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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.62 MB, 5033x3300, 1421631026823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6022446 No.6022446 [Reply] [Original]

The latest /lit/ masterpiece, now in paperback and complete with free PDF.

Engage with the disappointment!

Use SHQ15 for free shipping



>> No.6022729

>>6022446 Gonna buy once there is a version with the black 'official' cover and the final PDF version (the one that can be found on litwritesabook.com right now - not the unfinished one).

>> No.6022764

I think we're talking about two different books, this isn't connected to the one on that site and this cover is about as official as it gets.

>> No.6022767

Oh yeah, and that site is charging money for the PDF

>> No.6022791

but this is official cover. The first one had black cover, this one is pink since its set in miami 1989

>> No.6022890

I really want to buy this because I love the cover, but the pdf is such an awful, unfunny mess...

>> No.6022902

Wow, so you guys wrote it in what, one day? That sounds kindof awfull. At least the last one had some pull and push.

Gonna take a look...

>> No.6022905

The cover is pretty sweet, but the content is more unfocused than the original if that makes any sense. What more can you expect from 35,000 words in a day?

I guess I don't see any solution to your problem, but that coupon in the OP expires after the 19th so probably best to make a decision sooner rather than later

>> No.6022909

It was worse than the first part. A lot worse. While i would say that adventures of thomas pinecone were fun, the level of humour dropped down a lot compared to the first on.

>> No.6022934

What's next?

Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra III: Space Race

A Very Special Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra Christmas

Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra: The High School Years

>> No.6022945
File: 577 KB, 2327x3300, driftu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually III is going to be Japan, there 'might' be a Miami 2

>> No.6022950

The first one spanned over a month, this was a one-day project. The next one won't be done as quickly.

>> No.6022975

>>6022764 >>6022791 There's a new one already? I guess I'm out of the loop again. just glanced at the cover and the title - and the cover was suggested for the first one already so I thought it was just another version.

>>6022767 What site are you speaking of?!

>> No.6022982

Why don't we use our ability to write a novel a day to become millionaires?

>> No.6022986

You mean there are still a few people working on the original? That ship sailed in September last year

>> No.6023008

why don't we work on it for a week instead of a fucking day

>> No.6023009

Should I ironically buy both Legacy books, /lit/?

>> No.6023011

who has the free shipping code for both tundras?

some anon posted it, I don't feel like paying 8$ because I'm a yuropoor

>> No.6023013


I'm waiting for the three pack, at this rate it'll be available in a few hours

>> No.6023028

Why are there two different editions of the first book?

>> No.6023036

This link still works. Is there a better means of navigating through the chapters than clicking the next link on each title page?

>> No.6023042

It's in the title: one is colour, the other is b&w. The colour edition is lower quality to make it affordable. Hardcover b&w is also available.

>> No.6023065

>You mean there are still a few people working on the original?
No, never said that. It's just that the physical book version used an unfinished PDF for its text and not the finished one, apparently because the guy who created it thought that parts were deleted (which is wrong, it was just finalized - my part for example was unfinished and still had tons of notes in it).
So I'm still waiting for someone to use the final text...

>> No.6023073


>> No.6023235

the 'final' text is shit because someone who didnt actually read the full text tried to edit it and ended up putting loads of bits in stupid places that made no sense

>> No.6023253
File: 24 KB, 1088x398, nice fucking quality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this could have actually been good if one lone and determined retard hadnt decided to publish everything after 12 hours without any editing

jesus fucking christ

>> No.6023283


I support Space Race and a Cold War theme.

>> No.6023287

And that is bullshit. Eventually that happened before the final version was put up, stuff like this was undone before the final version was put up.
Also you could point out a few examples if that was the case.
Plus I finished my whole part just days after and that part is a lot worse half-baked then some minor edit that you didn't like.

>> No.6023290

>Thomas P looked around and did not recognize the dingy caveish area he was now enclosed in, however a small sign on the wall offered a clue: dickbutt

>> No.6023300
File: 157 KB, 684x441, rasta salami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stallion pls go
>Also you could point out a few examples if that was the case.

