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4366628 No.4366628 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this man's philosophy not taken seriously?

>> No.4366636

Because almost everything what he says is wrong.

See: http://www.slideshare.net/urizenus/unabomber-presentation

>> No.4366639

because he mailed nailbombs to random people. it's that simple

>> No.4366650

american left pls

>> No.4366652

Too violent
Too unreasonable
Too late

>> No.4366665

because he was a grubby sperglord who lived in a hole in the ground under a tarp and mailed bombs to people because he was bitter that the rest of the world didn't want to live as grubby hole-dwelling sperglords with nothing but pieces of tarpaulin to protect them from the rages of the elements. he's diogenes minus the sense of humour and without friends.

>> No.4366668

because he did the same thing that Breivik did: murdered innocent people for no logical reason ensuring nobody would ever take him seriously despite the wisdom in his book

>> No.4366671

>this man's philosophy

The Manifesto should really be split into smaller parts and analysed first on their individual merits before taking into consideration the work as a whole and the actions of its author

Part 1: Identity of contemporary leftism: Interesting

Part 2: Will to Power and Surrogate Activities: Interesting

Part 3: Smash the machines: Uninteresting

>> No.4366675

I'm planning to read him, only need time.

>> No.4366679

He was also a fan of literature and wrote his own short story while in prison called Ship of Fools (link related)


>> No.4366705


>> No.4366708

>"Shiver me timbers," said an able seaman

I read his manifesto a long, edgier time ago. I dunno, good luck rounding luddites this day and age.

>> No.4366712

I'm reading it and this faggot sucks at arguing against him.

>Part 3: Smash the machines: Uninteresting
Yeah, he went full retard when coming up with a solution.

>> No.4366724

Terrible counter-arguments like these make Kaczynski look more competent, not less.

>> No.4366747

Look at the videos about on him on youtube, plenty of people support him without apparently noticing the irony

>> No.4366749


>Yeah, he went full retard when coming up with a solution.

This is precisely why Kaczynski's manifesto is worrisome to me: if a guy who was able to come up with such a penetrating critique of the modern West couldn't think of a better solution to its problems than a bunch of fucking wood-themed mail bombs, who's ever going to come up with anything better?

>> No.4366755

There is no solution. The war is over.

>> No.4366761

wow what a counter-counter argument. you just made the counter-argument seem so much smarter!

>> No.4366763

Brilliant: self-interested actors complaining their pathetic complaints, while they ignore an arguably salient issue at the heart of it all. And the death of the whole lot Made My Day.

>> No.4366764

>if a guy who was able to come up with such a penetrating critique of the modern West couldn't think of a better solution to its problems than a bunch of fucking wood-themed mail bombs, who's ever going to come up with anything better?
Sounds like Marx to me.

Why not appreciate his critique and ignore his stupid solution.

>> No.4366767

It's almost as if I didn't make any arguments at all, only offered a bored value judgement on the arguments that had been made.

>> No.4366769

>implying there's a solution

>> No.4366770

>Why not appreciate his critique and ignore his stupid solution?

>> No.4366775

He lived in a shack/cabin, nigger.

>> No.4366776
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Because philosophy is generally not taken seriously. It has become obsolete in the 19th century when science and math became the only objective sources of knowledge.

>> No.4366778

Not you again.

>> No.4366782
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>It has become obsolete in the 19th century
gee yeah who can name any good 19th century philosophers

>> No.4366783

Just get a trip and take credit for your cutting brilliance, m8. You know you want to.

>> No.4366785

It's philosophy's own fault. It always should have been focused on practicalities, like Stoicism was, rather than "herpa derpa, what if monads are real".

>> No.4366789

>the only objective sources of knowledge
>the only purportedly objective sources of knowledge


>> No.4366794

He lived in a cabin and was a Harvard professor and had a library of books to read from.

Congrats man you just told everyone what the media told you

>> No.4366796

Are you suggesting mathematics don't qualify as scientific because they rely on logical axioms to measure entities that have no objective being?

>> No.4366798

*tips it*

>> No.4366801

>Harvard professor

Do you have a source for this? I thought he went to Harvard but was a professor at Berkeley.

>> No.4366802

>muh wake up sheeple think fer yersselves

>> No.4366803



God I am so tired of these reddit faggots invading /lit/

>> No.4366805

Did he walk to and from the cabin to resupply, or did he ride a horse? Is horse-back riding too much technologically?

