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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.54 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20140822_121402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5352837 No.5352837[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'll start:
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ is more than one person right?

>> No.5352846

People frequently masquerade as her to troll, because she doesn't trip. The key is subtlety.

>> No.5352849

Today there was a glut of assholes using my unprotected name (While I was out reading)
Normally it's just me.

>> No.5352850

>a question I have to ask but there is no given chance of asking it unless I make my own thread about this meaningless topic and shitpost like a newcomer instead of lurking for myself without bothering the village of /lit/

In case you haven't noticed, I am fluent in Autist.

>> No.5352855

Do you have absolutely no shame? I am utterly sick and tired of you pretending to be me. Get a life you loser.

>> No.5352862

Does it really matter? None of their posts are of good quality.

>> No.5352863


You're about as pleasant as a glut of literal assholes. And not the nice, bleached kind.

>> No.5352864
File: 13 KB, 300x400, Emma-Watson--Winona-Ryder--Nina-Dobrev--Emma-Watson--Winona-Ryder--Nina-Dobrev--Cristina-Ricci--Meryl-Streep--Cristina-Ricci--Clive-Owen--Emma-Watson--Anne-Hathaway--Meryl-Streep--Cristina-Ricci--Emma-Watson--Cristina-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be a janitor.

Hmm, instead of being a twat...I'll attempt to play this game:

How does pre/post 1966 Beatles compare?

>> No.5352865

>(While I was out reading)
this is bait

>> No.5352869

To each other; just for clarity.

>> No.5352871

Fuck off you pathetic child. You will never be as recognized and loved as me.

>> No.5352875
File: 124 KB, 500x460, 03-ramona-flowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nutterly, please

>> No.5352879
File: 545 KB, 1110x1092, noodling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, you forgot "your" name and a comma.

>> No.5352887

you can easily identify her by a few key things

first, everything she says is smug, fedora triggering

second, she only posts in religious or female oriented threads (ayn rand)

>> No.5352890

pre is good, but at times too commercial/50s-ballad/obvious-teengrill-bait/... Although some of those still are good, so idk

post is excellent, but in some songs too much hippie Lennon.

Fuck the late Lennon.

Fact: Beatles-Post-Beatles-Tierlist: Harrison > McCartney > Ringo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> John Assfaggot

>> No.5352892

>hoping OP's picture is a vaginal death mask.

>> No.5352896

Do you think Paul is dead?

I do.

>> No.5352898

she's a prime example of how a trip/name fag ruins a board

>> No.5352899

Death of the author suggests that butterfly is actually dead.

>> No.5352905
File: 19 KB, 300x342, Voltaire4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still sore about Imagine

Fucking Jesuits.

>everything she says is smug
I'll beat the crap out of you for this, you insolent swine!
Where's my cane?

>> No.5352910

>pre is good, but at time too commercial/50s-ballad/obvious teengrillbait/
confirmed for not checking out the The Red Album or A Hard Day's Night.

>> No.5352911

Oh just get out already nutter.

>> No.5352915

>By anons impersonating and paying undue attention to

>How someone reacts to your is always YOUR fault

...Sadly /lit/ is no longer the smartest board of 4chan

If I write/publish, it will be under an assumed name. I don't want anyone to find me.

No, that was me. Having a bit of fun before thread deletes.

>> No.5352917

Where is Tea Princess?

>> No.5352919

you forgot
>unsheathes random sword

>> No.5352921


One should mark themselves with a red X so we can tell the difference in case we have a gun and have to decide which to shoot.

>> No.5352924
File: 405 KB, 805x498, 1407259422120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's true.

>> No.5352928



>> No.5352929

>>How someone reacts to your is always YOUR fault
no, its because you are craving the attention

hell, I wouldn't put it past that you created this thread for more attention

>> No.5352931

Oh wow, why is this show so good...

>> No.5352933

I don't know TeaPrincess very well. Is she female?
Is 傘?