>> No.6023313

So is there going to be a vaporwave third novel?

>> No.6023489

Why are these covers so good? Why is the content so bad in comparison?

>> No.6024101

I watched the thread for its duration yesterday, and I expected it to take at least a week and several more threads to finish.

I think in the future that's what needs to be done. Series of threads and an actual editing process like the first one. We can't just crap this stuff out in half a day, no matter how bad it is.

I remember an earlier attempt at a sequel gathering about 100 pages of content (one anon saved it), what happened to that?

>> No.6024251
File: 399 KB, 2480x3519, the quagga project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I remember an earlier attempt at a sequel gathering about 100 pages of content (one anon saved it), what happened to that?
The Quagga Project, I still have it but there seems to be no interest in picking it up.

>> No.6024265

I remember the material being more substantial than what we got with Legacy II. You should definitely make a thread about it sometime, if /lit/ crapped out a sequel in half a day there's no reason they can't see Quagga to completion.

>> No.6024292

I will. But I think I should wait till this Miami hypes decreases at least a bit.

It can be read here btw: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MgrH3JqK5Ws47KHLerVPjY-hLpbah8qtIbYrlhEjEdo/edit?usp=sharing

>> No.6024298

Since there is little to no continuity in these books anyway, why don't we do away with numerical titling? We churn these out so much that people aren't going to want to read number 9. This also means we have a little more creative freedom since we won't be as linguistically beholden to the predecessors. Why not just The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra: Subtitle or something?

>> No.6024307

No, Legacy of Tundranism in a Totalitarian

>> No.6024391
File: 76 KB, 467x278, OMG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they took out all references to jerry

>> No.6024412



I made some quick writing on some parts, and couldn't even make some grammar corrections.

The faggot that wrote Koltin ruined my epic works. Faggot

>> No.6024422
File: 15 KB, 535x84, Screenshot 2015-01-19 at 3.00.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>children's books

>> No.6024433

>this will forever be the first and possibly only work I made that gets published

>> No.6024468

who's profiting from this?

>> No.6024489


Probably the nazi party

>> No.6024491


>> No.6024495


>> No.6024514


>> No.6024555

Who are you people?
And how many actually bought the first book?

>> No.6024608

Somewhere around 150, I think.

>> No.6024686

Every thread
Just lulu

>> No.6024702

woah hold on who's profitting from this?

>> No.6024720

I think third novel is going to be a sci-fi spoop set IN MOON

>> No.6024731

The Totality of a Tundrean Legacy

>> No.6024734

wow, a 13 page novel that was made in 1 day. You really don it again /lit/

>> No.6024919

plz update the tvtropes page to reflect the sequel


>> No.6024932

>tv tropes page
good lord the autism.
>calling it a postmodern 'novel' unironically

>> No.6024971
File: 752 KB, 1277x1826, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, is some asshole making money off this?

>> No.6024976


What the fuck do you think?

>> No.6025027

You didn't think he did it for free did you?

>> No.6025028


>> No.6025033

Wait a second, is someone making a dime?

>> No.6025185

this cover is beautiful jesus

>> No.6025204


Remember that episode of Beavis and Butthead where they go to a feminist meeting because they hear the women there "do it for free"?

Yeah it's a bit like that

>> No.6025800

>implying anyone here remembers Meavis and Mutthead

>> No.6025813

Mr. BillionaireMayor sir, we'd like to start work on TLOTIAT: Kolsti's Adventure in the Everglades and if you could provide a cover it would be great. If not, I'll just do a palette swap of the original.

>> No.6025862

seconding this

>> No.6025875

so how does this actually work?
do people just write and it becomes a part of it or not?

>> No.6025884


All the episodes have been available on either netflix or amazon prime for the past couple years ya goofus

>> No.6025940
File: 430 KB, 690x805, princeoflit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we make it more focused this time? I mean the picture with kolsti and the alligator is literally kolsti holding a reptile on a boat in a swamp. If this isn't the perfect setup for "Kolsti goes to the Everglades to investigate reptilians and /lit/erary hi-jinks ensure as the ghosts of literary figures approach him" then idk what is.