>> No.4366809

it doesn't work like that faggot

you're talking about philosophy like it was a discipline heavily conceptualized by someone that many other people tried to cultivate too, when what philosophy is, and was, was always changing, just like science, but even science core definition hasn't changed as much as philosophy's

>> No.4366810

Fancy that. We should definitely continue to argue within the polemic and attach labels to things we don't like.

>> No.4366811

shut up shitlord

>> No.4366813

and even stoics had their own concepts about knowledge and the physical world, but I hope that you already know that

>> No.4366815

philosophy measured out its own coffin and inscribed its own tombstone

get over it, fag

>> No.4366825

Philosophy will be all that exists once science is done and mathematics is solved.

>> No.4366827

>and even stoics had their own concepts about knowledge and the physical world

Yes, always focused on the practicalities of both issues.

>> No.4366828

>trying to validate themselves for being. Fool by critiquing others in a way that generalizes and misinterprets their words

Such smart
Wow nice words

>> No.4366832

philosophy is just something different today than what it was yesterday

but you should know that that there are scientists that cultivate philosophy, and they consider what they do philosophy too, so I find your opposition useless

>> No.4366833

Why ask a rhetorical question in a situation that you don't have stake in?

>> No.4366836
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>> No.4366846


>> No.4366848

I was just laughing at what I assume was intentional irony in that post.

>> No.4366854

Oops >>4366846

>> No.4366857

In what sense were either of those questions rhetorical? They requested information about facts concerning the situation of the Unabomber and his strain of Ludditism.

>> No.4366867

of course, but that was a deduction of their own theories about the physical world

I can see what you're trying to communicate too, and there are people today who also give priority to scientific discoveries in their abstract thoughts

but again, I'm only stating truisms, so this conversation is not entertaining enough

>> No.4366876

it is:

>> No.4366901

I was really considering sending him a letter, but I was 17 at the time and I figure the government would put me on extra watch lists.

>> No.4366917

I had the same fear when I was 18, mainly due to the fact that my name's Mohammad.

>> No.4366948

Hahahahaha oh shit yeah that'd raise some eyebrows

>> No.4366957

Thats only a part of my name, my parents are anti-semtic and named me after Hitlers bff grand mufti Mohammad Amin Al-Husseini ,

>> No.4366966

How does it feel being one misstep from the F.B.I.'s Most Wanted List before you're even born?

>> No.4366980

Shockingly enough I've never been frisked at an airport. I have blonde hair and green eyes from my grandma's german side.

>> No.4366986

Yeah, that helps.

>> No.4367003

There's a guy on /pol/ who posted a pic of the letters he's received from the unabomber

He's been writing to him since highschool

>> No.4367007

did you save it? post the pic please

>> No.4367016

There's a Ted thread happenign right now, I'll go ask

>> No.4367161

I couldn't find any of these. I looked yesterday during a ted thread on pol but it didnt have any of the letters alluded to

>> No.4367162

Bump for this

>> No.4367189

there isn't actually a ted thread right now :(

>> No.4367195

>tfw no tedthread

>> No.4367208

I am confused. How does being a Harvard professor give you credentials? Because he is docile body I should respect him? Because he uses violence to, like the Luddites, I should care about him? This is not very convincing.

>> No.4367209

Because I really like futury things and dislike psychopathic thoreauism.

>> No.4367213

Implying that being a professor at one of the most established academic organizations in the history of western civilization doesn't mean something

>> No.4367219

>dat pop-psychology assessment of the "leftist boogeyman"

>> No.4367229

It doesn't. Just because Harold Bloom's read more than you doesn't mean you should ask him how to get laid. Herbert Hoover was a good engineer but that didn't make his policies any better. Please don't appeal to non-arguments like "math is hard"

>> No.4367264

he is smarter than you. therefor his thoughts are better

>> No.4367273

>Why not appreciate his critique and ignore his stupid solution.

World: 1
Marxists: 0

>> No.4367274

You're constructing very limiting understandings of knowledge and value, which do not take into account the interdisciplinary nature of knowledge and experience.

>> No.4367319


>> No.4367593

Loosely browsing. To early. Faggots not ready

>> No.4367612

Please tell me tedthread is a meme now XD

>> No.4367658

Because philosophy isn't taken seriously.