And what happened to இڿڰۣ-ڰۣ—? I liked him.

>> No.5352937

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ is the universal symbol for autism. 4chan runs an algorithm that analyses posts and flags anything remotely on the spectrum.

>> No.5352938
File: 78 KB, 620x387, 4talentlesscunts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accept your game.
It's quite simple. The Beatles would have been another irrelevant 60's pop rock, boy band for eternity if it wasn't for the intervention of drugs from Bob Dylan and other musicians that had influenced their music. The changing of culture from the 60's to 70's was all about going from mainstream consumerist conservatism, to the rebellious liberal reaction of the 70's. For them it then was about separating from what the producers wanted and finding their own sound. Thankfully, the drugs came into their music at the right time: at the height of their boy band success. If it had came too soon, their juvenile fan base would throw them out for another corporate produced boy band. If it had came too late, it would be an embarrassing story of an amateur boy band who became washed out hacks and then resorted to psychedelics for attention and inspiration.
It wasn't until Yoko came along and became the splitting force of the group. Each of them became too individualistic, and couldn't hold each other together as the unified corporate boy band they once were. Their final works, Don't Let Me Down / Get Back, was a testimonial sound to their already weakened relationship as a united group. The sounds were reminiscent of the American hard rock scene, with heavy blues influence and rough aesthetics. The only thing that kept the Beatles alive for so long was someone along the way, came at the right time, and injected their own sense of persona to strengthen the group. Many others besides Bob Dylan did this, too many to list. And of course, Yoko was the end of them. The Beatles are nothing more than overrated charlatans who have always been the key adoration of the music industry, as being the only successful boy band to "come up with their own sound". An over glorified band that surprisingly had the right amount of marketing and sheer luck to not only be the flavor of the month, but also turn into the flavor of the decades, and float by through many well deserving artists that never got their payday, without actually contributing anything valuable to music itself as an art form. Their lyrics are unimaginative and completely broken into a rut, constantly repeated until they could no longer succeed. The hacks themselves realized they couldn't go on fooling the world that they had talent, it was surely the end for a satire to the music world. People who regard them as an actual vitality to the genre of rock, well of course that is nothing short of a sick farce and an illusory lie to the overwhelming hyped up fanatics of plebeian underage cockfucks who deem them to them to be the greatest band of all time.

>> No.5352940

Just get a fucking trip code
>those dubs

>> No.5352941


is that a rose? it's very pretty.

>> No.5352943

is that vagine

>> No.5352944

also get out you scarrufi drone

>> No.5352945
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>> No.5352952
File: 35 KB, 406x314, 1111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wouldn't put it past that you created this thread for more attention
You should me better by now. I'd never do that.
I know, here I am posting in this crappy thread. w/e

Look it up.

So's this -> Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

>> No.5352954

Okay, if you guys insist. Maybe now those pathetic nolifes will stop pretending to be me.

>> No.5352957
File: 1.87 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20140822_121131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. It's a mold of a vageenus, not an actual vageenus

>> No.5352958

>You should KNOW me better
I am starvin'

This had better be Femi

Sage again

>> No.5352963

I am Umbrella and I am not a girl.

I'm just dicking around with the trip-fag thing for fun, don't mind me.

>> No.5352964

Why are you saging? Dont you like the attention?

>> No.5352967

Coo. Good seeing you.

>> No.5352971

I don't know why these molds exist, but I miss my girlfriend. Thanks OP.

>> No.5352974

>Feminister will never come back
now /lit/ is being runned by these monosexuals, such dark times.

>> No.5352975

That vagina belongs to a fat woman.

>> No.5352977
File: 1.71 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20140822_121410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No worries. Theres about 78 of them hung up on a wall in an art gallery in Tasmania.

>> No.5352980

>People who regard them as an actual vitality to the genre of rock, well of course that is nothing short of a sick farce and an illusory lie to the overwhelming hyped up fanatics of plebeian underage cockfucks who deem them to them to be the greatest band of all time

Lost my shit.

