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File: 1.18 MB, 1936x2592, IMG_0669[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5233050 No.5233050[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I just picked these both up and I've been wanting to read them for a while just never got around to it but I don't know which one I should read first.

Way of Kings is like 1300 pages while Magician's King is like 400 so it would be a quicker read but I've heard Way of Kings is amazing read and the 1300 pages just fly by.

I know that Lev Grossman's final book in the "The Magicians" trilogy is set to come out August 5th so maybe I should read Magician's King first since the concluding book in the trilogy comes out in a couple of days.

I just don't know which one I should start but god damn 1300 pages seems so intimidating and the second book in the series is just as long.

Brandon Sanderson writing phonebook sized books god damn lol

also excuse my bedsheets they are ugly as fuck I know.

>Inb4 shit taste
>Inb4 both books suck

>> No.5233054

Well shit for some reason my picture isn't wanting to load so I'll just try finding pictures from google and posting them in the thread.

>> No.5233059
File: 88 KB, 516x751, Way of Kings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5233064

Alright OP here and I am now noticing that it's the site that is messed up and not my pictures because every picture I upload does not show up.

I'm not sure what is going on with 4chan but the whole site has is acting up regardless of what section you go too.

>> No.5233068

Alright OP here again and I'm retarded because I wasn't aware the site went down for maintenance but it appears to be over now

>> No.5233123


>> No.5233256
File: 107 KB, 1200x893, ShallanPainting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't read The Magicians, but since it's going to be finished soon you should go for that one first, then let us know how it holds up.
After you can take your time with Stormlight, it's going to be at least a year and a half until the third book.

Also, this artist captured the look of Shallan perfectly, this should have been the cover to Words of Radiance.

>> No.5233280

I don't know who in the fuck that is but yes I agree I like that artwork more the artwork I saw for Words of Radiance.

>> No.5233290

I should really just read goddamn Way of Kings already so I can call it shit in an informed manner.

Anyway, read the Sanderson book first unless you're actually trying to read the next Grossman book when it comes out.

>> No.5233323

That is a depiction of one of the protagonists. The artwork throughout Stormlight is great and really fleshes out a lot of the world building.

What are you a masochist? There is no point to reading it for the purpose of calling it shit, don't do that to yourself.

>> No.5233326

it's so annoying having nothing to say when people recommend Sanderson

>> No.5233339

what? Just say you're not interested in Sanderson.

>> No.5233342

but it doesn't feel right. it feels insincere to say that when i haven't given him a try. i'd rather give him a real try so i can say for sure.

>> No.5233346

I see, but you already seem to have your mind made up about him.

>> No.5233353

I strongly suspect I'm not going to like him.

But I've gone into things absolutely convinced I'm going to hate them and been won over before.

>> No.5233366

Give Warbreaker a try, I'm pretty sure he released it online for free.

>> No.5233372

Dat Tumblr nose.

>> No.5233383

Here it is:


Her pasty pale ginger skin is easily burned, pls don't bully.