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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 531 KB, 2411x3300, miami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6018877 No.6018877 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6018936


>> No.6019048

>poo stuck in me anal passage

never forget

>> No.6019078

i thought the sequel was supposed to be a play?

>> No.6019087

shall we not forget Phallic Monsters?


>> No.6019092

Also what about the quagga one?

>> No.6019106

collection of stories when

>> No.6019110

Hopefully never.

The first one was fun, this one will be terrible.

>> No.6019199

can anyone summarize for me the plot of this work

>> No.6019214

in the true tradition of bad sequels everywhere

>> No.6019237

Morrissey fucks Robespierre and Herbert hoover's grandson in a basement while they eat oranges and sing about pigs

>> No.6019250

The Reader struggles to understand the avalanche of total meaningless bullshit The Authors throw on top of him. Finally, he learns that to enjoy the experience of absolute meaningless. We must imagine The Reader happy.

>> No.6019251

The Jews did it

>> No.6019262

the plot of TLOTIAT is all in the first chapter, after that its basically a load of small scenes and vignettes which vaguely reference chapter 1 in some way and a load of scenes and vignettes which have nothing to do with anything

>> No.6019280

>tfw when you've read TOLTIAT all the way through and can't wait to read part two.

>> No.6019305

> caused entire tribes to drop to their knees, depant, and await the benediction of their citric gifts.


>> No.6019364

this is much better than TLOTIAT

>> No.6019402

Does anyone have a pdf of Poo Stuck in me Anal Passage? I lost mine.

>> No.6019409

Also, I'd support a sequel to Totalitarianism, the first one made me laugh a lot. Just have to find a way to keep from trolls destroying the doc like last time. There was one anon I remember who saved a LOT of material that was posted in the thread instead of the doc as a way of avoiding it being destroyed, is that guy still around?

>> No.6019425
File: 269 KB, 651x589, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6019443

my kek hurts

>> No.6019485

my yoghurts

>> No.6019489
File: 530 KB, 648x611, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6019490

it'd be nice if you were good writers writing poorly but you are bad writers pretending to be good writers writing poorly

>> No.6019494

This is going pretty well, but someone should save this in another document or something.

>> No.6019499
File: 131 KB, 949x569, do this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6019500

story of my life

>> No.6019505

I'll do that every 20 minutes or so while people are still writing, then. I'll make new threads if this one dies, too.

>> No.6019538

this is easily the silliest thing I've ever seen

>> No.6019544

chapter 2

>> No.6019562

requesting fitzthistlewits paragraph

>> No.6019574
File: 20 KB, 128x128, fitz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like we copy an entire script of one of his vids, then paste it into the novel?

>> No.6019597

i want to copy in phallic monsters from the deep beyond in the context of someone reading it for the first time so can someone who hasnt read it before please just interject their own comments in to it in a different font as they read it thanks

>> No.6019633

hi I wrote most of phallic monsters, I'm glad to see it brought back from the dead

>> No.6019680

>36 pages
we chapter 3 yet?

>> No.6019691

i'll make it at half past

>> No.6019692

>yfw totalitarianism in a tundra 2 is a homage to totalitarianism in a tundra, phallic monsters and the penis was
I'd buy it

>> No.6019697

Can we do another special chapter for chapter 3 with no individual sections?

Like the Emperor #% chapter

>> No.6019707

>yfw you realise camus actually was about this type of weak shit

>> No.6019709

Chapter 3, unlocking in 8 minutes

>> No.6019711

what you guise think on the small story I wrote?
Is the one about the memeking and /fa/

pls respond.

>> No.6019715

steinbeck btfo

>> No.6019736

could use more unnecessarily superfluous langauge

>> No.6019769

chapter 1 is all fucked up

>> No.6019780

go in to view mode by pressing the green button that says suggesting and changing to viewing

>> No.6019803
File: 259 KB, 3311x4200, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It still exists, it's almost 100 pages long.


I'll unlock it for edition if there's enough interest.

