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/lit/ - Literature

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6031187 No.6031187 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone doing 52 book challenge this year?

>> No.6031195

no reddit, no one cares if you "read" ASOIF and some hot, opinionated YA

>> No.6031201

go away

>> No.6031207

Ugh you sound disgusting.

I have no intentions of reading ASOIF nor YA.

Stop generalising about a website that isn't even the one you're posting on

>> No.6031221



>> No.6031263

why the fuck would i read books just to fulfill a quota?

>> No.6031298

it promotes more reading, which improves the quality of the reading community (like /lit/). Of course you don't have to if you don't want to, its mostly just a motivational thing I guess.

>> No.6031324

>it promotes more reading, which improves the quality of the reading community (like /lit/)
sorry, i only realized now that this is a troll thread.

>> No.6031337

Oh shut up you imbecile.

>> No.6031339
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>> No.6031346

I guess I am. My New Year's resolution was to read a book a week and so far so good.

>> No.6031348


literally every time you do (or don't do) something you act according to a set of principles that, when followed to their source, turn out to be based on unjustifiable beliefs, so

why not cut the middle man?

>> No.6031355
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confine yourself to a sweltering, acridic South America cave subsisting only on unidentifiable insects, vampiric bats & the recycling of your own urine. while in hibernation you'll attempt to decipher Finnegan's Wake for an indeterminate span of time utilizing only profound contemplation and writing with smeared bat feces on cave walls until all sense of time and self have beem distilled from your detestible husk. if you happen upon the Truth, return to is then, and only then...

>> No.6031390

Shitposters are only shitposting because instead of reading and meeting the challenge, they're on here shitposting.

Really they just hate themselves for what they've become.

>> No.6031409


>> No.6031411

exactly, cut out the middle man by ignoring some arbitrary requirement to read some arbitrary number of arbitrary collections of pages. i'll read when i feel like it because i feel like it.

>> No.6031430
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>aspirations are bad
>just be in the present at all times

>> No.6031463

How is this a troll thread?

Reading a book a week is a valid goal.

>> No.6031872

>Reading a book a week is a valid goal.

For someone who posts on /lit/ and fancies themselves an enthusiast, 52 books/year should be the absolute minimum.

>> No.6031882

52 books a year should be the base minimum for anyone who studies something close to literature.

Fuck, it's even achievable if you're a overworked STEM fag.

>> No.6031908
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>Fuck, it's even achievable if you're a overworked STEM fag.

correct, did pic related last year and wrote my PhD thesis, I can't understand people who lurk /lit/ and don't read much, no-one on /v/ plays just one game per year

>> No.6032002

How can all these threads have posts like this, while the board is still so flooded with absolute shitposts and non-literary discussions.

Are all of you liars, or do you only come out to post in threads like these?

>> No.6032016

I'm >>6031908 , I often recommend books but these threads die quickly, but yeah, >90% of /lit/-posts are shit, like:

>everything with "general" in title
>everything marginally /pol/ related (two threads like that on first page right now)
>critique threads
>bait threads about Twilight/Harry Potter/something else already discussed to death
>personal blog (one thread on first page)
>meme threads (Stirner, Rand, Will Self, Penny, etc.)
>homework threads (Japanese hostclubs? Seriously?)

And I just made this list by scrolling down

>> No.6032022

They're the same people. Extreme views such as these tend to come most from people who don't really do what they say.

>> No.6032037

>Are all of you liars, or do you only come out to post in threads like these?
I'm just saying it's achievable, not that I'm actually going throgh with it.

I'll probably read around 20 books this year.

>> No.6032044

>no-one on /v/ plays just one game per year

>> No.6032142
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>Is anyone doing read the 52 shortest, easiest, least challenging books you can find challenge?

I won't say this is a bad thing always or inherently, but it can totally devolve into an obscene grab at numbers and other stunts.

Wanna see how bad it can get? Not to reddit-bash, but look through reddit.com/r/52book and see the lengths people will go through to cut corners on book length, format, etc.

>> No.6032148

52 is too much for my slow ass, I'll be happy reading 36 books this year.

>> No.6032157

Stuff like this just isn't for me. It seems to reduce appreciation of literature to a competition of sorts. I'd rather just read at my own pace. I'm sure I won't come close to 52 books this year, but I'm okay with that.

>> No.6032171

Having some concrete incentive for doing things isn't bad if there is some sort of higher motivation behind it, but oftentimes it seems people want to know, not to learn.

They want to punch knowledge into their skulls because they think it gives them some point in life, and a quantitative measure of it (e.g. numbers) gives them an idea of accomplisment.

>> No.6032211

fuck book numbers
im going for pages numbers
20 000 is my goal

>> No.6032219

I'm going for 100+ books and 20000+ pages

>> No.6032232

How is it 'extreme' to say a book a week is not a lot for someone who loves books.

Does not help that 'book' or even going by pages does not necessarily mean much. 5 pages of one book could take as long as 20 or even 50 pages of another.

>> No.6032279

>Does not help that 'book' or even going by pages does not necessarily mean much
Also when people want to count graphic novels, comic books, etc. as a 'book'.

>> No.6032291

Minimum of 2000 pages a month with approximately 250 words per page, excluding plays and epic poetry which will be considered on a case-by-case basis of relative difficulty.

>> No.6032780

I'm trying for 60 this year and Goodreads tells me I'm a few books ahead already but I read a few short poetry collections last weekend and counted them.

52 shouldn't be hard if you make an effort, I did 40 last year without any conscious goal. 60 might be a stretch since 3 of my 60 this year will be War & Peace, Underworld and Against the Day.

>> No.6032787

I count collections as a "book". So a single issue of Batman isn't a book, but a collection of a story arch is. But reading is reading for me.

>> No.6033310

>only reading 52 books a year

The cancer killing /lit/.

>> No.6033325

>Pretends to be butterface
>Doesn't even know butterface's shtick

Ayy lmao

>> No.6033368

More like 52 word challenge! LOL
But really I have a 52 word essay due Friday.. How fucked am I /lit/?

>> No.6033414

Why do you think I'm pretending? I am the real butterfly.

>> No.6033428

>Tell me how to be annoying even though I'm too new to even know what opinions to fake


>> No.6033441


>> No.6033497


I'm shooting for that.

>> No.6033579

i tried last year to read some number of books, i stopped when i realized i was going for the shorter and easiest ones.

My advice: try to read an amount of pages equivalent to 52 average books.

>> No.6033591

I hate people saying "if you really like to read, you had better be reading a whole lot more than 52 books a year." Not everyone is a NEET bibliophile who literally does nothing but read. Even people who genuinely enjoy reading.

>> No.6033608
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>Mfw every person on reddit reads 70-100 books per year apparently
>Mfw they might legitimagely be lying about how many YA novels they read for upvotes

>> No.6033668

i set my goal for 40 :)

>> No.6033767

>I hate people saying "if you really like to read, you had better be reading a whole lot more than 52 books a year." Not everyone is a NEET bibliophile who literally does nothing but read. Even people who genuinely enjoy reading.
This. I love reading, but I doubt I will be reading more than 40 books this year.
I spent two weeks reading 2666, so that already means I'm not a 'real booklover'.

>> No.6033922

I did the 52 book challenge last year, it helped get me back into the habit of reading. It's easy to focus on other things, and having the "one book per week" thing in the back of my mind was the push I needed. This year I will be busier, so I'm just going for 40.

>> No.6033937

>Not everyone is a NEET bibliophile who literally does nothing but read.

I commute 2 hours a day which is enough for >100 books per year, apparently that makes me a NEET bibliophile who does nothing but read