>> No.5352982

What do you think it's breath smells like?

>> No.5352983

Are we talking about books or other similar nice things?
Nope. Not much good has come of this thread. OP should know he can delete his own thread within the first, what is it? five minutes, ten?

Anonymous trolls anonymous again. (Must be MY fault)

>> No.5352984

How do I get over my fear of writing shit?

I sat at my desk today with my notebook in front of me, full of ideas and sentences and paragraphs building in my head, but too scared to put them on paper, and always second guessing their worth.

>> No.5352989

Why don't Racist Social Nationalists just go to another planet?

>> No.5352990

They're very overhyped, certainly, but not all that bad.

I donno. Just put them down. Nobody's looking at that stage.

>> No.5352993
File: 2.87 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20130905_220100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>must be my fault

>> No.5352994

>very over hyped
their image is over hyped, nobody even talks about their songwritting

>> No.5353014

ATTENTION: this is to OP and all the other try hard faggots trying to ruin this great board.

I speak for all of anonymity, I speak for all the trips, who post diligently and with respect, when I say this unto you, OP:

Go away and get lost. Go back to your poor hygiene and your lactose farts. This is a board meant for intellectual conversations, not for shit posts.

I will defend with the vigor of a thousand sun's against this counter movement. I will defend the minds of this great community, despite its fragmented state! I stand here before you shit posters as one and as many!

Piss off!

>> No.5353018

Alright i guess we should all just shitpost on other threads and ruin them instead.

>> No.5353022

Tipping of my brimmed hat towards your enlightenment

>> No.5353229
File: 236 KB, 656x984, killallniggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you liek Mudkip?

>> No.5353234

lmao this guy is a fag

>> No.5353248

So, like, what is the deal with the Jews?

Also, what is Feministers new trip?

>> No.5353271

Reading is dead

>> No.5353319

Did arrow girl really post pics of herself on /pol/?

>> No.5353347
File: 109 KB, 1000x800, 1331443132041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What what?

>> No.5353382

Show, don't tell

>> No.5353388

What happened to EbolaKid the ooze-burper, Spunkhawk and SepticScheisse?

>> No.5354416

Is this her?


>> No.5354428

Spunkhawk revealed his trip code by mistake and went dead. Ebola kid just stopped posting. Dunno who the last one is.

>> No.5354444

>This is a board meant for intellectual conversations
Is this your first time here?

>> No.5354448

How, where, when did Sunhawk reveal tripcode?

>> No.5354451

The buffoon screencapped him writing his idiotic response to something and actually had the name field filled out.

He didn't even notice his error till everyone started using his tripcode.

>> No.5354456

lol what a retard.

>> No.5354476

Sounds like my Sunhawk
Where though?

>> No.5354477

If I found the first half of catch-22 hilarious which other books would you rec me?

>> No.5354479

He just changed it and kept posting. He seemed to post less after he kept being told to kill himself.

>> No.5354482

The second half of catch-22.

>> No.5354498


The second half was pale in comparison.
I rarely get disappointed but that done it.
Why, oh why?!

>> No.5354550
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>> No.5355059

The 2nd half is the richer part of the novel. Anyways, read Confederacy of Dunces and DOn Quixote.

>> No.5355101

Butterfly, by virtue of your experience, can you tell me why so many lesbians pretend to be feminists? homos aren't so masculinist

>> No.5355106

I only come to 4chan to acquire repeating digits.

>> No.5355137

I don't know what you mean by pretend, and I suspect you and maybe them don't know what feminism is or should be.
But of course, I'm no expert.

Then you should go back to /s4s/ where you came from

>> No.5355223

i'm a huge faggot

>> No.5355229

I'm 6 foot tall, how about you, pipsqueak?

>> No.5355234

Jesus Christ OP, what is that? It looks fucking revolting.

