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5175485 No.5175485[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can god sin?

>> No.5175497


Why? Because he's God. He determines what is and isn't true. If he says it's not a sin, it's not a sin.

>> No.5175498

To put it more absolutely, if God can sin then God is not God.

>> No.5175499

If you program him to.

No really. god murders his "children" and we're supposed to take it as gods will, the law. The way wealthy get away with breaking the law, god gets off on the technicality that he's the boss-a you.

You never thought of this? Sure you have, just want to see another shitstorm, right?

>> No.5175507

"Yes", his commands apply only to mortals. He can do things that would be a sin for mortals but they aren't sins because he's god.

>> No.5175508

The better question is if man can sin, accepting the existence of a supreme God

>> No.5175515

If God commits an act he's named as a sin, is it still wrong?

>> No.5175526

Actually, the word sin is derived from 'separation'

>> No.5175544

This might be the wrong thread, but I want to get this off my chest.

God's existence and anything about it doesn't really matter because we can't perceive him. We can perceive a lot of things, and there's a lot of stuff we can't, so I can't definitively say it isn't real. So instead I'll say this: [Theodicy] is usually the ultimate "God" question, especially to monotheists, but while many call it "Father" it has no gender and never helped raise them. Now I know my biological father, I see him occasionally, but he is not my "father" by any means, by extension God has no dominion over me because even if I'm only alive and living thanks to it, it has never made an active decision to be part of my life and so I therefore choose to wholly ignore the entire concept of "God", not because I'm an internet atheist but because I simply could not care any less, even though I just typed up a paragraph on an anonymous imageboard detailing my theological views.

So OP, the tl;dr of my story is yes, I suppose, seeing as how I've "damned" God in my own mind. It sinned against me by existing, if it does.

>> No.5175548
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this isn't the place, friend.

>> No.5175556

Of course, god can do anything

>> No.5175603

No, sin is the law of man by God.

>> No.5175897

I'll start with this: It depends on how you define "sin". Everyones definition of sin is different therefore not every one will agree on the same reasoning.

My personal answer: Yes of course he can, he is God, but he never would, because he is fucking God!

>> No.5175922

CAN he sin? Of course, he can do anything.

DOES he sin? No. Just because God can do something doesn't mean he actually does it.

God is much more provincial in the Old Testament, and much grumpier all around. I wonder at that quite often. One of the conclusions I came to at one point is that there must have been other entities capable of exerting extranormal power upon the Israelites and other peoples of the Near East- the 'gods' of the Judges and the Kings, though Augustine would call them demons. I reasoned that God must have had to actively compete for followers with other beings that fashioned themselves as deities, and so he had to be flashier and more direct.

>> No.5175939

You're a completely delusional moron and will be absolutely ridiculed for you ridiculous beliefs in the coming decades. YHVH comes from a pantheon and had a wife, his cult radicalized and you're brainwashed. Way to be.

>> No.5175959

Anatolian and Greek christianity saw this same problem and fixed it. But it (Gnosticism) was buried as heretical of course.
Filthy middle eastern cultists

>> No.5175960

>YHVH comes from a pantheon and had a wife

Yes, this is what the Israelites thought until God taught them otherwise via divine revelation.

>> No.5176075


That's convenient

>> No.5176078

We entertain in our heart a deep longing that the catholic faith prosper in our time and that the perverseness of heresy be rooted out of christian soil. We have therefore heard with great displeasure that an abominable sect of wicked men, commonly called Beghards, and of faithless women, commonly called Beguines, has sprung up in the realm of Germany. This sect, planted by the sower of evil deeds, holds and asserts in its sacrilegious and perverse doctrine the following errors.

