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File: 68 KB, 506x267, trolly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4981805 No.4981805[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4981812

Don't interfere. Don't multi-track drift.

>> No.4981815
File: 10 KB, 279x305, 1401748547384.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many.

>> No.4981818

I'd leave the lever alone.

I'm too much of a faggot to be responsible for anyone's death.

>> No.4981825
File: 271 KB, 1914x828, 1400206885562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look it's this thread again

>> No.4981826

Pull it halfway so the trolly becomes stuck in the crosspath

>> No.4981831

Do nothing, because the trolly is going in reverse.

>> No.4981837


>> No.4981839

Give me one valid reason why five lives are worth more than one.

>> No.4981840

That's a spook actually.

Stirner couldn't think himself out of a cereal box maze and had to rely on his vagina hormones to make decisions.

>> No.4981851

They're worth five times the single one.

>> No.4981853

But then you'd risk killing everyone in the trolley. Which would beg the question of how many people are in the trolley. From the picture, it doesn't really seem like a populated area and light rail is an unpopular enough mode of transportation (at least in the US). Yet judging purely from the picture, it doesn't really seem like anyone is in the trolley.

If this is true, then I don't see how anyone could justify not pulling the level halfway.

>> No.4981860

fucking lol

>> No.4981861
File: 60 KB, 506x267, nosurvivers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4981874

Assuming you needed to choose wouldn't it be best to cause the most people to die to curb overpopulation?

>> No.4981878

overpopulation doesn't exist.

>> No.4981879

Depends on who the tied-up people are and who put them where they are.

>> No.4981880

Overconsumption is the problem far more than overpopulation. If we all expect to live the way the modern Western middle-or-above-class person does, then sure, we're overpopulated, but it's possible to live with a good standard of living without being the ridiculous rampant consumers we are.

>> No.4981881
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I like this one better.

>> No.4981883

Sure it does. In a world where automation has largely removed the connection between population and economic output, imagine how much better things would be if there were only half as many people.

>> No.4981889

Why would you not pull it in this instance?

>> No.4981890

I'd rather every person outside of America die than the cost of gasoline go up by a single dollar a gallon.

>> No.4981895

Who said anything about raising prices?

>> No.4981896

>hurr durr altruism doesn't exist

come on m8 everyone knows what you're pulling

>> No.4981911
File: 48 KB, 628x334, 1400272659836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he'd just not do anything with the lever. Like >>4981812 and >>4981818

>> No.4981944

yeah I'd have to switch the track to kill the one dude.

There's nothing inherently wrong with killing - we kill things all the time. My body is actively killing bacteria and viruses right now, and I need to kill things in order to eat, just like every other living thing. To kill to save is a perfectly morally valid choice, therefore. If, however, I were to switch the track not because I wanted to save lives, but rather because I hated the man on the other track (perhaps he put the other people there and then I tied him up and put him on the other track), then it would be wrong to pull the lever and kill him; that would be murder.

Intentionality, nigglets. It matters.

What I think would be really interesting is what if we suppose the one person on the alternate track is 25 years old and pregnant, and the other five people on the other track are all women who I know to be over the age of 60. What do I do then? To me, the question just got a lot harder. I can either save 3 lives more by running over the pregnant lady, or I can kill the old ladies and hope that the pregnant lady and her child will live to produce more offspring than the lives I allowed to end that day. Hm...

>> No.4981957

You're still pulling the lever intentionally regardless of motivation.

>> No.4981958

well for one thing, science would advance more slowly, as would literature and pretty much every other human endeavor not driven by automation. If we view society as a highly threaded processor of data wherein each person's brain is one more thread with which to process data, we are effectively downclocking civilization drastically by halving our population.

For another, we would be at half strength if we were invaded by space aliens or had to all work really hard to build something to save the species.

I mean, obviously there is such a thing as overpopulation for a planet - and I think we are near it or at it. But let's not pretend that there are not consequences of being underpopulated as well.

>> No.4981960

That's fine. What's important is that in one case I intend to kill someone, while in the other I intend to save four people. There is a moral difference to my intentions.

