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/lit/ - Literature

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4398018 No.4398018 [Reply] [Original]

>There are people on /lit/ right now who haven't read the bible

How do they even allude?

>> No.4398024

>being this buttflustered because he can't read a book that takes a couple of weeks tops to complete

It's fine, you can go back to making Tao Lin threads, I'm sure that's infinitely deeper than the bible.

>> No.4398029

>reading non-fiction

>> No.4398036

I'm reminded of Paul's first letter to the Ephesians, in which he counselled them not to be that mad

>> No.4398041

The bible is all that matters.

>> No.4398059

>Not dual-browsing /lit/ and bible verses at all time

>> No.4398071

>How do they even allude?
If you meet the allusion of the road, kill him.

>> No.4398089

The unalluded life is not worth living

>> No.4398095

When it comes to fiction i prefer one with good characters

>> No.4398573

I read it up to Numbers
Jesus fuck, how pointless.

>> No.4398579
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>they haven't read Ecclesiastes

>> No.4398584


basically founded the concept of existentialism itself, and still one of its greatest examples.

everyone should read it. even the camus loving euphoric fedora faggots here

>> No.4398586

I've read Genesis. But only because Crumb made it into comic book.

I feel bad though, I've been postponing the Bible for far too long. It's just one of those things I hear so much about everyday that it gets tiresome even before you start. And then, at the same time, it feels I'm missing out big time.

One day, one day...

>> No.4398588
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>> No.4398668

>how do they allude

there tons of books that come with footnotes that explain them.

either way allusions sometimes interesting but rarely mandatory for understanding the novel. I actually almost regret reading parts of the Bible

>> No.4398676

You clearly don't know that much about the bible. You need to read it to understand all of western literature. The allusions will be lost on you otherwise

>> No.4399053

Is it best to start from the beginning in this case. Trying setting out from Genesis years back and what little I recall is a blur of 'begat's and 'cubits'.

>> No.4399087
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You might say the allusions will elude you.

>> No.4399088

The King James bible hasn't aged well at all but Revelation is both hilarious and masterful
woah nigga Camus is probably one of the more harmless existentialists published to date. He even refused to label himself as such. Since when has he been associated with new Atheism? Why am I so vulnerable to this type of shitpost?

>> No.4399094

why do these books need to allude to the bible?

>> No.4399119

You only need to read the parts everyone else has read - i.e. Genesis, half of Job, Ecclesiastes, half of Daniel, half of Jonah, one of the Gospels (pick any, it doesn't matter, though I prefer Luke), and Revelations.

You need to know the general gist of Exodus, the fall of Jericho, a few Judges (Samson, Gideon), and the David story. I prefer children's books for these, excellent summaries and nice pictures to boot.

Get one of those neat calendars to familiarize yourself with Proverbs/Praise.

Nobody gives two shits about the prophets (except for maybe Isaiah for flavor) and the general message of Paul's letters can be gleaned from wikipedia.

The Talmud is for Jews, Catholic/Orthodox books need not apply, and don't even think about the Apocrypha.

>> No.4399132
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>preferring Luke to Matthew and John
>no mention of the Pauline letters

>> No.4399146

Matthew is for plebs, John was too lovey-dovey for the J for my preference.
Luke is clearly the most professional

>the general message of Paul's letters can be gleaned from wikipedia

>> No.4399150

>gleaned from wikipedia

>> No.4399151


The letters are about as long as the wiki articles about them.

>> No.4399153

just read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_the_Apostle#Writings

>> No.4399154

I'm reading the King James version atm and have to keep a NIV on hand just so I can get all the allusions. I also have an Oxford English Dictionary to look up and make notes of any words I don't know. I also have a NLT that I use to reference allusions that my dictionary makes.

>> No.4399164

Can someone explain to me what the fuck this is? I keep seeing this "bible and allusions" shit.

>> No.4399171


You probably shouldnt read the thread without having read the Bible first though.

>> No.4399174

you ought to memorize Paul's letters and think on them daily
Luke was a good writer but a fabulist and not very good for learning about anything, much more "pleb" than any other gospel.

>> No.4399177

>you ought to memorize Paul's letters and think on them daily
Yeah, that isn't necessary to understand allusions, though, which is what this thread is about.

>> No.4399181

what is NIT/NIV?

>> No.4399185

New International Version/Translation

>> No.4399208

>reading only the bible
>not the gnostic gospels (concerning Jesus)

>> No.4399209

forced memes or autism

>> No.4399212

Dat infancy gospel