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File: 80 KB, 256x252, redpill1234566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5128676 No.5128676[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, who should I read to become totally redpilled by the end of the summer? So far, I've been told to read:
>Frankfurt School

Anything else?

>> No.5128689


>> No.5128700
File: 978 KB, 500x282, fag3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hollow /pol/ memes

>> No.5128703

the only redpill is that there is no redpill. uncertainty reigns. don't let doubt eat you alive. good luck.

>> No.5128708


>> No.5128709

>reacting this kneejerkingly to a stupid tongue in cheek catchphrase meaning "i want the real skinny on this thing yo, srs"

>> No.5128711

>implying the blue and red pills aren't both illusions

>> No.5128713

Obfuscated sociological claims? Add Hitler to that list.

>> No.5128728
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>red pill
>not brown pill

Get your priorities straight. You're on 4chan.

>> No.5128745


>> No.5128779

read hegel before marx

>> No.5128781



>> No.5128788

implying you're versed in the former half to understand the latter half of these faggots.

>> No.5128805

We must clean the /pol/ution from /li/ m8s.
Back to /pol/ with you ebin mayamys.
I bet you haven't read a single philosophy book, nor a scientific one because "da jooz control everything!".

>> No.5128806


>> No.5128811

That's a capsule not a pill

>> No.5128812

Where did the "red pill" thing come from? I don't mean the Matrix, I mean the way it's used online in this context. I doubt it originated from /pol/. I know MRAs/PUAs use it a lot. Do the neo-reactionaries use it?

>> No.5128819

Well neonazis and neo-reactionaries use memes to attract minors to join their ranks.
I dont know if it originated on /pol/, I think /q/ maybe.

>> No.5128822
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sup nigs

>> No.5128830

If you don't realize jewish people at the very least look out for their own and manipulate public image while discouraging others from doing the same then you are a flat-out idiot. You're just upset because every leftist image macro has over a paragraph of text and isn't funny.

>Tfw both sides of the political game are full retard
>Tfw extremes play against the middle

>> No.5128835

Did you answered my post?
I think you confused.

>> No.5128847

Stirner, Siddartha Gautamas discourses and Paradise Lost

>> No.5128849

Mystery, of "The Mystery Method."
Not even kidding. When people want to criticise PUA lore, people post his picture. The guy dresses like a clown because it gets him chicks. It is a conscious strategy. I'm simply not that horny, but I have learned from him.

Become familiar with the term "shit test." It's pretty much the key to womankind - a kind of sounding out of how eager you are to please her, which correlates to how desperate you are for sex, which correlates to how low you are in the tribal pecking order. Totally unconscious. But this sort of thing is why women rave about "intuition" - social dynamics determine whether women feel attraction. Beta behaviour is as disgusting to them as fat chicks are to visually dominated men.

I keep hearing "The Red Queen" and "Sperm Wars" quoted by these people, so they're probably worth looking into.

>> No.5128935

Be ironpilled faggot

>> No.5131563

>being this PoMo

>> No.5131567


Marx, yes.

Freud, no, charlatan.

Nietzsche, only if you're under 15 or really like opinions.

Lacan, charlatan.

Baudrillard, yes.

>> No.5131587
File: 3.70 MB, 6408x3040, reading list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5132254

Elaborate pls

>> No.5132276
File: 20 KB, 266x400, Symbolic-Exchange-and-Death-9780803983991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disregards freud and lacan
>still recommends baudrillard without blushing

>> No.5132282


I agree but Marx is the most important, and anon got that right at least.

>> No.5132289

A rule of thumb: anyone who downplays the value and profundity of nietzsche is an idiot and should be disregarded.

>> No.5132302

is this about dark souls' covenants or something?

>> No.5132305

What the fuck do all these "pills" even mean? I know that redpill generally means edgy white supremacists but how did the others develop?

>> No.5132315
File: 162 KB, 307x475, 735453.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this might get shot down because I don't know if /lit/ likes them, but consider starting with berger/luckmann; the social construction of reality is fairly short and an easy read

>> No.5132353

I know someone who claims Nietzsche isn't worth his time reading because he "wasn't influential." Fuck that shit.

>> No.5132368

this kind of post is the very reason why I do NOT want to read nietschze.

>> No.5132378


This is a great book. 2nded.

>> No.5132396

have you ever seen the matrix?

>> No.5132405

I'm familiar with what the idea of a "pill" is in that sense, but the "iron pill" and whatnot are what's confusing me.