It was suggested that it be divided into several docs: one for general prose, one for poetry, one for plays, a misc one, one for greentexts and one for memes.

>> No.6019806


>> No.6019813

chapter 3 needs a complete rewrite

>> No.6019819

I sort of like it so far, it's pretty direct. Needs about 30 more pages tho

>> No.6019848

what is all this shit at the bottom of chapter 3

can we move it to chapter 4 pls

>> No.6019857

which piece of shit nigger destroyed the whole first chapter

>> No.6019876

I have a doc of it still. Wasn't it closed, though?

>> No.6019880

I want to contribute, but what to write, and how?

Never participated in one of these before.

>> No.6019885

i mean have a look at the link in the OP for yourself

>> No.6019887

its in suggestion mode, change to viewing mode and you can see it without suggestions

go to chapter 4 and write a section of whatever the fuck you want or go to chapter 3 and follow on from whatever the person before you wrote

>> No.6019942

What happened? Like half of chapter 3 just got deleted.

>> No.6020045

Moved to chapter 4

>> No.6020159

Requesting the chapter 4.

Is the chapter 2 closed?

>> No.6020180


>> No.6020500

It'll never be as good as the first

>> No.6020687

not with that attitude it won't

>> No.6020713
File: 1.65 MB, 5033x3300, Tundra Two Miami Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for future use

>> No.6020725

And don't forget the soundtrack

>> No.6020729

>all this meticulously crafted shitposting

>> No.6020732

Shouldn't it be just Hotline Miami soundtack

>> No.6020739

You know how much it costs to get M.O.O.N. and Perturbator?

>> No.6020750

So how many chapters will this be?

>> No.6020751

10 doge coins? I don't know.

>> No.6020754

He's related to James Murphy.

>> No.6020757

>welcome to the 1980s. Welcome to Miami

Why not just put "Welcome to Miami in the 1980s" or something.

Also why is it still Legacy in a Tundra, wouldn't it be better if it was just "Totalitarianism ll: Miami

>> No.6020763

explain the implications

>> No.6020766

Have you even read the first book? You have no idea what you are even talking about.

>> No.6020787

He doesn't get the reference


>> No.6020808

It's set in Miami? Do Crockett and Tubbs appear?

>> No.6020810

Umm, this is the theme, thank you very much


>> No.6020817

I named it and designed the cover. I get to choose what song is the theme.

>> No.6020826

Someone should get chapter 5 up soon.

>> No.6020828
File: 251 KB, 1404x820, memeslanding.com_996_1373901985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here are a few choices:




>> No.6020834

No, you don't understand. I made my choice already.>>6020725

If I were going to go with a tv show theme I would go with this


>> No.6020839

Why not just send one of them the book and ask them to compose something experimental

>> No.6020843

>something experimental
epin, simbly epin

>> No.6020850


Yazoo is reasonably 80s Miami club pop so it works.

>> No.6020865
File: 333 KB, 1280x720, 98f10fb142fc2cb0928f19175fc3bc38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the other lad's taste is better though, you don't seem to have that vape sensibility

>> No.6020870

You are all awful.

>> No.6020871

I visited Miami once in the 1990s for some bullshit state level contest I got to enter because I won a county contest at my school. I think it was a spelling bee, but anyway my county district that I was representing and the local district had a dance off that was exactly like the fucking Sharks and the Jets in West Side Story. Not choreographed or anything, but some of the local kids approached us while wearing puffy jackets and snapping their fingers, and we responded by all doing some fucking Michael Jackson shit in unison. Good times.
Ain't been back to Miami since.

>> No.6020874

This is better than the other choices.

>> No.6020877


It sounds too much like gay sex music. I have nothing against gay sex but that choice is meh.

>> No.6020880

thanks for the blog idiot

>> No.6020882

can't make miamian literature board pomo manifestos without someone thinking about maybe a lickle macintosh plus or something

>> No.6020891

Put up chapter 5for christ's sake

>> No.6020893
File: 181 KB, 480x710, miamiconnection_poster-final__small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I thought it was just trashy and not full out porno

>> No.6020903

or we could just write the whole rest of the book in chapter 4

>> No.6020911

do you have kerning problems or are you having a gentle spot of laughter?


