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File: 10 KB, 200x237, Max_stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6061091 No.6061091 [Reply] [Original]

Not only was this cartoon drawn by Engels, but...

>> No.6061099
File: 9 KB, 177x250, Der_Eigene_cover_1906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Der Eigene was the first periodical for homosexuals (1896-1932).

What does this make you think of Stirner now?

>> No.6061110
File: 24 KB, 331x334, frog stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not my concern.

>> No.6061116

What's the big deal with Max Stirner in /lit/ anyway?

>> No.6061119

Not only was this cartoon drawn by Engels, but...
he along with Marx comprehensibly bodied Stirner in The German Ideology.

>> No.6061135

some guy thought the ego and its own was the best philosophical work ever made and made like hundreds of images of different stirner and made threads daily until other people bought a copy. the meme spread from there

>> No.6061143

At least at this point he's to /lit/ what Neutral Milk Hotel are to /mu/, except NMH are worthier of checking out.

>> No.6061149
File: 54 KB, 727x541, cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See >>6061110 ?

Someone made a frog Stirner. Is important.


>> No.6061156

Not really it's just filled with ad-hominenems and was never published.

>> No.6061157
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>> No.6061283

You read the New Yorker, don't you?

>> No.6061301

I've read in many of the university threads on here that Stirner is actually very popular among the students (primarily undergrads) at some top-tier/elite schools.

>> No.6061305
File: 105 KB, 797x633, egosaurus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Why?

>> No.6061313

That only makes him so fascinating. That an image so utterly powerful as one of Spoomeister Stirner was produced by his ideological counterpart perhaps just for laughs. Fourty years after they had last met.

Immortal I.

>> No.6061316


>> No.6061367

Stirner is worth checking out because without him the only egoist philosophies are
to get you laughed out of any respected institution.
get you in prison.

>> No.6061381

EGO.. I...

>> No.6061389

I totally agree he's worth checking out, but not *as* worthy when compared to the huge catalog of other richer and more important philosophy figures.

>> No.6061394


>> No.6061441



>> No.6061454
File: 134 KB, 908x540, stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more stirner pictures please

>> No.6061463
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>> No.6061464
File: 58 KB, 636x674, 1420088416173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying stirner will not change your mind

>> No.6061475

Engels was actually a great admirer of Stirner until his bully friend Marx forbade him to like him.

>> No.6061485

Pretty cool, doesn't afraid of heteronormative ideology.

Of course fags today have strong homo ideology that Stirner would deride as well.

>> No.6061490

post more Stirner

>> No.6061491
File: 159 KB, 589x768, The Ego and Itsself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly immortal!

Stirner worked as a schoolteacher for young girls. Rand would have given them spooks. de Sade would have given them welts.

>> No.6061509
File: 266 KB, 800x1018, Adolf Brand Spook Finder General.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, must add that Stirner didn't publish it. However, he inspired Adolf Brand.

>> No.6061578

I know he didn't publish it, but what it make me think of Stirner is that he's pretty cool, since he's spookless enough to be one of the few thinkers to offer fags something they can work with.

Stirner's biographer, Mackay, was also a homosexual I think. And Max also influenced the whole Émile Armand fun loving fucking everything kind of anarchism.

>> No.6061600
File: 71 KB, 850x400, quote-the-divine-is-god-s-concern-the-human-man-s-my-concern-is-neither-the-divine-nor-the-human-not-max-stirner-270008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see. (Embarassu~.)

>> No.6061638

Egoism is just stoicism for edgelords.

>> No.6061645

But how can that Stirner doodle be wrong?
Just look at it

>> No.6061681

His forehead is higher than I am when I'm smoking the purest of dank. I don't doubt for a second he had a prodigious intellect. It doesn't excuse, however, that he posited a philosophy of self-interest first and foremost but failed to secure his own best interest throughout his entire life. He went to debtor's prison repeatedly and he died broke, divorced and unaccomplished, with even his wife to whom the Ego and Its Own is dedicated devoting herself to the spookiest of spooks, the Catholic faith. Good meme, tho.

>> No.6061690

>believes he is unique
besides that, im all for what he's about. but i most certainly dont think anyone is unique

>> No.6061698

It's good that people are allowed opinions without comprehension. The world wouldn't be as colourful without it.

>> No.6061700


But what about the Young Hegelians' milk shop

>> No.6061722


Its not like he chose to write a text that generated no profit, or have his wife leave him, or die unaccomplished. Its simply what happened to him, despite his own wishes. Or maybe they were his wishes and he enjoyed inflicting pain on himself, I can't speak for Stirner. But you're stating events, not rebuttals.

