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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 13 KB, 633x758, feel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4410429 No.4410429[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>you will never go to a small liberal arts college and fall in love with a qt3.14 hipster girl

>> No.4410440

hipster girls are not any different than club whores or any other group of women. their hipsterish interests go only to the extent of attention-whoring - same as the pack of club whores in skimpy outfits (who are often much hotter).

>> No.4410451


I am at one with this feel and it feels terrible.

>> No.4410465

but i go to the liberal arts college and the "qts" fell for the 23 year-old who still reads pahlaniuk (or w/e), the pseudo-hippie who has a macbook and quotes marx and che guevara all the time and some guy who studies design.

>> No.4410468

>tfw you go to a shit tier state school and all your classmates are retarded uncultured CS majors

>> No.4410473

>mfw i detest liberal arts pricks like most /lit/ posters
>mfw i'm still ballsdeep into qt hipster liberal arts girls because i lift and act like a man as opposed to an emasculated bitch

is that jelly that i smell?

>> No.4410487

>thanks to the proliferation of mass media and communication technology you will never fall in a mutual state of love with an adoring lady who has been sheltered from the world up until this point and your slightly odd nerdish ways seem as if they could open up a new world for her entirely

Why bother going on with things?

>> No.4410490

>slightly odd nerdish ways seem as if they could open up a new world for her entirely

biologically such behavior was never attractive to women. no amount of sheltering not even brainwashing could help you

>> No.4410493


Yet you have not stopped to think how funny that you should sound like a bitch and hide behind the veil of anonymity in order to utter those words. Is this the sincere nature of a real man?

>> No.4410498

do you want me to get a trip?

>> No.4410502


No i'm just yanking ya

>> No.4410514

>you will never go to amherst/williams/some elite liberal arts college with 1000 people where everyone knows everyone and it's a massive fuckfest and you're guaranteed a massive salary afterwards because you developed social skills and had an easy as shit curriculum and all your classmates are no competition because they want to be poets

>you will never go to an elite english public boarding school that taught you latin and greek from primary 1 and gave you a love of classic literature and you're sheltered from the plebs of society

>you will never do ppe at oxford and debate in the oxford union and have 50 future mps and world leaders as your classmates


>> No.4410529

C-CS m-master race reporting in

>> No.4410536
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feel with me

>> No.4410542

but i did do that anon. with many a qt over 4 years time. thank you warren wilson college.

>> No.4410567

ITT: /lit/ proves its low calibre and douchey ambitions.

Worst fucking board on 4chan.

>> No.4410568

>the pseudo-hippie who has a macbook and quotes marx and che guevara all the time and some guy who studies design
oh these are my favourite, almost as bad as the morons who buy anarchy t shirts

>> No.4410574

don't stop

>> No.4410577

I go to a small liberal arts college and I've only seen two or three hipsters girls. Most of them are feminists.

>> No.4410593

yes, the wistful urge to find a qt who shares your niche interests and gives you the lifestyle of your dreams is exclusive to this particular board.

>> No.4410616
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You know, I'm starting to think that the feminists might have a point.

>> No.4410618

the feels when still in high school but dating the Q-T-est liberal arts college girl

>> No.4410632

But I am

She's pretty stupid

>> No.4410640
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>tfw bf is uncultured as fuck
I guess it's okay, but sometimes I wish he'd pick up a book.

>> No.4410659


>Mein Seiten

>> No.4410661

I'm actually going to start the CS program soon. Even at 26, I guess I am uncultured.

>> No.4410664


>tfw the proffesor makes fun of you for reading in class and your class mates spout memes ironically

>> No.4410672

She has a Chaucer hardon but she's only read "updated" versions of TCT.

>> No.4410673
File: 32 KB, 300x360, depressed man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the prevalence of social media has effectively obliterated the existence of prelapsarian small-town girls who are blissfully unaware of their own waifish charm and possess a virginal devotion to the first man to truly love them.

>> No.4410679

>spout memes
I see a lot of this happening at my community college. My English teacher even said "harlem shuffle" before.

>> No.4410684


>Spending 3 years surrounded by the biggest most entitled pricks in the world

>> No.4410687


That's what I was trying to get at here


>> No.4410691

>hipster girls are not any different than club whores or any other group of women

actually they are by a long fucking stretch.

>> No.4410695

>thinking lifting has anything to do with being a man

>> No.4410696

You mean translations?

>> No.4410699

>still in high school
4chan is for adults.

>> No.4410705


>Small-town girl
>Out-going without being slutty
>Loving without being superficial
>Religious without being fanatical
>Patient without being submissive

That's all I want...

