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/lit/ - Literature

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6217845 No.6217845 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /lit/,

I'm trying to remember a book I read in my childhood, but only have vague memories of the plot..

My friend was describing the book/film 'Into the Wild' to me and it reminded me of this novel and how much I really enjoyed it.

It must have been about 1998 when I read it. The plot is:
Angsty teenaged boy is really smart. His parents are rich alcoholics that don't really care about him. One day he decides to pack up, leave home, and live in the wilderness. He survives living in the woods for a little while, but does eventually start to have some trouble. He later meets an older woman that also lives in the forest and has been for years. They quickly become friends and live together happily for a few weeks/months until winter starts to set in. One day they're out hunting/foraging when she.. dies.. somehow. I think she slips and falls down a waterfall or creek and breaks her neck. Teenaged boy, distraught, has sex with her dead body and then buries her.

Now depressed the boy sets out further into the wilderness. While travelling in the winter he acquires a tad bit of frostbite. At some other point he passes out in the snow and wakes up in a hospital. Turns out he wasn't too far from civilization and was found. Several of his fingers have been amputated.

That is literally every detail I remember about the book. I'd very much like to read it again one day.

Have any of you ever read this novel?

>> No.6217886


>> No.6217901

By Gary Paulsen

>> No.6217913

"Hey guys, look how retarded I am!"

Sorry OP, I'll see if I can find it with googlefu

>> No.6217934

"Starr With Us" by The Greeks

>> No.6217937

I found that in my searches. I don't remember anything about a plane, being rescued by radio, and the plot summaries I've read about it fail to mention anything I described aside from a young boy living in the wild.
Thanks! I'm looking now too. I'm now too invested.

>> No.6217940

Yeah, it isn't Hatchet, I've read it.

Google isn't giving me shit though.

>> No.6217948

Welcome to my life. Not being able to find it is a really sad story too. The teacher that gave me the book passed away a year before I went back to the school to find her and ask. That was 5 years ago. I'm not sure how I'll ever find it.

.. What?

>> No.6217974

Bump. Plez halp.

>> No.6217985

My Side of the Mountain?

>> No.6217992
File: 25 KB, 300x450, 300px-Marco_Porcio_Caton_Major.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Teenaged boy, distraught, has sex with her dead body and then buries her.
jesus christ

>> No.6217999

>My Side of the Mountain
Found that too. I had a lot of hope, but alas.

I seem to remember the boy being a narrator and telling the story in the past tense, after he'd survived winter and lost his fingers quite specifically.

>> No.6218023
File: 42 KB, 400x300, bear_grylls_eating_fish_sushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm determined to find this book tonight!

>> No.6218055

I don't know but I hope you find out. It seems like something I really need to read right now.

>> No.6218056

Google was no help. Sorry friend. I'll keep lurking because I'm curious/.

>> No.6218073

If I ever find it I'll be sure to post it back on /lit/. The book was very inspiring.

>> No.6218139

I've exhausted my google-fu. Searching a for a book in the modern times is hard, OP... There's just so much shit on kindle masquerading as literature... Sorry I couldn't do better.

>> No.6218162

I can't blame you. I just wish there was an easier way.


I've turned to reddit. I left a more detailed summary there.

>> No.6218163

is it hatchet
by gary paulsen?

>> No.6218169


>> No.6218171
File: 156 KB, 333x500, hatchet, by gary paulsen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks like this, OP
it won a newberry medal
for being a good book

>> No.6218173

Why would he have sex with her dead body WHY
everything was fine and perfectly normal but noooo he couldn't just bury her nooo he went in for the kill

>> No.6218182

if i rememer correctly
he used a hatchet
to mutilate her vagina

>> No.6218186

Fucking Garry Paulson and his wierd ass fetishes

>> No.6218195

>whole thread has been trawling through young adult wilderness survival novels for half an hour

>> No.6218203

have you read it, though?
it fits the description i just think you should check it out

>> No.6218213

That wasn't me (OP),

I've read several detailed summaries. It's not the book and doesn't fit the description, if you read the description, you would agree.

>> No.6218215

there's a version fit for schools and the original
you probably read the original
where he uses the hatchet on vaginas

>> No.6218219

Infinite Corn

>> No.6218233
File: 16 KB, 600x600, e9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6218243
File: 424 KB, 1125x1600, Hatchet_2_DVD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is likely the film adaptation but i have not seen it

>> No.6218524

Sounds like some bizarre Hatchet/Child of God crossover

>> No.6218641

Might it be Crabbe by William Bell?

>> No.6218683


>> No.6218685


How can you also tell I'm canadian?

>> No.6218827

Thank fuck, that shit was about to drive me mad and probably listed me in several watchlists

>> No.6218844
File: 506 KB, 659x483, call of duty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6218886

This sounds like a very grim young adult novel..

>> No.6218889


>> No.6219427

"at first, i didnt wanna read this book at all. i was forced to by school. but as i got further and further i realized this book was ...amazing. i dont know wen ive read a better book. i think one of the reasons i enjoyed the book so much was that it reaally encourages u too become an individual person and not to live for anybody else, and i know realize that. i may still only be a lost and confused teenager, but thanks to this book i now know to only live for myself, and not to try to reach other peoples expectations but only my own. if u have any spare time at all read this book!!! its amazing, posibly even beyond amazing. i would have gave it more stars if it were posible. william bell did an outstanding job on this book. its ending was awsom, and kept me on my toes the whole time. the begining may not be very interesting, but as u get deeper and deeper into the book, it becomes better and better. the book was fenominal! READ IT!" - Amazon Reviews