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/lit/ - Literature

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4363715 No.4363715[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

recent cops thread
rate purchases out of 10 or something stupid like that

yellow book is thomas browne's major works

>> No.4363726

You have the taste of someone who has been on /lit/ 8 months.

So, 8/36 months.

Hope you like the Sebald.

>> No.4363730

is 36 months the date of /lit/ maturity or how long you've been here?
already read austerlitz and loved it

>> No.4363736

It's how long /lit/ has existed, pretty sure. Since January 2010. I'm technically only 33/36 months though.

>> No.4363740

>materialism thread

>> No.4363744

I used to browse all the time, from late 2011 until the beginning of last summer- as well as read, of course. Only just came back and started reading avidly again.
Good to be back, I had been too far into /fa/ to into literature

>> No.4363748

says the guy on the computer or other device which connects to the internet
good bait, if it's bait

>> No.4363760
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No purchases, as I'm trying not to buy many more books until I move. But here's all the shit I'm ordering from the library when next semester hits:

The Book Of Barely Imagined Beings: A 21st Century Bestiary by Caspar Henderson
Shakespeare's Restless World: A Portrait of an Era in Twenty Objects by Neil MacGregor
The social history of the machine gun by John Ellis
Storytelling in Japanese art by Masako Watanabe
Deadly companions: how microbes shaped our history by Dorothy H Crawford
Women in science: a social and cultural history by Ruth Watts
Perspectives on silence by Deborah Tannen
Bioethics: An Anthology
Silence, the phenomenon and its ontological significance by Bernard P Dauenhauer
Silence: interdisciplinary perspectives by Adam Jaworski
On board the Morning Star by Pierre MacOrlan
The bold and the brave: a history of women in science and engineering by Monique Frize
Visions of Japan : Kawase Hasui's masterpieces
The Mastery of Time: A History of Timekeeping, from the Sundial to the Wristwatch
Time's Pendulum: From Sundials to Atomic Clocks, the Fascinating History of Timekeeping and How Our Discoveries Changed the World
The Untameables by F T Marinetti
Sushi: Taste and Techniques
Japanese Cooking: A Simple Art
Marginalia: Readers Writing in Books
The Wives: The Women Behind Russian Literary Giants
Song of the Vikings: Snorri and the Making of Norse Myths
Mongolian Etudes: To the Ends of an Empire: A Remarkable Story Told in Letters, Poems and Prose
A Brief Introduction to Arabic Erotic Literature
The Man with a Shattered World: The History of a Brain Wound

>mfw feel no belonging on /lit/ until the non-fiction binge has passed

>> No.4363778

what's wrong with materialism

>> No.4363809

most of these look pretty interesting, would read/10

>> No.4363830
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I should say first that this is an abnormally large amount of purchases from my typical fair (by a pretty huge margin), but it was my birthday recently and I got a few as gifts and decided to buy a few for myself for the occasion (because I'm a fucking dork like that).

- Selected Writings of Antonin Artaud
- Phenomenology of Spirit
- Phenomenology of Perception
- Complete Works of Plato
- Deleuze, Cinema 1
- The Aesthetics of Resistance

- In Search of Lost time
- Paintings in Proust (the companion reader)

- The Island of Second Sight
- A High Wind in Jamaica
(on a picaresque kick)

Seiobo There Below

- Complete Poems and Letters of John Keats
- Complete Poems of Friedrich Holderlin
- Commons (Myung Mi Kim)

>> No.4363844

Do you expect to read all of these in full?

>> No.4363849

What's this image from?

>> No.4363864

Waiting on Amazon for the following

H.R. Ellis- Gods and Myths of Northern Europe
Jesse Byock's translation of the Prose Edda
Ovid- Metamorphoses
A.K. Ramanujan- Folktales from India

>> No.4363892
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My hard drive, silly.

>> No.4363925
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All for $4.50 .

i've already read 3, but hadn't owned my own copy and might want to reread.

Almost done with Stoner, fantastic book.

>> No.4363966

Adolfo Bioy Casares - The Invention of Morel
Adam Hines - Duncan the Wonder Dog
Jean Baudrillard - America
Thomas Bernhard - Victor Halfwit: A Winter's Tale

>> No.4363975

I'm looking forward to reading Metamorphoses also

>> No.4363983

what do women have to do with >>4363715 ?

>> No.4364001

>on a picaresque kick

If you're open to more recs for that kick, Adventures of the Ingeious Alfanhui is one of my favorites. But the Hughes was also eerily enjoyable. What others have you been reading?

