, Opie. Maybe?

>> No.6300408

>literary lifestyle

What is the "literary lifestyle"?

>> No.6300425

it's some made up thing people who like writers more than they like books believe exists, you just end up doing cringe worthy stuff like op

>> No.6300430

Pretending to read books and hanging out at Starbucks.

>> No.6300432

This. I hate american cafe culture.

>> No.6300590


what's dumb is that many people here think that it is "literary" to do what old authors from bygone eras did. We wont know what the "literary life" of 2015 is until many years from now. That is, implying that the "literary lifestyle" is even a relevant thing anymore.

>> No.6300599

literary lifestyle of 2015 is going on tumblr and posting the deathly hallows traingle and tfios images

>> No.6300623

the literary lifestyle in 2015 is being a tenured professor who drops an occasional novel

>> No.6300639

I finished reading two books.

I've also started teaching myself Italian out of an old book I found. It's been a pretty fun weekend.

>> No.6300641
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>> No.6300697

i think most people think of it as an extension of the bohemian lifestyle

>> No.6300712

i always write a faggy poem after going out with a girl or else i'll explode with faggy emotions because i am a delicate alpha male

>> No.6300717
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>> No.6300720

the literary lifestyle in 2015 is shitposting on /lit/

>> No.6300735

I skipped out on DnD with my friends to work on my novel in the university library.

>> No.6300755

i'm telling you, i'm 100% pure faggot BRO

>> No.6300759

it's also gotten me laid tho so that relieves of me of some shame B]

>> No.6300760

Well, I certainly haven't been making public displays of my lifestyle. As someone who actually lives the literary lifestyle, I've been taking walks in the nearby foothills each morning to go bird watching; then, after getting back home and eating breakfast, I get to work. During lunch I read the paper and then it's back to work. Once I feel satisfied with the amount of work I've done, I walk (literary persons walk whenever they can) to a small Chinese restaurant and eat in my corner window spot as I finish reading the paper. Once home, I shower, read a book for a while, and then hit the sack.

>> No.6300783


I'm dating an Italian who would find this funny. She would probably add some parts to your story, such as,

>getting robbed by negros on the train
>getting harassed by neofacists on the streets
>being unemployed
>sitting in the back of a mcdonalds flirting with homeless people

What I guess I'm trying to say is that your romantic view of Italy is an illusion, and there's probably someone here who romanticizes where you live for different reasons.

>> No.6300803

Dude, not every Italian restaurant is in Italy. The U.S. has Olive Gardens literally everywhere

>> No.6300807

damn that sounds awesome

>> No.6300844

Lmao is she from Naples?

>> No.6300858

I didn't even think that the OP had meant in Italy, either. Cool that he is dating an Italian and wants to brag about it, but I don't think he is the first person to realize that the grass isn't really greener.

>> No.6300980

he's was flirting with the waitress, who might not have been Italian...did you even read what OP said?

>> No.6300987

>tfw this might be true

>> No.6300991 [DELETED] 
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>making banter with a waitress
>some pleb who makes less than minimum wage and probably didn't graduate highschool
>literary lifestyle
>not shit tier
You're living the pleb life son

>> No.6301083

The 'he' referred to the corrector who claimed that OP was romanticizing Italy.

>> No.6301130 [DELETED] 

OP it sounds like you expect a Disney movie to break out any minute.

>> No.6301283

I just like Italian food and Pound's translations of Calvancati. I don't think that's necessarily romanticising an entire country.

>and there's probably someone here who romanticizes where you live for different reasons.

I live in London, so very certainly.

>> No.6301438

Tbh, what he did is pretty fine. I met my last gf that way.
Finished two books on the punic wars and started reading one from Brazil, O Cortico.

>> No.6301442

>play darkest dungeon
>play dota
>read around 100 pages of different stuff
>grab a beer with my friend
>chatting with a qt on fb, hoping to actually meet with her sooner rather than later (we go to the same book club, she seems to at least tolerate me)
>will go to mass later and meet with a cousin.

>> No.6301443


>> No.6301473

>not masturbating to the greek alphabet

do you even /lit/

>> No.6301479

you sound like a lonely loser.

>> No.6301491
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>went to prom
>fingered a girl on my friends couch

>> No.6301499
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>went to a Strindberg play by myself this Friday

All I can think of besides "reading books".

>> No.6301504


>> No.6301512

I used to go read in Villa Borghese's park in the morning on warm summer days.
This country is indeed shitty but there's no need to exaggerate and self-hate more than necessary.