>> No.4410721

>tfw most men like me until they find out i've taken advantage of the sexual opportunities that they also would have taken advantage of and consider me a 'slut' aka they're insecure about stacking up to other men because they're emasculated pussies

>> No.4410733

no, anon, 4chans for young people until they move on... still coming to 4chan after 20 or so (at the latest) seems pretty pathetic, still coming here day after day consuming this awful shit (retarded opinions, bad memes, everyone being pathetic, depressed pieces of shit)... disgusting, anyway..
cool post

>> No.4410734

Maye it's because you sound like a bit of a bitter cunt.

>> No.4410735
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>tfw no face
>tfw when that sentence doesn't even make sense

>> No.4410739


You seem more like a cunt to me than a slut

>> No.4410743

i didn't start coming here until i was 23. i thought you liked disgusting things anyway.

>> No.4410745

dat mad
10/10 neckbeard b8

>> No.4410746
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>tfw OP is a huge fag
Seriously, you sound very punchable right now. Someone should be recording every feel thread so they have material when they want to write a limp-wristed strawman for their next book.

>> No.4410749


>> No.4410751
File: 134 KB, 308x316, Was she a great big fat person.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But, Anon, I'm not mad.

>> No.4410752

>>tfw most men like me until they find out i've taken advantage of the sexual opportunities that they also would have taken advantage of and consider me a 'slut' aka they move on to loving me for my social graces and bedroom philosophies
feels bretty great

>> No.4410753


Implying people of any gender don't have a natural tendency to reject used goods

>> No.4410754


Stop it, /lit/...

I came here for literature, not to be reminded of how my dream girl doesn't exist...

>> No.4410755

you're fine.
i was being genuine

>> No.4410758

>used goods

and yet experience is valued in every other niche of society. so sorry i enjoy sex and have had twice (maybe thrice) as many partners as you! sorry one of them was black! omg how horrible i am!

>> No.4410759


>tfw women comes up to you wagging her finger and shaking her big old booty saying how you can't handle a real women nu-uh

>> No.4410761
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>bragging that you often lower yourself to the manipulative and opportunistic level of men who "take advantage" of sexual opportunities instead of having the personal integrity and self love to avoid that baseness altogether

>you actually think this is worth bragging about

Nice diatribe on "insecurity". Most revealing.

>> No.4410762

>no, anon, 4chans for young people until they move on... still coming to 4chan after 20 or so
yeah making sure no-one from college goes on this board is pretty much the only way you're going to get anyone to take you seriously here good thinking man

>> No.4410763

This whore is right. True alphas don't care about sexual history.

>> No.4410764

>tfw you'll never date a shy guy who's really good at heart
>tfw you'll never give him a daughter who thinks he's the coolest guy in the world.
>tfw you'll never watch those two play in the garden while you watch from the kitchen as you prepare them two glasses of juice to go and give them
>tfw you'll never lie down on the couch, you holding your perfect daughter, him holding you both, the love he has for you both a warmth that feels like home

I think I got PTSD from when my doc told me I was infertile and could never get pregnant.

Things like this are all I think about now...

>> No.4410765


I meant physically used. Like a dirty diaper you dirty dawg.

>> No.4410766

But I'm attracted to other guys.

>> No.4410767

>tfw no sassy qt black gf with a gigantic ass who wants to date a quirky intellectual nerd for tumblr hip cred and to pretend she's smart

>> No.4410768

ive never had sex with a girl who wasnt a virgin but wouldn't that make your pussy all bent out of shape?

>> No.4410770

Again, you seem to be mistaking people disliking you for being an obnoxious, insecure, and overly-defensive person for people disliking you because you're a "slut."

>> No.4410771

>personal integrity and self love to avoid that baseness altogether

oh the mental gymnastics virgins play in order to rearrange values.

>> No.4410774


I'm sorry about that anon

>> No.4410775

That whore doesn't date alphas though so she's back to being a broke slut

>> No.4410777


>A woman’s sex partner can affect her vaginal elasticity, but multiple partners cannot make a woman’s vagina become permanently loose. According to Psychology Today’s Michael Castleman, vaginal tissue is very elastic. The vaginal does expand and contract for sex, but it does not remain expanded. The number of sexual partners a woman hasdoesn’t permanently alter the elasticity of the vagina.

>> No.4410778

i dont get it d&e why would i want anyone here to take me seriously? why would i care -at all- about being respected on 4chan?

>> No.4410780


>proud opportunist now trying to talk about values

Just stick with your rant on "integrity" this is too much hypocrisy at this point.

