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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.10 MB, 770x569, Cafe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6225623 No.6225623 [Reply] [Original]

>You'll never live in a Pre-WWI world
>You'll never go on tour of The Continent
>You'll never visit the Salons of Paris
>You'll never spend Autumn in Germany, visiting the Universities
>You'll never listen to the great Operas while staying in Venice
>You'll never read the great classics while relaxing at some Swiss Spa
>You'll never attend a ball in Belgium, with all it's glitz and glamour


>> No.6225624

You know that literally all of these are still possible, right?

>> No.6225625
File: 3.70 MB, 3973x2933, Pierre-Auguste_Renoir_-_Luncheon_of_the_Boating_Party_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never live inside a Renoir painting

>> No.6225638

>The world of yesterday will never come back.
Zweig did the right thing when he killed himself.

>> No.6225647
File: 1.39 MB, 3644x2744, 1302073015954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never live in the great city of Berlin following an Axis victory in WWII

I've literally had dreams of this

>> No.6225650
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>You will never live inside a Rockwell painting

This upsets me

>> No.6225652
File: 1.01 MB, 685x670, lit in a renoir painting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6225665

Please look up "Welthauptstadt Germania" you ignorant fuck.

>> No.6225688


sounds wonderful

shame we couldn't get there by leveling London and Paris

>> No.6225697


Not with the same feeling.

The World Wars did more than just scar Europe physically (destroying much of the great architecture that gave European cities their character), it broke Europe's spirit.

You can't re-experience that sense of superiority and "Center-of-the-Universe-ness" that pre-1900 Europe had.

>> No.6225699

you can do that by playing the latest Wolfenstein game or at least watching it on youtube. it was surprisingly good!

>> No.6225745

Art has never affected me as much as other art forms

>> No.6225752

>he thinks the nazis did nothing wrong

>> No.6225753
File: 25 KB, 713x305, AmelieGlas1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"de Renoir"

>> No.6225757

You sound like the biggest OP faggot ever posted on 4chan. like more gay than /lgbt/ combined.


>> No.6225760


Why does the fella have a better butt than the dame?

>> No.6225807
File: 107 KB, 800x595, 1367623749529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From 1789 to 1914, there was a spirit of freedom and life in Europe, nourrished by aristocratic and democratic tendancies. It meant war, death, destruction, but also life, creation and love. Its dead now.

I upset.

>> No.6225899

Anyone know any good lit that depicts this era or otherwise provokes this feel I'm getting?

>> No.6225911

Stefan Zweig - The World Of Yesterday

It's about how he lost this world in Vienna when both world wars destroyed the culture, full of similar feels

>> No.6225942

Let others praise ancient times; I am glad I was born in these.

>> No.6225951
File: 361 KB, 393x370, 1379788585154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everybody dies of cancer from smoking cigars all day and drinking gin for lunch instead of food
>no fresh fruit or vegetables
>public shithouses still common for apartments or even houses cf. Ulysses
>cars are both very slow and prohibitively expensive
>you want to experience medical procedures a hundred years out of date
>no socialism
>any minor disease or mishap could kill or cripple you
>everyone breathes cigar smoke in your face
>no refrigeration, no electric lights
>have fun starting your coal stove at 5:00am while you're freezing because you didn't stoke it enough when you went to bed
>condoms hard to find, everyone has the syph from fucking prostitutes instead of their frigid wives
>nothing open on sunday because muh church
>books expensive
>your kids are going to get the shit beaten out of them at school by their own teachers and they might get raped by older students

>> No.6226038
File: 48 KB, 324x400, The-Path-to-Rome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never travel like a middle ages pilgrim from france to rome in the 1909 Europe.

>> No.6226050

I bet in your fantasies you're the artist and not in the front line or trenches, right?

>> No.6226058

this. There is pros and cons to every time period and civilization. People will romanticize present day in 100 years too.

>> No.6226078

And probably as reverse they will say "but you might also be a NEET that spends your life almost locked in a room while shitposts in a paleolithic internet"

>> No.6226085
File: 20 KB, 200x284, Rosler-LeFlaneur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these things would only be problems if you were poor. Fuckin prole

>no socialism

Christ you are disgusting

>> No.6226090

>no internet
>porn only available in shitty pamphlets you have to buy out on the street
Well at least it's easier to get away with rape.

>> No.6227163

Who needs porn when prostitution was easier to access?
But then you get syphilis...

