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/lit/ - Literature

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4731967 No.4731967 [Reply] [Original]

hello /lit/ you are stuck on an island with nothing but 10 books to read till you get saved
what would your list be order of books doesn't matter
enders game
Gullivers travels
sandy Mitchell's aiphas cain book 3 and 5
the art of war
the bible( never read it must be good)
the forgotten legion book one
witches from ronald dahl
i am stuck between the odyssey or iliad

>> No.4731968

Harry potter 1-7
Game of thrones
Clash of kIngs
Sword of swords.

>> No.4731975

R u fukkin serious OP?
1. The collected works of Plato
2. The collected works of Shakespeare
3. The collected works of Homer
4. The collected works of Friedrich Nietzsche
5. The bible
6. Summa theologica
7. The thickest astronomy textbook I can find
8. The collected works of Thomas Pynchon
9. The collected works of James Joyce
10. The collected works of Sophocles

>> No.4731980

Surviving on an island for dummies.
Provisioning for long distance oceanic voyages.
Learn navigation while surviving on an island.
Detailed charts between me and the nearest consulate.
How to build an ocean worthy boat while surviving on an island.
Self-medical care for dummies in isolation.

>> No.4731983

thats more then 10 books man

>> No.4731984

nice but you would be bored no after a while our you would temp escape

>> No.4731986

nice some fantasy keep the mind sharp till you name a coconut danerys and start shaggin it lol

>> No.4731995

I wanna be a dragon too!@

>> No.4732585

hahahaha and shag danerys man i love lit

>> No.4732624

The Pale King
some big art book, maybe Raphael or one of Taschen's butt books
Summa Atheologica or else just Theory of Religion
Gravity's Rainbow so I can finish reading it
The Trumpet Shall Sound (study of cargo cults)
all the miracle/everyman plays I can carry but actually probably something more culturally relative
all of Kierkegaard's journals in a giant book

>> No.4732630
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>> No.4733028

1 Latin - English Dictionary
2 Metamorphoses
3 Ars Amatoria
4 Aeneidos
5 Lord of the Rings
6 De Bello Gallico
7 Complete Works of Plato
8 The Hobbit
9 The Silmarillion
10 Theogony

>> No.4733055

how to survive on a desert island vol 1-9
the bible

>> No.4733057

Anna Karenina
Gravity's Rainbow
Mason and Dixon
The Silmarillon
Infinite Jest
Don Quixote
The Big Sleep

>> No.4733109

1. How to survive on a desert island
2. How to build tools
3. How to build a raft
4. How to navigate on sea
5. Getting rescued for dummies

>> No.4733203

i think if i brought as much sci fi or pomo as you guys are listing i'd go absolutely insane.

>> No.4733217

>taking a pamphlet instead of a real book
>Shigg McDiggler

>> No.4733456

the world as will and representation - schopi
history of art 1...4 - elie fauré
hunger, mysteries, pan - hamsun
meister eckhart compilation
lichtenberg waste books

>> No.4735266
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>lichtenberg waste books

>> No.4735333

argg i hates it i hates it precious
but you going to be stuck a long time so it doesnt matter i guess

we are all a bit crazy it depends if you can have an episode and no hurt a coconut
so what would you take

>> No.4735388

Methods of water purification - A. D Wasser
Spotting Edible Foliage - G. Reen
Fashioning Spears and Fishing Equipment, Vol 1. - Joffrey Chorcer
Fruit fermentation and ethanol production - I. B. Drunk
Basic Electronic Principals - Mike Faraday
Intermediate Electronic Principals - Mike Faraday
Advanced Electronic Principals - Mike Faraday
Boeing 747 mechanics manual - David Roth
Build Your Own Transistor Radios: A Hobbyist's Guide to High-Performance and Low-Powered Radio Circuits - Bilbo Baggins
Data Communication fundamentals - R. C. Cargo

>> No.4735394

dialogues of plato
works of aristotle
summa contra gentiles
summa theologica
whitman - leaves of grass
spinoza - ethics

Last one is the thickest fantasy book I can find when I get bored of the other shit.

>> No.4735713


LOTR trilogy (it's been a while since I read them, would appreciate the time to re-read)
The Stand by King (good, long beach read)
The Aeneid (OP, between Odyssey and Iliad, definitely go Odyssey for sheer entertainment value)
Infinite Jest (want to read it, and I'd certainly have time)
Against the Day (same as for IJ)
The Silmarillion
A River Runs Through It
The Bible

>> No.4735769

Isn't the Lord of the Ring trilogy technically six books?

>> No.4735909



>> No.4735954


Maybe. I don't know. But I'm counting them as three. If I were asked to revise the list to count them as six, I'd remove them entirely and add:

Suttree by McCarthy
Crime and Punishment (never read, but would like to)
TC Boyle's Short Stories (yes, it's a book, and a pretty long one at that)

>> No.4736007

Ruh Adam
Don Quixote
Kutadgu Bilig
the rest could be huge, detailed history books, especially about mediaval era.

>> No.4736028

oh, oh. Remove one of those history books and add Rubaiyat of Ömer Hayyam.

>> No.4736539

The Bible
The Decline of the West
Finnegans Wake
The Golden Bough
The Canterbury Tales
Mein Kampf
Casino Gambling for the Winner
Harvey Pennick's Little Red Book

>> No.4737009

not cus of the content just cus ur on a desert island total isolation and completely primitive with sand in ur vagina probably cant start a fire and reading about sikk tech

ironically i'd bring books on film theory and cinema so when i go back i won't be totally retarded and can start working

>> No.4737451

lol nice ethenol woot might not have face book but a still will do

>> No.4737462

you sir are filled with truth and have inspired me to become like you
i tip my hat o great one

>> No.4737470


>The Decline of the West
>Finnegans Wake
>Mein Kampf

Jesus christ Anon, get it together.

>> No.4737503

wait a minute does this book exist i couldn't find it Fruit fermentation and ethanol production - I. B. Drunk

>> No.4737507

>how to find out which foods are poisonous
>navigation for dummies
>fire building without a match
>plants: the guide
>how to make a makeshift first aid kit
>hunting for dummies
>woodworking for dummies
>surviving while lost
>how to make a signal fire
>how to make a bow and arrow
>the lord of the flies for max spooks

>> No.4737541

i was wondering if this if this book is available making a companion out of island materials

>> No.4737553

>The Ego and His Own
>Tao Te Ching
>some kind of survival manual
>the five ASOIAF books that are out at this point

I'm not joking even a little bit.

>> No.4737559

Gravity's Rainbow - Pynchon
Night Watch - Pratchett
Moby Dick - Melville
Discipline and Punish - Foucault
American Gods - Gaiman
the Diamond Age - Stephenson
Gormenghast - Mervyn Peake
White Noise - Don Delillo
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
Don Quixote - Cervantes

A good mix of cerebral books & light entertainment

>> No.4737650


If I owned the boat that found you I'd circle the island calling you a pretentious twat and then boat myself away laughing.

>> No.4738245

>ASOIAF which ones are these?
>Night Watch - Pratchett
this one is about vampires or something similar

>> No.4738251


>> No.4738958

>The Road
>A couple nietszche and wittgensteins
>The count of monte cristo
>No Country For Old Men
>Blood Meridian
>Brave New World
>The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

>> No.4738973

You're really facilitating discussion here m8

>> No.4738978

>Complete Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
>Complete works of HP Lovecraft
>Mason & Dixon
>Women and Men
>The Holy Bible
>Gravity's Rainbow
>Don Quixote
>The raunchiest issue of Penthouse magazine
>A backup porno mag