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/lit/ - Literature

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5946374 No.5946374 [Reply] [Original]

I think I'm done with being an edgy faggot, please recommend me books on how to be a good person.

>> No.5946376

start with the greeks

>> No.5946378

Camus - Stranger

>> No.5946392


>> No.5946395

you'd like Candide

>> No.5946410
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A Confederacy of Dunces. You'll learn how people see you.

>> No.5946416

>looking for quick-fix formulas and hows in the realm of ethics

Forget about it. Live, gradually become an independent thinker (read: engage with philosophy), and then inquire into the good life by stipulating your own axioms.

>> No.5946521

i was going to suggest this, but not as well worded

>> No.5946560

The Ego and it's own

>> No.5946638

I wasn't going to suggest it, but whatever I was going to say I was going to be the biggest prick ever about it

>> No.5946652

Start a journal

>> No.5946655

The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.5946666

The Bible

>> No.5946675
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There is no such thing as an intrinsically good person.

>> No.5946678

You really need a book, to tell you?
Reality works for the most of us.
But, ok, if you're one of those basement dwellers..suck it in

>> No.5946679


>> No.5946700
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The Reactive by Masande Ntshanga

>> No.5946739
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brothers karamazov

>> No.5946744

Anna Karenina

>> No.5946745


>> No.5946746

marco aurelius

>> No.5946755
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'Steppenwolf' by Hermann Hesse.

>> No.5946776

>I say, too, that when a painter desires to become famous in his art he endeavours to copy the originals of the rarest painters that he knows; and the same rule holds good for all the most important crafts and callings that serve to adorn a state; thus must he who would be esteemed prudent and patient imitate Ulysses, in whose person and labours Homer presents to us a lively picture of prudence and patience; as Virgil, too, shows us in the person of AEneas the virtue of a pious son and the sagacity of a brave and skilful captain; not representing or describing them as they were, but as they ought to be, so as to leave the example of their virtues to posterity. In the same way Amadis was the polestar, day-star, sun of valiant and devoted knights, whom all we who fight under the banner of love and chivalry are bound to imitate. This, then, being so, I consider, friend Sancho, that the knight-errant who shall imitate him most closely will come nearest to reaching the perfection of chivalry.

since you probably don't want to be a knight-errant or a brave and skillful captain, read 'odyssey', it will teach you how to be a good person.

>> No.5946779


Start with Groundwork to the Metaphysics of Morals

>> No.5946793


No lie; Small Gods by Terry P.
did better for me than anything else.

>> No.5946813

Read Catcher first so you could hate yourself.

>> No.5946823

I absolutely agree with this. I don't think I can really describe the feeling of reading an entry I haven't read in a very long time, one that is years old. It's as close as you can get to reliving a part of your life. Even when I cringe at something I did or wrote, it's something I'm glad to experience.

>> No.5946824

Start by leaving /lit/, land of self righteous faggots, then learn a skill or make something or make people laugh. Books can't make you a better person, just contribute to the world in some way. As Alec Baldwin said- If you want to work here, close.

>> No.5946831

>The Bible
Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.5946851

Is this place really full of faggots? I no close to nothing about anything, and the confidence of the people here make me assume that they do know quite a bit about philosophy.

>> No.5946876

Most of the people here, I've noticed, talk about philosophy like you have to pick from one of these schools of thought and it's not a thing about your own individual worldview. Also most of them-and I've seen threads like this- when asked why they don't do well socially, blame the stupidity of everybody around them. The community on the whole is composed of self righteous sacks of angst, who are bitter because even if they are smarter than most, they have no idea how to hold a conversation.

That's one issue I've taken, anyways. Though even those people have staunch opposition in-board, of course, and there are some gems. But mostly a bunch of narcissists who refuse to make any societal contribution but complaints.

>> No.5946883

Would you suggest that I leave here until I read and live more on my own?

>> No.5946887

Same guy, and sorry if my overwhelmingly negative comment misled you but most people here are actually quite knowledgeable, if that's what you're looking for.

>> No.5946920

for real

>> No.5946933

I'd say, yeah. Maybe if you're rich go take a trip around Tibet or something. Make yourself a contributor to the world in some way. Don't be bitter that you have so much potential you could use if you v wanted, but circumstances are bad and etc etc, go learn how to do something and meet some people, because people are really fucking interesting, and maybe do art if you're into that? If you want to work here, close. Let's sell some goddamn real estate.

>> No.5946944
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>stipulate your own axioms

I'm not gay man

>> No.5946950

Jude The Obscure by Thomas Hardy. That book will break your heart and make you realize that being a cunt will only make things worse for you or someone else.

>> No.5947211

>Even when I cringe at something I did or wrote, it's something I'm glad to experience.
are you god fam?

>> No.5947294

Why is that funny?, he will be a better person after reading it.

>> No.5947300

Not who you are talking to, but to me it is really hard to find somebody that is interesting. Is it some kind of human behavior?, has 4chan gotten to me?

>> No.5947303


>> No.5947361

Eh. I can UNDERSTAND why people find talking to certain types of people uninteresting, especially when people in question are conformists who operate solely by quoting shit from Vine or something, but I myself just try to force them into some semblance of meaningful conversation until they crack. I just find the whole goulash of humanity to be fascinating, always being surrounded by all these different ideas and thoughts and motivations interacting. It's like Breaking Bad- people love it because of its analysis of human motivation and ambition. The same draw, for some people, applies to conversation.

It might be because you're a narcissist, or because you're genuinely surrounded by faggots, or some combination of the two, but hey, all you can do is try to get to know people and hope they're cool.

>> No.5947388

>thinks wittgenstein thinks good is subjective
>thinks intersubjectivity is an option
>this wittgenstein doesnt believe in absolute morals

lol are you for real? this is the most butchered wanna be interpretation of Wittgenstein I have ever seen. have you even read PI? this comment made me fucking sad to see how dumb /lit/ is

>> No.5947398

This is Water :)
(-every hack who's never read DFW and wanted to appear deep and compassionate in whatever essay they're writing, from 2008/9 onwards)
oh my gosh, how soon until there's david quotes on forever21 shirts

>> No.5947411

What is "Vine" supposed to mean?.

Well, I live in a third world country and I've been reading for around a year or so. You don't know how difficult it is to find somebody that reads, and the ones that do, tend to read very cheap literature (Paulo Coelho, I supposed you don't know who that is, you are better off that way I suppose).

Also, education is a big factor too, even at college most of people have no idea of what culture stands for. So, yes, I come off as someone narcissist.

>> No.5947412

The Bible - God

>> No.5947430

Vine is a mobile app originally meant to give short glimpses of life anywhere people had phones and cell service. It had been hijacked by humorists, which b isn't bad, but it's a contributing factor to the breakdown of originality in favor of imitation.

I have no idea what it's like to be in whatever your circumstances may be but all I can say is I think people and the differences between them are neat, and as long as you're not a dickwad just try to do whatever makes you happy.

>> No.5947470

It is not that great when the differences makes you feel completely out of place. I talk to a lot of people, but most of them are just so... common and boring, hardly any of them have anything interesting to say, I find it sad. I think that is why I've been feeling isolated lately.

>> No.5947482

The Trial, duh.

>> No.5947933

watch this is water everyday 4ever

>> No.5947945

Read up on Dhammapada.


Page 23 is when it starts. Before that is just some background information. Its more a general moral guidance book, pretty sure there isn't any thing about worshiping or praying or believing..

>> No.5947960

Shakespeare will teach you how to think, you might just bloom into a good person.

>> No.5947984

Lin Yutang: The Importance of Living.

>> No.5948655

Tao Te Ching