>> No.6301537

I am Italian and this is true add one thing
>waitress makes fun of you because you're alone

>> No.6301552

She was being friendly because that's your job.

In reality she went back into the kitchen saying to her waitress friends "Ugh there's some loser sitting alone at one of my tables doing homework or something and trying to hit on me, he's wearing a fedora. Will someone please trade sections with me for tonight?"

>> No.6301555 [SPOILER] 
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>going nowhere by myself
>having no friends
>going nowehere at alll
>college only exception
>not talking with anyone in college
>not even saying hi to people
>even rejected a girl that asked me to go with her
>feeling alone as fuck
>feeling sad because I'm alone because of me
>feeling retarded because I'm not logically consitent
>feeling like an outsider every time I see a couple
>and every time I see a group of friends
>and every time I see anyone being slightly sucessful
>I don't even know why I'm like this

>> No.6301561

Once again subconsciousness dominates your puny mind. The choice for an Italian restaurant was already made for you beforehand as your brain already knew that you'll be having spaghetti. I bet you even brought them with you.

>> No.6301652

>Italian restaurant

>> No.6301677


sorry anon, you have a severe case of being a fucking faggot


>> No.6301681


>sitting in the back of a mcdonalds flirting with homeless people

hahaha... been there.

>> No.6301683

>sorry anon, you have a severe case of being a fucking faggot
I know

>> No.6301692
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>feeling retarded because I'm not logically consitent
"Consistency for its own sake is stupidity—
a favorite idiocy of small-minded
politicians, philosophers, and preachers.
A great soul simply has no attachment to consistency. You may as well worry about your shadow on the wall. Speak your mind now in no uncertain terms, and tomorrow speak tomorrow's thoughts just as forcefully, even if it contradicts everything you said today.

Ah, but won't you be sure to be misunderstood? Is it such a big deal to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood. So were Socrates, Jesus, Luther, Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, and every authentic and wise spirit that ever took flesh." Ralph W. Emerson

"Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)"
Walt Whitman

>> No.6301697

That's awesome! Which one? I'm just going to guess Miss Julie

>> No.6301698

>A great soul simply has no attachment to consistency. You may as well worry about your shadow on the wall. Speak your mind now in no uncertain terms, and tomorrow speak tomorrow's thoughts just as forcefully, even if it contradicts everything you said today.
Poetic as fuck.

>> No.6301707

A Dream Play, I think it's called in English.

First time I've been to a theatre, actually. I enjoyed it a lot.

>> No.6301718


Last time I went to a restaurant alone

>early evening, so there's only one other table occupied and they are friends of the owner, so he's taking care of them
>make the mistake of sitting facing the kitchen
>waitress stands there most of the time looking directly at me
>don't know how to act because I feel like I'm being studied
>pretend to look at my phone
>start sweating
>get stomach cramps from eating too fast

>> No.6301722

Taste, ya dingus.

>> No.6301724
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Well, I don't get out to restaurants or coffee shops. I'm marking a stack of my students' papers for Medieval Lit (a decent batch, fortunately), and when I'm too tired to handle any more analyses of Lanval, I read a bit of Boethius, edit my current chapter-in-progress on Poe & Lovecraft, read a few funny things from my McSweeney's collections, and go the fuck to sleep.

>> No.6301725

i sincerely hope you guys dont do this

>> No.6301731


No one romanticizes London, kiddo.
>shit beaches
>sharia law
>famously shit cuisine
>weak-chinned anglos everywhere
>porn flyers, chewing gum and dog shit everywhere
>TV license patrol roaming the ghettos

absolutely disgusting

>> No.6301732

>I used to go read in Villa Borghese's park in the morning on warm summer days.
The worst of Italy can not bring this down.

>> No.6301737


>> No.6301740

Women do, especially Americans.

>> No.6301745

There's a lot to love about London; it's shitty aspects don't change that.
Every notable city and country has their downsides.

>> No.6301753

Yes? Boethius's importance to medieval literature and philosophy is absurd: he's constantly referenced to the point where I can't think of anyone (including Dante, Boccaccio, or Petrarch) who's more relevant (and Chaucer and King Alfred virtually worshiped him). During the Middle Ages in Europe, The Consolation of Philosophy was the most translated and copied secular work of the time. His influence was enormous.

>> No.6301760
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>lecture on German expressionism at local arts centre on friday
>finished infinite jest Saturday
>today browse /lit/ while cleaning my flat

>> No.6301762

I know about his influence during the middle ages. I meant his work is classical.