>> No.4981963

>hope that the pregnant lady and her child will live to produce more offspring
natalist detected

>> No.4981967

scared to death, scared to look, you shook
cause ain't no such things as half way spooks

>> No.4981973

how so? I mean, I didn't think I was. I thought natalists were folks who didn't believe that we should keep reproducing. If that's true then I'm the opposite of them if I save the pregnant lady, correct?

>> No.4981982


The possibility of the trolley being empty exists, so this is the best answer.

>> No.4981992

am I allowed to attach a shodinger's cat to the lever so that both sides are simultaneously dead and not dead as long as I don't look?

>> No.4981993

natalists are folks who do believe that we should reproduce

>> No.4981995

>shodinger's cat
don't start this bullshit

>> No.4981996
File: 22 KB, 547x375, google before you post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4981997


>> No.4981999


>> No.4982002

ah, lol I guess I had that dead wrong. Should have just thought of the word's etymology and I would have been more on the mark. Sure, I'm kind of a natalist by default, I think. I'm still not sure I'd not kill the pregnant girl and fetus to save the old ladies though. After all, it is saving 5 certain lives to MAYBE save more.

>> No.4982006

>I am holding the handle.
>The train approaches to my right.
>The track divides ahead.
>Two people scream from the tracks on my left.
>I know the lever changes the direction.
>I know these screams.
>I have been here before.
>It is always the same choice.
>The rules seldom vary.
>The screams never end.
>Blood splatters dully against me each time.
>I can't anymore.
>I throw myself in front of the train.
>I am holding the lever.
>The train approaches from my right.
>The track divides ahead.

>> No.4982008

should have written "saving 5 certain lives as opposed to MAYBE saving more"

I need to sleep

>> No.4982026

Pull the lever early enough, so you have enough time to untie/cut the guy out of the ropes.

>> No.4982046

so this is trying to determine whether or not i want to be directly responsible for the death of one to save five or whether i want to be indirectly responsible for the death of five to save one?
personally i would need a reason to act saving one number four higher than the other isnt valid to me
to act i would need to know those people simple numbers are not good enough

>> No.4982079


>> No.4982157

how the fuck does blood splatter "dully?"

>> No.4982163

The trolley is just a metaphor in this problem. There's no one "in" it, the question is would you sacrifice one life to save 5?

>> No.4982172

Why does everyone think they're smarter than the problem? There's no other aspect to it. There isn't anyone on the trolley, there isn't any time to save everyone, and no you can't jump onto the tracks.

>> No.4982180

The path with one guy tied to the tracks.

>> No.4982181

In slow motion, its thicker density laden with other soft tissues and congealing into a darker colour than the quick arterial flow which still contains its oxygen supply, the blood becomes so common as to be unfelt, its soft thud falling with as much resonance as a sunset on an overcast day.

>> No.4982186

What if that guy is more important to society than the rest?

What if his death will trigger a war? There's no way to know, let whoever dies die.

>> No.4982196

Probabilistically speaking, wouldn't the five have a 5 times better chance of triggering a war than the one?

>> No.4982199

No, they only tie commoners together.

>> No.4982205

I'm comfortable with the implications of my actions, less so with the implications of inaction.

The original path is 500% more likely to have someone whose death would have been unexpectedly important.

>> No.4982216

>implying suicide is an option in the underlying philosophical question
>being this incapable of grasping metaphor

>> No.4982327

Well it doesn't. Every action begins with "I want to". You can't act against your own interests.

>> No.4982431
File: 65 KB, 506x267, 1395087249049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the answer?

>> No.4982472

Pull the lever. Watch the fuckers die.
Go to the survivor and curbstomb his ugly face.


>> No.4982483


So what if they are five mentally retarded vegetables and the one guy is the one who will save millions of lives by inventing the next vaccine to some horrible disease that would scour the planet of human filth?

Fuck you people and your garbage reductionist "thought" experiments.

>> No.4982496

But if someone didn't pull the lever you would die

>> No.4982499

I want to play D&D with you so bad right now.