Which is because philosophers stopped taking themselves seriously.
Which came after they stopped doing things seriously.
In turn that came from a logical explosion after defying the mental order of operations and placing an abstraction in front of their senses.
You abstract abstractions, placing uncertainty as prior to everything is calling a function that hasn't been defined yet within the logical order of operations.
That is has been defined within the chronological order of operations is not commensurate, they did not import that library/context.

>> No.4367666

The moment you employ measures that are beyond the legal restrictions of society in order to force change, you are regarded as a madman, no matter what your points were and therefore not capable of discourse.
It is a bit ironic though, he would have never been able to cause that degree of destruction and be that famous without the usage of the means he condemned.

>> No.4367671

good post

since deep is back im going back to my old trip and will respond to this thread once i have amassed an appropriate amount of edgeness

>> No.4367677

>You abstract abstractions


>> No.4367686

>The moment you employ measures that are beyond the legal restrictions of society in order to force change, you are regarded as a madman
>>Nelson Mandela

>> No.4367694

The only solution to civilisation is it's destruction. Kaczynski's problem was that he didn't really want to kill people. A man that intelligent and patient, and yet he apparently cannot construct working simple bombs whilst an illiterate Iraqi can knock one together in a week after reading a pamphlet? It seems clear that he regarded the deaths as necessary, but couldn't quite bring himself to properly commit.

Derrick Jensen has a much more coherent and compelling argument than Kaczynski in his Endgame books, which also have a pretty decent explanation as to why modern society cannot, in the main, even properly contemplate Kaczynski's ideas.

>> No.4367700

The only difference is that Mandela won. When you win or make it so that you can't really lose, you stop being insane or a terrorist and become a man of the people. See also: The Northern Ireland Peace process.

Of course, if Ted had won, we wouldn't be sitting in front of computers having conversations like this any more, and no one would know who he was.

>> No.4367704

So if you have a problem with an all pervasive society, you're not even allowed to engage with it at all or it completely invalidates your argument? Are you one of those lumpen people who think that because the occupy protestors had phones and wore clothes they were hypocrites?

>> No.4367709

agreed. The son wa fucked up, hurt deep in his soul.
How to get message through in this day and age?
Not bloody lkely.
Peeps still watch Fox-News must be sick in da head

>> No.4368102

You know after I finished reading the manifesto, I felt there was something wrong with it. I knew that its call to revolution was mistaken but I couldn't exactly put my finger on it.

Thanks for this, very informative.

>> No.4368753

ever since i was a little kid i was really feeling that ecoterrorist shit
like the unabomber was a fucking nutjob or maybe just way too much of a genius for me to grasp his philosophy but i can sympathize with where he was coming from in some ways and i think he was really on-point with what he thought was wrong with society nowadays, i just don't know that those problems were as bad as he thought they were

>> No.4368798

Ted's publications would be taken seriously had they not been violent
breveik's publications would still not be taken seriously had he refrained from violence.

What I can't work out is whether al qaeda would be more widely accepted had they been pacifist. they make a religious point that might sway some readers but also their ideology is closely tied to being violent towards nonmuslims. I'm not sure if they could be taken seriously if they just wrote about destroying secular society instead of trying to do it.

>> No.4368804

It is, all of his philosophy is included in Mercuse's One Dimensional Man, a book which many do take seriously.

But Ted himself was a product of government experimentation.

>> No.4368805


>> No.4368820
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>Why is this man's philosophy not taken seriously?


>> No.4368824


>> No.4368878

Coincidentally I think I'd rather have nail-bombs rip my fingers off than read Rand.

>> No.4368883

>man takes life into his own hands
>le government conspiracy!!!

>> No.4368884


>being this uninformed

I pity you.

>> No.4368885

Inconvenient as in 'undesirable', yes. Ted at least attempted to live by his ideals though, while Ayn Rand was on welfare.

>> No.4368890

Guaranteed 1 million replies because despite what /lit/ likes to perpetuate, they are as unintelligent as the rest of this place

>> No.4368910

silly boy, philosophy was only solved when wittgenstein came around, no sooner.

>> No.4368916

Government experimentation is probably the wrong thing to call it, but Ted did involve himself with some psychological experimentation in college that really fucked him up.

>> No.4369035

functional programming fargot?

>> No.4369054

Oh yeah, like what?

>> No.4369068

MKUltra, dipshit.

>> No.4369321

>Ted's publications would be taken seriously had they not been violent
No-one would have heard or cared about his writings if he hadn't promoted them through violence. It was a marketing stunt to bring attention to the first two parts.

