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/lit/ - Literature

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5936776 No.5936776[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Oh yeah, anon! I 'm a total bookworm! John Green, The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, the list goes on!

Why do women in their twenties ONLY read YA garbage? I've literally never met a single woman my age that has refined taste in literature.

>> No.5936784

Why do women have shit taste in general?

>> No.5936786

>yfw you could have joined a classics department at eighteen and be swimming in decadent well read tail for life
>yfw you didn't start with the Greeks

>> No.5936790

It's call popular culture for a reason.

Because they are built to be philistines

>> No.5936792

What constitutes 'refined'?

>> No.5936798


Just basic Western canon. Literally anything that isn't pop culture trashola.

>> No.5936800
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>tfw started with the Greeks
>tfw read The Iliad and The Odyssey by 16

>> No.5936801

So basically everything pre-1970?

>> No.5936808

Every female I interact with daily has a refined taste regarding literature. Serves you right for studying pleb stuff in Plebtown, Plebistan.

>> No.5936810

>tfw I would rationally abolish this argument but empirically I haven't met a single woman who reads otherwise

>> No.5936821

99% of books released before 1970 were pure pop crap, just like today. We just don't care about them anymore.

>why are plebs plebs?

>> No.5936834

I met a girl who once said her favorite book was The Brothers Karamazov.

She was a total fatty. 0/10. Would not discuss literature with.

>> No.5936843
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>> No.5936847

I'm happy to see OP not getting bombarded with a bunch of >>>/r9k/

>> No.5936855

Butterfly must be busy over in /lgbt/

>> No.5936868

Post piggly fat feet pics please.

>> No.5936871

>> not slamming slutty fat girls

Wake up.

>> No.5936889

I was once told by a woman that Virginia Woolf is not a woman writer, because she writes like a man

>> No.5936908


>this is what a literary reference is to a woman

>> No.5936911

That's weird. I was once told by a woman that I am not a male writer, because I write like a woman. Also because I have breasts like a woman. I wonder if it was the same woman we talked to?

>> No.5936912

because muh austin/brontes was getting old

>> No.5936915


>> No.5936925

I knew one that one into whore-literature.

You could say with was "good" since we're talking about authors like Tolstoy or Flaubert, but the fact that she don't read any book if there isn't a slut character in it is more despicable than reading YA crap.

>> No.5936927


Why do this people all have the same jewish cunt face? Are they some kind of russian biological weapon?

>> No.5936934

because women aren't smart

>One need only look at a woman’s shape to discover that she is not intended for either too much mental or too much physical work. She pays the debt of life not by what she does but by what she suffers—by the pains of child-bearing, care for the child, and by subjection to man, to whom she should be a patient and cheerful companion. The greatest sorrows and joys or great exhibition of strength are not assigned to her; her life should flow more quietly, more gently, and less obtrusively than man’s, without her being essentially happier or unhappier.


>> No.5936939

I could have had a hot, well-read black hispanic gf but I scared her off. The best part was that, unlike a lot of cultured women I have known, she didn't show off about it or act like a hipster. I really need to sort my shit out so that I can finally start enjoying healthy relationships with well-adjusted people.

>> No.5936940

someone said this on /lit/ the other day

>> No.5936942

>Tfw as I get older I disagree less and less with ol' Schoppy

>> No.5936944

the irony in this post is too much

>> No.5936951

Well I'm a gril (new too /lit/ I'm usually on the /a/ board) and I've read plenty of real literature. Catcher in the Rye, The Great Gatsby, Jane Eyre. The list goes on.

>> No.5936953

>Why do most men in their twenties only read garbage fantasy?

Most people are going to read what's popular you dip-dong.

>> No.5936957

At my college the librarians set up a white board on which they asked students to write books they had read recently
The Giver is written in large letters and people are commenting on it saying that they liked the book too. I read that book in 4th grade...

>> No.5936960

6/10 not bad.

>> No.5936961

>likes anime

refer to >>5936834

>> No.5936969

I read it about the same time. It sucked compared to The Last Book In The Universe and House of the Scorpion.