>> No.6020915

This movie is not a porno but it's one of the kekkest movies I've ever seen, it's really terrible. In fact someone should stream it and the book should contain a section about it.

>> No.6020920

>the book should contain a section about it.

Holy fuck I fully support this idea

>terrible movie

Sure, but who doesn't want to be friends for eternity AGAINST THE NINJA?


>> No.6020925

I love that movie

>> No.6020930


It's one of the best bad movies of the 80s

Like objectively from a filmmaking standpoint it sucks but it's so full of energy you can tell the actors had a shit load of fun making it

>> No.6021090

Why can't we edit? I'm stuck suggesting and nothing is getting added

>> No.6021101

Time to open chapter 5

>> No.6021105


>> No.6021158


Where does one contribute to this wonderful project?

>> No.6021170



>> No.6021176

No you cuck

>> No.6021187

Will there be a chapter 5?

>> No.6021192

Well chapter four's pretty much filled up.
I thought you faggots had this planned.

>> No.6021287


Enjoying watching this story organically fucking grow.

>> No.6021299

Chapter five here m8 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MbjcxCXnt-qtFhGmXFnXml-88bP9qbxk1w8QXJU-YAE/edit?pli=1#

This is both chapters
4 and 5

>> No.6021369

This is such an organic writing process, we already have a cover so we just need to wait til we hit a few hundred pages and bam; new published book.

>> No.6021402


>> No.6021406


I'm imagining a porno version of Adventure Time where Finn the Human shouts "ORGIASTIC!" after he fucks the same way he shouts shit like "MATHEMATICAL!"

>> No.6021435

haha nice one man that was pretty random

>> No.6021484

This is my favourite bit of Chp. 4:

>Things are getting a little NC-17 (I like, well actually, hmm(hmm maybe(wha-(Just (the best track on The Bends (the 1995 Radiohead (a collective for whose discernible talent is nonexistent so as to its superindustry (as per literary/musical critic piero scaruffi (a critic whose place as the voice of /mu/tant music was supplanted by Kolsti Nguyen’s Yeezus copypasta (see the archive at rbt (rebecca black tech (a title which dates the archival service as much as it betrays its partial inherent (vice (kekekekekekekekekekek)) ironicality)))))) album (of which the dust (as in jacket (as in letterman (as in David (as in Goliath (as in mammoth (as in large (as in the size of my dick))))))) has not yet settled))))))) in here.

>> No.6021487

Kolsti strikes again

>> No.6021496

You copy-pasted before it developed its best part

>> No.6021497


Is there seriously an edit war going on about which character names to use in what passages?

>> No.6021526

Clearly it was epic Jerry.

>> No.6021527

Ah, ok. This is the one I contributed to.

I was a little upset when I couldn't find my contribution in the earlier links.

>> No.6021551

why is it all struck-through

>> No.6021571

we have to close chapter 4 and move on. chapter 5 can be a fitting end.

>> No.6021574

We are on chapter five. Looks like it's over though cause everyone stopped doing stuff.

>> No.6021591

Where can I see all 5 chapters at once?

>> No.6021602

chapter five is in chapter four

>> No.6021609

I am currently downloading chapters 1-3 as-is

>> No.6021629

And we're done. I think that ending is pretty nice. This might be better than the original, somehow. Maybe the idea of Miami gave us something to work with.

>> No.6021633


>> No.6021634

I'm mobile. Could someone shoop the brown to hot pink? Make it look hip.

>> No.6021645

were you born mobile?

>> No.6021649

I was born ambulatory, so I've always been mobile.

>> No.6021651


this goes on the sleeve.

>> No.6021652

Alright, expect a book-formatted copy within 24hrs

>> No.6021665

what's the page count?