>> No.4369387

Idea is interesting.
Execution is shit and man-handled.

>> No.4369444

You are literally retarded if you think that slideshow had any merit

>> No.4369447

Samefagging, but, you can bet your asses that there's a lot of people with similar views as Ted who no-one's ever heard of since they don't taint their ideas with violent marketing schemes, while the few like Ted who do so also effectively smears the whole idea they wish to push.

>> No.4369721

that's stemfags for you

>> No.4369729

There's also the Quinn approach in writing very successful works that people feel quite comfortable paying lip service to and ignoring.

>> No.4369751

what a boring and stupid story

>> No.4369756
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because Zerzan did it better.

>> No.4369832

He had to write a paper on his philosophy of life and thought he was going to impromptu debate another student on it.

It was actually a cia mindfuck, they gave his paper to professors/attorneys beforehand and they ripped him apart while psychologically abusing him to see how stress works out.

>> No.4369841

zerzan is a whiny hack that does absolutely nothing

>> No.4369935

Well if he "did it better" than uni-bob, that would make him a Luddite and therefore a whiner that advocates doing nothing.

>> No.4370013

Primitivism is retarded anyway.

>> No.4370103
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Philosophy is the last resort for pseudo-intellectual teenagers who are too uneducated to talk about actual science and math where their baseless drivel would be objectively disproved.

>> No.4370121
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>> No.4370131

Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography. Keep /pol/ in /pol/. In essence: Don't shitpost.


>> No.4370136

Mathematics is applied logic, and science is an observational philosophy.

>> No.4370139

(gr+b+m)8 + i + (r+1)8

>> No.4370144

So why is applied logic fruitful when applied to observations, especially when we're building logical models which predict observed phenomena

>> No.4370158

Why is something true unless it isn't?

>> No.4370196

Nobody said it isn't fruitful. Philosophy is fruitful. Hence the fruitfulness of your applied logic.

>> No.4370238

Monads arent real? ;_;

>> No.4370243

Because there's not enough "get free shit" embedded into his philosophy.

>> No.4370248

>too uneducated to talk about actual science and math

"Kaczynski excelled academically, but found the mathematics too simple during his sophomore year. Sometimes he would cut classes and write in his journal in his room. During this period of his life, Kaczynski became obsessed with mathematics, spending prolonged hours locked in his room practicing differential equations. Throughout secondary schooling, Kaczynski had far surpassed his classmates, able to solve advanced Laplace transforms before his senior year. He was subsequently placed in a more advanced mathematics class, yet still felt intellectually restricted. Kaczynski soon mastered the material and skipped the eleventh grade. With the help of a summer school course for English, he completed his high school education when he was 15 years old. He was encouraged to apply to Harvard University, and was subsequently accepted as a student beginning in 1958 at the age of 16. While at Harvard, Kaczynski was taught by famed logician Willard Van Orman Quine, scoring at the top of Quine's class with a 98.9% final grade."

2/10 made me reply.

>> No.4370323


Watching a lego version of the story makes it bearable.

>> No.4370336
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The better question is that why is this mans Philosophy not taken seriously


>> No.4370346

Fucking Dewey decimal system.

>> No.4370365

Wrong Dewey. The Dewey Decimal system is from Melvile Dewey

>> No.4370373

Kaczynski sees himself as the cabin boy?
He's probably posting on /pol/ now

Naw, I'm sure they don't let him online.

>> No.4370640

>19th century

>> No.4370655

I sort of agree with his anon. I felt like that pessimistic way of talking about the expectations put on people in this post-industrial world was to some extent realistic. theres a reason why the shittiest jobs usually hire illegal immigrants from mexico or people who probably know them. they know that only someone whos willing to work like a slave would be willing to perform these jobs. half of these jobs could be automated anyway

>> No.4370658

*this anon not *his anon

>> No.4370781

Ted was enthusiastic about the internet in a letter lel

>> No.4370816

He didn't have a penatrating critique, he's a fucking primitivist. Check out Pol Pot if you'd like to see that program on a mass scale.

>> No.4370842
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Why is this man's philosophy not taken seriously?

>> No.4371118

can someone give me a summary of his philosophy?

>> No.4371189
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>Science is objective.

ahahahaha feyerabend and many philosophers of science would disagree

>> No.4371196

Because he's Polish. Nobody takes Polish people seriously.

>> No.4371218
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>taking post-modernism seriously

>> No.4371265

is there any response to post modernism other than acceptance?