>> No.6025991

If you want to write a kolstimeme book then go ahead, this is Tundra

>> No.6026005

Kolsti was already the main character of Miami you idiot. We're just doing a smaller spinoff called The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra Presents: Kolsti's Adventure in the Everglades: A Novella

>> No.6026010


All hail Kolsti the Miami Ninja and his masturbatory exploits

>> No.6026021

Please tell me the final draft kept the gag about Hitler and Republicans

>> No.6026025
File: 35 KB, 462x740, miami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course

>> No.6026026

All we need is a cover and then we can get started. Since this is a spinoff and just a novella, we'll have to actually edit out all the random bullshit and normalize font sizes a bit to get the most out of the small page count. "Plot" will always be impossible with these things, but I like the idea of Detective Kolsti investigating literary reptilians in the Florida Everglades after the events of Miami. Let's spend a while editing this. Let's take more than half a day on it.

>> No.6026029

I'm sure Reddit can help you out just fine

>> No.6026034


Kolsti joins Krickett and Drubbs on the Miami Vice Squad

They investigate Carl Hiaasen who is suspected of poaching alligator skins and are drawn into a gang war between different factions of meth dealing rednecks - but there's more! The meth dealing rednecks are actually two factions of lizard men vying for control of the very hearts and minds of North America through mind control!

>> No.6026045

Perfect. This version of Kolsti should have more personality than the Miami version. The Miami version is basically Jerry/Thomas P/every other protagonist in the Tundra franchise.

>> No.6026061


Let me know when the novella spinoff gets a-going and the link to contribute.

>> No.6026065

Just start a thread and create a document

>> No.6026098


How do I into anonymity as the OP of a google doc?

>> No.6026173 [DELETED] 


Here's the first paragraph of the new document. Feel free to format and add:


>> No.6026178

>view only

>> No.6026180


Yeah, trying to work that out

>> No.6026192

Here, I made a working one


>> No.6026259

Wow, it's actually pretty good so far.
Way to go guys

>> No.6026290

It's like I'm reading an eighth-grader's first story

>> No.6026302

Keep going, anon. Coherence is good.

>> No.6026411


The level of coherence here is actually surprising.

>> No.6026415

We can edit for style later. this is nice

>> No.6026516
File: 150 KB, 1356x759, Screenshot from 2015-01-19 23:21:33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chapter 1

>> No.6026521
File: 172 KB, 1370x752, Screenshot from 2015-01-19 23:21:51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6026525
File: 171 KB, 1358x755, Screenshot from 2015-01-19 23:22:07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6026549

You're doing God's work anon. Be sure it all gets saved and tomorrow when everyone's awake we'll get a bunch of people in the doc and keep going.

Idea: what if we contact Kolsti and have him submit a chapter? For extra meta-authorship points.

>> No.6026555

Sounds great, I'll inbox his tumblr.

Everything up to this point is safely tucked away as PDF!

>> No.6026559

I'm happy to announce the TENTH(10th) copy of Miami has just been sold

>> No.6026705

Long-term link to the original tundra pdf


>> No.6026713

This is important. We need to reference the reptilian and illuminati and Dakota Fanning. Miami had nothing to do with tundra 1

>> No.6026728

Just so everyone knows I have been placing copyright on all these /lit/ written books. In a few years I am going to publish them for a few select bookstores. And then maybe in a few other places depending on how things go.

I am not joking/trolling. And I am not sorry.

>> No.6026729

Is this the exact version that went into print? I noticed my subchapter is in here, but I was sure some fuck deleted it before it got finalized

if so, this just made my day

>> No.6026734

They're already under copyright anon :^)

>> No.6026742

The story took two paths

One was published first over fears that major parts had been deleted. It is the only one that is in print, but your chapter may still be in there.

The other, the litwritesabook copy, carried on afterwards and I don't know much about it.