>> No.5936971

-blahblah stats on how women read more literary fiction than men

there aren't that many people who read /lit/ tier books that you bump into in Amerikkkkkkka, like how many dudes in their 20s who have read a book this year read one that wasn't grrm?
not to start shit, but I'd rather talk to a girl reading YA who cares about and thinks deeply about it than a dude just mindlessly plowing through the Bros Karm just for lit nerd cred (actually I hate nerds so I don't want to talk to either, but the first is more respectable 2 me)

>> No.5936978

Isn't that read in high school? (Some of it was here, I'm a slavfag)

>> No.5936981

>thinks deeply about YA
>your entire post

kitty please

>> No.5936986

Don't badmouth my /lit/ waifu anon.

>> No.5936988
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be my gf?

>> No.5936993

I've never met a male who reads regularly let alone reads pleb pynchon, grrm shit.

>> No.5936994

I'm a 19 year old girl and I read literary fiction

>> No.5937000


>> No.5937003

post feet

>> No.5937007

Where r u from qt

>> No.5937010

your waifu a shit

>> No.5937011

If you are from /a/, why didn't you pick up some of the elitist manners from that board?

>> No.5937014

I'm a 22 year old girl. My favourite authors are Tolstoy and Dostoevsky.

>> No.5937016

>everyone look at me I'm the exception to the rule

Go back to /a/

>> No.5937021

I had met about a dozen of them before finishing highschool (wasn't even an elite highschool). Get your shit together OP, and move to a decent place.

>> No.5937022

I'm a BR


>> No.5937023

Kitty is my dream tripgf

>> No.5937027

Have you ever noticed how many girls are into Bukowski? What's up with that?

>> No.5937032
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>> No.5937033


ok, post bunda instead

>> No.5937035

I used to be one of them. I have no idea, or a lot of ideas but I'm unsure.

>> No.5937037

>talking to girl in class
>says she reads really slow, will probably be busy with her current book for more than a month
>''to be fair, it is more than a thousand pages''
>it's War and Peace
>says she's only heard of John Green, doesn't care for reading it
>I tell her the main characters are called Hazel Grace Lancester and Augustus Waters
>she laughs
Pretty cool, it aint all bad, OP.

>> No.5937039


>> No.5937041
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>What's up with that?

>> No.5937043

My ex who loved Bukowski was a huge slut with daddy issues. Is the same true of you? We're all friends here, you can tell us.

>> No.5937047

>taking a month to read War and Peace

into le trash she goes

>> No.5937048

I'm not a slut, anon

idk he's just a pretty good writer

>> No.5937050

>idk he's just a pretty good writer

womyn, everyone

>> No.5937055

No, but I was worried I was an alcoholic as a teen and had other '''isssues'';. Teen girls hate themselves a lot so I think that has something to do with it, though I would have said that wasn't it and Bukowski wasn't 'really' sexist at the time.

>> No.5937060

give me one reason to dislike bukowski that isn't shallow shit like ''huuurrr pretentiousness'' or ''misogyny durr''

>> No.5937062

>No, but I was worried I was an alcoholic as a teen and had other '''isssues'';

Bipolar? She had that too. And she's an alcoholic.

>> No.5937068

Gurl who used to work at my place was majorly into lit: having read James Joyce, the Greeks (I shit you not). She was getting into Bulgakov when she left. She had a weird laugh and was mentally deranged or so I heard.

>> No.5937069

If you haven't found it on your own you're beyond hope.

It would be like teaching math to a turtle, she will listen but will not comprehend.

>> No.5937074

Am I the only person here who doesn't have a problem with people read YA?

At least their reading. Some might go on to read other things, or more YA fiction. I just think if you write YA, try to add some subtext then it's really more justified in my opinion.

>> No.5937076

you'll love yourself one day babay girl, it gets better

>> No.5937078

go back to reddit, mong

>> No.5937083

People don't do that. YA is like heroin, highly addictive and poisonous to the mind.

>> No.5937084

>huuurrr bukowski is baaad!
>oh really, can you tell me why?
>n-n-no, sh-shut up you WOMAN

>> No.5937087

>their reading

Yeah, John Green is my favorite author too

>> No.5937092

I like women.

>> No.5937094


>> No.5937101

Its not that there is a problem with reading YA, its just that they are ignoring some of the best works of western canon to do so.

>> No.5937104
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>be me
>have a 8/10 qt classmate
>shes into painting, being one grill i share mutual interest with
>but shes into Bukoswki a lot
>and spews cringey platitudes
>shes into Bukoswki a lot
>one day she asks me out
>i reject her
>imma actualy confiriming my patriciandom irl
>whereas yall are tfw no gf faggots and misogynists out of misery and not out of principle

>> No.5937105

I was just looking at the top downloads at Gutenberg (http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/scores/top)) and I'm surprised. It's encouraging to see that not all is lost. While there is some crap in that list, 15000 people in the last month downloaded Les Miserables and Moby Dick. 13000 got Ulysses by Joyce, Leaves of Grass got almost 11000 dls, Ibsen's Doll House got 10000!

