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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 33 KB, 454x566, nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5018375 No.5018375[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Nietzsche believed that it is impossible for one to always be an Overman/Superman, but one can only have brief moments of it.

Have you ever had a moment of this?

>> No.5018398

>Nietzsche believed that it is impossible for one to always be an Overman/Superman, but one can only have brief moments of it.

Is that so? How does one overcome man then if the overman is something transient?

>> No.5018401

You can't.
We are Human, All Too Human.

>> No.5018404

Yeah, when I sodomize your mother.

>> No.5018405

And thus his whole philosophy falls flat by a person on an american imageboard for the posting of Japanese cartoons.

>> No.5018426

maybe during meditation

>> No.5018430

I become a little ubermench every time I rip on Young Adult fiction.

Calling John Green out on his shit is like briefly glimpsing at enlightenment.

>> No.5018442

I have, and I was so excited about it that I came to /lit/, and /lit/ said that what I had was a manic episode
It is for this reason that I think bi-polar people are the master race.

>> No.5018456

Yes. Trust me it's not worth it. It's better to be emotionally stable than go through periods of depression and manic exaltation under the influence of Nietzsche's germanic romanticism.

>> No.5018462

>Nietzsche's germanic romanticism.
confirmed for never reading nietzsche

>> No.5019082

yeh when i jizz

>> No.5019090

>tips fedora

>> No.5019096

>Tips fedora

>> No.5019100

>tips fedora

>> No.5019112
File: 110 KB, 810x1033, DUJARDIN_Karel_St_Paul_Healing_the_Cripple_at_Lystra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a few occasions I think. If it is just a moment of complete overconfidence mixed with actually feeling the emotion while disregarding past moralities and ideas of "sin". There was this punk girl in a class that I would always try to fake confidence around because she was a qt, eventually I think it just lead to me feeling uber. Unfortunately I could not maintain, especially around finals. My uber meter drained down to like 15 or sometihng, I lacked the balls to ask her out after the class ended, even though she implied she was really interested.

If you ever go uber, fucking act while you have the chance!!!

>> No.5019282

Man, you guys are really tipping my fedora

>> No.5019311

>le hat tipping maymay xd

>> No.5019359



>> No.5019384

> being the ubersmench means almost asking out a girl

>> No.5019388

Then what does it mean

>> No.5019390

being free from all your fears and realising your limitless potential

>> No.5019393

When you're being ubermensch your peripheral vision changes color. Mine flashes red and green

>> No.5019469

Being a creator of value

>> No.5019478


>> No.5019666
File: 83 KB, 500x649, 1390288600860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because man IS transient and therefore fears death, he needs to validate his life by some truth, whether it be religion, science or any ideology. What Nietzsche is getting at is that there is no absolute truth or world view, everything is permitted; therefore the overman makes his own truth, and directs his will by his own truths.

>> No.5019760

Sometimes bouldering provides the feeling I imagine an Overman would feel. Often I force myself to climb difficult problems, determined to try anything I deem as too difficult for myself. I pour my energy into unlocking the method of movement that will get me to the top. Seemingly trivial aspects demand the utmost attention and contemplation. Positioning of my feet, subtle weight shifts, subconsciously remembering a sequence of moves, the amount of chalk I have on my hands, the time between rests, etc. Often overshadowed by the physical needs of climbing something difficult is the state of mind one must procure.

After sending this physically and/or mentally destructive obstacle, I feel as if everything I've experienced has been resolved by that single moment of force and for a short period of time any feature of myself that I perceived as a weakness in the past becomes the strength I used to send the problem. Every failure in itself is a prelude to truth. In this case the truth is that the problem is not too difficult, but is instead too easy. After a brief exaltation I feel the need to seek out a more difficult problem.

>> No.5019997


>> No.5020579
File: 82 KB, 769x800, world_of_pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Overman is NOT A STATE OF MIND for fuck's sake, he wasn't a goddamn hippie talking about meditation. It's a superhuman species.
"Could ye CREATE a God?--Then, I pray you, be silent about all Gods! But
ye could well create the Overman.
Not perhaps ye yourselves, my brethren! But into fathers and forefathers
of the Overman could ye transform yourselves: and let that be your best

>> No.5020622

Yes, Nietzche does a very good job of describing it actually: it is like being up high and looking down on your self and all that is known to you.

>> No.5020637

That was quite well written. Nice

>> No.5020706

I get that transcendent feeling late at night after I've finished reading a book or watching a movie and I get an insight into the world. It's a really great feeling.

>> No.5020794

I experienced this feeling this winter. I was climbing a mountain of pure snow on shrooms.