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File: 1.46 MB, 1732x2162, sam harris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6285544 No.6285544 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he always right?

>> No.6285550

Please, tell me what you think he's right about.

>> No.6285556

He's always wrong, though

>> No.6285565
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>> No.6285575

>not a nihilist or absurdist

Into the trash it goes

>> No.6285579


why is he so based?

>> No.6285586

This, he's clearly in denial

>> No.6285593
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>> No.6285608


>> No.6285611

Glen Greenwald insists that muslim terrorism is caused by the US and not by the fundamentals of Islam being violent

Also the Charlie Hebdo murders weren't inspired by Islam (although they happened after that particular tweet)

>> No.6285612

It's easy to be right when you just take whatever position is most reasonable like some kind of intellectual pussy.

>> No.6285616

>Being religious on 4chan.

You're all dumb lol.

>> No.6285624

Protip: Greenwald is right, reminder that the CIA funded the Mujahideen in the cold war

>> No.6285632

It wasn't just Islam that got us into this sorry state of affairs.

There's a whole lot of colonial/imperial, economic, and tribal shit going on, man. Greenwald is right to a degree, and Harris is right to a degree. History and human nature aren't as simple as "X CAUSED EVERYTHING." Shit interplays with and escalates other shit.

>> No.6285633

We can't change history.

We can change whether we allow a violent death cult to affect our behavior and culture.

>> No.6285637

>violent death cult
Lots of presuppositions you're making f there, my supposedly reasonable friend.

>> No.6285647

Why is every picture of him a face forward, smug shot? Does he not have emotions?

>> No.6285653

No, he's too rational for feeling

>> No.6285674

He probably has the least interesting personality of all of the pop atheism guys, and that's saying something. At least he looks like Ben Stiller

>> No.6285681 [DELETED] 

Why does he think that science can give us answers to moral questions? Is he just trying to sell books?

>> No.6285686

He is too enlightened by his own intelligence.

>> No.6285689


>> No.6285793


He's not.

>> No.6285866

>le brave defender of western imperialism man

>> No.6285886

Is he a Kantian?

>> No.6285894 [DELETED] 

You know where it goes

>> No.6286265
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daily reminder

>> No.6286270
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>> No.6286275
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>> No.6286314


>> No.6286353

How do I become as euphoric as Sam Harris?

>> No.6286853

What happens if you post this on /r/atheism? They're kinda in love with Sam Harris for some strange reason.

>> No.6286860

behaviorism is fucking retarded
why people still rely on behaviorism in fucking 2015 is beyond me
seriously, fuck behaviorists

>> No.6286864

Do stuff, get a bachelor in philosophy, start blogging, act like a professor. Also mix your political views with atheism and pretend everybody who disagrees with you is irrational.

>> No.6286871
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Why is he always right?

>> No.6286878

>There are no mental events, you are only imagining them

>> No.6286892

Hey its that kek dude from [s4s]

>> No.6286897

Wasn't this guy refuted?

>> No.6286901

You can't refute hard statistics, comrade.

>> No.6286917

He's always right because he's up against the easiest targets (Reza Aslan, Glenn Greenwald, William Lane Craig, et al). Sam Harris might not always be on the mark, but at least he's thinking. Greenwald and the other ultra-PC liberals he argues against have convictions, not thoughts. Regarding Islam, they use the naive, idealistic, sophomoric arguments that, when followed to their end, are suicidal. Yes, Greenwald, we know that socioeconomic factors (for which the West in in part responsible) are to blame for these extremists' patently bad beliefs and behavior -- Harris and everyone else knows this -- but what you don't seem to understand is the paradox inherent in your too-tolerant brand of liberalism. If violent measures aren't taken to put an end to these Islamic groups, the West will eventually be taken over. Extreme tolerance might be fine and noble but you have to draw the line somewhere lest the less tolerant groups try to take advantage of your ideals. And I think it goes without saying that it's not a coincidence that these violent groups are Islamic.

As for Christianity: it was BTFO centuries ago.

>> No.6286945

Tautologically so, only arguments can be refuted.

>> No.6286965
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>> No.6286974
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I love Ben Stiller. Huge fan of Zoolander.

>> No.6286983

kinda this. Ben Stiller perhaps doesn't always choose the best roles, so you could say that no, he isn't always right.
but when he's right the films are pretty alright.

>> No.6286986

>If violent measures aren't taken to put an end to these Islamic groups, the West will eventually be taken over.

you can't be serious

>> No.6286991

welcome to cold war paranoia all over again

>> No.6286999

Won't take more than a couple of generations. The birthrates of White people are laughably low.