>> No.5132410

deleuze and guattari

skip the baud, read virilio

>> No.5132419


Later Baudrillard is full-on charlatan (early Baud is decent), but Virilio is worse. D&G are too ivory-tower-ish and wrong so much.

>> No.5132426

just read deleuze

>> No.5132431

Read Stirner and you can skip the philosophy books.

>> No.5132447

Well your loss.
I'm not even that much of a Nietzsche fan, but it is absurd to say about one of the greatest minds of history "only if you are 15 and like opinions".

>> No.5132480

>Frankfurst School

drop them

read German idealism authors starting from Kant + Hobbes + Descartes. you may finish with Heidegger

>> No.5132529

Your list is fucking retarded you shithead

start with the greeks

>> No.5132539

>not starting with Thoth
You goys don't even know what it means to be redpilled.

>> No.5133086

>one of the greatest minds of history
give me 3 facts that changed my life which wouldn't have occured without him.

>> No.5133098

>what is Epic of Gilgamesh

>ignore the fact that greeks have been poorly copying the vedas

>> No.5133120

How should I know. As far as I know you could be a hick on a farm and the only things that influenced your life is the evolution of agricultural technologies, getting cable connection and the opening of the only japanese restaurants in a 400 miles radius.

>> No.5134569

Read deez lol

>> No.5134665
File: 13 KB, 226x326, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, but shouldn't the greatest minds of history be the guys with the broadest influence?

that "great minds" thing sounds to me like inner-circle-jerking most of the time.

>> No.5134674

You enjoy candy bars because muh dick
>Frankfurt School
You aren't a communist because muh dick
You can't prove Marx wrong except with Marx, any other methods are unfair.

>> No.5134699

That's because you are an idiot and probably havent started with the Greeks. Just lurk more.

>> No.5134701


>> No.5134719

well I chuckled at your image so thanks

>> No.5134741
File: 208 KB, 850x1026, 1323476565045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bataille, Deleuze, Heidegger, Nick Land, all very strong in combination with OP list.

>> No.5134747

Dashing all those and then suggesting Heidegger is beyond moronic.

>> No.5134753
File: 26 KB, 460x288, rich wrinkled fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>studying the retarded shit Hegel spawned

>> No.5134757

>reading Hegel from the viewpoint of the left-hegelians

>> No.5134774

Enjoy talking to Cthulhu and losing your grip on reality while I fuq u're touhou.

>> No.5134775
File: 184 KB, 800x850, 1396922249459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute 2hu, dude.

>> No.5134788

Those are shit.

Read Ayn Rand and Hayek's "Road to Serfdom"

>> No.5134802

add debord to that lol
hes like baudrillard but not fucking dumb
that goes for you too

>> No.5134829

>but shouldn't the greatest minds of history be the guys with the broadest influence?
Hitler influenced society a massive amount, but wasn't that bright.
People who stumbled across simple inventions revolutionised society and influenced your life, but weren't necessarily that bright
defining greatness of mind by influence on ones own life is pretty fucking moronic
history hasn't been influenced by proust or joyce, but they were still greater minds than influential politicians/kings whose influence was coincidental to mind

>> No.5134832

actually laughed aloud

>> No.5134836

Your vitriol for psychoanalysis because you envy their penises.

>> No.5134849

Yes, he is a classic Jew who wants to enslave the shabbos goyim (workers). Note his purposefully false economics. He attempted to fulfil the globalist, single Jewish state prophecy of the Zohar. Watch this documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJxdIXgMGAI

>> No.5134868

Russell - history of western philosophy

>> No.5134876
File: 127 KB, 831x981, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-b-but he makes fun of muh Nietzsche
>mfw fanboy tears

>> No.5134888

and so he should. his critique of Nietzsche hold water. plus, most nietzsche-freaks haven't read his works, just quotes. they don't have the back-reading to understand him, but decided they agree with him anyway because oh-so-edgy.

>> No.5134892

They are also usually nihilists, which is funny because Nietzsche hated nihilism.

>> No.5134893

ditto ayn rand btw

>> No.5134894

"I am a nihilist" - meaning what? nothing?

and thus you have thrown a teenager into a paradox . like a piece of paper that says "please turn over" on both sides.

>> No.5134915

>They are also usually nihilists, which is funny because Nietzsche hated nihilism.
just fyi: What Nietzsche calls nihilism is what normal people call humanism, christianity, etc.
What Nietzsche believes ('I have my way, you have yours, as for the one true right way, it does not exist') is what normal people call nihilism.