>> No.6026780

Under two different copyrights then.

>> No.6026849

Someone translated the original in French??

>> No.6026852

non, it isn't literally a french edition

>> No.6027132

How many books will we have published five years from now?

>> No.6027382

>>6026729 No the one I linked there is the final version. Some fucktwat decided to rather use an earlier (unfinished) one, so that's not the one in print by now.
I don't know what version (which date) is used for the paperback.

>> No.6027412


Ok doing some edits to the text.

Hope you like it /lit/

>> No.6027491

Color edition of Miami when? I bought the first one, it's great.

>> No.6027611

Let's spend a long time on it. Kolsti still has to submit his chapter.

>> No.6027648

What is going to be third part?
Infinite Wake Of Gravity's Tundra vol III: Of Aleksiej, Dolores,Their Crime And Bloomsday??

>> No.6028186

Anyone wanna bet it's only a matter of time before the "4chan novel" gets reviewed by VICE or a similar publication?

>> No.6028195


It will be either samurai/ninja themed or cold war/space race themed. I'm more in favor of the latter.

>> No.6028210

No, it's going to be a Yakuza 60s neo-noir

>> No.6028216


So a Yojimbo/Le Samourai feel basically

>> No.6028256

No, someone posted this

but I think maybe we should go more with this
considering the title

>> No.6028495

guys pls stop making so many books
i can't afford them all

>> No.6028650

Big progress: Kolsti accepted!

>> No.6028662


>> No.6028667

It's out

>> No.6028676

D-does this count as me getting published, /lit/?

>> No.6028684


>> No.6028702
File: 120 KB, 752x1067, tfw published.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N-nigga we made it

>> No.6028712

its not the worst thing in the book, thats for sure.

>> No.6029494

Are you sure that it's the final version? When the first book was printed I download the final version and read it. After that every 2 days a new version came out with different content.

>> No.6029529

Anyone can always write more shit, hopefully they'll save it for the next book rather than adding content that'll never be published.

>> No.6029570

So is this done yet?

>> No.6029581


Link to colour edition, other thread dropped off the board. Slightly lower quality binding, but the price drop makes it even a little cheaper than the B&W edition.

>> No.6029584


>> No.6029613

Fuck off, we're taking our time on this one.

>> No.6029642

We should find-replace krickett and drubbs into Keket and Dubs so as to amplify the memery and avoid copyright in the future. One day Kolsti may become famous, this book will become a cult classic, and real sales could happen.

>> No.6029669


>> No.6029714

How will Kolsti get the chapter to us?

>> No.6029731

I asked him to post it to his tumblr, but we'll see if he gets around to it.

We need a cover.

>> No.6029736

base it on the original and >>6025940 somehow

>> No.6029739

Fuck you fags, you completely betrayed Jerry.

>> No.6029833

Jerry will return in #3

>> No.6029878

Number 3 should be a Rocky IV style fight between Kolsti and Jerry.

>> No.6029884


It should include the same training montage music.

Also Jerry should become a samurai.

>> No.6029899

Kolsti should be the samurai since he's actually Asian.

>> No.6030096

This is going really well guys.

>> No.6030123

if I follow this link and spend money, will I actually receive the book?

>> No.6030128

After 150+ orders for just Tundra I haven't seen a complaint on here

>> No.6030142

welp I hope someone is at least financing their /lit/ theory degree with these profits

>> No.6030143


Every fucking thread

>> No.6030154

I genuinely hope someone from this board is personally and directly gaining from this, not like I want it to get hedged back to the authors or anything
>anonymoose leaving a paper trail

>> No.6030162

The book is being sold AT COST. That price covers Lulu's printing fee and THAT'S IT.


>> No.6030171


>> No.6030172

>anonymoose want someone else to have money

>> No.6030182

We should give the guy that makes all the covers the proceeds. They're honestly the only reason I bought either of the first two and the sole reason I'll buy the third.

>> No.6030185

>implying one guy made the covers

>> No.6030192

1) there are no proceeds
2) multiple people make the cover
3) that wouldn't be fair to the writers

>> No.6030197

Guys it was one trip. Check the archive.

