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5322639 No.5322639[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who is the superior philosopher: Kant, Schopenhauer, or Nietzsche?

>> No.5322641

I am.

>> No.5322642

Regardless of who was "right", Kant was the better thinker.

>> No.5322644

this guy is

>> No.5322649

schopenhauer since he was the only one who had a gf

>> No.5322651

This. Immanuel is clearly a genius, and I'm not entirely sure the same can be said for Fred and Arthur.

>> No.5322656

the greeks

>> No.5322660

and look what it did to him

>> No.5322664

>the most misogynic of the three is the only one who had a gf

oh women

>> No.5322669

He also was the hottest XXth century philosopher

>> No.5322675

hannah arendt is way hotter fag

>> No.5322685

sartre was hotter

>> No.5322686

Schopenhauer clearly would win a fight between these two

>> No.5322691

>confusing cause and effect

>> No.5322693

He was a gay man, and I would have fucked him.

>> No.5322695


You mean camus

>> No.5322697

Wasn't Kant, like, less than five feet tall?

>> No.5322700

So you think he talked shit about women in order to score with them?

>> No.5322703

> Scarcely five feet tall, with a deformed chest, and suffering from weak health
rofl what a pussy

>> No.5322705

>tfw Schopy was the original negger

>> No.5322706

Nietzsche 5' 8"

anyone know schopenhauer's height?

>> No.5322707

No I'm saying he developed his opinions about women through his relationships with them

>> No.5322708


>> No.5322712

p sure that's what that nigga meant

>> No.5322716


>> No.5322721

that pussy used to get smashed drunk at parties and have to be taken home in a wheelbarrow

>> No.5322723

No, they were saying ti the other way around, that some women liked him because he was "misogynistic"

>> No.5322726


>> No.5322727

Schop was 'right', Nietzsche was right. That said, schop.

>> No.5322735
File: 71 KB, 400x276, hegelian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hegel transcends them.

>> No.5322744

Hegel's a mystic, not a philosopher

>> No.5322749

During his reign, Hegel was the highest expression of philosophy that ever existed.

source: Hegel's lecture on his role on philosophy

>> No.5322787

I got all set to read Nietzsche, starting with Birth of Tragedy after being recommended to do so, but then someone said to read Schopenhauer first. Fine, I thought, I was going to anyway, so I sit down with World as Will & Representation and he says I need to read on the Fourfold Root of Sufficient Reason first. Aight, it's just an essay. He also says I need to read Kant.

tl;dr do I really need to read Kant before Schop before Nietzsche?

>> No.5322790

what a stupid pissing match. none of them are "superior," except for Kant.

>> No.5322811

Aristotle fags pls go

>> No.5322837

hegel mostly described reality, topkek bubbele

>> No.5322844
File: 181 KB, 452x572, Hegel_portrait_by_Schlesinger_1831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Master: Hegel
House Nigger: Kant
Field Slave: Nietzsche


Female Slave mostly used for rape: Schopenhauer

>> No.5322868

depends if you want to understand philosophy or understand life

>> No.5322875

read prolegomena to any future metaphysics that will be able to present itself as a science before you read schopenhauer

>> No.5322922
File: 23 KB, 211x300, Young-Heidegger-211x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this cutie

>> No.5322930

Schelling. The late Schelling, not the progressive one.

>> No.5323054

not this anon but please explain

>> No.5323103

ITT: people plaing pokemon with philosophers

>> No.5323124

Decadence and capitalism.

>> No.5323128

Nietzche - Charizard
Schopenhauer - Venusaur
Kant - Blastoise

>> No.5323130

Charizard is hard-mode, he can't be Nietzche, the only one of the 3 you can begin with easily.

>> No.5323141
File: 50 KB, 500x375, 1405830100097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

René Descartes

>> No.5323143

i have to admit i still get my pants wet re-reading kant

>> No.5323150

>Charizard is hard-mode,
What the FUCK are you on, kid.

Fire type is easy mode, grass types are always the hard mode, because its harder to win battles.