>> No.4982560
File: 69 KB, 506x267, 1400582220062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont want to undermine law and order

>> No.4982599

put a penny on the track, works every time

>> No.4982602


And you better make sure I do, because if I survive I will devote the rest of my life to make anyone you care about suffer. All as part of a goodnatured thought-experiment among friends, of course.

Now how does that balance in your little Scotsman's shopkeeper's ledger of moral gains and losses?

Fucking tool.

>> No.4983859
File: 254 KB, 430x1206, 1402115907673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4983870

Of course I save the fucking five guys, how is this even a thing.

You guys are bunch of fucking autists.

>> No.4983895
File: 213 KB, 506x632, MULTI TRACK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only sensible option

>> No.4983926

That's funny because utilitarianism is the most autistic ethical position you can take.

>> No.4983927


I don't know why, but answers like this seem to be the most healthy ones.

Who the fuck would leave witnesses? People are going to die, just kill everybody, so it never happened.

The only moral outcome is either letting everybody live, or letting everybody die. Since one is impossible due to the setting, and the other would mean the end of your being, killing everybody that is at risk of dying is the most fair choice to yourself and others.

I dread the day I meet somebody who truly believes he has the right to choose in this kind of scenario. Nobody should have the right to choose, so one must act in the most fair of ways; just fucking kill everybody who has a chance of dying, and live on yourself.

>> No.4983936


>> No.4983943

Because [insert slippery slope fallacy here]

>> No.4983946

Because if I die, I cease to exist.
If someone else dies, I can learn to live with it. Even Kant (of the Categorical Imperative) said that if it is a choice between you and the other guy, the other guy's gotta go.

>> No.4983955

I mean, I would save those five people. Less bad feels would arrive from it.

but in the other hand if I had a button that would kill half of the worlds population I would do that too.

>> No.4983963

Not in this example you fucking retard. Assuming all of these people are strangers, it is not at all autistic to use practicality to save the most lives.

Even if you know the 1 person and still make the practical decision to run him over because it saves more lives, it doesn't mean all that happened was you added up the number of people and made a conclusion from that. Someone could be very emotionally distressed by choosing to kill their friend and still have done it because it was the logical choice.

>> No.4983975

>The one person is your dearest of friends

Would he want you to pull the lever, or not? Think about this, it should tell a lot about your friend. Don't confuse your own feelings towards your friend into this.

>> No.4983993
File: 329 KB, 2529x865, 1368394872850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4983994

I understand both pulling and not pulling and hold no grudge against him.

>> No.4984025


Holy shit, I think I'm onto something here:

>Let 5 die

I value the life of one person as 5 lives.

>kill one

I value the life of a single person as 0.2 lives.

Maybe I should let 5 die, look the survivor in the eyes and have some speech how I gave him a second chance, and how he/she should now live a life five times as valuable as a normal person would.

>> No.4984031

Man, this is like "EAT THE EGGS".

>> No.4984041

The trolley will probably stop after running over a dozen or so people.

>> No.4984046


>Top rail is niggers
>Bottom rail is jew

What now?

>> No.4984051

no path

>> No.4984053




>> No.4984058


some guy rescues a girl and when she awakens he has a bowl of eggs and requests that she eats them

or something

>> No.4984061
File: 17 KB, 558x440, 1382999014212.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4984080
File: 200 KB, 970x1139, eattheeggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is le ebin meme from /b/

>> No.4984092

Easily the best one.
I especially like the grenade in the guy's hand, presumably to kill anyone who tries to get away.

>> No.4984093


How the fuck is this funny?

And this comes from somebody who laughs to fart sounds when tired.

>> No.4984109

The joke is that the person who wrote that greentext thought he was whiteknighting, not being the weirdest guy imaginable

>> No.4984131

Because forcing women to eat eggs is my fetish.

>> No.4984166

>le ebin meme from /b/

You look dumb saying this stupid shit.

