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File: 297 KB, 500x277, STEFAN MOLYNEUX 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5347064 No.5347064[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Will he be remembered as a great philosopher of our times, or is he just a fad that will be quickly forgotten? Have you read any of his books?

>> No.5347068

don't care/know; no

>> No.5347075

He justifies recording himself with "wouldn't it be great if you could listen to Socrates' conversations with his barber?"

>> No.5347077



>> No.5347078




>> No.5347111


Well listen at how many philosophical metaphors he can freestyle at 0:30

>> No.5347150

he's not even a fad. he's just a nobody. nobody cares about him.

>> No.5347163

how is he "out"

does he explain this in between all the pregnant pauses and meaningful looks?

>> No.5347184

lmao this metaphor is as extended as my 6 foot cock right now

>> No.5347229

ok i finished it and im pretty sure he's delusional

also what a cowardly video. he's not giving the truth about himself at all, he's just spouting opinions. he's talking about everyone but himself. a brave video would actually tell us his dirty laundry but instead we get propaganda. ayy lmao

>> No.5347247

he's a douche. way too many ad hominem arguments and amateur psychoanalysis. he usually bounces back and forth between stating the complete obvious or reading WAY too into things, not in research, but in his behavioral inductions.

in his "criticism" of superhero films, he starts out by saying "just think of the KIND of person that goes to see one of these films, he's probably in his 30s, a loser, etc. etc.". i hate capeshit but this is just the long winded way of saying *tips fedora*

>> No.5347418

joe rogan does

>> No.5347434

I don't care about his philosophy. I like him because he calls out bad parents, which is something more people need to do.

>> No.5347437

bald cuck fag who gets no pussy

>> No.5347445


>> No.5347448

Didn't Rogan find out that he lied in their interview?

>> No.5347456

This is what I was going to say. I have no idea who this fellow is.

>> No.5347461

>Will he be remembered as a great philosopher of our times

Not until other philosophers take his writings seriously enough to cite and analyze them.

>> No.5347475

i don't know i just saw that rogan has had him on his podcast 3 times

>> No.5347489

he's an anarcho capitalist and MRA

somewhat popular among the /pol/ types

>> No.5347491

>Will he be remembered as a great philosopher of our times

God no, not even remotely close.

>> No.5347495

>anarcho capitalist

Jesus Christ

>> No.5347514

I can just imagine the philosophy textbooks in 2100

>Plato's Critique of the Sophists
>Aquinas' Critique of Anselm
>Locke's Critique of Hobbes
>Kierkegaard's Critique of Hegel
>Nietzsche's Critique of Schopenhauer
>Molyneux's Critique of 'Frozen'

>> No.5347531

i could see this on Tim and Eric

>> No.5347534

Philosophers search tirelessly for the truth. Stefan Molyneux seems convinced he possesses it.

>> No.5347555

I just find him creepy.


>> No.5347571

He doesn't even qualify as a fad. He's Rush Limbaugh tier talk radio lol.

>> No.5348414

>a part of me wants to KEEP running *fist pump*
Very Tom Cruise.

>> No.5348426
File: 1.99 MB, 220x165, bebe_asustado.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this looneyball has apparently written books

>> No.5348438

>tfw you haven't written books
Even if we did chances are nobody would care and or they're just shit.

>> No.5348452
File: 87 KB, 467x627, zizek-wedding-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zizek is better.

>> No.5348603

have you written a book, anon ?

>> No.5348638

Not really. But Molyneux did which worries me.

>> No.5348650

>all this gossip instead of criticizing his ideas

Gawker won.

>> No.5348914

his ideas are cult leader bullshit, he beats you over the head with his reductive points and then sneakily segues into his off-topic nonsense. The trayvon video was a good example. How the fuck could anybody make a video about trayvon martin about how black people need to stop abusing their kids? Like i know the kid was clearly an asshole, but molyneux is fucking crazy and its disingenuous that he didnt bring to light black peoples right to not be arbitrarily looked at as criminals

>> No.5348918

eh. Peter Singer is better