First, that a person in this present life can acquire a degree of perfection which renders him utterly impeccable and unable to make further progress in grace. For, as they say, if someone could always make further progress, he could become more perfect than Christ.
Secondly, that it is not necessary to fast or pray after gaining this degree of perfection, for then the sensitive appetite has been so perfectly subjected to the spirit and to reason that one may freely grant the body whatever pleases it.
Thirdly, that those who have reached the said degree of perfection and spirit of liberty, are not subject to human obedience nor obliged to any commandments of the church, for, as they say, where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
Fourthly, that a person can gain in this life final beatitude in every degree of perfection that he will obtain in the life of the blessed.
Fifthly, that any intellectual nature in itself is naturally blessed, and that the soul does not need the light of glory to elevate it to see God and enjoy him blissfully.
Sixthly, that the practice of the virtues belongs to the state of imperfection and the perfect soul is free from virtues.
Seventhly, that to kiss a woman is a mortal sin since nature does not incline one to it, but the act of intercourse is not a sin, especially in time of temptation, since it is an inclination of nature.
Eighthly, that at the elevation of the body of Jesus Christ, they ought not to rise or show reverence to it; it would be an imperfection for them to come down from the purity and height of their contemplation so far as to think about the ministry or sacrament of the eucharist, or about the passion of Christ as man.

>> No.5178323

I was talking with my mother, that lately devided to be a pseudo-muslim, and i was trying to have some basic theological discussion: if God is perfect, therefore he can't have any kind of need that belongs to mankind, how come he asks his children to praise him and do stuff in his honour as somekind of landlord that enjoys his people being submissive?
My mom said that God doesn't feel the need to "be accepted" by his people, but that it is true that we have to praise him and be thankful because we're his servants (her words), what do you guys think?

>> No.5178903
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Sin is a spook

>> No.5178909

Sin is a weakening in the relationship between man and God. Can God weaken the relationship between Himself and Himself?

>> No.5178916

Your mother is right. He doesn't need that but it is a duty for us.

>> No.5178922

As >>5178916 said.

>> No.5178931

Holy shit you guys, god isn't real.

>> No.5178934

Dalai Lama is such a fucking faggot. Sure it's easy to bullshit around if you're sitting on the wealth on a fucking dynasty you pompous ass.

>> No.5178944


With God anything is possible.

Real God could be indistinguishable from a malevolent "devil" to a human.

>> No.5178952
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Yeah, it's weird to see pics on /lit/ which I daily see posted on facebook by edgiest of my friends.

God's existence aside, God's each action is inherently morally superior and constitutes what is good or what is evil. Therefore God cannot commit a sin. But at the end of the day from the set theory we know that we cannot apply human logic to the Absolute which is not subordinate to human perception/logic.

>> No.5178982

Sin is the imagination causing distress. Virtue is the imagination eleviating it. Piety is it being freed from this fight. Sanctity is it in an atarxic state. The imagination is an invention by man in order to gain ctrl over himself and "'fear'". God is nature, nature is sans imagination, so is man. God cannot sin, sin is a construct derived from shamanism. Which i explained at the beginning of this, the greatest masterpiece ever made by man. I leave you saying... ' ceste rieneQ'(which is latin for don't confuse creatorgod concepts with nature, true god) mwuha to the ha of h & a.

>> No.5178990

Ataraxic state i.e. 'blissful calm'.

>> No.5178995

You forgot your trip, Rei.

>> No.5179011

Right, i expected this. Look here, retard . Drugs are produced in our brains, yours too. Either you start accepting this is true or you remain a monkey. You have obviously chosen the latter, good luck with that, dumbo.

>> No.5179015

I like Dumbo. That Pink Elephants song is awesome.

>> No.5179017

Anyway these days it's no use talking to ppl anymore. It's just a bunch of monkeys. Mind, you those have more manners.

>> No.5179022

>Either you start accepting this is true or you remain a monkey

An individual's species is determined by his opinions? That's a pretty radical statement there. And don't give me that shit about "sometimes it's a metaphor sometimes it's a statement".

>> No.5179027

No shit... No shit. U are a retard after all. Why wouldn't u prefer retardation? It wd be illogical for retards to be logical, that wdn't make much of a sensical syllogistic inference, right...

>> No.5179030

God is pretty arrogant with his refusal to admit him killing men for disobeying laws, with the free will he gave, is sinful

I rather go to hell, atleast the devil might be sympathetic for the failing men and not some kind of prick who demands perfection

>> No.5179032

I didn't read what you said because i'm not interested. Sorry, you're just too boring.

>> No.5179034

sin is corruption. if god were corrupted he wouldn't be god. it's illogical. it's as much a paradox as the heavy stone paradox.

>> No.5179036

>this being that can do anything, can he do X?

Yes by definition.

>what if X is a contradiction

He can still do it, a contradiction is just a process your human mind can't comprehend.