>> No.4410781

because the human psyche lusts for recognition, respect, love and power in every social construction

>> No.4410783

sorry I hurt ur feelings bb

>> No.4410784

huh interesting

>> No.4410786

That isn't even at all relevant to what he posted.

But, boy, you sure are prepared to pull out all sorts of evidence for why people are dumb for not liking you.

>> No.4410789

it's true tho. you amateurs need a girl who has no experience because your awful ability to connect with women could only impress inexperienced women. anyone who's been with real men and developed a sense of self would want nothing to do with you naive romantics.

>> No.4410793


>tying to boast on an anonymous image board devoted to literature


>> No.4410794

>That isn't even at all relevant to what he posted.

why dont you break it down for me chad.

>> No.4410796

iktf my bro

>you will never have the option of studying abroad one summer in europe or south america for that bragging social capital
>you will never be able to use your nationality to capitalize your personhood and "brand". you will never be a "cool Swiss or Belgian graphic/industrial designer" or a "sophisticated English thespian"
>you will never get to experience the rigor that is u of chicago
>you busted your ass trying to read rigorous philosophy text to prepare for debate team, only to find out your "team" at your school don't give a fuck and you never got past regional level

>> No.4410798

i guess you don't really have any need to while I am around because everyone is small fry compared to me but in theory it would be in order to be a better contributing member of our beloved community

>> No.4410801


He stated he only has sex with virgins and then made the assumption that this fact would upset you, using the expression "make your pussy all bent out of shape." Which is just a more vulgar alternative to the expression "getting bent out of shape." Which means to be upset or angered about something.

Hope this helped.

>> No.4410806

that wasn't what i meant

>> No.4410807

its just hilarious how hypocritical most men are. "we're not allowed to be real men anymore!" but when tasked with a challenge of things like completing college, holding a job, being the kind of man a girl would want to be with (one who can please her sexually and emotionally and not act like an insecure pussy), hardly any of you stack up.

women are more up for the challenge of being men these days than most of you emasculated virgins.

>> No.4410809

Then I guess I'm wrong.

>> No.4410811

holy shit wtf is that abomination

>> No.4410813

ha. read it again, this time a bit more slowly. are women better readers as well?

>> No.4410814
File: 18 KB, 400x300, hrlp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw had this exact girl once
>tfw she was beautiful, innocent, cutely unaware of how attractive she was, read books, was "small-town" but still a bit nerdy, and almost worshiped me for some reason
>tfw was a complete fucking moron and let her go
>tfw think back to it all the time and am filled with regret
captcha: ntrshm escape

>> No.4410818


Agreed. Like those soldiers who break down after war. What a bunch of fucking cry-babies.


>> No.4410820

but all of those institutions (college, most white-collar jobs) and being the kind of man a girl would want to be with (tastes which have become gradually androgenized, btw) have largely been stripped of masculinity

>> No.4410821

because all soldiers are men? and you're not a soldier. you're just another neet loser w/ no future (employment wise and genetics wise).

>> No.4410827


Top lel, your basically just projecting your own insecurities now. Good luck when you realise no-one cares about how much of REAL man your trying to be.

>> No.4410830


Wait a minute you almost sound like you're being sincere.

Are you for real?

>> No.4410831

Wow, you're really fucking annoying. Do you understand that your boastful attitude over your sexual conquests is just as irritating to most men as when another male does the same thing?

The issue isn't you're a "slut" and that we're all "emasculated virgins." It's that you make yourself appear very shallow by acting as thought your pride in life is engaging in a process as natural as fucking eating. Any human, regardless of sexual organs, overly concerned with their sexuality comes off as having little else to offer, and most people want to befriend or become romantically involved with a person that is less of a mindless sex object and more of a fucking human being. You're literally objectifying yourself here.

>> No.4410832

So basically you want a pretty little airhead who's an idiot but does whatever you says because she's grown up in a misogynist society?

>> No.4410833
File: 18 KB, 251x242, boredsadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw some copycat huckster cheapens your incommunicable lonely experiences by distilling it into a 'meme' for mass consumption

>> No.4410834
File: 61 KB, 720x720, 1374259593691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4410844


De, your incommunicable experience communicated with me.

That's why I reposted it.

I understand you.

I don't want to, but goddamnit do I understand what you meant.

>> No.4410838


>because all soldiers are men?

preach it sister you guys stop being so mean dykes can fight wars real good and stuff too ok

they just want to be men so badly just let them

>> No.4410839

i'm not annoying. what i'm saying is annoying you. it's not like i go around talking like this irl, i know how i would be treated if i did. i'm just a little drunk and being a little too honest about the gaping holes in most of the male anons perception about promiscuitiy and masculinity, etc.