Old Dosto got 25k downloads in total with all his books (again, just in the last month!), Kafka 22k, Maupassant, Balzac and Chekhov all got around 10k. Granted, not everyone who downloads ends up reading the book, but it still shows that despite all the John Green shit out there, there's plenty of people interested in good literature.

>> No.5937106

>muh canon
get fucked pleb

>> No.5937109

And you can't talk to them about literature because >muh fun strong womyn protagonists

>> No.5937111

>still avoiding the subject

I'm still waiting for ANYONE to give me a valid reason to dislike bukowski

nice assumptions, bro

>> No.5937119

I didn't even talk about him here, haven't read anything by him and couldn't give you a single title he wrote if you asked me.

>> No.5937122

Would honestly rather talk to a woman who didn't read at all than a woman who read YA lit. There's something off-putting and slightly creepy about grown-ups who read that shite.

>> No.5937124

Why do people care so much about this anyway? I've never understood

>> No.5937129

>nice assumptions, bro
i'm a lady

>> No.5937130

I don't get it. Not as hot as 4? I must be missing something here.

>> No.5937131

>At least their reading.
Reading YA is the equivalent to watching discovery kids.
They are reading, but it doesn't change the fact that they reading garbage for their age.

>> No.5937132

This. Top post.
We are lonely and have problems meeting people who share our interests.

>> No.5937134

why are you responding to a post which was obviously part of an exchange then?

>> No.5937138

kek'd at even women thinking Virgina Woolf basically isn't a women writer because she's good.

>> No.5937140

Girl in college gave a presentation on that one slam poem "I want a girl who reads". She was rattling off authors as she was finishing her presentation.

"Rowling", "Suzanne Collins", "John Green", "the list could go on"

>> No.5937143

Ever heard of shitposting?

>> No.5937144

even worse

>> No.5937153

>At least their reading
>their reading
Well that explains it.

>> No.5937161

>n-n-no, sh-shut up you WOMAN
The fact that you are a woman doesn't make a difference.

Bukowski is shit and if you like it you have a shitty taste.

>> No.5937162

That must have been painful to hear.

>> No.5937163

I would have killed myself from second hand embarrassment

(still somehow less embarrassing than the 'date a girl who reads' orig thing)
as a former teen girl who liked bukowski, i'm just trying 2 give you hope- not saying you have to burn your chinaski books, just saying there's so much better out there

>> No.5937166

To be fair it can be hard to keep up with the classics. Like I had this one girl who found out I liked to read and tried to read everything I had read. After a while she gave up and said she just couldn't keep up.
>mfw she gave up halfway through Lolita.

>> No.5937168

I was kinda shiggying internally. I actually just gave a presentation on Camus right before her. I was analyzing "The Fall"

>> No.5937170

>At least their reading.
>not they're

I suppose you're a YA reading trying to "defend" your taste?

>> No.5937172
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>i'm a lady

>> No.5937176

>i'm a lady

A random woman can hardly be a "lady"

>> No.5937180

Ah! I can see you have a very specific taste. You're really into REQUIRED reading.

Man, you really love to read! Well, so long as it is dictated by an authority figure...

>> No.5937181

Do you Bukowski reading girls like Jean Rhys? Particularly Good Morning, Midnight? And do you know of any other good female authors who write from experience about alcoholism, destitution, loneliness, etc.?

>> No.5937185

>"I want a girl who reads".
I got that mixed up with the meme 'date a girl who reads'
both are so bad and makes me want to die, cringing right now
not a girl, not yet a woman

>> No.5937189

>Oh yeah I'm into cinematography. I particularly like Asa Akira and Lisa Ann.

>> No.5937190

no, you're an ignorant girl with no artistic sensibility who only likes ''/lit/-approved'' and what seems to be high-brown literature

again, can you give me ONE reason to dislike bukowski?

also, you don't know shit about my life to tell me ''it's going to get better'' and I doubt you're many years older than me, and even if you were, there's no excuse to me so condescending

>> No.5937194

Carson Mcullers. Dorothy Parker.