>> No.6021669

263 raw, 35,293 words

>> No.6021670

What was everyone's favorite part of the book?

>> No.6021674

>Things are getting a little NC-17 (I like, well actually, hmm(hmm maybe(wha-(Just (the best track on The Bends (the 1995 Radiohead (a collective for whose discernible talent is nonexistent so as to its superindustry (as per literary/musical critic piero scaruffi (a critic whose place as the voice of /mu/tant music was supplanted by Kolsti Nguyen’s Yeezus copypasta (see the archive at rbt (rebecca black tech (a title which dates the archival service as much as it betrays its partial inherent (vice (kekekekekekekekekekek)) ironicality)))))) album (of which the dust (as in jacket (as in letterman (as in David (as in Goliath (as in mammoth (as in large (as in the size of my dick))))))) has not yet settled)))))like mah “BLUE IS THE WARMEST COLOR”)) in here .

>> No.6021675

Jerry and some other irrelevant faggots adventures in Miami.

>> No.6021682


Wasn't Jerry replaced by Kolsti?

>> No.6021687

It was a heated battle, but I think they both have their marks of legacy.

>> No.6021691
File: 186 KB, 2411x3300, TLOTIATIII.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threequel when?

>> No.6021698

>le new tundra
shit name, how about 'on the moon' or something like that?

>> No.6021699


Next one should be about a Nazi invasion of /lit/ and heroic American /lit/posters fighting for their country and its freedom against the Nazi menace after training in martial arts under the tutelage of the last of the Japanese ninjas.

>> No.6021700


>> No.6021704

Let's give it a while. This last round was actually really good. Let's get an interesting premise, a fresh new cover, and just let things stew. We gotta chill.

>> No.6021705

"The Martian Tundra"

>> No.6021713

What the fuck even was the premise of this one other than 'le miami'?

>> No.6021717

it'd be better to start a completely different series trilogies are cheesy

>> No.6021718

did I fucking miss out on this again? how did you fuckers do this over the course of one day? monkeys with typewriters?

>> No.6021721


The sexual explorations of Jerry, duh

>> No.6021727


I wrote two pages of Miami Vice fanfiction and let everyone else work out the rest

>> No.6021730

>monkeys with typewriters?
Pretty much.
It's fascinating to see our true, unbridled selves released on a poor google document.

>> No.6021732

is everything closed?

>> No.6021734

Yeah. Last step is formatting, I think.

>> No.6021743
File: 16 KB, 578x823, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We never decided on what would be on the first page, give me some ideas

>> No.6021752

by /lit/anonymous/James Jerry III or something like that.

>> No.6021755

This is a pale imitation of the original. I think it was only 35k words or something - that's less than half of the first.

>> No.6021756
File: 32 KB, 508x225, Sunglasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sunglasses silhouette kind of like this

>> No.6021759


Made up for that in literary quality

>> No.6021762
File: 86 KB, 517x760, simple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6021766

It's shorter and smaller in scope but it has its charm. It's smaller, more focused, more consistent. It's the Inherent Vice to the original's Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.6021767

The original was 480 pages, I expect this is roughly half or just over the size of the last one.

>> No.6021768

Toppest kek.

>> No.6021770

>It's the Inherent Vice
Jerry pls.

>> No.6021771

I like this


>> No.6021775

The basic formula for approximating page count based on words is word count / 250. 35000/250=140. Add another dozen or so pages for formatting and you have something less than a third of the original.

>> No.6021778

I like it.

>> No.6021780

Cool, it's more sellable now.

>> No.6021785
File: 1.57 MB, 1107x781, laserlords4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6021793
File: 430 KB, 690x805, princeoflit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6021795

I would advise next time to try and have a google doc sized to A5 if possible

>> No.6021799

This is more Everglades but you know, the detectives visited there too right?

>> No.6021802
File: 142 KB, 578x823, title page.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick mockup

>> No.6021804

>being this new

>> No.6021805

Can anyone summarise the plot of books I and II for me?