>> No.6301766


>> No.6301768

I go down to the park on the weekends to tell people about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I just wander around with my portable speaker and my KJV bible and read scripture, debate, and lay hands on people.

Pretty literary if you ask me. I've saved 329 souls this year.

>> No.6301769

Well he is just as likely to be classified as late antiquity. It's an oversimplification for the sake of periodisation to limit him to either category.

>> No.6301773

Sure, but all I said was that I was reading a bit of Boethius, not that I was teaching him in the medieval class. I find rereading him while planning Chaucer lectures is helpful.

>> No.6301898

> implying Americans are people

>> No.6301947

actually pretty /lit/

>> No.6301957

Here's the literary lifestyle:
1. Reading.
2. Writing.
3. Talking about 2 and 3.
4. Conditionally, research.

>> No.6301971

>3. Talking about 2 and 3.
Talking about writing and writing and writing and writing and writing....

>> No.6301975

Ad infintium and ad neaseum

>> No.6303071

Stayed at home and fapped to Mempo Giardinelli's "Luna caliente".

>> No.6303105

>skipped class to pick up flowers for gf
>sat in a Korean cafe, reading the wsj and feeling insecure whenever the attractive girl behind the counter walked by me speaking to her mother
>kissed my lit profs ass and got him to let me turn in an essay late
P good so far
Anything in particular you could tell me about that piece? Its really interesting to look at, the motif of natural shapes on the right and hard lines on the left.

>> No.6303120

You're probably retarded

>> No.6303194

>Wrote two pages of garbage.
>Read Sherlock Holmes for an hour.
>Got shitfaced and watched season 2 of Alf until 6:30 am.
>Just woke up and it's 5 pm.

Yeah. The literary lifestyle is real fun.

>> No.6303217

Drove my very attractive girlfriend to work on my motorbike
Went back to bed, woke up at 7pm
Read paradise lost in bed and smoked cigarettes for an hour
Went out and spent the money she gave me for food on heroin
Picked her up from work at 11
She realized I was on gear, punched a mirror, called me a dog, went to bed
Wrote her a love poem and posted it to her as facebook message
Heroin wears off, feeling hungry, sit on couch thinking about suicide
Now 5am where I live, browse 4chan in a daze, about to go to bed
Sorry I don't know how to greentext

>> No.6303218

>Read Sherlock Holmes

>> No.6303219


Is that really your lifestyle? That's not literary at all, that's empty.

>> No.6303220

>Sorry I don't know how to greentext

>> No.6303221

sat in library all day sat and sun, got no essay work done, read the bell jar, ex showed up at my door at 7.30 this morning and we talked for 10.30.
i have no idea.

>> No.6303222
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>> No.6303231

Hung out at a friend's place, talking about how we all have a "God hole" inside us, pissing off people around me, getting drunk and smoking cigarettes.

>> No.6303253

I suggested books that I didn't finish on /lit/, browsed to find new books that I will start and drop out after reading more than half of it and spend rest of the time thinking how good would be if I had something to write about. I also slept.

>> No.6303360

I dont believe any of this crap.

>She realized I was on gear, punched a mirror, called me a dog, went to bed
>Wrote her a love poem and posted it to her as facebook message


>Sorry I don't know how to greentext

>> No.6303474

Lol. Is your life really so dull that things like having a gf or taking drugs sounds unbelievable to you?

>> No.6303815

>write ironic and self-deprecating reviews on Goodreads
>shitpost on /lit/
>wear graphic Tees and blazers
>drink and hang out at hipster bars
>make fun of people for posting on 4chan and Goodreads
>hide the fact you post on 4chan and Goodreads
>never finish a lib. arts degree
>question sexuality
>when sober and up during the day go to cafes
>drink French press coffee
>don't actually read
>talk about that book you read in high school

That's how it's done, bros.

>> No.6303832

sounds incredibly literary

>> No.6303840

the grass is always greener.
you are what causes it to fade when you get there

>> No.6303851

How do you have time for all that if you didn't even finish a liberal arts degree?

>> No.6303855

>Spend weekend denying conceptual views of myself
>Shit posted and called it reading
>Jerk off to my will to power to deny social norms to follow my ego's desire to be a huge fucking loser
>Finally able to enjoy fucking tranvesites and diversions without inward brow beating about self improvement

OP is a huge dilettante btw

>> No.6303870

How does one fuck a diversion? It can't be all that Spiritedly.

>> No.6303886

Why do you think the degree wasn't finished, anon?