>> No.4410840

I fell in love with a qt artsy girl. Here is the secret: always look for brains. Qt is a transient bonus, brains are something you will treasure forever. also you can grow to be attracted to people physically, but it is much harder to grow to be attracted to someone intellectually

>> No.4410846


Also none of this requires being a 'real man'. Almost everyone has a job, most of the population marries someone else, completing collage requires money and a little bit of determination. If this is all your basing your manliness on is it really worth anything in the first place?

>> No.4410849

He wants a girl that appeals to him. Is he not free to desire what he wishes?

>> No.4410857

said the pedophile defense attorny

>> No.4410858


>it's not like i go around talking like this irl,

That is because you are insecure and this is your private outlet to vent frustration and vitriol. It is textbook insecurity.

Reason against this however you'd wish but you are quite literally a stereotype on this board.

>> No.4410860


I don't understand why people don't explain their counter-argument. You obviously disagree with this guy, so why no point out why it's not true instead of just uttering a guttural 'no'.

>> No.4410862

see but even if everyone was a small fry compared to you (and they aren't, you're like one of the awful tiny fries that come when the place boasts about their fries being "fresh-cut" (i'm more like one of those perfectly sized and seasoned fries you can get at a really good diner)) you'd be king of nothing - i mean look at this thread. /lit/ is trash like every other 4chan board besides a few good posters, like every other internet community, and after you've taken the best from it hanging out here's just going to burn ignorance and insecurity into your mind in exchange for quieting your loneliness, i wouldnt be here myself but unfortunately i caved in the boredom of visiting my grandmother for the holidays got sucked in by this thread - gonna go now

>> No.4410865

no, i don't talk like this irl because it would be incredibly strange for me to talk with vitriol outside of the context of 4chan. i still hold the same beliefs and express them when the topic comes up.

i don't actually have anything to be insecure about. what i'm venting is the frustration of otherwise decent guys blowing me off because i have more experience than them.

>> No.4410866
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Hey, it's not illegal to BE a pedophile, nor is it really the fault of the pedophile that (s)he is a pedophile. Molesting children and harvesting CP is another story entirely, but you can't get arrested or really be blamed for having an innate sexual desire, can you?


>> No.4410875

dude's got a point
/lit/ is for trashtalking well loved academia, gossiping about people in your industry and make stirner jokes not an obvious b8ter inciting "I WANT A VIRGIN ALL WOMEN ARE WHORES" thread. that's for /r9k/

>> No.4410876

Where did he say she was an airhead or an idiot?

>> No.4410873
File: 34 KB, 358x400, 1388099373918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>i don't actually have anything to be insecure about

>> No.4410880

>/lit/ is trash like every other 4chan board besides a few good posters, like every other internet community, and after you've taken the best from it hanging out here's just going to burn ignorance and insecurity into your mind in exchange for quieting your loneliness

that sounds terrible, the only thing worse that I can think of is coming here and getting called out on your bullshit as well as everything else

>> No.4410886


it's not like the original post being responded to was that serious/worthy of discussion. it uses a bunch of generalized terms that many of us throw around with abandon and is not of the form of a particularly serious argument.

>> No.4410883

Here's a quick-tip: Stop building yourself up as nothing more than a sex-craved creature and stop holding men to a certain standard of "masculinity," as if they MUST conform to your view of the ideal male or they are worthless as humans. The latter is just as bad as what you're complaining about, faget.

>> No.4410887


>what i'm venting is the frustration of otherwise decent guys blowing me off because i have more experience than them.

If that's the exclusive reason guys are blowing you off then I sympathise but it might not be the ONLY reason. I'm just struggling to think most males would be that insecure. It seems like it'd be a small minority at best.

>> No.4410889

>i don't actually have anything to be insecure about
Says the girl who spends an hour defending herself on an anonymous imageboard because not everyone shares the same subjective views as you.

>> No.4410890


>i don't actually have anything to be insecure about. what i'm venting is the frustration of otherwise decent guys blowing me off

And their (possibly unwarranted and petty) behaviour has made you insecure about your own self-worth so you've decided to lash out and play their little games better than they do.

This kind of reactionary callousness diminishes you.

If you'd like to be as truly initiated and knowing as you're trying to purport yourself to be in this thread you'd see this shallow vacuity for the cry for help that it is and you'd move on from this mindset without ever looking back.