>> No.6061738

You haven't read Yung Max, have you? His use of unique isn't the conventional one.

Even in the conventional sense though, everyone is literally unique.

>> No.6061759
File: 58 KB, 575x383, gucci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some spirits are just too free not to get into trouble, anon.

>> No.6061760


>> No.6061768

Considering Stirner puts so much emphasis on ghostbusting one can draw one of these two indications from his life: a) either he successfully performed ghostbusting on himself which shows that ghostbusting isn't fruitful, or b) he didn't successfully preform ghostbusting on himself which shows that he shouldn't be trusted because he was haunted.

>> No.6061778

Inside everyone there is a skellington.
A spooky

>> No.6061779

Stirner's philosophy isn't a self-help book aimed for success, it's a paradigm shift. You can still be a fuck up afterwards.

>> No.6061787

Most people at least have the excuse that whatever misfortune befalls them is in some way due to the ideal to which they devoted themselves. Most people have the handicap of scruples. Stirner, however, writes eloquently enough that he believes in nothing but his own pursuit. With, then, the competency that he says no employer can pay him enough for, with the brilliant lustre of his uniqueness, he fails completely in every regard. Your post suggests he has no responsibility for the outcome of his own life. That is bollocks of the highest order.

Arguably, you can say, well, it didn't matter. He didn't pursue these things because he saw through them and knew they wouldn't bring him happiness. He was content in and of himself, sustained by by himself in himself, purely individual. Hence, my comment that egoism is stoicism for edgelords.

Honestly, this meme is pretty silly. Max Stirner writes in a deliberately edgy style, but his philosophy at its core isn't that edgy. It's heartbreaking, in fact, in its isolation, and that's how he comes across. Friedrich Nietzsche is the superior edgelord.

>> No.6061788


>either he successfully performed ghostbusting on himself which shows ghostbusting isn't fruitful

One example doesn't prove anything. Just because one person failed in investment banking doesn't mean everyone else will. Furthermore, Stirner never even claims egoism will get you rich or successful, it wasn't concieved for that. Its an analyses of morality and how the individual relates to it. Its not a self-help book.

>> No.6061803


>he has no responsibility for the outcome of his own life.

No I did not, I did not say that at all anywhere.

>> No.6061815


Go read Bill Gates' books, Steve Job's books and please kill yourself

>> No.6061818

I think Nietzsche is a lot more heartbreaking when you see how he wrestles nihilism for decades, ultimately fails to deliver on his magnum opus and all he can come up with is some cool future guy we should all work towards before going crazy and being a vegetable for ten years before dying of a stroke.

>> No.6061823

You wrote, "Its not like he chose..." (>>6061722), in response to me listing his failures (>>6061681). That he didn't choose them suggests it happened outside his control. I say what happens to you is within your control, at least to a certain degree. That Max Stirner failed so spectacularly is very much a point against him. I'm not sure where the confusion of meaning has arisen.

>> No.6061829

You can not lead a spook free lifestyle in a haunted society

>> No.6061852
File: 686 KB, 480x473, 1404608184381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a deep knowledge of philosophy required to understand stirners work?

All I'm really going on right now is The Republic, some neetchay and wikipedia articles.

>> No.6061865
File: 40 KB, 500x632, 1394676767698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6061874

I agree that Nietzsche as a person is more tragic. His philosophy, however, is way more edgy than egoism. Max Stirner beneath his provocative style seems somewhat egalitarian, particularly how he applies egoism to how working classes should wrest control back.

Max Stirner, then, you say, couldn't help but subordinate will to some spook because it was a haunted society? That's nonsense, friend. It's not because Max Stirner couldn't free himself of spooks that his life was a disaster. Nor was it spooked up people hiding behind every corner waiting to sabotage him. If the Union of Egoists somehow sprang into being, Max Stirner would still have very little to offer, as a second rate teacher whose only business enterprise failed.

>> No.6061878


Recommend me some anon. Specific works.

>> No.6061880

Do you want to understand the memes? Then yes.
Do you want to understand Stirner's relation to philosophy? Then no. You should read Hegel first, ideally also Feuerbach.

>> No.6061886

>telling someone new to philosophy to read hegel
u r a sly 1, m8.

>> No.6061889

What business?
Btw your reasoning is in need of a thorough ghostbusting

>> No.6061902

It's some enterprise involving milk. I'm not entirely sure on the specifics. It's in Mackay's biography. Apparently, he wasted the last of his second wife's fortune on it in a last ditch effort to secure financial security. It's unrelated to the Young Hegelian's far more hilarious cock-up involving milk.

>> No.6061907

Marks wrote more pages about Stirner than sterner wrote period.