>> No.6303897

I mostly just relieve my self on them then beat my chest like a sliver back marking his territory, though occasionally I personify activities and moan their name while pounding my superiorly folded japenese flesh light

>> No.6303899

They think a gap year means they restart the calendar when you're over Thailand?

>> No.6303902

please, don't remind me of my worthless self

>> No.6303989

are you me? except i have empty whiskey bottles and cans of cheap malt liquor

>> No.6303996

and you didn't fuck her?
enjoy the friendzone

>> No.6304020
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>could have fucked my oneitis
>couldn't go through with it
>have mostly been drinking heavily and regretting my decision in the last few days

>> No.6304021

How do I live in Oklahoma?

>> No.6304031

why didn't you go through with it?

I got a chance with my oneitis after being friendzoned for 7 years and it was absolutely fantastic. We fucked for a few months afterwards. She told me she didn't want a relationship and i drank heavily and cried a lot afterwards. But it was still worth it and we still talk because i know she'll open up that pussy for me if she gets drunk enough

>> No.6304034

>why didn't you go through with it?
She used to date my best friend for several years

>> No.6304038

You are a good m8.

>> No.6304048


>> No.6304057

Ha gay

>> No.6304068

>She used to date my best friend for several years
>best friend

Be a man. A man is by himself in this world.

>> No.6304087

>olive gardens
>italian restaurant
How are you even able to browse /lit/ if you're this fucking pleb

>> No.6304089

After she left and I had spent an hour in the shower aggressively masturbating and crying, I felt like I may have made the wrong decision, even if it made me the best friend to ever live.
b-but muh camaraderie

>> No.6304100

Hung out at the coffee shop by the lake today.

Studied for tests this week.
Read some plays and a little Vonnegut.
Wrote some pieces for standup tomorrow night.
Flirted with the mixed woman that brought my coffee to me(strong 9).

On a first name basis with the staff now, at this point I walk in, sit down, and they bring my coffee to me. Pretty sweet deal, they're all really nice people. Best place in the area.

>> No.6304114


Is he still her? No? I'm sorry but that's how it is.

>> No.6304118

Sorry for hogging the thread, but these feels are too much

Is it weird if I message her? Did I fuck it up forever? Should I talk to my friend to ease my mind?

>> No.6304121

Shoot first, ask questions later.

>> No.6304128

I've spent this weekend reading Augustine, going to Mass, fulfilling some freelance writing obligations, and plotting out my next few short stories. I haven't actually written anything in a bit; I still feel almost hungover from finishing a novel two weeks ago.

I suppose my weekend has been rather Joyceian.

>> No.6304148

I want your life anon. Which I hate to admit considering that you obviously has your own problems etc, and I'm only fantasizing on what is unknown to me.

>> No.6304158
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It would still feel like betrayal, even if it might not be rational.
That just doesn't sit right with me, wouldn't it be better to be up front?

Not like it matters, she probably won't want me anymore.

>> No.6304169
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>never go out except for food
>stay inside all day fucking around and reading
>order clothes online to attempt to cover my insecurities to people I hate
>plot out future success while doing nothing to further advance toward my goals

I'll get there one day.

>> No.6304171

>even if it might not be rational.

You have a sense of morals within your self that tell you not do it, that's actually pretty good as long you don't torture yourself too much and move on.

>> No.6304181

>plot out future success while doing nothing to further advance toward my goals

Just pick something man, I know is hard but life will pass and you will soon be a 'nothing'. Just pick anything and try to be good at it.

>> No.6304205

How do I move on? I feel so guilty and angry at myself for falling in love with and desiring her. I even somewhat resent my friend for having her first

>> No.6304216

Looks like you're me.

I'm always saying 'tomorrow' but tomorrow never comes and I live every today bulding castles in the sky.

I'd like to be good at something.

>> No.6304230


I feel that no matter what I write here is gonna make things slightly worse because you will think of her by association.

The person that you were at the time you fell for this girl is still there. You will only move on when 'you' be another 'you': different behaviors, places, people you meet, form of thinking, as those thing change you will change together and, gradually, that feel for her will disappear as well.

>> No.6304292

3rd year of uni wrapping up
passionless and lost
don't know what to do after.
Have an inkling of interest in writing
don't know what to masters in after
being this much of a fuck up is my own fault and my parents are pissed

>> No.6304337

>Picked up a ton of books at the local used bookstore and at the paperback exchange
>Went to Church
>Spent an hour discussing theology with some of the other church members afterwards
>played the piano for a few hours
>started Lord Jim by Conrad

how /lit/ was my weekend?