>> No.5355238

I am a huge orson welles

>> No.5355247

Petition janitor to banish butterfly

>> No.5355253

Butterfly is/was the janitor.

>> No.5355625

[citation needed]

>> No.5355640



>> No.5355649


>> No.5355651


>> No.5355658

fool! butterfly is the Queen of /lit/

>> No.5355675

that's the real one

>> No.5355679

Arrow is the true queen of /lit/.

>> No.5355680

real and unique

>> No.5355687

lol, I don't think so.
Arrow hasn't the same balance of cuteness and smartness.

>> No.5355785


>> No.5356367

the fuck is this shit

>> No.5356377

fuck off cunt

>> No.5356460

Revolver is the perfect point in the Beatles development. It still has the clear sensibilities of early singles focused albums but manages to have a degree of novelty in sound that augments those sensibilities rather than overtakes them.

>> No.5356481

What do you guys think is the best Dylan album?

Blood on the Tracks is probably my favorite after dealing with a tough break up but Blonde on Blonde is a very close second for its expansiveness. Blonde on Blonde also features some of Dylan's best lyricism. What Blood on the Tracks lacks in that respect it more than makes up for in sheer depth of performance.

>> No.5356495
File: 36 KB, 1280x720, baguette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a dsm-4 or dsm-5 online?

>> No.5356506

Highway 61

>> No.5356521

Solid choice. Every now and then I throw on Bringing it All Back Home and realize what an eclectic, fucking great album it is in its own right, despite it usually just being pointed to as the "turning" point album.

Favorite song?

Tie between Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands and Idiot Wind. Coincidentally also about the same person. One a lovely devoted, almost subservient ode to his wife and the other a stinging, snarling, but at the end just as loving send off to her.

The point in Idiot Wind where you realize Dylan still loves her deeply in between the curses he hurls at her is fucking stunning every time I listen to it.

>> No.5356565

Either Desolation Row or the NY Sessions version of Idiot Wind

The only NY Sessions version I don't think is superior to the official version is Tangled Up In Blue

>> No.5356581

Dylan sucks.

>> No.5356590

Blood on the Tracks for sure, but I also really like Highway 61, Freewheelin', John Wesley Harding, and Nashville Skyline

>> No.5356599

god I love /lit/


>> No.5357162

>the original Butterfly has long since left 4chan
>yfw /lit/ has unknowingly created a tulpa

>> No.5357179
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>> No.5357196
File: 5 KB, 291x309, Laughter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


True dat.

>> No.5357217

How can monkeys have turned into humans in a few million years if monkeys don't even live for a million years?

>> No.5357230
File: 77 KB, 581x600, Bukowski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apes, man. It was apes.

A chalupa?
Tulpa is a spook, anon.

>> No.5357233

I don't think apes live that long either.

>> No.5357240

Shows how much you know.

>> No.5357245

If apes lived a million years they wouldn't need to climb trees because they could just wait for the trees to fall down.

>> No.5357250

They invented the tools to take the trees down by the time they got hungry. Geez, don't be so thick.

>> No.5357275

I guess that explains how they turned into humans too. They didn't shed their hair as they evolved, they just got tired of being hairy and made scissors out of flint, sticks and a phillips screw.

>> No.5358567

Why does /lit/ hate science?

>> No.5358576

same reason that hates religion

>> No.5358598

Some are "spiritually" inclined people, here to spread the word of Jesus
Other's just make a sort vague religion from philosophies, either passionately supporting spooks and posing solidly real things as spooks.

Right, they make a religion of their philosophy.
Science is just the cold hard facts

>> No.5358608

Currently writing short story. Main character is terminally ill and that drives her actions. Should I reveal completely she is ill or should I just give some hints?

>> No.5358616

Whatever works best.

>> No.5358643


Google just switch back to some old OS? Fucking lame
First they break my iTunes now I can't search a picture. Assholes!

