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File: 124 KB, 1137x489, Judith b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5052854 No.5052854[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5052858

>that thing

>> No.5052861
File: 17 KB, 960x228, 10372050_453178381451880_1438577116055558628_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recall there being a thread about this a few weeks ago.

>> No.5052869

What exactly are we discussing about her? The singular "wut", when applied to a passage, usually indicates something to discuss, but that's her entire Wikipedia intro summary.

>> No.5052881

Look at the bottom portion of the summary the OP screencap'd you lazy fuck.

>> No.5052887
File: 68 KB, 500x476, pomoshirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, it's kind of transmisogynistic to make fun of her for pursuing a PERSONAL SURGERY that likely relieved her of YEARS of stress and self-contempt.

>> No.5053001

Why do we care about her mole so much? Is she famous for hating surgery or something?

>> No.5053009

>Butler was born in Cleveland, Ohio,[9] to a family of Hungarian and Russian Jewish descent.[10]

>> No.5053031

to a retarded, loud, and crazy feminist, a woman only cares about her appearance because the patriarchy. Her getting surgery to modify her body is a statement that her body wasn't acceptable to her, which is either an insult to people with moles, or internalized sexism.

>> No.5053037
File: 30 KB, 652x367, hans-moleman-hed-2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Internalized moleism

It could have been malignant and life-threatening, not just cosmetic

>> No.5053043


>mfw I signed up for a course on hermeneutics and deconstruction and I'm now being forced to read Judith Butler and write an essay on her

Such is life in 'murica.

>> No.5053046

>an insult to people with moles
Jesus christ, are mole people really that sensitive?

>> No.5053052

>nigga sign up for a course on a topic where Butler is a proeminent figure
>complains of having to write an essay on here

Such is life for retards.

> to a feminist, a woman only cares about her appearance because the patriarchy

That's wrong. To a feminist, a woman sholdn't base her appearance on what patriarchy dictates. That doesn't mean she shouldn't care about it. Perhaps Butler simply didn't like her mole.

>> No.5053062



It's understandable that you want to push your Cultural Marxism onto everybody else, but seriously, just fuck off.

>> No.5053076


Won't stop the bickering, though

>> No.5053082

fuck off troll and/or retard

>> No.5053088

Maybe now she'll realize she wasted her life with nonsensical shit

>> No.5053113

>gender theorist

This needs to stop.
It's like when people get bored and instead of smoking weed they do something like this, find a following and get money.

It's basically a cult.

>> No.5053122


>> No.5053156

>man only cares about her appearance because the patriarchy. Her getting surgery to modify her body is a statement that her body wasn't acceptable to her, which is either an insult to people with moles, or interna

Butler is relevant neither for deconstruction nor for hermeneutics, though.

>> No.5053335

Oh, the mole thing? Who gives a shit.

The "she's part-Jewish so therefore evil/money-grubbing" meme doesn't work in this case though, because she's been a vocal critic of Israeli politics for decades.

>> No.5053523

WTF is a "terf"?

>> No.5053549
File: 730 KB, 995x724, QTeiaeagveas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please tell me what "gender theory"/"queer theory" can offer that a regular women's studies field cannot? I'm starting to agree that QT is really just a liberalized version of radical feminism.
Pretty much this.

>> No.5053554
File: 205 KB, 590x322, Bate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jesus christ, are mole people really that sensitive?

Only to light

>> No.5053573

Check your mole privilege shitlord.

>> No.5053588

trans exclusionary rad fem

>> No.5053604

Feminists lost the moment women's studies were invented, for the very implication of its existence is that there is no reason to study men. In other words it assumes that women are the logical problematic object which needs to be studied.