>> No.6304724

>last day of cpr certification class of 6 people
>go to a chinese place for the lunch break
>only girl in the class is there
>sit and talk with her for a bit, attracted to her but also repulsed by how superficial she seems talking about her friends and her school and her phone and whatever
>start flirting a bit, fortune cookie tells me to commit an act of random kindness so I pay for the meal and walk out while she's scrambling through her purse and calling me back so she can pay for her shit while laughing
>laugh at her from the window n wink and then internally cringe
>go back to class, finish the written test n pass
>waiting outside the building for my ride
>I see her walk out of the lobby and turn down the street without noticing me
>for a couple seconds I feel like calling out to her to say goodbye, but decide against it without knowing why. I just watch her go
>go home and read some poetry by Rumi with the radio on
>Bell bottom blues comes on n I start thinking about the girl from the class
>strange feeling comes over me n I go to smoke on the fire escape
>I guess that's life

>> No.6304763
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>woke up drunk with all 3 drafts of my novella crumpled around my bed
>held gun to my for an hour, as is morning ritual
>knit scarf while listening to Dvorak drink tea and grappa for breakfast.
>go to the library and try to banter with Dorris the 90 year old librarian
>shitpost on /lit/
>go to college prof's house for dinnerparty
>tell him and his guests how easy it would be to poison them all
>after dinner we all go to the room of id and have a masked orgy
I wish I was making some of this up

>> No.6304795
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This anon is truly living the /lit/-lifestyle.

What are you reading currently?

>> No.6304797

the whole point of a masked orgy is that you don't know the identity of anyone there, if you eat dinner with them all beforehand you're going to recognize some people

shit tier orgy/10, definitely not /lit/

>> No.6304806

I only read notes from the underground. I've read it twenty times but I will continue reading it until it ceases to describe my life.

>> No.6304820
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So you are the Underground Man? My god, I'm so sorry for you. Carry on anon, may you find the light one day.

>> No.6304829

>wake up at midday
>shitpost on /lit/ for an hour or so before getting some junk food
>realized i havent pissed yet and go and do that
>shitpost on /lit/ for another hour
>finally decide to do some reading
>read for about an hour
>suddenly realize i havent been on /lit/ for a while
>put down the book and shitpost on /lit/

i fucking hate my life

>> No.6304834

we're blindfolded during dinner

>> No.6304837

I'm sure he also wishes her weren't making some of it up

>> No.6304860
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>finished oblomov on monday
>start with the man who laughs
>jog, read, write, eat healthy till friday
>friday comes, I meet with my friends
> we get some alcohol and weed but decide to go buy cocaine from the drag queens that hang out in the park near my place
>get shit faced discuss with a couple of friends about the glass bead game final stories
>8 o clock in the morning, everyone still at my place, neighbors are pissy
>neighbor knocks my door and kindly asks me to shut up
>friends leave
>spend the next day doing nothing feeling miserable
>shit post this on lit

>> No.6304876

>realized i havent pissed yet and go and do that
In a bottle, right?

>> No.6304881

no, in my mouth

>> No.6304889
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>implying I'm not luminty

>> No.6304901

I guess that's fine, too.

>> No.6304908

>Friday night was a big black dead zone of nothingness
>Saturday afternoon go to Chinatown and read some Artaud down by the lake
>spent Saturday night with aspie kid from billionaire family at party I was misled about an hour away--was not as fun as the billionaire family kid thing would have you think
>read some Schmitt and Leibniz today, got a wool sweater at goodwill, discussed political theory with a friend

Will someone please free me from this nightmare life? It's worse than what it sounds like.

I'd trade in 90% of the reading time for real friends and a qt.

>> No.6304996


>> No.6305155

>Wake up on Friday
>Eat three tabs of LSD
>Think about/read Wittgenstein
>Forget how to pee
>Fractal nausea

>Wake up on Saturday
>Supervise friend on LSD
>Skip lots of rocks
>Feed her plants

>Wake up on Sunday

I'm a STEM major

>> No.6305170

> watched seasons 3 and 4 of game of thrones
> shitposted on 4chan
> read Absalom, Absalom!