>> No.6030208

either way, there are no proceeds

>> No.6030216

These raps are gold

>> No.6030217

I made Miami's cover, and I did it by downloading Tundra's cover and changing some shit. I have no idea who made the original.
>one trip

>> No.6030219

I know, we could make like a $1 proceed and give it to him. He's done more for the book than anyone else. Would anyone have even bought the first if not for that cover?

>> No.6030220

by making it profitable you betray the whole idea

>> No.6030224

No. That goes against the spirit of the whole project. We keep the price as low as possible to make the book as accessible as possible. This is about /lit/, about art, about fun. He doesn't need the small amount of money.

>> No.6030225

No you didn't. BillionaireMayor was the first guy to post the miami cover

>> No.6030233

so if kolsti put them there, does that mean he has our chapter ready? or is that too much to ask so soon?

>> No.6030240

The covers don't take long to make. I don't need proceeds. The $100 over 6 months would be meaningless.

>> No.6030313

So wait, am I buying a pdf or a real physical book?

>> No.6030322

>literally indenting
>on the fucking back cover
holy fuck you people are retarded as fuck

>> No.6030398

Idea for a final boss: Kolsti fights Jerry. References to unsheathing katanas and other such memery included.

>> No.6030423

A real book

>> No.6030641

Okay, but no reference to navy seals pasta.

>> No.6030733


>> No.6031406

>inherent vice
>lolsorandom lmao style

could you guys be any less original?

>> No.6031408


>> No.6031436


>> No.6031578
File: 127 KB, 340x318, girly34.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have loved to contribute to Miami, please leave the contribution window open wider than just a day for the next one, fucks sake.

>> No.6031584


Don't sully the glory of the Headroom incident with comparison to this blather

>> No.6031592

There will always be the next book anon, why not start writing miami 2?

>> No.6031608

im just skimming throught the pages but this is awful, as bad or worse than the first one which i also didnt read

>> No.6031629

>this book I didn't read is worse than that other book I didn't read

>> No.6031652

I can't wait.

>> No.6031656


>> No.6031661

Which version of the first book should I get?

>> No.6031665

The classic will always be the b&w with fasces cover

>> No.6031671

Do you think the hardcover is worth it?

>> No.6031690

The hardcover does not come with a dust cover if that's your thing. The page are are 21x27cm vs 15x21 regular, so take that into account.

>> No.6032086

Miami didn't turn out too well but the spinoff is shaping up nicely. Having a topic really helps. I'm thinking we can make this a full novel and really have a breakout masterpiece.

>> No.6032093

implying tundra wasn't a breakout

>> No.6032102

Tundra 1 for sure. But Miami might have hurt things. This spinoff is just what we needed.

>> No.6032116

>expecting quality
>from a book written on 4chan
>by 4chan posters

>> No.6032323

We ripped off Vice City, dumbass.

>> No.6032419

Suggestion: we delete he encore section of Kolsti's rap and use it for a section later in the novel in which he defeats an army of Lizardfolk lyrically.

>> No.6032977


I just continued the story. plz pop into the document and contribute moar.

>> No.6033383

Anyone want to add in a sex scene to the spin off novel?

>> No.6033391

He's probably like 18 dude

>> No.6033400

Will we run into legal issues what with Kolsti being 17?

>> No.6033401


18 year olds probably know what the fuck Vice City is

>> No.6033407


There are other characters in the book

He doesn't have to be involved

Besides he already got raped in the last book and had anal sex off screen

>> No.6033420

Vice city is 12 years old and San Andreas was much bigger for that era. Teenagers also probably don't underatand a lot of 80's mockeries as the 80's is deader than dead now.

>> No.6033431


My 18 year old cousin watches John Hughes movies and listens to Duran Duran, not sure what you're on about

>> No.6033440


That's not very old

>> No.6033463

>being this out of touch
go to bed gramps

>> No.6033466


What is 80s revival

>> No.6033479

Well every teenager I am aware of here is a little #yolo or whatever shit. Unrelated, didn't realize how prolific John Hughes was until this past holiday season, holy shit.