>> No.5053612

wot the fok did ye just say 2 me m8? i dropped out of newcastle primary skool im the sickest bloke ull ever meet & ive nicked ova 300 chocolate globbernaughts frum tha corner shop. im trained in street fitin' & im the strongest foker in tha entire newcastle gym. yer nothin to me but a cheeky lil bellend w/ a fit mum & fakebling. ill waste u and smash a fokin bottle oer yer head bruv, i swer 2 christ. ya think u can fokin run ya gabber at me whilst sittin on yer arse behind a lil screen? think again wanka. im callin me homeboys rite now preparin for a proper scrap. A roomble thatll make ur nan sore jus hearin about it. yer a waste bruv. me crew be all over tha place & ill beat ya to a proper fokin pulp with me fists wanka. if i aint satisfied w/ that ill borrow me m8s cricket paddle & see if that gets u the fok out o' newcastle ya daft kunt. if ye had seen this bloody fokin mess commin ye might a' kept ya gabber from runnin. but it seems yea stupid lil twat, innit? ima ****e fury & ull drown in it m8. ur ina proper mess knob.

>> No.5053618
File: 258 KB, 1912x1688, 1293466186180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5053619

Gender studies is the neutering of Feminism by capitalist process. Gender studies focuses the discourse on highly abstract minority issues instead of issues facing half the population historically oppressed. The people who are doing real good in the world now are feminist journalists and sociologists.

>> No.5053621
File: 12 KB, 275x274, incredulity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you saying it's a privilege to be susceptible to cancer or to live underground and be nearly blind?

>> No.5053640

>half the population historically oppressed.

it's a lot more than half

>> No.5053660

>this thread

It's the patriarchys fault, powered by Hollywood.

Here, check this proof:

>> No.5053704

I meant to say half the population, historically oppressed.

It's part of the pressure under capitalism to be completely interchangeable cogs in the system of production and consumption. Capitalism doesn't pressure us to have permanent social relations, or even identities, because then market can't move us around or pull us into the labor force or entice us to become new thing X so we consume.
Wouldn't it be great for the market if fashion could roll out gender number 5 for the new season, and you get 6 expensive surgeries, and a whole new wardrobe?

In the short term, it disrupts people's class and feminist consciousness by focusing them on microminorities that are socially non-problems. Just small community or personal problems. The real social problem is forcing half the population to have ham-strung self-determination within a system which should give us long-term support, and the actual problems within the system itself, like shit healthcare.

>> No.5053708

you're dumb. gender studies is the reifying of feminism into an actual theoretical framework that isn't simplistic muh patriarchy garbage.

>> No.5053741

> the discourse
It is wrong, immoral and even a paradox to use personal freedom in order to try and solve the problems that are the result of the institutions which sustain personal freedom. In other words there might be a sociologist somewhere doing something that helps someone, but anything else is a stretch.

>> No.5053771

Yeah but she's also a raging SJW and by being "critical" of Israel the yids have control of both sides of the issue. I certainly doubt her concerns involve american tax dollars supporting an authoritarian regime, the NSA sharing citizen data with them and their refusal to sign the NNP.

>> No.5053786

That's not the meme. The meme is feminists are mostly Jews. Which is true. Feminists and Jews have both noted this. Not a secret. Not a conspiracy. It's just true.

>> No.5053802

The stupidity on this post was genuinely mindblowing

>> No.5053804

how come jews are god-tier lefitst philosophers? they completely dominate philosophy.

>> No.5053807

Degeneracy and collectivism come naturally to them.

>> No.5053808


That's some quality tumblr satire.

>> No.5053812

obvious answer: lots of brains, dedication and a history of persecution
answer you'll be given: something something cultural marxism something 9/11 something

>> No.5053832

They're not philosophers. They're ideologues. And the reason they're jews is because it's in their interest to weaken their host cultures.

>> No.5053834

>historically oppressed
Poor women. They had to stay home and pop out babies while their big oppressive husbands had to go and die in some forsaken shithole battlefield or break their backs in the lord's fields ;_;

>> No.5053898

Has anyone in this thread actually read Gender Trouble or will we continue to make assumptions and/or shitpost?