People being nihilists and liking Nietzsche is entirely coherent. If anything is 'funny', it's that you think you are being smarter than someone else in this scenario...

>> No.5134920

>the overman
>not Nietzsche's attempt at an objective solution to the problem of nihilism in the wake of the death of God, the death of traditional objective morality
You're stupid.

>> No.5134934

no, i'm right

>> No.5134936
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Armond White.

>> No.5134945
File: 7 KB, 205x245, martin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he's hard or? Heidegger's Kantbook is very insightful in problem of metaphysics and on /lit/ it's really hate or love for this guy. Why?

>> No.5134948

*oh wait, if you mean that Foucault was hugely influenced by Heidegger then you're right, but IMO his interpretation is completly inaccurate

>> No.5134966

> bread & circus
> wearing a barça shirt
mi negro.

>> No.5134971

the general verdict of postmodernist philosophy is that all developed societies do those things

>> No.5134974

> "God Delusion" inside blue pill
> "tarot cards" inside brown pill
> "Not for the charlatan "readings" but to learn the secrets of the universe"

Guess who is wearing a trilby now.

>> No.5134982

God Delusion encourages anti-intellectual thinking and gives simple answers for complicated problems. It's easily bluepill stuff, like Moral Landscape too.

anyways, that pic is not serious if you cant tell

>> No.5135009

>Brown Pill

Dan Brown Pill, sure enough.

>> No.5135031

Get a load of this commie faggot.

>> No.5135035

I don't think you should read books.

>> No.5135037

If you want to be edgy, go read Camus. If you want to be well-informed, go read Russel's history of western philosophy, and use that as a way to find out which authors you want to know more about.
There's also a 1930's author who wrote a history of tolerance, who describes various philosophers too, but I lost his name. He makes a nice addition to Russel though.

>> No.5135118

Russell's history of philosophy is highly inaccurate and biased.

Anthony Kenny's History is still pretty biased but it works better.

Unfortunately english speaking countries don't teach philosophy in highschools so they don't have people writing more or less balanced text books on the history of philosophy.

Otherwise you can listen to this which is the most complete and interesting course I've seen: http://www.historyofphilosophy.net/

>> No.5135149

>Unfortunately english speaking countries don't teach philosophy in highschools

>> No.5135161

They teach it through the veins of Religious Studies unfortunately.

>> No.5135165

That is wrong. I am an Anglo and my high school/college taught philosophy.

>> No.5135166

They don't have philosophy in the US, at least it's not obligatory and I don't know anyone who did.

Same in the UK, there is no philosophy, as far as I know in highschools.

Australia and Nz I don't know.

>> No.5135171

In Tasmania we have it in college (year 11 and 12)

>> No.5135173

so what is your text book?

>> No.5135180


>> No.5135190

Introduction to philosophy and ethics was mine, but that is not typical of the college philosophy experience. Secular schools study other areas.

>> No.5135203

lol, your way to define greatest mind is the stupidest thing I'v read in a while.

Literally no one cares about Joyce u know, just some autistic /lit/-NEETs who didn't even read him.

And clap-clap for the godwin point after just one reply.

Just fyi, Hitler is considered to be a great mind. He started from nothing and all by himself almost succeeded being the führer of all Europe.
That absolutely doesn't mean he acted right.
Same for all big conquerors (Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Napoleon and so on ; they were total badasses mastering their shit, but "awww they killed people, too bad").

Being gifted worth nothing if it has no effect.

>> No.5135214

>Hitler is considered to be a great mind

>> No.5135217

>give me 3 facts that changed my life which wouldn't have occured without Alexander the Great

>> No.5135220

Ah I see.

My fault then, my point is that since in Italy they have three years of history of philosophy they actually have pretty good text books that are both accurate and not biased towards the author's personal philosophical pet projects.

>> No.5135723


the claims are sauced.

I can understand you don't like the idea, but c'mon an average dude can't achieve what he did.

>> No.5135758


>> No.5135778

Guy Debord

Marshall McLuhan

>> No.5135780

>he was almost deified for his deeds by the Romans, Stone, Napoleon, and many many many generals. They tried all along to imitate him at best and doing so shaped the world as we know it.

>he introduced the (persian) idea of absolute monarchy to the greco-roman world, which has become a pretty big deal.

>he extended/imposed the use of greek, which had a big impact on commerce and religion. (Dude, he's the reason why new testament has been written in Greek)

Also, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_depictions_of_Alexander_the_Great

>that changed my life
is of course a bit too much, but you get the idea: he left an actual legacy, not just intangible stuff of no use.