Nah, I have no problems abandoning a book when the urge to read it leaves me. In collections like Bioethics: An Anthology I just skip around to the essays that interest me (as I'm doing with a book on neuroethics at the moment). The art histories and works related to silence I'll be reading all of though, as they're relevant to two big papers I'm doing next year.

>> No.4364007

What makes you ask this?

>> No.4364035

what'd you think of duncan the wonder dog? pretentious pile of shit right?

>> No.4364038

he's probably setting up some sort of joke

>> No.4364048
File: 148 KB, 500x669, 1364975775465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Adventures of the Ingeious Alfanhui

Weird coincidence, I almost bought this last week (along with 'Tales of the Dervishes' by Idries Shah) but I got sidetracked and forgot for someone reason, lol. Thanks for the reminder, I'll bump it up the list.

My last two reads were Musil's 'Man Without Qualities pt. 1' (fantastic) and Sebald's 'Vertigo' (one of my favourite writers, but while it was good it isn't amongst his strongest).

Just starting Proust right now, and I'll probably be reading smaller works alongside that might complement it. Perhaps Simone Weil's 'Gravity and Grace' for starters.

You have any good recent reads?


Hope you like the Sebald. Really want to get some Thomas Browne. I've been interested in reading 'Urn Burial' for a while now.

>> No.4364080

>Tales of the Dervishes

And thank you for mentioning this! Sounds very interesting.

Nothing fiction that isn't widely known. But you might be interested in Advice for a Young Investigator by Santiago Ramon y Cajal - it's a series of essays giving advice to scientific investigators (mostly applicable to researchers in general). So, the foibles of young folks. Maybe more applicable to a bildungsroman kick, but still a quick and engaging read. Summary:

"In addition to leaving a legacy of unparalleled scientific research, Cajal sought to educate the novice scientist about how science was done and how he thought it should be done. This recently rediscovered classic, first published in 1897, is an anecdotal guide for the perplexed new investigator as well as a refreshing resource for the old pro.

Cajal was a pragmatist, aware of the pitfalls of being too idealistic -- and he had a sense of humor, particularly evident in his diagnoses of various stereotypes of eccentric scientists. The book covers everything from valuable personality traits for an investigator to social factors conducive to scientific work."

>> No.4364079

Which film is this image extracted from?

>> No.4364113


>And thank you for mentioning this! Sounds very interesting.

No probs, mang. If you're interested in any Dervish related lit I'd *strongly* suggest you give 'Death and the Dervish' by Mesa Selimovic a read, just a total bloody masterpiece that doesn't get nearly as many mentions in lit circles as it deserves.

>> No.4364120
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winter break reading

>> No.4364131

The entire Writings from an Unbound Europe series has been on my to-read list for years now. And then the series ended up dying several months after I got into it.

I'll hopefully get to it soon after I feel like fiction again!

>> No.4364137

Haven't read it yet.

>> No.4364162

Wind Up Bird Chronicles
In Cold Blood

It was buy 2 get 1 free. I also got Stoner

>> No.4364185


I have read everything from painting in proust up. I'm not sure if you actually study philosophy in Uni, but if you don't you have a fantastic taste in philosophy. M M-Ponty is brilliant. I plan on doing my independent study on him.

Never heard of The Island of Second Sight. Will add it to my winter-break-reading-list.

>> No.4364202

nice consumerism thread m80

>> No.4364216

it's okay to be consumerist about high brow stuff like books

>> No.4364256
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bought like 2 days ago

>> No.4364353
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>dat garbage

>> No.4364385

can i ask how? the local cheap used bookstore doesn't have any of the more obscure books i would like and even then the "great condition, only used once" is still like $7
if you're taking advantage of amazon's free shipping for college students then you wasted an opportunity by buying such a mainstream collection

>> No.4364391

come back when you've read all of it and post pix with the spines bent and tattered for proof pls

>> No.4364429
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>> No.4364432

Can I join your militia?

>> No.4364496
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recent enough?

>> No.4364502

I think OP meant the non-fascist kind

>> No.4364515

I actually quite like this, it's highly original.

>> No.4364523

The guy to the left of center suit-man looks like a douche. I can't tell the gender of the person to the right of center suit-man

>> No.4364554

I don't know why, but the lack of matching in the uniforms really bothers me.

>> No.4364746

i know right, the guy on the right is wearing a fucking sweater

>> No.4364927

I think didn't graduate as a regular trooper but as something else.

>> No.4364934

Honestly? 10/10.

>> No.4364971
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i accidentally the same twice

>> No.4367597