>> No.5179040

From glimpsing i can see ur just an insecure mongoloid.

>> No.5179043

God could create a stone that retains the attributes of "liftable" and "unliftable" at the same time. Nobody trolls like the omnipotent.

>> No.5179048

>sin is corruption.
> if god were corrupted he wouldn't be god. it's illogical.

God can corrupt himself. For example he became a finite human, so in a sense his infinite nature was "corrupted" -- yet was still in tact.

Similarly God can do any sin, bear the burden of that sin, and at the same time be totally free from sin. Why? Anything is possible when you are omnipotent and answer to no one.

>> No.5179060

>a contradiction is just a process your human mind can't comprehend.

contradiction: noun 1. the act of contradicting ; gainsaying or opposition. 2. assertion of the contrary or opposite; denial. 3. a statement or proposition that contradicts or denies another or itself and is logically incongruous. 4. direct opposition between things compared; inconsistency.

being capable of something and doing it are completely different things. the real question here is would god sin?

>> No.5179064


He can simply say "X is a sin, for everyone else, but me"

he is the destroyer and creator after all, alpha and omega....He makes diseases, burns people up, turns them to salt, drowns the world, raises the dead.

The people who say God can't sin because then he wouldn't be God don't understand that their opinions mean nothing to the real God.

It's like some doofus saying "God can't create diseases, that's evil!!! he wouldn't do that, if he did he wouldn't be God"

or "God can't condemn gay people, homosexuality isn't a choice!!...if he did he would be evil!"

People think their conception of right/wrong is somehow more correct than Gods. Absurd

>> No.5179099


>being capable of something and doing it are completely different things. the real question here is would god sin?

A contradiction is impossible in both senses, impossible "potentially" and impossible "actually"

Mainly because our minds can't process two contravening events in the same frame of reference.

>the real question here is would god sin?

A sin isn't a sin when God does it. That's the fun part.

God would do things that appear sinful to us. Like drowning the whole world or turning a person into salt, creating plagues that eat children, punishing his most loyal servant as a bet with the devil, or ordering a father to kill his beloved son.

Humans have preconceived notions of right and wrong and what is logical and illogical, they project those onto God and try to conform him to their ignorance.

>> No.5179163

/lit/ confirmed for not knowing the basic definition of sin, wow.

>> No.5179464

This is the truest post in this thread. God acts in ways that we do not always understand.

This is why faith is such a virtue in Judaism and Christianity. When God acts in ways that defy our comprehension, we must have faith that it is for the best. Abraham didn't know what was going to happen when God told him to uproot himself and journey to a foreign land. Abraham despaired and writhed when God told him to sacrifice his only son. But in both instances, Abraham had faith, and in both instances, he was rewarded for his faith.

God's ways are not our ways. In the New Testament, recall the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard.

>> No.5179495

Sin is a social construct. It's whatever they want it to be.

>> No.5179511

Social constructs are a social construct. Sin is objectively defined by God.

>> No.5179514

God is a social construct.

>> No.5179517


>> No.5179520

>thinking in a world where some are born into wealth while others are born with aids and die from dehydration and malnutrition there may be a God

cool meme

>> No.5179526

God doesn't exist so the question is moot.

>> No.5179545

>Problem of evil
Wow. Haven't read any theology, I take it?

>> No.5179552

>Reading religiontard drivel

>> No.5179558

Why would I bother? All I have is my brain and the information it filters for me, and it has no space for the ramblings of others because it's busy listening to my thoughts.

Yeah I know oh wow le philosopher guy quoted god because god is a faceless entity that means nothing and everything so DAT AMBIGUITY on my side wow epic posting this on my facebook

>> No.5179565

I know you want me to tip it, but I won't give you the satisfaction.

>> No.5179570
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No worries, you gave me the satisfaction of copping out and offering no rebuttal.

>> No.5179574

Your post is literally "i think it's dumb so i won't read it". You're intentionally hostile and close minded and there isn't anything I can say to make you change your mind.

>> No.5179588

Probably because you slung some passive aggressive quip my way instead of a coercive bid.

But you're right, even if you had a Barter skill of 100 I wouldn't buy it because snake oil doesn't get me off, I prefer the whole snake.