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File: 37 KB, 620x400, Martyrs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6202459 No.6202459 [Reply] [Original]

SUP /lit/

Hit me with your best poetic citations, atypical definitions, historical examples, religious or atheistic musings on the subject

I'll be working on my thesis in the meantime, and updating with my own work and such

Lets make this thread EPIC

>> No.6202463


is he ok

>> No.6202464

Philosophy has been, up to this point, as much as science, an expression of human subordination, and when man seeks to represent himself, no longer as a moment of a homogenous process—of a necessary and pitiful process—but as a new laceration among lacerated nature, it is no longer the leveling phraseology coming to him from the understanding that can help him: he can no longer recognize himself in the degrading chains of logic, but he recognizes himself instead—not only with rage but in an ecstatic torment—in the virulence of his own phantasms.”
-- Georges Bataille “The Pineal Eye” pp 80

>> No.6202465


“Philosophy is a ghoul that haunts only ruins, and the broken croak of our hymns to sickness have scarcely begun. Borne by currents of deep exhaustion that flow silent and inexhorable beneath the surface perturbations of twitch and chatter, damned, shivering, claw-like fingers hewn from torture and sunk into wreckage drawn with unbearable slowness down into the maw of flame and snuffed blackness twisted skewerish into fever-hollowed eyes. Eternal recurrence is our extermination, and we cling to it as infants to mother’s breasts.—
Nick Land, Shamanic Nietzsche, pp 221-222

>> No.6202469

Against this virulent strain is one possible release—that of a psychological ego-death. If one accepts certain latitudes corresponding to the nature of existence, the practice of ego-death yields opportunities of existential engagement with the Unknown beyond-death.
The hypothetical estrangement of enlightenment from the discord of existence is the promise of a path into that something beyond the cycle of rebirth (samsara), and requires a complete prostration of conceptuality in order to gain access to the exterior Unknown. Buddhists call the unyielding force of existence anicca (Pali)-- impermanence. Life and death, insofar as they are the facts of existence, are conceived of as the cyclic oscillations of mental states. The ground for this observation is a mind-only ontology (citta), whereby the sensuous experience of physicality is only an aggregate of mental conceptions. Ego is an idea generating from the mind about the sensuous perceptions, and is an identification of somatic to the body, which is the barest repose of perception. Since the mind is the facilitator of identifying these sense perceptions to a form, it conceives of the self.

>> No.6202477

I'm mother fucking filthy

There is an expressed sense in which the Form appears as a social necessity to bridge a perceived gap between the rational sense of good and the apparent sense as a commodity. Without a prior blueprint, the value of objectified existence is tethered to the contingency of self-preservation rather than their professed accumulation. At risk is the suspension of ethical expenditure—that the accumulation, no matter how engorged, is connected to a circuitry of eventual negation. To combat the material tendency towards entropy, the transcendental phase of the commodity is asserted prior to its sensible manifestation.
The possibility of value subtends its need for a displacement by a rational subject—a thing whose sole utility by the impersonal Form is contained in the possibility of its ability to utilize. Use, which is the active extraction of utility, finds its most lucid expression as the pressuring of an object of exacerbation into anhedonic waste, a movement from adored purity into excess filth. The production of waste is therefore paramount to the legislation of value, whose primary prospect, if at all optimistic, is an escape into the regressive medium of the Form beyond the firmament of utilizable praxis.

>> No.6202482

its from a film "Martyrs"

also thats a gril

>> No.6202502



>> No.6202637

no, disgusting

>> No.6203236

OP here back from a voyage
Let's get this thread off the ground with a question:

A martyr means "to bear witness"--typically used in the religious context to express an unwillingness to relinquish truth even at the expense of life. What can be gained from this in a non theological sense?

>> No.6203334
File: 192 KB, 698x875, the_price_we_pay_by_party9999999-d5up8ni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quote is from Eugen Levin, a revolutionary martyr of the German Revolution, alongside Luxemburg and Liebknecht.

Long live the Revolution!

>> No.6203492

awful film

>> No.6203523

It was alright until it forced in that bullshit about becoming a martyr. What was she dying for? It made no sense.

>> No.6203530

fun + profit !!

>> No.6203837

Knowing the after life or some shit like that.

>> No.6203940
File: 92 KB, 311x265, Bonhoeffer-quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the most inspiring Christian martyrs.


>Bonhoeffer was condemned to death on 8 April 1945 by SS judge Otto Thorbeck at a drumhead court-martial without witnesses, records of proceedings or a defense in Flossenbürg concentration camp.[32] He was executed there by hanging at dawn on 9 April 1945, just two weeks before soldiers from the United States 90th and 97th Infantry Divisions liberated the camp,[33][34] three weeks before the Soviet capture of Berlin and a month before the capitulation of Nazi Germany.

>Bonhoeffer was stripped of his clothing and led naked into the execution yard, where he was hanged, along with fellow conspirators Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, Canaris's deputy General Hans Oster, military jurist General Karl Sack, General Friedrich von Rabenau,[35] businessman Theodor Strünck, and German resistance fighter Ludwig Gehre. Bonhoeffer's brother, Klaus Bonhoeffer, and his brother-in-law Rüdiger Schleicher were executed in Berlin on the night of 22–23 April as Soviet troops were already fighting in the capital. His brother-in-law Hans von Dohnányi had been executed in Sachsenhausen concentration camp on 8 or 9 April.