>> No.5054449

More like the left is all about posing as a victim and hell being paved with good intentions, and jews are masters at the former.
What is/was the URSS/North Korea/every communist dictaorship ever?
>We're the good guys fighting against evil capitalism for the worker/common man/and so on!!
Now zionist jews are defending their "unique, chosen identity" by excluding immigrants from Israel and oppressing the arabs from the territory under israelian rule.
But it's ok because that "minority" (actually oppressing majority in Israel according to current left paradigm) was sighted in other times and other places.
Most jews living in Israel and elsewhere have never been victims of a big scale exclusion...
Another issue with the left, can't be a revolutionary and conservative of the past revolutions at the same time. You can't win the victim game twice in a row.
Obviously if you make a business out of it you have interest in winning that game tho.

>> No.5054477

>right wing dictators didn't make high promises
sick implications bro

>> No.5054502


This is the best one of these I've seen yet. :]

>> No.5054527

Do right-wing dictators usually claim they're protecting the little man?
Obviously both have their boogeymen but aren't right-wing dictatorships more about ideals like order, nationalism, traditionalism, rather than supposedly lifting up/defending the oppressed against the oppressors?
Like the point would be that the lower classes would benefit from more order, tradition and so on, but a strong hierarchy is inherent to the right-wing dictatorship ideology?

Or is it illusory to claim that leftists are hypocritical when they claim their utopia they want to force from above on everyone is better, especially for the oppressed?
I mean, you can't have equality and bureaucracy or other forms of humans hierarchy, right?

>> No.5054539

top lel

SRS pls go

>> No.5054587



Seriously, feminists hurt the aspects of their movement that should be taken seriously when they shit themselves over stupid things like this. Even if it wasn't malignant, which it very well could have been, who the fuck is anyone else to tell someone they can't make minor choices about their own body? For all we know she could have been self-conscious about it. This says nothing about patriarchy. Sexual attraction, norms surrounding attraction, and people being self-conscious would continue to be things that exist even if there were no sexism in the world.

>> No.5054589

>aren't right-wing dictatorships more about ideals like order, nationalism, traditionalism
yes but they say that these are beneficial to the everyman.

>> No.5054617

lol'in at the idea that any real feminist wouldn't support a woman's right to do whatever she wants with her body

>> No.5054624

>real feminist
Would they be true scots too?

>> No.5054863

>think's the true scotsman actually exists
enjoy your spooks

>> No.5054946

Oh kill yourself you retarded societal tumor

>> No.5055093

>"Judith Butler" and "facial" in the same sentence.

>> No.5056057

i bet you believe in the form of the good

>> No.5056818
File: 15 KB, 250x250, 1362336594502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw someone claims there are three genders who isn't some kind of sexless robot person or a really weird man/woman posessing breasts, a penis, and a vagina, as well as both masculine and feminine physical and emotional features
So, unless you're a neutered flesh tube incapable of either femininity or masculinity, or one who is somehow two kind of contradictory things, fuck off m8

>> No.5056825

so i take it that none of you have actually read any Butler?

>> No.5057140

if I disagree with the formulation, premise and validity of her ideas, why would I read them.

>> No.5057178

could someone post a ‘before’ picture?

>> No.5057690

Well, every politician claims they're doing it for the everyman.
The everyman also includes the rich and the higher-ups.
Leftists usually claim to fight against the demons until they find out that, no, John you are the demons.

>> No.5057957

Whereas the others already know it?

>> No.5057981

why would you, when there are so many other books available

>> No.5058356

>dat pic

>> No.5058459

The others aren't hypocritical enough to claim that they're only fighting for the weak.
The left is basically a giant victim-run.

>> No.5058462


I bet Harold Bloom hates this bitch.

>> No.5058517

>The others aren't hypocritical enough to claim that they're only fighting for the weak
I wonder what political discourse you've been following.

>> No.5058524

Well the nazis didn't claim they were fighting for the handicapped, and they didn't act in that way either.
Actions following words.

>> No.5058548

>several respected feminist intellectuals

>> No.5058559

>respected feminist intellectuals

>> No.5058574


lek indeed.

>> No.5058850

five star post

>> No.5061012
File: 81 KB, 650x366, pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judith Butler has opposed my right to turn my ladystick inside out to cure my dysphoria for DECADES. I'm so fucking dysphoric I want to douse my peen in gasoline and light it on fire. Then she turns around and gets surgery to cut that thing off her face??