>> No.6021806



toppest kek

>> No.6021807

Can we just let the guy that designed the first one do this one too?

>> No.6021808

no, I mean, Kolsti in the Everglades with the /lit/ canon around him is a pretty great image for the book, or at least the swampy spinoff

>> No.6021809

read the blurbs

>> No.6021811


The trailer park turf war between the two redneck families was one of my favorite episodes of that show

Next to any episode where Castillo kicks ass of course

>> No.6021814

blurb for Tundra I where?

>> No.6021815

>reading for plot

>> No.6021816

/lit/'s special brand of modernism has no 'plot'.

>> No.6021818
File: 2.54 MB, 5033x3300, Sans Serif A5 with ISBN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6021822

kind regards, friend anon.

>> No.6021830
File: 1.23 MB, 5400x3300, Anon is a Faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget this one, guys

>> No.6021839

>The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra Presents: Kolsti's Adventures in the Everglades: A Novella

>> No.6021841

Haha thats so clevel :^)

>> No.6021849

I think I'd be okay if this whole meme became a franchise of meme-heavy genre satire novella's following the trails and tribulations of Dakota against the Lizardmen.

>> No.6021850


This one's perfect

>> No.6021855

So a bunch of tryhard faggots who missed the first one tried to make shit-lightning strike twice?

At least the cover is better and the pink lets you in on the homo meme trip that awaits

>> No.6021858

Where can I buy a physical copy of TLOTIAT?

>> No.6021861
File: 28 KB, 259x383, elmo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of

>> No.6021862

You obviously missed the message of the book or didn't even read it at all. I'd recommend reading it all, word by word, and coming back with a literary report.

>> No.6021867

google the title+Lulu

>> No.6021871

that anon must have bought like a hundred hotpockets with all those lulubux

>> No.6021876

I thought it was non-profit?

>> No.6021882


B&W or Full Color? One has like 290 pgs, others have 440-480. Which one's the right one?

>> No.6021885

I got the black and white for tundra 1 but miami definitely is going to warrant color

>> No.6021911

It is

>> No.6021912

Colour and B&W just have different page sizes, the content is all the same

I'd get a B&W

>> No.6021917
File: 152 KB, 578x823, title page 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a little brighter and erased that black line

>> No.6021922
File: 14 KB, 739x281, stages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will the book description be?

>> No.6021926

Love, life, loss, and all those happy little accidents in between.

>> No.6021937

Hold on to your hats folks! It's meming time!

>> No.6021951

Man don't do gay/lesbian again, it's cheap and unfunny. Put it under literature or fiction or whatever so it'll be funnier to see in top sellers.

>> No.6021955

>tundra 2: Miami
>not tundra 2: Miami boogaloo

>> No.6021956

Pick the Young Adult category.

>> No.6021959

Get out.

>> No.6021961

Both of thissess

>> No.6021962

You know the original: a cultural phenomenon, a groundbreaking postmetamodernist masterpiece, a legacy. This time, the tundra hits South Beach, and familiar friends Lizardman and Jerry are joined by new faces like Kolsti Nguyen and Thomas Pynchon. Experience an adventure full of memories, memery and mammaries. Bring your Wayfarers.

>> No.6021965

Definitely this.

>> No.6021966


bring your waifus*

>> No.6021970

copy/paste this. Requires nothing else. 10/10

>> No.6021971

>This time, it's personal.

>> No.6021972

Compared to tlotiat this feels pretty half assed.

>> No.6021974

It's the chilled out, pastel-colored version. Miami is no place for an epic.

>> No.6021975

The perfect sequel, then.

>> No.6021976

At least you guys found something you're good at. Pumping out garbage.

>> No.6021979

put this as the cover blurb

>> No.6021980


from probably a different batch of autists who brought you tLoTiaT

tLoTiaT2 is a tour de force of all the particularly popular dank memes at the time of its writing as well as a specific type of angst that only misspent youth can give you; combined with the fact that they literally do it for free, it cant be ignored: anon does it again.