>> No.5937198

>not a girl, not yet a woman

but the word 'lady' generally has associations with older women

>> No.5937200

We like you, no need to rustle your jimmies so much.

>> No.5937204

No or not yet on Rhys
alcho women writers: Duras is who I bat for, but here

>> No.5937206

Basic sometimes manifested prose with no real message behind it except how2bpoor.
Is that not enough?

>> No.5937207

Anne Sexton's probably the height of good writing from a terrible person in the past century.

>> No.5937209

Which works of theirs best explore alcoholism from a female perspective?

>> No.5937211

Your response is non-sequitur.

>> No.5937214

Supposed to be hamfisted, not manifested.

>> No.5937221

>mixed up with the meme
>admitting shortcomings
Please, leave. Spare yourself the embarrassment.

>> No.5937223

no?? /lit/ would make fun of some of the books I read, I read and enjoyed 2 YA books this year
1. he's a shallow boring writer
I grew out of him, and I had read like 10 of his books/collections from 15-19. just being cheeky w/ you, peace and love peace and love

>> No.5937225

>At least their reading
The average peasant in older times didn't read and he contributed more to culture than some over 25 YA reading plebian.

>> No.5937226
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or women with class, in which random ~18-year-old girls don't fit anymore

>> No.5937227

“One can never read too little of bad, or too much of good books: bad books are intellectual poison; they destroy the mind.

In order to read what is good one must make it a condition never to read what is bad; for life is short, and both time and strength limited.”

>> No.5937229

if you want that in memoir form: Lit by Mary Karr(bonus DFW cameo, she's aslo a good poet) and Drinking: A Love Story

>> No.5937230

Underrated post. Fantasy is shittiest genre, hands down.

>> No.5937232

It takes time and practice to reach top tier literature.

One does not simply pick up Ulysses or Zarathustra and understands/loves it.

>> No.5937238


There's good YA like there's good sci-fi and good fantasy. I'm glad The Giver and House of the Scorpion were both mentioned; Godless is another YA novel that doesn't make me cringe.

>> No.5937247

This is probably the wrong place for this, but is it wrong that reading literature makes me feel better about my life? I read for enjoyment, but there's always the added benefit of seeing someone far more successful then me and saying "I bet they haven't even read [insert high brow novel here]"

>> No.5937250

It's edgy. I know a lot of women who are fans of Hunter S. Thompson as well, for the same reason.

>> No.5937261

It makes me feel better about my life too, but for different reasons.

>> No.5937262

no, as long as you aren't a prick about it
I get a bit of a kick out of someone who's very educated or cool in one area (like a fashion blogger or artist or theoryhead) who's taste is very basic in lit/music/whatever.

>> No.5937263

That's because of selection bias. Kindle stats selects for people who read a lot but without much exigence, I guess Gutenberg selects for more "old school" readers.

>> No.5937266
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>Why must we be left in the cruel eclipse of men? Where are the women we so richly desire?
>"I read, anon!"

>> No.5937272
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>not a girl, not yet a woman
so when are you getting operated?

>> No.5937273

>Why do women have shit taste in general?
Why do men?

>muh ww2
>muh sports biographies

>> No.5937275

How so?

>> No.5937276

You seem threatened that there is another woman posting on this thread who responded to you. Why can't women be friends with each other? Why do you all get so cutthroat if it means you can monopolize male attention?

>> No.5937277

>expecting books to have a message
>thinking only flowery prose is crafty

bukowski's prose is in deep harmony with his content in it they're both very stripped down and minimalistic, but only someone really foolish would mistake that for being shallow. bukowski's writing very clearly makes many statements about literature and life. he's easily one of the two most influential writers of the 20th century, right next to hemmingway. at the time that bukowski started writing, prose like his was very rare, instead of being the norm like it is now. then, most people wrote trying to imitate william faulkner and malcom lowry who had opposite styles to bukowski and hemmingway, so just the fact that he challanged the status quo so much and popularized this style (he didn't invent it, others like john fante were using it before) makes him a noteworthy author.

and to say his writing doesn't have any ''messages'' is just ridiculous. he often just flat out says his opinions.
the strength of his writing is mostly his incredible sensibility, and the character-building that he does for himself through multiple books. to get to know a character intimately, to accompany him through several different life stages, to see such an unique (at least he was unique before he was imitated to death) and troubled person come to life, to see life in such sensitive eyes, is simply just very enjoyable and aggrandizing.

what makes him shallow and what makes him boring?