>> No.6287025 [DELETED] 

Huh? It's quite obviously what will happen without preemptive action, what with the lack of children born into reasonable secular families and the intolerance of extreme Islamic groups. Obviously it wouldn't happen right away and preventing it wouldn't be difficult at all to prevent, but what I'm saying is that if the West is too tolerant, if the West doesn't take violent action, then it's likely we'll see an Islamic superpower begin to take over. If you have a culture who believes in non-violent solutions against a stubborn violent culture, the latter will invariably win unless the former decides to take violent action.

>> No.6287033

He owned Cenk Uygur in that 3 hour interview though.

>> No.6287034

Huh? It's quite obviously what will happen without preemptive action, what with the lack of children born into reasonable secular families and the intolerance of extreme Islamic groups. Obviously it wouldn't happen right away and it wouldn't be difficult at all to prevent, but what I'm saying is that if the West is too tolerant, if the West doesn't take violent action, then it's likely we'll see an Islamic superpower begin to take over. If you have a culture who believes in non-violent solutions against a stubborn violent culture, the latter will invariably win unless the former decides to take violent action.

>> No.6287037

>violence has declined

Not really in UK, Sweden, France, and America...

>> No.6287038

It never sees the light of day, besides

>not just a bunch of 14 year olds bitching about how their parents made them go to church

>> No.6287047

>Not really in UK, Sweden, France, and America...
Very much so in UK, Sweden, France, America.

Let's look at a typical day in 1500. Vagabonds would murder travellers. Travellers would murder vagabonds.

Or 1800. By night the wealthy would set springe gunnes and kill young men who were starving, so as they could enjoy their sport.


Mass murder by night by the rich. Unpoliced in the least.

Violence has declined. And our bread is made of inedible products by elves.


>> No.6287051

Basically just downvotes.

>> No.6287062
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Why is he always right?

>> No.6287104
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The stupid person's Michel Houellebecq. God I detest Americans.

>> No.6287277


I'd love to hear one these 'new-Atheists' address the fact that pretty much no society maintains a sustainable birthrate once it enters the post-Christianity that they work so hard for.

>> No.6287288


He has nothing in common. They are polar opposites

Houellebecq has become an Islamophile, read his latest book.

>> No.6287298

Isn't he the guy who believes we can derive normative moral principles from science?

>> No.6287305

>implying there's anything wrong with that

I bet you dislike Kipling too

>> No.6288208 [DELETED] 

I liked him in Zoolander.

>> No.6288217

Oh the irony of attacking him for using a strawman

>> No.6288223

They don't want sustainable birth rates, they are mostly neo-malthusians and in some way believe humans reproduce way too much. This is of course a generalization, but you will find few atheists with families beyond 5 kids.

>> No.6288231

>Lol religion

>With our powers combined
>Lol religion a second time
That was a nice touch

>> No.6288267

Dear secular triumphalist Islamofascists:

please watch:


(skip to 2:30)

>> No.6288280

>violence declined
he probably has an obsolete conception of violence
like most people do today

>> No.6288312

I seriously laughed out loud

>> No.6288344

>One of Ali Shariati's students

Is he also based?

>> No.6288383

These are so great, because I don't actually have to think up a critique of Harris's arguments. I just post these little beauts and it's all done. All three of them are SAVED.

>> No.6288598

Pinker's face makes me angry and I don't know why.

>> No.6288600

he couldn't handle the left

>> No.6288625


Sachedina is unbelievably based. This motherfucker is an Indian Muslim raised in Tanzania, trained in theology in Iranian schools and also in western academia at University of Toronto.

He speaks Hindi, Urdu, French, Persian, Arabic, Gujarati, Swahili, English, Turkish and German.

He's been a professor in the US for the last couple decades.

His work focuses on building bridges between secularism and Islam.

He's a fantastic scholar and his work is some of the best academic stuff on Islam-western relations.

>> No.6289238

I came here specifically hoping these were posted. You didn't disappoint /lit/, for once

>> No.6289305


A jaw line that could very easily expose your wife's bottom tan line.

>> No.6289324

Much appreciated. Worth every bit of my mobile quota.

>> No.6289535

muslim terrorism is not caused by the CIA funding any group, it is caused by the total domination over and subsequent exploitation of the muslim world by the west
That muslim groups are constantly used as stooges in fights between world powers is just one of the consequences of that

>> No.6289735

He is. I'm an atheist but this shit makes his fans so frustrating to argue with, making science prescriptive in any way is destroying the descriptive neutrality that science needs to aim for in order to be effective.

>> No.6289743

Atheism also has an ideological space for (ir)religious extremism and Harris' calls for preemptive nuclear strikes on Islamic countries is all the proof anyone should need of that fact

>> No.6289770

Is it just me or does the guy seem like utter psycho? Watched that interview with Cenk and he bitched about how his time was being stolen and the young turks would steal his audience. At the time and how he said it made me think he's talking about cattle or something.