The sequel nobody asked for is finally here.

>> No.6021981

Thanks man. : ^ )

>> No.6021982

seconding this

>> No.6021983

I'll upload a colour edition tomorrow. Remember anons, half the length means half the price.


>> No.6021987

Well not quite, base cost + pages

>> No.6021996

>price drop five minutes after release

>> No.6021999

>$8.00 shipping

>> No.6022003


/lit/'s motto

>> No.6022006

SHQ15 for free shipping til the 19th, pretty sure it should be cheaper than that though; you on the right store?

>> No.6022012



The thwarting of a Cuban invasion of Florida via a beachfront landing in Miami in 1986......but it is above top secret and the general public today doesn't know about its occurrence. A secret army put together by the CIA was America's last hope. GI Joe, TMNT, He-Man, and Optimus Prime in drag save the day.

>> No.6022018

How about a B&W paperback version and then a color hardcover.

>> No.6022026

what a horrible waste of money

>> No.6022030

I'm certain most people would go for the paper. But first edition of a masterpiece? I have to go for a hardcover. Just so it will last.

>> No.6022034
File: 416 KB, 2327x3300, 3 Tundra Drift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was fast
You guys ready for the 3rd installment?


>> No.6022046

Tomorrow let's hit a spinoff novella called The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra Presents: Kolsti's Adventures in the Everglades: A Novella

We sped through Miami and I think there's more material to be extracted from Florida detective stuff. It's fresh in our minds, we have it all flowing, and we only got like 35000 words done today so it's not like we've exhausted it.

>> No.6022048

Give it 6 months

>> No.6022049

i like the cover.

>> No.6022050

Did we seriously do the whole thing in under half a day?

>> No.6022051

the third volume should be machine tranlsated into japanese after completion so it becomes literally completely unreadable except to the highest order of weebs

>> No.6022058

That's on you guys. I just make the covers

>> No.6022061

Can you do a cover for the spin-off based on >>6021793

>> No.6022066

Not tonight.


>> No.6022068

Can we make thw next one a proper doorstop?

>> No.6022071

The first one was pretty big

>> No.6022076

Alright. Thanks, you make it all happen.

>> No.6022079

Yeah but even bigger, like infinite jest sized

>> No.6022105

where's the PDF you hacks

>> No.6022106



>> No.6022115

Oh right of course


>> No.6022141

Blurb that last line.

>> No.6022145

This is monumentally awful.

>> No.6022148

the first one had this borg-ish style to it

this one is a massive clusterfuck

like 80s Miami

>> No.6022158

nothing is good about this at all

>> No.6022163

Wow, this is awful. I really shouldn't have posted the cover for it.

Then again, I didn't expect you to rush through it all in one night.

>> No.6022169

> Anonymous 01/18/15(Sun)23:42:16 No.6022141▶
>Blurb that last line.

this is the best graphic design i have ever seen

>> No.6022201

this is probably about how the average fifteen year old shitposter from /v/ experiences 4chan

"toppest kek"

>> No.6022252

Beyond Awful.

>> No.6022296

Clear out the whole first chapter and start it again. This is your fault for originally requiring that anons 'register'.

>> No.6022411

Excellent, buying one for dad

>> No.6022428

So it's good, right?

>> No.6022430

But anon, this is a RAW experience

Like Miami

I'm buying a copy anyway to complete my collection and to prepare for #3

>> No.6022433

This isn't ironically bad, like Miami, it's just flat out terrible.

>> No.6022436

It transcends the good/bad dichotomy

>> No.6022457

The original did, but this memetier sequel is just anons upset that they didn't get to be part of the greatest literary event of the century.

>> No.6022866

This is not finished. Keep writing it.

And what is it with all the megalomaniac editors, their reasonless directions, and their repulsive, eighth-grade syntax?

>> No.6022872

>I missed out on contributing to both the first AND the second book

There might be another opportunity in 3-6 months

>> No.6022891

It's fucking terrible and an embarrassment to the board. We should keep trying.