>> No.5359318

>tfw I was one of the people in that thread about her beta bf that butt frustrated her so much
>tfw she left because she couldn't handle being called out on how pathetic her bf was and how fucked up her relationship with him was
>tfw I wish I didn't push her as far as I did

Calling butterfly out on bullshit isn't as much fun because she doesn't even have a very strong opinion on anything.

>> No.5359324

you can hint at it or foreshadow it maybe

>> No.5359329

>There are people on /lit/ RIGHT NOW that have not filtered butterfly.
Get it together, nerds. My browsing experience went up tenfold when I stopped seeing her insipid posts.

>> No.5359337

We don't ,we just hate when it steps outside it's boundaries and acts like it has a monopoly over everything. Basically the same problem most people who like science have against religion

>> No.5359343
File: 994 KB, 500x376, 1392787159201.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, sometimes, like seeing what a child thinks like.

>> No.5359451
File: 34 KB, 537x258, 1405217260091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello my friends

>> No.5359973

none of you answered my question ;(

>> No.5360046

I'm not sure why she ever assumed a name without a trip. It's still essentially tripfagging, only that now people can pretend to be her. There's nothing good about it.

>> No.5360060

How many people on /lit/ have jobs relating to copywriting, journalism etc?

>> No.5360095
File: 167 KB, 600x590, SadFrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But butterfly is a girl and, at today, is the only woman with I'm able to interact.
Cashier of the super excluded.
This helps me to make practise.

>> No.5360103
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>> No.5360112

You forgot your name tag, "The cats".

>> No.5360121

no pets allowed in my condo

>> No.5360173
File: 129 KB, 551x720, dab5cdd9-565c-41e0-907d-bf7686146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just downvote the post and move on. How fucking hard can it be?

>> No.5360862

Where's the OP? I want more pussy molds.

Turn spell check on.
I don't think there's a "decadely"

For honestly sake. And the last time I used one, it was cracked. It isn't "tripfagging" to anyone but this head-split site. I am who I am offline, not a character here to troll people. (Though I crack an occasional joke)

Cats is female? Haven't interacted with her much.

>> No.5361284

Does /lit/ ever have Latin threads like how /a/ has Japanese threads? I just started taking Latin 101 and I'd want to practice once I learn more vocab.

>> No.5361297

Yeah, there's a few Latin readers (the guy who loves Terrence usually starts them). There's occasional Greek groups which are generally about learning Greek through Homer as well. Composition threads are rare if they exist at all, but anon will tell you if you fuck it up while trying to show off generally. What's your course based off?

>> No.5361299

It's mostly about Latin literature and not so much about learning Latin but yeah occasionally.

>> No.5361313

We're going by the Oxford Latin course books and a book of grammar put together by the Department head. My prof also uploads chapters of Wheelock's for us to use to do homework assignments.

He's a Classical Studies grad student with a focus in archaeology, and admitted himself that Latin isn't his strong suit.

>> No.5361314

is that a plaster cast of a pussy?

>> No.5361324

Is Stirner an actual studied and read philosopher? Or is he just popular on autistic backwards image boards because Engels did some neat pictures of him?

>> No.5361346

Ouch man. Get some Catullus and Julius Caesar to translate in your spare time once you're confident enough to be bored not just perplexed; there's enough translations of both to compare across a few of them and your version. The Collins pocket dictionary I have has the meters of poetry etc at the beginning, would recommend if they still print them like that.

>> No.5361370

He has a simple and elegant line, and he should not be forgotten for the bad press from Christians/theists and Marxists.

>> No.5361377
File: 1.14 MB, 180x135, 1405048441675.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a sad book. Something subtly sad, not so blatant as a rape victim or something like that. The kind of sad that makes you tired and sleepy.

>> No.5361386 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 281x450, Nescio - Amsterdam Stories.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5361400

I've heard him mentioned once outside of /lit/ and it was in a way to make him seem as a historical curiosity/oddity and nothing more.

People at most will say that he made Marx turn from idealism to materialism and that's it really.