>> No.4410895

inb4 the whole ''men need to spread seed and women need to carefully choose the best partner so males fucking everything is masculine and women fucking everything is a sign of poor judgement''

>> No.4410896

lol but you were only able to 'call me out' with baseless accusations and your own misunderstanding of stirner, though

>> No.4410901

STOP with this though i'd really like to leave now

>> No.4410902


>muh key that opens that opens many locks

>> No.4410903

i like sex. you are the one who is projecting the "sex-craved" part because that's the way your bias reads "woman who has enjoyed multiple sexual partners." i must be sex-craved, as if it's akin to reefer madness.

and what's wrong with having standards for the men i want? you added the "worthless as humans" bit. well-adjusted people realize they don't fit somebody's standards as a partner and move on. i'm not writing anybody off as humans.

>> No.4410907

>gonna go now
not only does he bullshit about stirner but he also blatantly lies about when he's leaving a thread

what a villain, what a nasty treacherous swine this guy is. a true hater of humanity

>> No.4410910

why is everyone so mad itt
if it were as easy for the average male to get access to sexual partners as the average woman he would be fucking 24/7
i'm going to be honest if you get butthurt about a girl fucking before you meet her and she hasn't fucked your friends or something awkward like that and doesn't have stds you're probably very insecure about your dick or angry about not getting laid in high school.

>> No.4410912

gee, prefacing that with "inb4" and "muh" and putting quotes around it really refuted the essence of the theory

>> No.4410919

>what a villain, what a nasty treacherous swine this guy is. a true hater of humanity

or just a typical 18 year old.

>> No.4410920

>you will never be work in DC politics and be a realist about wanting power
>you will never have an equally ambitious wife who is just as realist about the world as you
>you will never turn to the side and recite internal monologues to yourself about how you're going to take someone down
>you will never pronounce 'w' with a 'h'
>you will never hwat hwen hwhere or hwip

>> No.4410917

aw but bb i just got here. i forgot to tell you yesterday, i got dark spring. very pretty but the edition i got was more intro than book. wtf do people have against publishing small editions? it made me re-read phaedra's love and got me on this raep is love kick. those peaches though- i can't think of anything like it, and i want more of it (inb4 gertrude sweets to my sweet, i want a heartfelt you couldn't have saved her). pretty sure whoever made strange circus read it.

charles fourier, man. stop resisting and grow shorter horns

>> No.4410935

>and what's wrong with having standards for the men i want? you added the "worthless as humans" bit. well-adjusted people realize they don't fit somebody's standards as a partner and move on. i'm not writing anybody off as humans.
Yet your entire entry into this thread was a tirade about how men who hold YOU to a certain standard are "emasculated pussies." Not that I necessarily agree that women shouldn't be free to express their sexuality, but you just appear very bitter and insecure about not meeting the standards of some men, while you continue to viciously insult men in this thread for not meeting your own. It's just a hypocritical, self-centered worldview you have.

>> No.4410936

>tfw you go to community college
I haven't seen one attractive person here.

>> No.4410942

There were tons of hot hispanics at mine.

>> No.4410947

nice, dark spring is fucking great and i probably had the same edition before i trashed it a couple months ago with a lot of others... once i sobered up i got back on aristippus btw - hey what drug was it last nite?

>> No.4410948

you deserve it

actually you're probably making it better than it really was by memory

>> No.4410951

It's a big world.
>tfw you live in such a strange area that the only places with people similar enough to you exist in impossibly small and obscure pockets around the world.

>> No.4410954

also i've got strange circus downloaded but forgot to watch it for some reason. today for sure

>> No.4410955
File: 537 KB, 1024x768, misanthrope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no no, I think we have a real piece of work and a truly dangerous man on our hands this time around

>> No.4410956

reminder that stan is the only person who has ever made a good post on this board

>> No.4410957

i love it

>> No.4410958

I wouldn't date somebody who has had three times as many partners as me. I don't think anybody would want that. Depending on how old you are, it seems like a red flag. You cast off all these other people effortlessly. You're probably very good at it. Why would I want to invest in you as a human being?

>> No.4410961

How's state school treating you?

>> No.4410966


>Small-town girl
At best, she's a naive fool. More likely she's a close-minded idiot

>Out-going without being slutty
You're not going to find that in a small-town girl. She's either extremely sheltered by her family or she's sleeping with every hot farmer boy she can get her hands on.

>Loving without being superficial

>Religious without being fanatical
Again, at best naive fool, though more likely she's a bigot.

>Patient without being submissive

Women only gain patience after they stop having their periods, so unless you want to date a grandmother, you're not going to find this.

>> No.4410967

Life is long, perhaps someday science will have advanced to the point where you will be able to get what you want.