>> No.6022906

Start up the next Chapter 1 then, maybe we can do Miami 2

>> No.6022960

I contributed some parts

some anon overridden them with dick jokes

would write again/10

>> No.6022993

I think that TLOTIAT: Miami should be rewritten.

>> No.6023228

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.6023863


>> No.6023876


>> No.6023896

Is the B&W version's cover in color?

>> No.6023942

I agree. A lot of this shit reads like no one actually read anything that came before it. People just copied and pasted stuff they thought was clever. Like that 'truisms' bit at the end

>> No.6023974


THE elton John's I can't stop sucking cock.

And the parts I wrote. The turtle,memeking and /mu/, Yee, Yeee, and Ye, and the fedora fagget that said fuck off too much.

>> No.6023983

I didn't follow the first Tundra's writing process, but this one has too many nearly incomprehensible sections, and like one anon said, it seems people paid no mind to what came before.

I'm not suggesting we make things strictly continuous from now on, but something more connected and a little more cogent would be better. Less using massive font and stuff.

Some funny shit in this one, though. Definitely a modern masterpiece, albeit a flawed one.

>> No.6023984

I agree

>> No.6023989

Don't forget, only through love and peace can we stop war forever, and the best way to implement love is to murder people with a katana.

>> No.6024021

I got to page 75 and then just got too bored. You edit your stuff, if you don't feel like you let someone else edit it for you, but you don't expect your first draft to be as funny or interesting as you imagined it. It never is.

>> No.6024031

It's just people posting one after the other. The first one could at least be forced to be a novel, this is just trying to get as many words as possible.

>> No.6024066

I don't get the Kolsti meme.

>> No.6024279

Since there is little to no continuity in these books anyway, why don't we do away with numerical titling? We churn these out so much that people aren't going to want to read number 9. This also means we have a little more creative freedom since we won't be as linguistically beholden to the predecessors. Why not just The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra: Subtitle or something?

>> No.6024399
File: 81 KB, 683x273, Miami's_CHANGED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some anon made this the first time Miami was attempted. I saved it because it reminds me of you /lit/.

>> No.6024975

whoever made this was a genius
fucking allah i haven't laughed this hard in ages

>> No.6025020

A few hours

Of course

>> No.6025082

Pretty sure free shipping ends at midnight

What timezone? Nobody knows!

>> No.6025097


This is a legitimately cool story, no joke.

>> No.6025165



>> No.6025206

Same problem as the last one. Started out well with some funny sections and the faintest hint of direction. Ended with lolrandumbxD spamming

>> No.6025215

It's hard to get people to read what was written before them and stick with a consistent theme.

>> No.6025258

I'm not concerned with a consistent story or themes or anything(besides maybe in a chapter). Early on the passages are actually prose with a hint of style. They are good enough or clever enough to make you want to continue reading. By the end it is just bad /s4s/ style spam and are not interesting in any way. There is no reason this thing should have any consistency in the story but it should at least aim for consistency in quality

>> No.6025265



The binding is slightly-lower quality, but this means that the rainbows of memetext are actually CHEAPER than the black and white version.

>> No.6025452

>not color

>> No.6025477

>American 'English'
>not subhuman bastardisation

>> No.6025478
File: 161 KB, 780x827, 1421694670878-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks good boys. Let's put more than 1 thread and a day's work into the next one :^)

>> No.6025524

>implying that color isn't the true english version
>implying colour isn't a bastardisation because of brits being francaboos for a while

>> No.6025551

>implying webster didn't dumb-down the english language for americans because the original was literally considered too difficult
>implying the 'u's weren't taken out by webster
>implying americans aren't francaboos
>implying they don't say herb 'erb
>implying they don't say fillet 'fillay'

>> No.6026672

is there a link to the original book text?

>> No.6026680


There's another thread up that features it as a downloadable document in the OP

>> No.6026689

Thread dropped off the board

>> No.6026737

thanks anon