>> No.6227171

Doesn't sound bad at all bro. >implying technological positivism

>> No.6227176

Underrated Post

>> No.6227192


>literally all

Except number fucking one.

>> No.6227194

Can you really still attend a ball in Belgium, or a ball anywhere for that matter?

>> No.6227244

Can someone please please please litify more characters in Renoir paintings?

>> No.6227250

Because people who don't sit on their ass all day have great butts.

>> No.6227261

Keeping an eye on this thread just in case.

>> No.6227274

I'm not white so I wouldn't want to be in Europe pre-WWI. Those things sound baller tho.

>> No.6227279

They must have had some serious plans for Berlin once peace had been restored. The art, fashion, architecture, everything might have been completely different than during the times of war.

>> No.6227334
File: 94 KB, 400x550, 1261615880150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry /lit/, you get to be tolerant of all miscreants, degenerates and foreigners who think such fancies are evil. Doesn't it feel wonderful to be liberated of your bigoted, racist world?

Things are much better this way. Love comes first now friend.

>> No.6227529

>You will never die of disease in a Dublin tenement along with most of your family

>> No.6229338

>You'll never live in a Pre-WWI world
>You'll never go on tour of The Continent
>You'll never visit the Salons of Paris
>You'll never spend Autumn in Germany, visiting the Universities
>You'll never listen to the great Operas while staying in Venice
>You'll never read the great classics while relaxing at some Swiss Spa
done in an Austrian spa
>You'll never attend a ball in Belgium, with all it's glitz and glamour

All of a sudden my life looks better, thanks anon.

>> No.6229358


>> No.6229373

>you will always be a wageslave
>you will never have an interesting life

>> No.6229391

you'd probably be on the grand tour not just touring the continent

where do you get your information about the past?

>> No.6229455

>this time I did not experience must have been exactly the way I romanticize it now!

>> No.6229461

Is this a serious question? How dumb are you?

>> No.6229463


You could buy morphine in the shop and drink it right there and nobody gave a fuck as well.

Heroin everywhere, cocaine tinctures for breakfast. Zero immigration controls so you could go where you liked for as long as you like and get as wankered as you wanted to.

>> No.6229472

In what age, land and fantasy do you live?

>> No.6229491
File: 34 KB, 331x500, f_-Lumley-LL-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a wonderful time to be alive.

>> No.6229553

Hope, you don't want me to think this is a bad thing.

>> No.6229574

That is because the USA took its place.

>> No.6229580

Stay mad nazi scum.

>> No.6229587


I can't imagine how you'd infer that I did. Looking back to the past is for cunts, but people were a lot more free back then.

>> No.6229610

Statistically if you were living in this era you would be a prole.

>> No.6229622

100 years from now people will be romanticizing the time when anybody could buy antidepressants which magically made you happy, never had any side effects, and could be purchased in any pharmacy.

>> No.6229644

What makes you think that?

>> No.6229657

100 years from now people will be romanticizing the time when anybody could maintain a high levels of privacy.

>> No.6229854
File: 13 KB, 250x262, evabraunbyhitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Such aesthetics

>> No.6229867

>TFW you bomb as a court jester and get sentenced to death

>> No.6229896

>you will never get to stay at home without your XBOX One Hundred camera keeping the Matrix robots knowing your every move

>The Inter-Paparazzi didn't exist to make sure someone somewhere wasn't doing something interesting to film immediately on the Universal-Internet and display with no consent

>The Free Speech Pornography act didn't exist allowing any sex you have to be filmed and posted for profit "lol muh privacy get over it"

>You will never live in a world without drones being held by mega corps to follow you around and tell you what to buy - life has commercials

>> No.6229921

>>You'll never live in a Pre-WWIIII world
>>You'll never go on tour of The Continent without risking plague
>>You'll never visit Paris. Paris is gone.
>>You'll never spend Autumn in Germany, unless you're approved by the party
>>You'll never listen to the great U2 concerts while staying in Venice
>>You'll never read the Tao Lin while relaxing at some Swiss Spa Casino Resort in Reno
>>You'll never regrow your irradiated balls in Belgium, with all it's tissue farms

>> No.6229962


The collapse of privacy will mark the collapse of moral puritanism, especially sexual puritanism, rendering the luxuries of privacy banal - few, when all know the full carnival of human pleasure, will be offended by what we now think of as shames.

>> No.6229968
File: 151 KB, 864x444, Fedora....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Was getting caught part of your plan?