>Eberhard Bethge, a student and friend of Bonhoeffer's, writes of a man who saw the execution: "I saw Pastor Bonhoeffer... kneeling on the floor praying fervently to God. I was most deeply moved by the way this lovable man prayed, so devout and so certain that God heard his prayer. At the place of execution, he again said a short prayer and then climbed the few steps to the gallows, brave and composed. His death ensued after a few seconds. In the almost fifty years that I worked as a doctor, I have hardly ever seen a man die so entirely submissive to the will of God."[31]

>> No.6203950

Also Justin Martyr the man who which the act was named after.

>The Prefect Rusticus says: Approach and sacrifice, all of you, to the gods. Justin says: No one in his right mind gives up piety for impiety. The Prefect Rusticus says: If you do not obey, you will be tortured without mercy. Justin replies: That is our desire, to be tortured for Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and so to be saved, for that will give us salvation and firm confidence at the more terrible universal tribunal of Our Lord and Saviour. And all the martyrs said: Do as you wish; for we are Christians, and we do not sacrifice to idols. The Prefect Rusticus read the sentence: Those who do not wish to sacrifice to the gods and to obey the emperor will be scourged and beheaded according to the laws. The holy martyrs glorifying God betook themselves to the customary place, where they were beheaded and consummated their martyrdom confessing their Saviour.

>> No.6203965

I think the idea was to strip them of their humanity while retaining their living functions. The flaying was to expose her to every sensation and thus produce an ecstasis (ecsane:to be out of ones mind)

>> No.6203981

Sophie Scholl

>> No.6203986

Spooks leading people to suicide

How sad

>> No.6203991
File: 84 KB, 957x710, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally dying for ideology

it's like nobody ever bothered to think

>> No.6204022

believing in something enough to die for it is one of the most inspiring things a person can do

>> No.6204029


inspiring to who? Americans and Jesus freaks?

there's nothing honorable or noble about dying for an ideological construction

>> No.6204033

Martyrdom really doesn't make sense without transcendental reality, I'll grant you that.

>> No.6204040


yep, which is why martyrdom is a symptom of stupidity and/or psychosis

>> No.6204055

Care to elaborate?

>> No.6204061

honour and nobility are literally derived entirely from ideological constructions. the only way to be honourable or noble is to follow them, of which martyrdom is a well established path.

>> No.6204062
File: 59 KB, 456x567, Plato-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, not really, because reality is in fact transcendent.

>> No.6204068

>thinks he has access to noumena

good one

>> No.6204072

>Kantian nonsense

get out

>> No.6204074


yep, honor and nobility are also bullshit

>> No.6204075



>> No.6204078

Implying phenomena isn't made up.
Implying there can't be numerous phenomena .
Implying multiple phenomena can't contradict one another

>> No.6204079


>he used a word from an author I don't like! surely it's nonsense!

tell the class more about your unique access to things-in-themselves beyond phenomenal experience

>> No.6204087


I didn't begin to imply any of that

>> No.6204088

Interesting as fuck.
Do you not experience your own day to day delusions? How do you cope with the fact that some people have crazy experiences? Denial?

>> No.6204090

Still caught in Kantian mechanics I see.
How about materialism?

>> No.6204093

Ah, I see the psychiatrists have catalogued demonic possession. Interesting.

>> No.6204094


if you experienced a delusion, you wouldn't call it a delusion, dipshit

try again

>> No.6204095

Sort of did mate. Every time someone tries to justify Kant. Every time.

>> No.6204097


>demonic possession

is it 1549? what the fuck happened to the smart people

>> No.6204098

Granted I am a dipshit
But at least I'm not an ignoramus

>> No.6204102


materialism is bunk, there is no such 'material' account of historical or experiential processes

>> No.6204103

Implying demonic possession isn't legitimate?
>>still stuck in christian pastiche
>>I bet you defer all authority of existence to science too

>> No.6204108
File: 25 KB, 435x642, St.-Francis-de-Sales-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it's not a real thing
>implying strange powers and godlike beings aren't still skulking in the world's dark places
>implying one shouldn't depend at all times on God's divine guidance and serenity

>> No.6204109



I don't replace Christian hegemony with secular hegemony, no

>> No.6204110

See deleuze
or more importantly bataille

>> No.6204113


>an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is FIRMLY MAINTAINED despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder.

>> No.6204114


>>>/a shrink/

>> No.6204115

Specifically the judeochristian god though

Because pagans were heathens and not to be trusted

>> No.6204123

I'm on /lit/
Do you even read bro?
>kubbla khan
>>even Descartes
Fuck you should just leave and go back to reading books about trains because obvs you've got our psychology figured out

>> No.6204128

This guy and his poor misplaced faith in rationalism
On a /lit/ board

>> No.6204129


>shamelessly sucks the cock of The Name of the Father in the most dominant of all prevailing ideologies
>tells me to read more

truly saddening

>> No.6204132


I'm no rationalist
I'm just defining the word delusion as my friend seems not to know what a delusion is

>> No.6204141

Generally accepted reality is good enough for most

>> No.6204147


the point of being deluded as opposed to feeling whacked-out or generally crazy is that you DONT KNOW that you are experiencing an illusion i.e. you believe that what you are experiencing is real and wouldn't easily be convinced otherwise. if you claim to experience 'delusions' daily while knowing that they are delusions, you're just using the wrong word. maybe 'hallucination' or 'daydream' would be closer, but certainly not 'delusion'

>> No.6204294

This whole business of delusion sounds like something Enlightenment busybodies cooked up so they could pretend the world was strictly empirical.