>> No.6033518

Just write something like:

Kolsti, who was above the age of consent in your country of residence, had sex.

>> No.6033544

>tfw you were the original Anonymous Quagga

if it never comes to fruition, is it even worth living anymore?

>> No.6033563

Does anyone know how to into cover design, and want to teach me?

>> No.6033589

1. Design front
2. Design back
3. Design sine
4. Add blurps and a description (preferably on the back)
[Spoiler]7. Some anon profits[/spoiler]

>> No.6033595

Every time.... ;∆;

>> No.6033599

>spoiler tags
Welcome to /lit/, enjoy your first day

>> No.6033607

>parenthesis without parentheses
It's the Kolsti book!

>> No.6033613

>doesn't know what a subordinate clause is

have you actually finished school yet?

>> No.6033615

Nobody profits. Just make the cover based on the original but with swamp colors and somehow include the >literary genius pic with the alligator

>> No.6033624

I get that. But in a book about Kolsti, it's only right to use parentheses for all vaguely parenthetical info.

>> No.6033784

Looks like the spinoff story is surprisingly less of a monkeys-with-typewriters project than the original two novels so far.

>> No.6033809

But that was the charm

>> No.6033827

that cover is fucking good, but someone pls remake that fasce totem, it needs to be 'cleaner' to fit in the cover

>> No.6033842

No, it's the legacy

>> No.6034037

I've been here so long it hurts. I just somehow always fuck up the spoilertags.
I should leave with moot.

>> No.6034058

We all should leave with moot.

>> No.6034070

someone is probably losing money on this

>> No.6034089

just Ctrl + s retard

>> No.6034099

This would be amazing. I mean, 4chan accomplished all its goals. Time to shut it down.

>> No.6034133

No, we have at least 10 more Tundra books left to write

>> No.6034283

It'll be finished.

>> No.6034293


>accomplished its goals

4chan hasn't destroyed Feminism, saved the environment or brought about major social reforms yet

>> No.6034307


>> No.6034323

Fuck off this is only 221 posts in

>> No.6034333

It's not about bump limit, it's about a thread with Kolsti in the title so that people not in the thread can see it and know there's a new project going on. From just the OP it sounds like this is just a Miami thread when in fact there's a whole new novel being written.

>> No.6034346

>Kolsti in the OP
this made me hide the thread, not make me curious

>> No.6034351

We don't want you anyway.

>> No.6034362

>implying I would honor your petty attempt at writing with my godly talent and technique
literally fell out of my chair with laughter
that's riotous anon, absolutely golden.

>> No.6034370


It's actually a decent read if you mentally replace the image of Kolsti with the mental image of Dog the Bounty Hunter or Sylvester Stallone

>> No.6034382

>Dog the Bouty Hunter
now there's a meme I can get behind

>> No.6034408


Actually we ripped off the inspiration for Vice City but I guess that's the joke

>> No.6034816

Kolsti came through with his chapter

>> No.6034881

It's kind of touching, honestly

>> No.6034896

That laughably bad 11 year old poem is perfect. The whole thing was heartfelt and sincere but still full of parentheses and irony and meta-awareness. It's beautiful

>> No.6035056

here it is

>> No.6035206

i cri ervy tiem

>> No.6035992


>> No.6038011

Nice cover

>> No.6039225

Please don't die tundra

>> No.6039241

I can't even read this shit.

>> No.6039548


>Glance through it

>Looks even worse, somehow.

Why not just do an anthology of short stories and essays? This shit is just Twitch Plays Pokemon put to paper.

>> No.6039557

People don't want to put any effort into it, they just want to dump a few paragraphs of le epic may-may then go.

>> No.6039568

>People don't want to put any effort into it

Except when it comes to posting and making threads about it. They dump quite a lot of effort into that.

>> No.6039571

Tundra III should just be all the posts that discuss the making of Tundra III.