>> No.5323160

Bulbasaur is the easiest one for the first couple gyms (rock and water) because it has grass-type attacks. Charmander's fire-type attacks, as well as its fire-typing, make them difficult, however.

>> No.5323167

You can find and level up an oddish or a bellsprout before the first gym though

>> No.5323177

in philosophy, unlike math, the path one takes to reach conclusions is as important as the conclusion itself

>> No.5323178



>> No.5323183

Both suck however, and are worthless after the first two gyms.

>> No.5323187

vileplue is badass as fuck dude

>> No.5323213

>Duurr huurrr not filosofist, he mistique

If you only realized how idiotic you seem.

I don't think you know what philosophy, and mysticism are.

>> No.5323242

Schopenhauer (if you forgive the mystical stuff)

>> No.5323245


>> No.5323273

You are aware Schoppy prides himself on being a non-mystic , right?

>> No.5323275

Schoopy is only important to see how much nietzsche sucked his dick in the birth of tragedy and to understand how Nietzsche is simply subverting Schoopy's ethical critique of Will in his will to power.

Just read Schoopy as educator.

>> No.5323288

Uhhh, you can, you know, CATCH grass pokemon anytime you want to. You're out in the fucking grass all the time. Fire pokemon though? Pretty hard to come by.

>> No.5323297

Ye I know but what does this:>>5322868 means?
Who do you need to read first to "understand life"? And who do you need to read first to "understand philosophy"?

>> No.5323301
File: 52 KB, 335x380, AIDSintensifies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This faggot right here.

>> No.5323304
File: 26 KB, 460x288, russell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, Nietzsche.

>> No.5323316

This. Kant is the man I think.

>> No.5323338

In my opinion, petty squabbling over ideas is not nearly as important as how the ideas effect peoples' view of the world around them.

>> No.5323381

You both are kidding right?

>> No.5323415

Well at first I wanted to post Hegel, but when I typed the word faggot, I decided, that I should then post someone that is more applicable to that word.

But I still personally like Foucault. Is he better than Kant? Probably not. Yes he did "deconstruct" Kant in What is Enlightenment, but he couldn't do that if it wasn't for Kant. And for all the critique he has towards the Enlightenment and Kant as its poster-boy, he still acknowledges the importance of it and the role Kant played in ti.

>> No.5323451

It's as important in math too. Maths simply have way to put in relation two reasonings by stating they have the exact same result, while this is harder in philosophy.

>> No.5323617


What a degenerate manlet.

>> No.5323826

"I feel like i should feel sorry for him"
Everything in schopenhauhers moral codex is subjective -> Shit opinion

"Yeah i don't want to write the typical philosophy stuff. Let's just write a story and let the people interprete what i meant by it!"

The answer is Kant. His philosophy is not perfect by any means but the most cleverly thought-out.

>> No.5323845
File: 30 KB, 500x500, 1404480749358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His whole philosophy needs a higher being. If there is none, all of his "meditations" are shit talk


>> No.5323853

Nietzsche was the first to recognize the lies as lies. He could tell by the smell of putrefaction that they were lies. His genius is in his nose. He is the greatest philosopher this world has known.

>> No.5323866

Impressive given that absurd mustache

>> No.5323942

for me Kant is the man, his critique of pure reason was very smart and well thought, maybe one of the most important philosophy works. The other 2 critiques are also good afaik (haven't studied them), but moral deontology on his critique of practical reason is quite problematic in some parts, althought pretty interesting.

Schop is alright, but not as important as Kant, and Nietzche is ok, but I think he has been one of the most misinterpreted philosophers of all history.

>> No.5323993

Kant is a moral fanatic and Schopenhauer is a passive nihilist.

>> No.5324031



for real though you can't order those 3

Schopenhauer's metaphysics are just a refined version of Kant's, without the pointless categories, with clearer language. Superior, but entirely based on Kant's brilliant insight, Schopenhauer notes this. Who was better, the one who came up with the main thrust of the idea, or the one who's version is better? It's impossible to say.