>> No.6305290

>wake up at two pm
>purchase malt liquor and orange juice
>drink brass monkey
>smoke five cigarettes
>read The Savage Detectives
>take a couple xanaxes
>go look at dogs with girlfriend
>shoot up heroin with girlfriend
>cuddle in bed till eight pm
>wake up
>eat rice and chicken
>pop a couple more xanaxes
>drink some whiskey
>smoke another five cigarettes
>read more of The Savage Detectives
>shoot up again
>shitpost on /lit/ before bed

Am I living the literary lifestyle yet?

>> No.6305296

I went to the local commons and wrote for an hour

>> No.6305340


>has a girlfriend

sorry, nope

>> No.6305354
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I make a living teaching self-publishing authors how to suck less at writing/selling their books.

I am living the ultimate literary lifestyle.

>> No.6305373

I managed to get one of my goodreads "reviews" on the accolades section of a book
it was more of as a joke tho

>> No.6305433

>dinner with a larger group of friends in the city (cute girls included)
>worked in a book store all weekend in a cultural dystopian suburb
>saw inherent vice on saturday

was ok, need to shift my frame of mind into writing again

>> No.6305468

made notes for a short story went to two plays saw a philharmonic orchestra drank four bottles of wine with two dancers and a fine artist while writing five poems and a short prose piece spent the rest of the day reading went to sleep woke up spent the day reading again then got wasted on beer with a professional lyricist.

>> No.6305554

took about 30 vicodins over the weekend and wrote for like over 8 hrs each day with minimal sleep.
suck my literary dick bitches.

>> No.6305560

you sound like a tryhard faggot.

>> No.6305566

post on your livejournal next time

>> No.6305569

You know why I quoted those lines ass hole

You know

>> No.6305570

>muh aimlessness
sticking feathers up your ass does not make you a chicken. grow up

>> No.6305597

>taking a bunch of vicodin

>> No.6305605

>needing to take drugs to get work done
what a pleb

>> No.6305648
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if by literary lifestyle you mean alone and depressed and contemplating suicide then yes.

>> No.6305708
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this guy knows his shit.

>> No.6305729
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You, sir, are a huge faggot.
Lemme explain.
in his 1992 opus, Mister R. McFadyen analyzed the new forms of relation developed between females and males in the postmodern era. As hard to ear as can be his statements, they now are the reference guide for all alpha males (read: men actually having sex with the women they want) when it comes to behaviour in presence of the opposite sex.
One point particulary can retain your special attention. How to consider a girl you want to have intercourse with. Let me quote a fragment of wisdom directly from the text, and enjoy his poesy :
"Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks" - Riley "Dr. Dre" MacFadyen

>> No.6305737


jokes on you, i got work done despite being on drugs, suckas

>> No.6305740

u r and faget. Going Nowhere By Myself would be a great title for an album though

>> No.6305880

hey man
I'm trying to
any advice would be appreicated

>> No.6306041
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>> No.6306823

basically dude, no one can solve this for you

you have to spend a lot of time thinking about yourself and your goals, you will probably either lose your mind or do something good for yourself, it may take a while but stick to it

>> No.6307161

> wake up on the floor of my closet, where i sleep
> grab the jug i used for pissing
> feels_kind_of_full.mentalprocess
> piss anyway
> overflows
> sigh, turn the other way and try to sleep some more
> raging boner out of nowhere
> masturbate, cum onto hairy stomach
> fall asleep
> wake up and yell at the light coming from the curtains
> eat some popcorn crumbs off the ground
> go back to sleep

>> No.6307210

> eat some popcorn crumbs off the ground
Not being forced to eat the raw popcorn kernels because your bourgeois philistine pig landlady (fuck you mom! I'm a writer now I'm not going back to dental school or temple ever again!) turned off the electricity to try to force you out of the room you haven't paid rent for since last summer.

>> No.6307220
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>> No.6308386



>> No.6308601

I do try hard. I'm trying to develop some pieces of commentary on a few philosophical and political strains strong enough to boost my grad school prospects considering I spent my undergrad putting in just enough to get a decent GPA, but not enough to be exceptional.

And I literally have no one to impress with (or very many friends for that matter). The only outside intellectual communication I have is that I keep up an e-mail correspondence with a friend that moved away and talk to the other anxious young men grown old that day-in and day-out drag themselves back to the same cafe.

>> No.6309852

ameritard detected
why all of you are so retarded?

>> No.6310649


That feel when you actually did this while living abroad when your friends were out of town for a week. (Replace Pound with "The Way of All Flesh" by Samuel Butler)

>> No.6310666

>How have you been living the literary lifestyle this weekend, /lit/?

I read a book.

>> No.6311007

I read for usually 5 hours total while working in the factory. Does that count?