>> No.4410970

I'm more enamored with the image of my lanky, depressive self walking around with a "qt3.14 hipster girl" than I am with any particular person.

>> No.4410977
File: 1.83 MB, 320x200, fgosY9e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, that's what I was going for.

>> No.4410978

You're a very smart man. Most people don't learn this until they're very old.

>> No.4410994

>tfw you're not attracted to any race but whites

There's a reason I'm going to community college

>> No.4410997

just some kush. he's good for the ego size. fav def. i always attribute to freud is "your skills in relation to your environment" so esteem low or overblown is a misrepresentation of relationships generally. syncs well with lyrics in pic related "you think you're happy and you are happy/that's what you're happy for" but i'm still too much of aristophanes bitch to think he's the sex gossip king- the whole album is a slick hedonist pop wonder. i haven't got rid of books since i was a proper druggie but i understand the now i've a shitty library feel- i'm only back up to three cases and some stacks from erry wall floor to top and i don't have proper druggie money to spend on them any more. i'm actually fucking off from here because nobody is going to give me reverse lolita itt. *closes lid on box*

>> No.4411003

this post gave me le cancer

>> No.4411012

good thing only anyone who f5s knows you're the one not saging then

>> No.4411018


>> No.4411019

>why would I want to invest in you as a human being
>what qualities do humans possess other than number of past sexual partners

your attitude is based on the presupposition that women exist only for your sexual gratification, and yours alone.

>> No.4411021
File: 81 KB, 708x701, love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh pic

>> No.4411026

Well, I think it would be completely acceptable for a woman to be wary if she discovered that I had had many sexual partners.

What I mean to say is that there would seem to be a problem with commitment with someone who had had a different partner every month, regardless of gender.

>> No.4411049

it's not a problem with commitment if the person wasn't trying to commit. you could also call it success at getting laid.

>> No.4411050

hes just perfect embodiment of how a normie would imagine a moral relativist "when he was reproached for exposing his infant son to die as if it were not his own, he replied that “phlegm and vermin are also of our own begetting, but we still cast them as far away from us as possible because they are useless.” " and how the stirnerite could b if he wasn't infected with normie, besides that i just really like him.. cool abt the kush your shelves sound nice come scoop me up - anyway.. see you <3 <3 <3

>> No.4411058
File: 7 KB, 269x187, Let me die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't have a list of things I wanted in a girl until today

>> No.4411065

Excuse me for my insolence, but I really don't think that, for a woman, having a lot of anonymous sex is particularly difficult.

>> No.4411076

b-b-but i just married a girl i've been living with for five years. i can tell you nerds what a vagina feels like if you want. i don't mind.

>> No.4411080

tfw qt interesting intelligent hipster boy
tfw can get d8s with almost any qt girl i want but always they lose interest because i am an effete wilde-worshipping metrosexual

>> No.4411081

Nigga man I'm aiming for LSE and I have a fair chance of getting in so don't you discourage me.

>> No.4411082


What does it feel like to hold her hand in public, where others can see you?

>> No.4411087

whether it's difficult or not for a woman to get laid is irrelevant. if she wants to sleep around a bunch, and carries that out, good for her, and if she wants to commit, she should go for it. as long as she's being honest then any problem you have is entirely your own.

>> No.4411090

Why do you people want just safe and easy girl with their innocence still there?

Is that your ambition? Girl in her 20s physically but with traits of a elementary school kid?

>> No.4411095


How does wanting a girl who's not a cunt give her the traits of a elementary school kid?

>> No.4411103


If you didn't care about any of them, why would you care about me? I would just be another cast off. Nobody wants to feel like some worthless and easily replaced piece of fuck meat in a relationship.

You also sound pretty racist when you say things like "one of them was black" like that was the only thing about him that means anything.

>> No.4411104

Because you don't list that she shouldn't be a cunt, you list that she should be mild and/or easy as in simple and/or innocent and/or submissive and/or cute (as opposed to beautiful) and/or loyal.

I'd be looking those traits from a dog, but a permanent and equal soulmate? Nah, I'd want something that can't be equated with a pet you can fuck.

>> No.4411112


Give me your list then.

What are you looking for in a "permanent and equal soulmate"?

>> No.4411113

a lot of things that you consider "not a cunt," most people call "having the self-respect to stand up for herself toward bitter, judgemental virgins"

>> No.4411115

Married people don't hold their hands in public too often.

That shit is for people who just started dating and feel liking showing the world that.

>> No.4411119


Then, what DID if feel like to hold her hand in public, when you did?