And then Nietzsche is neither better nor worse than the other two because he's such a mixed bag of angsty rhetoric and unjustified assertions that sometimes fall flat. His metaphysics are even better than Schopenhauers tho, and so I put him on their level

and then Hegel is clearly below all 3, although I wish people could look at Hegel with more subtlety, it's always black and white, either people think he's the greatest, superior to everybody of his time, or he's just complete shit

it doesn't have to be one or the other, i resent his calling his awkward and broken metaphysics "the science of logic", but he still has some interesting things to say about history and about "being/nothing vs becoming"

>> No.5324039


doesn't mean he was entirely successful, I love schope's metaphysics in the WWR but at the end of the day he was a vitalist, which is a mystic position

>> No.5324058


then kierkegaard would be on some django unchained bullshit

>> No.5324076
File: 20 KB, 250x320, 250px-Karl_Popper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

< biggest baby in philosophy

>> No.5324093

Mustache is what gave him that suoer-power

>> No.5324102

Fred is a genius in his own right. Just look at how he spent the last years if his life and how he got to be that way. Pure genius. Or was it pure madness? I always get those two confused

>> No.5324104

it's pretty obvious you haven't even been in the same state as an actual book of either of the two from your post. gtfo

>> No.5324115


>> No.5324118

No. It's those googly eyes that get me

>> No.5324534


>> No.5326894


>> No.5326941

If you want bellsprout or oddish. Wait, you can only catch those in Cerulean City. Mankey or Nidoran are needed to beat Brock, but Onix's defence is far higher than its special, or special defence in FRLG.

>> No.5327511

Technically Kant, but for pure sense and passion, Nietzsche. Schopenhauer was alright.

>> No.5327520

Niezche's theories are bizarre and borderline science fiction but actually make an incredible amount of sense

Kant's philosophy is stupid and autistic

Schopenhauer is fucking boring

>> No.5327622


>> No.5328996

He had a brain tumor.

>> No.5329874

Kant. Probably the greatest modern philosopher. A critique of pure reason is fucking boss.No doubt best of the three.

>> No.5329912


>Nietzsche is easy to understand

you goofed

he purposefully writes in a way that if you try an easy-mode interpretation you get the exact opposite of what he's trying to say

that's why all the posts on /lit/ about Nietzsche are pants-on-head stupid

>> No.5331295

he's right

>> No.5331631

Stephan Molyneux.

>> No.5331646

kill yourself.

>> No.5331651


>> No.5331653

I'm sorry that your upbringing made you so aggressive.

>> No.5332060

>This is what happens when you don't start with the Greeks.

>> No.5332130


>> No.5332139

>reading kant without reading plato


>> No.5332150
File: 372 KB, 537x326, hume rourke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David motherfucking Hume.

Mickey Rourke biopic when?

>> No.5332160

Kant on virtue the other 2 were dickriders

>> No.5332169

He looks more like Beau Bridges, I think.

>> No.5332172

Without Kant there is no Schopenhauer.

Without Schopenhauer there is no Nietzsche.

It really is that simple.

Kant gets a lot of bad rep for his antiquated ethics, but in relaity he solved a lot of philosophical problems of his time and revolutionised the problem of metaphysics by bridging the Idealist-Empiricist divide.

>> No.5332269


>Mickey Rourke

Apart from his vague resemblance (due to fucked up surgery than any real likeness) literally everything else about him would make him awful for playing Hume.

You are the horrible at this.

>> No.5332276

Hegel ended metaphysics (he spent the rest of his life playing cards) and Nietzsche killed it in a poetical way.

>> No.5332278

Nietzsche, except always Wittgenstein

>> No.5332734

This. When I was in high school debate I think Kant's arguments were easiest to follow and apply... Nietzsche is great but seems like a novelty act to me.
Inb4 I get shit on for my opinion.

>> No.5335002


Kant was bitch slapped by Hume.

but >>5322641
This guys a clever little fuck

>> No.5335051

Kant was a response to Hume, tho
Whether or not he succeeded, Hume couldn't have bitchslapped his philosophy

>> No.5335709

>implying Nitzsche wasn't pulling his assumptions about human nature out of his ass

>> No.5335722

Is that Terry Jones on the left?

>> No.5336138

Kant came after Hume you retard

>> No.5336885

This anon