We probably only even know who Stirner is because Marx critiqued him.
This is also how we know about Epicurus, because christian apologists couldn't shut up about how much they hated his materialism.

Let this be a lesson to critics.

>> No.6061911

To pick something "around" Stirner, both in content and context: Hegel's, Marx', and Nietzsche's body of work has both much more potential to be further developed (the richness aspect), and also had far bigger influence on subsequent figures (the importance aspect).

>> No.6061928

I'm aware that I'm conflating the philosophy with the person anyway, and we should take his philosophy on its own merits. They do, however, for me at least, appear intertwined. It's as I said, Max Stirner seems as if he altogether distanced himself from everything and cultivated a calm and indifference isolation within himself. That's where egosim as expounded by him leads, I believe.

>> No.6061954

It is implied anon will have to read other philosophers before starting with Hegel. But I think just reading Plato, Aristotle, and Kant, which one should read anyway, gives a workable foundation for understanding him. The rest can be supplied by introductions.

>> No.6062009
File: 1.01 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-01-28-01-39-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6062086 [DELETED] 

stirner's milk shop went bankrupt because it was too patrician

Stirner planned and financed (with Marie's inheritance) an attempt by some Young Hegelians to own and operate a milk-shop on co-operative principles. This enterprise failed partly because the dairy farmers were suspicious of these well-dressed intellectuals. The milk shop was also so well decorated that most of the potential customers felt too poorly dressed to buy their milk there.

>> No.6062101

stirner's milk shop failed because it was too patrician

>Stirner planned and financed (with Marie's inheritance) an attempt by some Young Hegelians to own and operate a milk-shop on co-operative principles. This enterprise failed partly because the dairy farmers were suspicious of these well-dressed intellectuals. The milk shop was also so well decorated that most of the potential customers felt too poorly dressed to buy their milk there.

>> No.6062111

>This enterprise failed partly because the dairy farmers were suspicious of these well-dressed intellectuals. The milk shop was also so well decorated that most of the potential customers felt too poorly dressed to buy their milk there.
So their analysis of contemporary ideology was plebeian. A case of bad spook reading.

>> No.6062182


this is too funny to be true

>> No.6062351


Top laugh.

>> No.6062530

Why would this bother a Stirnerist?

HA! Real funny getting that backwards.
I checked NMH out, and they don't even compare to Poi Dog Pondering. They're a forced meme, Stirner has legit threads and some forced goober threads

>I most certainly don't think anyone is unique
Who else is you? Who else has ever been you? And don't you try to pull a I'm-not-even-real argument.

Location location location. Poor Max.

>> No.6062679
File: 113 KB, 777x753, smoking philopsher feels guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6062685

>That Max Stirner failed so spectacularly is very much a point against him

What was his failure, exactly? Dying broke?

Stirner considered self-mastery the only good in the world, I don't think dying broke and unnoticed is points against him. Merely that the spooks of his time were greater than him.

>> No.6062785

I'm too much of a pleb to read Stirner

>> No.6062797

Stirner would say the term "pleb" is a spook, though.

>> No.6063453


>Max Stirner wasn't rich and famous
>therefore he is a failure

pleb as fuck

>> No.6063457


jesus are you like the philosophical equivalent of a mom or what?


"Son, your treatise is nice, but what about success...we should add a little bit of how that, wouldn't that be nice? Oooh, and hard work too, I like the rest of it, but just add that, and don't forget family! Can't have a good philosophy without a little mom in it can we ;) ? "

>> No.6063460

>That Max Stirner failed so spectacularly is very much a point against him.

Failed in what way? Maybe your definition of success and his were different.

And, when you think about it, you are thinking and posting and getting mad at some loser who died over 100 years ago, when he never even knew your name...think on that.

>> No.6063465

just read wikipedia, maybe the stanford encyc if you feel brave.

Actually reading The Ego and Its Own is a step some full blown Stirnerists never even reach during their lives.

>> No.6063500

>not basing your philosophy on chicken tendies and earning GBP

I'm LMAOing at your life

>> No.6063513

Stirner is easy and sometimes even entertaining to read. You really have nothing to be anxious about.

>> No.6064983


>> No.6064994

I'm just curious. Do we actually know what Stirner looks like or is this cartoon the only visual we got of this spook?

>> No.6065014

Stirner is unphotographable and unpaintable. Sketchy drawings is all anybody has managed to produce before getting too spooked to continue.

>> No.6065237
File: 38 KB, 918x333, stirner2d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6066783

It was more like he thought there was grand conspiracy against Stirner and I his relation to Marx what with poor referencing in newer editions of works.