>> No.4411121


oh yeah, and another painful pleb feel, but I genuinely have this one

>tfw dad speaks arabic as first language and mum speaks 3 languages better than english
>somehow grow up knowing only english, despite seeing yourself on video at the age of 3-4 speaking arabic

how the fuck did this happen? I could've been gifted the ability to speak one of the hardest languages for an english speaker to learn, and it would've made people instantly see me as more patrician.

>> No.4411125

Something more than mere traits you can list with greentext.

If I'd marry someone I think she should be independent, she should be smart, she should have good self esteem. But above all she should be a person and I don't give a shit about that list I just made as much as I care about it feeling right.

I want a wife, not a dog.

>> No.4411126

this. they are fucking awful, they're just stupid girls who choose GIRL WHO READ A BOOK costume as their default. most girls choose a costume at college age, and the ones who got even halfway decent grades, or who happen to disdain club culture, will generally pick I'M A GENIUS NOW LOL, BETTER READ MURAKAMI. a shitload of small liberal arts colleges are filled with really really flagrant, often self-avowed SJW culture now too, so girls at those institutions are incredibly horrible. a male SJW is douche chill city, but a hipster female SJW is like the progressive equivalent of a racist uncle who won't shut the fuck up, mixed with a trendy vegetarian.

the worst of all though: if you're on an academic par with a female hipster, in the liberal arts at a major institution, and you want to socialise with her, you had better pander to her dilettantism because she will absolutely, 100% guaranteed, have the ego of a pretentious postgrad, even if she's a first year. if you want to apply to be beta orbiter #96, be advised that the screening process is whether or not you can stand her self-centered vapid rambling about how interested she is in some subfield of english lit that sounds niche enough to make her look like a serious schoalr.

if you want smart girls go for the graduate students, though 100% of these that i've met are just professional students who are super good at writing papers but have no creative capacity whatsoever. born to staff peer review committees and have unimpressive CVs, and write books like "Quote from Mediocre Poetry: The Ethnicity-Ethnicity Experience in Minor Conflict". ironically, these ones tend to be less hipsterish and enjoy club life and shit a lot more. still self-important because ~i'm a genius academic!~ though.

tldr date a normalfag, they are nicer

>> No.4411131

>tfw you could have had all of that, except you flunked out during senior year due to family issues and are now on a shitty top 20 university
>tfw trying to transfer, but it's so fucking hard

>> No.4411133

A bit awkward, yet, smug. Warm.

>> No.4411137


I'm glad your so judgmental as to think that someone giving a list is going to stick with it no matter what.

Do you think it outside of the realm of possibility that the greentexter might be more than willing to change should a woman come along in his life that he appreciated?

I fail to see how having some standards at one point in time means that a person is bound to them for life.

>> No.4411139

yeah this is what i was going to reply with. it only happened a lot when we first dated. now it's just whatever. sometimes she'll grab my hand if we're on a scheduled "date night" and she gets sentimental. otherwise we never do that anymore which is fine by me. it's not that the love is less. it's just not in that constant lovey dovey new relationship stage anymore which is something we're both thankful for.

>> No.4411140


Nobody on 4chan has any basis for a feeling of superiority in regard to any aspect of their lives.

>> No.4411142

>tfw you will never have a qt hipster gf who majors in english, has a budding alcohol problem almost as bad as yours, and also has self-hatred actually worse than yours
>tfw she's a real person, but you never could make yourself like her as much as you liked the idea of her

>> No.4411144


Their is a prevalent attitude of misappropriating mercenary tactics in relationships as being progressive and strength for modern day women. They think that in order to compete with men they need to be ready to use them before they themselves are used.

An understandable reaction when you can barely get shit done of a day without fuckwit guys drooling over you 24/7, but a misguided one all the same.

Unfortunately these days innocence among women is seen as naivety and weakness. It's a shame.

Of course most of us anon would like an innocent and emotionally honest girl, it's a path that has the potential to lead to genuine happiness. Still, only a guy who isn't a fickle cunt would be deserving of that kind of innocence, so that scratches most of us out.

c'est la vie

>> No.4411148

that would be true if i werent here

>> No.4411149

>tldr date a normalfag, they are nicer

this statement sums up everything i've learned about women in the last year

>> No.4411161
File: 13 KB, 311x415, black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you try not having the attitude personality and writing style of a redditor girls might treat you better

>> No.4411167


Why would anyone want to be with a woman that considers men inferior and uses sex as a litmus for personal worth?