>> No.5135782
File: 15 KB, 452x198, polplzgo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guy Debord
ahaha, overrated shit remains shit.

>> No.5135904

First time I heard it not in relation to the Matrix was about 9/11

>> No.5135913

>how did the others develop?

It's from comics /x/ made.

>> No.5136184




You won't be enlightened, you'll just be really, really unhappy.

>> No.5136205

>What the fuck do all these "pills" even mean?
It's from the matrix film, but it doesn't really matter. You should use any instance of colored pills being used as a verb as a sign to hide that post. You will never see anything of value posted by someone discussing being 'redpilled'.

>> No.5136211

>has never read debord's works or watched debord's films

>> No.5136215

these are good suggestions
these are utter shit

>> No.5136223

i don't think you know what you're talking about.

>> No.5136238

>has never read the three ecologies, the machinic unconscious, molecular revolution in brazil, or new lines of alliance, new spaces of liberty

guattari is pretty good stuff, too. bear in mind deleuze didn't formulate an inversion of lacanian p-a until guattari joined up

>> No.5136267


>> No.5136349

I did, that's why I'm allowed to say it's pure edgy trash.

Listen to the Onfray talk about Debord, "construction of a legend" it's fucking hilarious.

>> No.5136365
File: 37 KB, 311x500, 51KnElDknML._.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's time for you to read this book.
"Twilight of an Idol, Freud’s fabulation".

You're gonna be black-pilled, my fellow

>> No.5136381

no. i've read most all of freud's writings. it seems to me like you're using the word charlatan wrong, or simply haven't read much of freud's stuff.

>> No.5136388

>outs himself as retarded Onfray promoter

>> No.5136740

not Onfray's promoteur.
But unlike most of the pseudo-intellectual guys nowadays, he back up his claims.

And the fun story is that people always attack him and never the facts he reports.

>the word charlatan wrong
if you had enough faith to read "most of freud's writings",please have a quick look at this book (easily available fro free), it won't be too difficult for you. You'll understand "charlatan" is a very polite word for absolute cunt.

>> No.5136744

>thinks Onfray is worth anything at all

>> No.5136761
File: 19 KB, 300x300, livre noir psychanalyse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without Onfray this time.

Freud was a thief obsessed by sex and cocaine.
Contributed for nothing to "science".
Never healed anybody (compared to placebo effect). He actually said it himself "psychotherapy doesn't heal"
Final dot.

>> No.5136769

>thinks Onfray is worth anything at all

how humorous.
>And the fun story is that people always attack him and never the facts he reports.

Onfray or anyone else, I fucking don't care.
But why everybody attack the guy and not the facts. Because he sauces them, maybe.

>> No.5136788


Russell had to write books to maintain a living by the 1940s. He rushed A History of Western Philosophy for purely financial reasons. He was a true pleb.

>> No.5136846

What is political non-euclidean?

>> No.5137377


here you go, OP:


>> No.5138254

GOAT blog
he can come off pretty ignorant on politics and somewhat hateful on race but he's goddamn hilarious.

>> No.5138317

Your three statements are actually kinda of false considering that:
-Considering that multiple people that work in neurology consider themselves in debt with freud. Kandel is a prime example so he did contribute to science.

-He wasn't obsessed with cocained. He actually pretty sedate, never got hooked up and that's why he thought it could be used to calm opium addiction. Later in his life he always felt guilty because of the death of his friend. Besides that it's an ad hominem.

-It's hard to back up that statement because you don't have access to the patients. We have the letters and the comments of a couple of people like little hans. But it's true the inefficacy of the therapy is the biggest problem with psychoanalysis.

The second better problem is that it's not falsifiable and the third that it's impossible to build on the theory or to teach analysis.

But besides that conceptually I still have to see a critic of psychoanalytic concepts that are solid. The truth is, that no matter how much you don't want it, psychoanalysis is the best theory of mind that we have.

>> No.5139946
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This, and "Egalitarianism as a revolt against nature" are the most redpilled books i have ever read.

>> No.5140458
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>psychoanalysis is the best theory of mind that we have.

>> No.5140483

>I still have to see a critic of psychoanalytic concepts that are solid.
1) read >>5136761
2) profit

>> No.5140982


I find significant holes in the "red pill" literature.

I think more liberal literature is required.

Read Rawls for theory. (Political Liberalism)

For praxis, and excellent praxis at that, read "Politics and Passion" - by Walzer

>> No.5141750

Nietzsche is as bluepill as it gets
>b-but my ex-nihillo values, I am not a slave!