The whole interview was creepy. I've got the feeling if there was bridge leading over some rails with a fat guy leaning over Harris would not hesitate to push the fat guy down, if it meant he would save a few folks further down the rails.

>> No.6289780

You're implying we have a mandate/moral imperative/airtight reason to continue existing.

>> No.6289803

>Harris' calls for preemptive nuclear strikes on Islamic countries
What the fuck are you talking about you retard

>> No.6289805

Correlation does not equal causation. The first world countries of the West are abandoning Christianity for the same reason their birth rate is declining - we have achieved a high level of material wealth.
In the case of religion, this makes Jesus' promises of heaven as necessary to happiness in an age of poverty-stricken people 2000 years ago less and less relevant, especially given that the methodological framework we've used to achieve such wealth has also explained away much of the works attributed to God as being due to natural phenomena.
In the case of birth rates, technology and abundance has ensured infant mortality has declined, so women don't need to have 6 or 7 kids as a precaution that most of them will die before age 5. As with religion, the same methodology that gives us this abundance has educated us, and we are more aware of the impact that overpopulation has on pollution, crime rates and our overall standard of living.

It's hilarious that you paranoid right wingers take a single trend and extrapolate it to eternity.

>durr, people are having less kids now, westerners will be extinct!

This is not some giant conspiracy against white people. Japan and South Korea have also had declining birth rates due to material wealth despite not being post-Christian cultures. As third world nations in Asia and Africa become increasingly globalized and industrialized, they'll also have declining birth rates in the same way. With all the fucking problems that are being exacerbated by high population densities it's amazing that you idiots push this shit anyway. Do you honestly think the declining birth rates will never increase again? Apply the inverse logic to the perspective of someone living in the 18th century when they were rising and you'd contrive Malthusian extremism from it.

>> No.6289814


>> No.6289816


>> No.6289828

If you establish how it's out of context, I'll listen to you.

>> No.6289841

Gosh you are truly bloody retarded
>Harris' calls for preemptive nuclear strikes on Islamic countries
Where is the context you fucktard

>> No.6289846


I fucking hate people who link to "logical fallacies" on Wikipedia. It absolutely infuriates me. It also makes you look like an idiot.

-a man with an actual brain

>> No.6289860

It's literally right there, the FIRST quote. You didn't even read the link, did you?

>if I use the suffix -tard enough it'll convince my opponents they're wrong!

>> No.6290767


this guy's whole article focuses solely on violence - one of the many of Pinker's angels - and his whole argument is "maybe there's less violence, but some violence is worse than other violence, so there." That article was embarrassing.

I'm not even that into Pinker, I agree he's becoming a new orthodoxy, but that was a bad argument.

>> No.6290833

That's body-bag-tier politics.

>> No.6290844

Come on, you can not be this insufferable. For your own sake, m8!

>> No.6290847

Ad hominem.

>> No.6290851

christfag detected pls go

>> No.6290921


For someone who I would guess likes Darwin a lot, you pay very little interest to what traits seem to be amenable to reproduction and continued survival

Monotheism would seem to be a useful trait when it comes to reproduction. Atheists are very happy to blame spiralling birthrates in places such as the Phillipines on the Catholic church (and not without reason) but by the same token shouldn't they also recognise that the advance of irreligious societies accompanies an unsustainably low birthrate which makes these societies, in purely Darwinian parlance, failures.

As Europe's native population moves away from Christianity, the newly imported population bring their own strong faith and higher birthrate; effectively replacing a benign form of religion, with one which has been far less blunted by enlightenment thinking

Of course I don't blame these celebrity atheists for these trends, that would be to give them too much credit, but could they not acknowledge the negative as well as allegedly positive effects of post-Christian societies.

As Comte said, "demographics is destiny" my friend

>> No.6291098

>"Together with Hilary Rose, Lea correctly observes that I restrict the term ‘violence’
to violence. I do not extend it metaphorically to other deplorable conditions that some
theorists tendentiously call ‘structural’ or ‘slow’ violence, such as disease, poverty,
inequality, or pollution. Not everything that is unpleasant in life is the result of deliberate malevolence or exploitation. Just as a book on cancer need not have a chapter on
metaphorical cancer (the coarsening of popular entertainment, the decline of civility in
politics, and so on), a coherent book on violence cannot lump together slave auctions
and death camps with uneven economic development and the spread of AIDS as if they
were a single phenomenon. To equate them all as different forms of ‘violence’ is to get
carried away with words and to confuse moralizing and politicized theorizing with