>> No.5361409

Those purporting to have a vagina do so merely for attention, consciously or not. They should therefore be ignored, lest we foresake all of our beliefs in pursuit of a picture of a pair of breasts.

The real question at hand here is whether Hawk is more or less than one poster.

>> No.5361421

I've heard a lot of people rag on Wheelock but I was never exactly sure why people don't like it. I'm going through Wheelock and I'm pretty far into it already so I'd rather not walk away from it. Is there something wrong with it? I'm still learning latin, right?

>> No.5361422

Need more parameters. Regardless:
>Happy Prince and Other Stories, Wilde
Very sad. No rape, but also no escape.
>In Watermelon Sugar, Brautigan
Sad, sweet, surreal. Funny in places, generally in a way that makes you sad after laughing.

Authors you might like:
>Shirley Jackson
Sad and creepy, sometimes murder and rape potential, but always horrifying and depressing. In between the sociopathy and isolation of everything people form warm trusting bonds.
>Saul Bellow
A Jewish guy whose wife has grown distant mulls over how bleak everything is and Chicago's historical geography.

>> No.5361440

There's less wrong with it than, say, the Cambridge Latin Course, and it's better if you have no tutor or a poor one. But it feels like those children's books for learning any other language, so as an adult it seems a bit condescending. It was of course designed that way, but compared to the originals it's pretty banal. Don't drop it, it does it's job, but as soon as you can start pushing yourself to read from the original not just the selection in the book which can be paraphrased for ease of learning basics.

>> No.5361441
File: 23 KB, 281x450, Nescio - Amsterdam Stories.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5361464

Wheelock is OK especially if it's just for homework. No idea about the Oxford series but if you have a teacher presumably you're fine.

I recommend Shelmerdine's Introductory Latin to everyone because it's IMHO very clean in presenting the grammar chapter-by-chapter, and you can be reasonably certain by the end of the book of where you stand with Latin grammar. Whereas with Cambridge or Wheelock, things are a bit more holistic and fuzzy, which for me is the most frustrating thing. If you're feeling up to an extra (minor, at least when I bought it) cost, get a copy of Shelmerdine and use it as sort of a poor man's Latin grammar book.

Cambridge is eh. I used it in my first year course. It gives you a LOT of text to work with, which is nice - Shelmerdine really, really needs more exercise texts - but it's absolutely terrible at explaining and introducing grammar. The biggest problem aside from that, and same with Wheelock, is what the above anon said about the tendency to give you fruity little stories about Grumio the coquus like you are a babby. But honestly, I think this is a good thing early on. Shelmerdine for instance throws mostly adapted "real Latin" passages at you, which is a great motivator except when every single fucking sentence is too much of a crazy Ciceronian puzzlebox to actually be of any use when it comes to simple drilling. And what you need most is often simple drilling. Especially if you're Butterfly.

>> No.5361473

>tfw grumio gives you latin flashbacks
I've seen Catullus' house in person, but Grumio lives forever in my heart.

>> No.5361478

Caecilius' house. Fuck.

>> No.5361489
File: 49 KB, 500x670, tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caecilio vulnerato, cerberus manet

>> No.5361592

>Implying I don't take care of that myself

>> No.5362366

>Cats is female?

No, he's a male virgin in his mid twenties who spent literally half his life on 4chan. Your reading comprehension is bad.

>> No.5363579

What does "essential doorstoppers" mean?

>> No.5363584

Do you know what each word separately means?

Doorstoppers are huge works, I think the general consensus has them at least 7-800+ pages.

>> No.5363586

Alright thanks. That's what I thought, but I was unsure.

>> No.5365766

>Questions that don't deserve their own thread
Does anyone have anymore questions for this thread from Wednesday?

>> No.5365798
File: 10 KB, 285x177, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Paris a faggot and opt out of ganz Europa erobert?

>> No.5365805

What's ganz Europa erobert?

>> No.5365823

How do I live the literary lifestyle?