>> No.4411170

>tfw no girl in real life will ever be as perfect as that one girl you wrote for your shitty self-insert story you made when you were first getting into writing

>> No.4411173

>muh misandry
*tips fedora*

>> No.4411183

Why should anyone want to be with a man that considers women inferior and uses sex as a stigma?

>> No.4411186


Because that was the standard male position for thousands of years and human beings seem to have had no problem reproducing despite that.

>> No.4411187

>Why would anyone want to be with a man that considers women inferior and uses sex as a litmus for personal worth?

This sums up broism. Know thyself anon.

>> No.4411189
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>le epic haet machine only pls

Yeah bro I bet you're a regular cunt destroyer.

>> No.4411190

I dunno, sounds like an is-ought problem

>> No.4411191
File: 49 KB, 350x350, 1387992635316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never have an aggressive dominating gf who enjoys talking and fun and drags you into adventures all around the world

>> No.4411197

>Their is a prevalent attitude of misappropriating mercenary tactics in relationships as being progressive and strength for modern day women. They think that in order to compete with men they need to be ready to use them before they themselves are used.
>An understandable reaction when you can barely get shit done of a day without fuckwit guys drooling over you 24/7, but a misguided one all the same.
>Unfortunately these days innocence among women is seen as naivety and weakness. It's a shame.
>Of course most of us anon would like an innocent and emotionally honest girl, it's a path that has the potential to lead to genuine happiness. Still, only a guy who isn't a fickle cunt would be deserving of that kind of innocence, so that scratches most of us out.
>c'est la vie
Their is a prevalent attitude of misappropriating mercenary tactics in relationships as being progressive and strength for modern day women. They think that in order to compete with men they need to be ready to use them before they themselves are used.

An understandable reaction when you can barely get shit done of a day without fuckwit guys drooling over you 24/7, but a misguided one all the same.

Unfortunately these days innocence among women is seen as naivety and weakness. It's a shame.

Of course most of us anon would like an innocent and emotionally honest girl, it's a path that has the potential to lead to genuine happiness. Still, only a guy who isn't a fickle cunt would be deserving of that kind of innocence, so that scratches most of us out.

c'est la vie

>> No.4411198

Sounds lazy

>> No.4411199


>>drags you into adventures
>not being the one doing the leading

typical non-assertive beta fantasies just stop

>> No.4411200

Are you sure a gf is the real object that hinders you from doing that?

>> No.4411201

>tfw this americanised female archetype developed in the last hundred years is erasing the actually millennia long sex and gender blind meritocracy of your tribal culture

>> No.4411205

>non-assertive beta
>implying the fun isn't in the playful power struggle

>> No.4411208


What kind of elementary kids do you know that are fucking around?

>> No.4411210

It would be more fun with a gf though

>> No.4411214

>women are breeding machines

Why shouldn't men just be seed dispensers?

>> No.4411216


While difficult, I fail to see how it would be impossible for their to exist a girl like the one Anon described.

Why the overt pessimism?

>> No.4411217


it doesn't take a guy 9 months to cum?

>> No.4411221

sour grapes

>> No.4411222


Because men can more easily defeat women in fights.

In the age of guns, this has changed.

>> No.4411226

Haha so the logic is the weaker is bound to be an instrument to the pursuits of the dominant group. What a cold and mechanical doctrine.

>> No.4411234


Have you guys not read any of the posts by the woman in here complaining about men being useless pussies and how her sex life makes her better than everyone?

>> No.4411241


it isn't a doctrine. it is the very guiding principle of the natural order. the ages have proven it an indelible truth that exists outside of dogma or belief. there will always be forces that exploit others in order to procure an advantageous survivalist advantage

>> No.4411251

why is everyone on this website so gay

>> No.4411263


the question should be why is cock so damn tasty

>> No.4411298

>Have you guys not read any of the posts by the woman in here complaining about men being useless pussies and how her sex life makes her better than everyone?
if a man has a huge problem with a girl having had another man's penis inside her vagina at some point in the past, or several even, he is in fact a useless pussy. in my experience, once you get to college, inexperienced girls are often pretty boring. (not always of course)

>> No.4411299

I dunno ask /d/

>> No.4411304

>inexperienced girls are often pretty boring. (not always of course)
you really hedged that one

>> No.4411329

Suck cock to forget your sorrows. We are talented at this because we know what feels good.

>> No.4411358

tfw studying literature and love studying literature but you're at first year and are reading boring af typical classics you're familiar/have no interest in

>> No.4411394

what's wrong with sucking cock from time to time, it's not like i do it exclusively

>> No.4411481

I will be your bf. pls respond

>> No.4411595
File: 82 KB, 350x294, Damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Daaaaaamn, girl, that's rough