>> No.4984178

Anonymous posters can't look like anything, as they do not exist in a meaningful way. The words can look dumb, but they are not connected to me in anyway so idgaf yolo swag suck nigger dicks erryday rofl

>> No.4984229
File: 234 KB, 506x267, the man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course, the only path

>> No.4984313


Yeah, this >>4983994.

>> No.4984315

But politically the world would be so much easier to manage, less corruption and more equality. We could actually pull of socialist utopian village states

>> No.4985090

i derail the trolley. not hard.

>> No.4985101

Too many variables, I switch it so five people are saved and walk away

>> No.4985114
File: 17 KB, 506x267, easy mode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me simplify it for you, people.

>> No.4985130


5 > 1

>> No.4985146
File: 96 KB, 506x600, God vs Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4985160
File: 55 KB, 600x420, kierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, kiddies, but it's leap of faith time.

>> No.4985164
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>> No.4987809


>> No.4987812

Pull the lever.
This isn't philosophy.
I hate these stupid fucking scenarios.
Die soon, please?

>> No.4987856

>this murderer

>> No.4987988

That trolley looks pretty small. I could probably stop it.

>> No.4988013
File: 53 KB, 506x267, 1368377867044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no choice.

>> No.4988029

Why do people bother puzzling out these scenarios that would never happen, ever?

>> No.4988048

If I ever become a billionaire criminal I'm gonna set up this experiment, kidnap random people and let them make these choices.

>> No.4988051
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>> No.4988078

it doesn't matter how many times you post this. nonintervention will never stop being correct

>> No.4988106
File: 135 KB, 756x406, trolley problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ONE PROBLEM no utilitarian or analytic philosopher will be able to answer.

>> No.4988115

Did someone ever draw the variation where there's the possibility of throwing a really fat man on the rails?

>> No.4988132
File: 49 KB, 506x269, FatGuy-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are several drawings, yes.

>> No.4988147

A trolley of that height wouldn't clear the bridge. Unless it just pushes the bridge along so you can drop the fat guy on the last three in hope of a quicker death, this is a terrible illustration.

>> No.4988154

this one always sends me into uncontrollable fits of chuckling

>> No.4988183

Pull the lever, then try to save the one guy tied up.

Or don't, and try to save the five, but that's pretty unlikely.

>> No.4988194

Hold a gun to someone else's head and tell them to pull the lever.

>> No.4988218

that's what the japanese manga Kaiji is about.

>> No.4988321
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>> No.4988444
File: 159 KB, 1136x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which path Lit?

>> No.4988532
File: 158 KB, 1136x640, temp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this

>> No.4988550
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But there are people tied up on all 3 tracks

>> No.4988554


>> No.4988571

>that absolutely awful reasoning

>> No.4988580


>> No.4988586

it's your choice

>> No.4988633
File: 645 KB, 732x522, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this.

>> No.4988640

Fucking golden
Why you haven't received the attention you deserve for the first bit of OC on /lit/ in months, I don't know.
Nietzsche text doesn't come fast enough, actually
But it's solid

>> No.4988679
File: 1.89 MB, 260x200, MIND_BLOWN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4988714


>> No.4988726

real nice

>> No.4988739

can anyone link to the original thread?

>> No.4988834

OK I know that's Peter Singer but who are the people down below?

>> No.4988891

Leftmost is Zizek. That's all I know.

>> No.4990738

There should be one where the choice is money or throwing the switch

>> No.4991354


>> No.4991361
File: 21 KB, 506x257, hypo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one, /lit/?

>> No.4991372

Depends what race they were. If the single person was my own race I wouldn't pull the lever

>> No.4991380
File: 126 KB, 506x267, Drift or die.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4991395

Do nothing but stare at my giant penis

>> No.4991409

Quickly think about naked hotties to give myself an instant boner and pull the lever

>> No.4991426


There is only one clear solution to this problem: to assert the emptiness of counterfactual speculation. What could be the case in some alternate state of affairs is cannot be resolved because we cannot know what the case is if the case is no longer the case.

It follows that there is no "right path" because there is no path in this state of affairs.

>> No.4991431
File: 128 KB, 3632x1936, Morality4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