>> No.5937281

World War II was literally a world changing event. Sports are war games.
This is why women could never be leaders, too shot sighted and worried about much social politikking

>> No.5937285

>catcher in the rye, great gastsby
>Not highschool trash

>> No.5937286

Who is Bukowski?

>> No.5937287

2bf, I am being condescending

>> No.5937289

*more to agriculture


>> No.5937290

To sum him up,

You know that stage of life where you get old and dont give any fucks, he's like that, but writes poems.

>> No.5937297

>tfw I have a gf who reads more patrician shit than I do but is probably on the spectrum
I'd actually like to break up with her because she's fucking weirdo even though she's a qt. and by weirdo I don't mean "quirky", I mean she has serious mental issues. I told before we had to break up, and she asked why, and I said it was because I didn't really feel like she cared about me (she hardly ever expresses a lot of emotion in her face, and I was expecting her to dump me for a better looking guy), so she said she'd make some tea and we'd talk about it, and when the water started boiling and went over to the sink and looked at me and poured boiling water over her hand, the only expression she had was an intense gaze and rapid, loud breathing. I freaked the fuck out but she promised she wasn't going to harm herself if I left her but she needed a way she could clearly show she seriously cared about me. So I stayed with her, but I've been even more freaked out since then. On the bright side she's great to talk to about literature and philosophy and sounds like a crying puppy in bed, but goddamn I have no piece of mind.

>> No.5937303

Obviously it's something from a book you haven't read.

>> No.5937304

>he's easily one of the two most influential writers of the 20th century

>to get to know a character intimately, to accompany him through several different life stages, to see such an unique (at least he was unique before he was imitated to death) and troubled person come to life, to see life in such sensitive eyes, is simply just very enjoyable and aggrandizing.

see, for me I stopped caring and wanted to never have to read about such a terrible prick again, at the time I did but then I changed and was more interested in other writers

>> No.5937305

We have to read about 800 pages and write a paper for uni at the same time, mate.

>> No.5937308

He didn't create a character, he implanted himself. The only talent he has is self awareness, which dolphins have too.
But honestly if you believe the Hemingway was a great writer and prose stylist you're lost. Sure, they thought he was great then, but there's a lot of Tao Lin fans running around today.

>> No.5937311

It would have made more sense if you said "Oh yeah I'm into cinematography. I particularly like Christopher Nolan and Wes Anderson."

>> No.5937314
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If you want to meet twenty-something women who like and read literature, go find English majors, obviously. I know dozens of lovely and smart grad students and undergrads.But since most of the people here select their "refined" literature by a combination of snobbery and peer pressure, don't expect much common ground.

>> No.5937315


when one of my exes threatened to self-harm if i left her i just blocked her number and never spoke to her again. hope she sliced herself to ribbons.

>> No.5937327

you say that because you're an ignorant /lit/ fuckboi who likes ''muh nakobov'' and maximalist shit

hemmingway isn't my favorite writer and I don't necessarily follow his school, but he was definitely a good prose writer and is, for a fact, one of the most influential authors of the 20th century

if you DON'T think he was a ''great'' by any standard, then I'm afraid you're just dumb

>> No.5937330


>> No.5937332

welcome to /lit/

>> No.5937338

>99% of books released before 1970 were pure pop crap, just like today. We just don't care about them anymore.

youre just a pompous patrician

>> No.5937349

She wasn't threatening me though she made that very clear afterward and apologized profusely if I felt threatened, she just wanted to make it clear she felt very strongly about me because I thought she didn't, since she seemed bored around me all the time and I felt like there's more dignity to dumping her than to have her cheating on me for two months before leaving for some exciting guy.

She's just broken. Where most women would cry at that point, she does that. I honestly think she's on the autism spectrum.

>> No.5937353


how is that? can you back that up? because, as far as I know, bukowski was a precursor to brutalism, which is a dominant trend in today's world literature. and if you actually talk to other writers and join literary communities, you'll see 95% of people there are influenced by bukowski.

>see, for me I stopped caring and wanted to never have to read about such a terrible prick again, at the time I did but then I changed and was more interested in other writers

that's about as consistent as reading james joyce and getting bored and quitting. you're not offering any criticism, you're just saying that you got bored, that you stopped caring, and for some reason, when such shallow shit is directed at bukowski, no one blinks an eye, but when it's joyce, pynchon, nabokov, you're all like ''wow what a pleb''