>> No.6229972

Neat predictions, Orwell

>> No.6230030
File: 514 KB, 1920x1200, 3M4mO21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'll never experience those moments captured by those images you keep saving off the internet


>> No.6230038

my gott what you don't get is the identity that comes along with it being pre WW1

>> No.6230186
File: 3.71 MB, 8000x3033, Notre-Dame_île_de_la_Cité_BLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europe is still a pretty fine place, OP, why not be content that you can visit it as is now?

>> No.6230329

This is genuine a good thought anon.

>> No.6230379

I for one look forward to our cyberpunk future, chummer

>> No.6230385
File: 220 KB, 766x1024, XT38t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you mean.

>> No.6230416

>tfw in 100 years the poorest people in the first world will live like kings 100 years ago

>> No.6230421

That makes no sense. The lack of knowledge of "the carnival of human pleasure" is in no way tired to moral Puritanism. If anything it's the contrary.

>> No.6231403

no mate, the female loves to cross boundaries in terms of sex as they feel even more alive.
This is what the left is unable to understand; that you need rules, if only to transgress them.
The lack of privacy will lead to less shame about the most activities that humans do, but we it will decrease our pleasure a bit.

>> No.6231436
File: 8 KB, 300x300, elephant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'll never live inside a retarded painting
>You'll never be an outline of the elephant

>> No.6231445

> genuine a good though
> genuine
do you english m8

>> No.6231464

You can abuse dissociatives, it's almost the exact same thing. Go and affirm your dreams, anon.

>> No.6231470
File: 119 KB, 1532x1056, americanflag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure you can, just in a different, better place.

>> No.6231493
File: 90 KB, 542x417, andersontrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grand Budapest Hotel

not even joking

based off of


>> No.6232286

>You will never witness a bunch of kebabs walking around in your home city because of "cultural diversity"
>You will never experience the pride of being European, the most powerful continent on Earth
>You will never be a governor in one of the European colonies
>You will never experience the many cultural booms of Europe

Why even live


>> No.6232294

The fact that they actually did.

>> No.6232415


makes me long for a life in a cosy central European state as a hotel assistant

>> No.6232420


They had plans for a massive victory tower, I know that. Would have been the tallest structure in Europe or the World or something.

I saw the plans in a museum in Munich.

>> No.6232432

We live in a beautiful late capitalism era with tons of food for thought.
Being nostalgic about past shit is only a subset of our zeitgeist

>> No.6232456

When I did acid once I felt like I was in a Cezanne painting.

>> No.6232476

>You will never bring put Mohammedans to the sword in the name of Christ

>> No.6232479

Uh, prostitution is easier to access now than ever before.

>> No.6232484
File: 30 KB, 460x276, cave_thumbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I did acid and thought I was in a Nick Cave poster.

Could have been much worse, there was a Cure poster on the opposite wall.

>> No.6232487

You can literally have any type of drug you want delivered to your doorstep these days.

>> No.6232492

DFW wrote an essay about that in which he sort of praised AIDS lol.

>> No.6232506


But it's not legal though. Why are you determined to miss the point? Is is stupidity or belligerence?

>> No.6232565

>he sort of praised AIDS lol.
it reminds me to watch a documentary where homos try to catch aids to enjoy even more sex with those who are aids-riddled

>> No.6232569

What does that even matter? Are you that much of a scared gay baby? It's never been easier to acquire drugs regardless of its legal status.

>> No.6232662


no one wearing jeans, no rok music or skatebords, ......what a hellis time yo be living.

>> No.6232705

lulz, are you an american? Poor cultureless Yanks.

>> No.6232900

Where do you live?

>> No.6232982

Holy shit you just triggered me hard. I am a history phd and can Tell you this is not at all true. After the Napoleonic wars there was a huge conservative backlash by metternich and others that raided universities (Carlsbad decrees) and stamped out republican and liberal impulses wherever they arise. Look at what happened to 48 revolutions.

>> No.6233024

The UK, and I know that it is also the case in the rest of Europe, and pretty much everywhere except for the USA.

>> No.6233046

are you saying everyone wearing a fedora is a time traveling 4channer?

>> No.6233091

It's a shame America is so backwards. The only prostitutes I have access to are ridiculously overpriced "escorts" or unattractive, dirty, low class streetwalkers. If I lived in Europe I'd never even bother trying to get a girlfriend. I'd just pay for those affordable 10/10 Eastern European prostitutes. You lucky bastards.

>> No.6233095

We could all have wonderful things again if we just stop using the internet.

>> No.6233615

Italian Resurgence