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/lit/ - Literature

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6037934 No.6037934 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /lit/, question:

Do you literature enthusiasts prefer to do your reading with actual physical books that you buy or get from a library, or do you just use Kindles/some other e-reader, or just pirate everything on your computer?

Personally I prefer actually books, my local library is free and has a HUGE selection and is close enough to walk to. Something about reading full novels digitally just doesn't seem right to me, kind of like how playing a video game on an emulator instead of the original system it was made for doesn't seem right.

pic not really related

>> No.6037994
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I owe three hundred dollars in library fees so I don't go there very often, but I own more books I haven't read than books I have read - so I think I'll go through those and wait out the library, see what happens, see who buckles first.


>> No.6038010
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>I owe three hundred dollars in library fees
If this is bait then you got me

>> No.6038040

we've had this thread like eight thousand times and the general preference, like many polls on this topic that have been conducted, is for actual books.

just look up key words in the archive like

>physical e-reader
>physical kindle
>actual books e-reader



>> No.6038049
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can't stand ya

>> No.6038203
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Wish it was, but the debt collector is an oddity which makes it all worth it.

>> No.6038704

>>Tfw owing over $400 to my local library.
>>Tfw have since changed address, email, phone number, and the book is still on my shelf.
>>tfw it's Infinite Jest.