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[SPOILER] No.5948250[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

"The modern world, don't let it happen."

>> No.5948264
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Thank ye for warning us m'lord.

>> No.5948377

Information is more free and widely available than ever before in human history. The closest we have to doublethink/doublespeak is in political correctness, and even that isn't anywhere near the level of 1984. It's actually quite the opposite situation we're in.

It's been said before, but the world we live in closer to Brave New World. The government is openly mocked, and our president is a character in the artificial world the media shows us through the various screens of our society. We're ruled by idolatry and revelry more than censorship and control.

>> No.5948379

>The closest we have to doublethink/doublespeak is in political correctness


>> No.5948394

>political correctness, and even that isn't anywhere near the level of 1984.


>> No.5948404

The fact that we're discussing it on an anonymous forum, and you just linked to me an article deriding it proves my point. These forces exist, but they are countered. We have the capacity to seek out and find information ourselves.

>> No.5948426

Indeed we do, on an individual level. But knowledge is pointless if it cannot be shared, discussed or debated with anyone because people are worried their feelings will get hurt.

>> No.5948441

Too bad you can't ever discuss it, I'd like to hear your opinion but the state is making it impposible for you to express it or to openly search for articles written by payed writers about those ideas you share.

>> No.5948453

>Too bad you can't ever discuss it, I'd like to hear your opinion but the state is making it impposible for you to express it or to openly search for articles written by payed writers about those ideas you share.

The State is rarely the caller for censorship. It's always some dickhead leftist in the paper with a stick up his ass white knighting about the poor faggots, women or Muslims.

>> No.5948470

>>wahh people other than white males are getting attention and sometimes even basic rights
>>so angry I have to come onto anonymous imageboards so I can spew my edgy hate speech

>> No.5948472

And he has all that power that not only shuts up any source you could find but makes it imposible for you to find likely minded people in the internet. Those damn small groups that used all that effective power to brainwash you into something. They are just so much stronger than the opposing views that are just as dumb!

>> No.5948477

Shut the fuck up faggot. Just because I demand the right to not have my opinions censored by anyone, doesn't mean I am axiomatically a racist white male.

But, of course, since you represent the same kind of people I illustrate in my previous comment, it doesn't surprise me you react that way.

It's about culture you idiot. If the prevailing culture has an attitude where some types of speech are just silenced by default, then it clearly matters.

>> No.5948495

But you're not silenced by default and 1984 doesn't touch the subject of being unable to hate, if anything hate is how people is controlled.
You can say whatever you want, you talk with people you know agree with you because they talked before you. Stop feeling persecuted.

>> No.5948505

I don't feel persecuted you fucking retard.

But it's not the symbol of a healthy and free society, if people form mobs to vindicate their feelings by violence every time someone writes a novel.

Be keep thinking that it is if it makes you sleep better at night.

>> No.5948519

What mobs against literature are you thinking of? What topics are forbiden?

>> No.5948527

>What mobs against literature are you thinking of?


>> No.5948572

Isn't this at least partially just the expected pattern of a new generation rejecting the values of the previous?

>> No.5948578

>Isn't this at least partially just the expected pattern of a new generation rejecting the values of the previous?

Clearly. But it should alarm you that people are rejecting the value of free speech.

>> No.5948585

So you think extremists are a new thing unlike the people in the states burning Faust?
Also, the victim of that mob not only was never in danger but also got a novel and got hooked for life.
Do you feel getting a novel prize is a sign of being rejected by the system like Obama and the EU?

>> No.5948595

It should also be considered alarming that hated, nihilism and terror are being defending in the name of free speech.

>> No.5948596

>Also, the victim of that mob not only was never in danger but also got a novel and got hooked for life.

Really? So the fact that the Japanese translator of his book was stabbed to death, and the Norwegian translator was shot dozens of times but barely survived, constitutes "never in danger" for you?

Or the fact that mobs formed in every single Muslim majority country calling for the death of Rushdie, and British and Indian embassy were attacked and burned?

Granted, extremists have always been around, but it doesn't help when people agree with the reactions of crazy mobs.

>> No.5948616

>It should also be considered alarming that hated, nihilism and terror are being defending in the name of free speech.

People should be able to say what they want, except direct threats of bodily harm in my opinion.

>> No.5948670

In what way? Another Spanish Civil War? Can every Orwell discussion not be about 1984.

>> No.5948694


>> No.5948699


So lying under oath is okay?


I'd say hat the 2+2=5 part would imply 1984

>> No.5948717

>Granted, extremists have always been around, but it doesn't help when people agree with the reactions of crazy mobs.

making a law to stop such actions would be infringing on the 1st amendment. people expressing their feelings towards another person's expressions is validated as free speech retorting free speech. it is only when the state creates laws to hinder expressing a person's feelings, is the 1st amendment broken.

>> No.5948737

I assumed so, the picture gave me a hint too. I have never read 1984, should I bother, or is it pointless reading a "high school compulsory reading list" book at 27?

>> No.5948785

when in BNW is the government mocked?

>> No.5948814

i'd read it. and this is coming from a 26 y/o who just finished brave new world last week. i read 1984 when i was a teenager and really enjoyed it. brave new world was great too but lacked the "ooohs" and "aaahs" since i had already heard much about the novel. i'm sure this is the case for you in regards to 1984. you will surely enjoy it but it will not be as tantalizing as it could be.

>> No.5948858
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dude its like 1984 man
Bro like seriously like the government man
1984!! Bro its hella oppressive Wake up sheeple

>> No.5949049

All right, thanks. May as well give it a go, have hit a wall with what to read lately.

>> No.5949074

Your a fucking idiot

>> No.5949085

No, since now the new generation doesn't reject old values because they want to, they do it because it's marketed at then by the cogs of capitalism.

>> No.5949106

The 1st amendment doesn't apply outside of America, idiot. The problem is that in those countries,the state condones Islam and commands the press.

>> No.5951094

Is this supposed to silence or shame the weak response?